Let you contract with your ancestors and you summon the mythical blue star?

Chapter 92 Where do the resources come from! Where does level 12 come from!

"So what if we are weak? If ten thousand people can't kill one, then one hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, one million! There are billions of men in our Blue Star District, and they will always run out of strength!"

On the ancient battlefield, old Qin people rushed towards the mecha without fear of death.

Some of them died before they even got close. The soldiers from the Xuanhuang Realm, all wearing mechas, completely crushed them.

Old Qin's weapons, even if combined with the power of [Ancestral Dragon], could only just break through the defense.

But even so, no one took a step back.

Even if he dies, he will still consume a little bit of the opponent's strength.

Even if it is riddled with holes, you must stab your enemy with your weapon.

When large tracts of warriors die, it often takes tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands, of people to replace one.

"Weapon suppression, the cultivation gap is too big, this will only increase casualties."

"Yes, there is obviously a better solution."

"Sometimes giving in is just to gather strength to counterattack."

"The gap in cultivation is too big, and sometimes it cannot be made up by the number of people."

The barrage continued, and they looked sad.

When faced with the world-destroying combat power of Daoji, numbers cannot make up the difference!

[Zu Long] said nothing, just watched the war quietly, his expression extremely cold.

For the sake of authenticity, he made these old Qin people flesh and blood. Under the Taoist foundation, it is impossible to tell whether they are true or false.

And those Taoist priests in the Blue Star District would not tell them.

"Jiujiu and Lao Qin fought together to fight the national calamity. We will never stop fighting until blood is shed!"

"Jiujiu and Lao Qin, we fought against the national calamity together..."

On the ancient battlefield, the people of Lao Qin shouted loudly and sang their war songs.

Nothing can scare them. The direction the king points is the target of their fight.

Even if the other party is a Taoist priest!

At this moment, there was surprisingly no barrage on the light screen, and everyone in the Blue Star District fell silent.

The blood was boiling, and an indescribable feeling swept over my heart.

The scene changed and shifted to Fang Yi. His expression was as cold as the [Ancestral Dragon] in the sky: "Is your blood hot?!"

Blood, is it hot?

Shi Shaoyue and others beside him looked at Fang Yi and finally understood why he did this.

The barrage remained unchanged, and Fang Yi looked cold: "Which of you still remembers the defeat of the Blue Star District? The massacre of us in the Xuanhuang Realm? A corner of comfort, or a battle that will break us into pieces?"

"The Xuanhuang Realm is just our starting point. There will be more hardships waiting for us in the future. After so many years of saving, you haven't saved enough?"

This time, no one stopped him from provoking the Blue Star District, and neither Mr. Yun nor the others made a sound to stop him.

"Go to the wasteland area, I will bite him even if I die."

"Isn't it just for this day that you have practiced for so many years?"

The barrage suddenly erupted, with overwhelming blood and all Blue Star people shouting.

Rays of light rose from the blue star area and rushed towards the wasteland area overwhelmingly.

"Will this increase unnecessary sacrifices?" Fang Rou asked cautiously.

"No." Shi Shaoyue said calmly: "Our legion, in conjunction with the Blue Star Region legion, is also taken care of by dozens of [earth] and [celestial soldiers]. They rushed over to clean the battlefield."

Of course Fang Yi would not let their sacrifices be in vain, he would just mobilize their blood to integrate them as quickly as possible.

The collectors they were mainly researching meant that the star field near them was being targeted.

It was too close to Blue Star, and Fang Yi was not sure whether the other party had discovered Blue Star.

It’s unclear what the future will bring. He wants to build Blue Star into a group that is not afraid of war and will not collapse!

"That's great." Fang Rou looked at the light in the sky and headed towards the battlefield in the distance.

The cultivators of Diguan also rushed to the battlefield collectively. Some of them went in teams, and some went alone.

Almost all the capable ones entered the wasteland area.

She was envious and excited, and cursed her heart when she thought about the situation on earth.

How many years have passed since the invasion of monsters, and the seven countries still have wars, various frictions, and competition for resources from time to time.

It would be great if the earth could be like this.

Wasteland area, meeting room of the five major spiritual tribes.

"Our Lingzi Tianxing has lost its signal."

"The starship has lost contact."

The five old spirits looked ugly, and the entire conference room was filled with a depressing atmosphere.


A wood spirit tribe rushed in, his expression full of fear:

"The Lingzi Signal Tower was hit by the Imperial Pass signal tower, and we have been exposed to the other party's sight."


"The [Mount Patrol] and [Heavenly Soldiers] legions from Diguan launched an attack on us. The Blue Star District launched a massive attack. All major armies requested support."


The conference table exploded. The old man from the Fire Spirit Tribe glared at the soldier who reported the news, his eyes full of murderous intent: "Rebellion, really rebellion! How can these ants turn the tables!"

"Lingzi Tianxing, what's going on with the starship?" The old man from the Wood Spirit Tribe looked gloomy.

"Our undercover agent immediately sent the message that the starship was intercepted by several level 12 mechas from Imperial Pass and sealed in an ancient battlefield space."

The soldier who reported the news said in panic: "Five Ancestors, the [Mountain Patrol] Legion has six level 12 mechas. We can hardly stop them."

"The [Heavenly Soldiers] Legion has one level 12 mecha and five level 11 mechas."

Listening to the report below, the five senior members of the Earth Spirit Clan felt chills all over their bodies.

Six level 12 [mountain patrollers], one [heavenly soldier], and five [level 11] mechas!

Back then, three [level 10] mechas crippled their Earth Spirit army, not to mention now!

"Damn it, where did he get the resources, where did he get the resources!" The Earth Spirit's high-level people roared, and the angry roar spread out.

"Where did they get six level 12 mechas, where did they get level 12!"

The three old men of gold, wood, and fire were also roaring in anger, completely losing their minds.

"Calm down." The old man of the Water Spirit said solemnly: "It's useless to be angry now, withdraw to the Xuanhuang Realm immediately, we can't stop them."

"But we have been operating for so many years and occupied half of the Blue Star, so we just give up?" The old man of the Fire Spirit said unwillingly.

The old man of the Shuiling tribe said in a deep voice: "Retreat temporarily. We have almost plundered the wasteland area. Even if they take it back, it will only be a wasteland."


"But your mother, can't you recognize the situation?" The old man of the Shuiling tribe completely lost his patience and roared angrily: "Level 12! Six level 12 mechas! The starship and Lingzi Tianxing are gone. The signal tower is attacked. What can we use to fight?"

"If you don't leave, it will be all over. It's all over. You want the entire Xuanhuang Realm to be buried with you, right?"


The four old men were shocked by the words and finally cleared their minds at this moment.

Six level 12 mechas can counterattack the Xuanhuang Realm!

"Retreat, issue a retreat order immediately." The Tuling tribe said urgently.

"Your mind should be clear, push forward, let all the legions push forward!" The old man of the Shuiling tribe had a cold face: "Mobilize the five elements of spirit beasts, even if they die, hold back the Blue Star Legion for me!"

Only if the legions push forward and buy time can they withdraw.

If the entire army retreats, wouldn't that be asking Blue Star to slaughter us?

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