Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 1 There Is A Little Bit Of Software In This World, Let Me Develop It!

"Qiyi Video has more than 200 million users, second only to Penguin Video and Youku Video."

“Taobao’s annual transaction volume has exceeded 100 billion, making it the number one shopping software in China.”

"Penguin Company recently announced that it is preparing to develop the mobile version of Dota. This will be the world's first MOBA mobile game. It is estimated that hundreds of millions will be invested in production costs. Mr. Ma said that this will be a mobile game for everyone."

Silently reading the information on his phone, Wang Mo couldn't help but sigh, with a complicated look on his face.

Even though he had traveled to this world for two hours, he still had a hard time digesting the various situations in this world.

That's right.

He traveled through time.

And this world is slightly different from the world he was in before.

Although the technological level of this world called Blue Star is not much different from that of the previous life, it lacks many software and games that were popular in the previous life.

For example, no one in this world has developed short video software, and no one has challenged Taobao's authority.

There is not even a shadow of the king of national mobile games.

More importantly.

Wang Mo discovered that the overall code and program level in this world was many times worse than in the previous life.

If some of the so-called big guys were in their previous lives, they wouldn't even be considered entry-level.

With the strength of his previous life as a master of technology, it can only be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack in this world.

Think of this.

Wang Mo slowly looked up at the sign with the words 'Junzi Technology Development Company' in front of him, slowly swiped his card and walked in.

This development company located on the ninth floor of the Magic City Science and Technology Park is not large in scale, with only two rooms and only three employees.

And myself.

It was the boss of this software company.

Not long after my predecessor graduated, I used all my savings to start this company to start a business, but several projects fell to pieces and suffered huge losses.

Now I can only make ends meet by taking outsourcing jobs from some big factories, and barely survive.

"Boss, you are here."

As soon as he walked into the office area, a fat man nodded to Wang Mo from his seat, but judging from the unfinished buns in his hand, he had just arrived not long ago.

This person's name is Zhang Fan, and he is the first employee recruited by Wang Mo. Although many people left the company, Zhang Fan still stayed.

And with a beep, the door was opened, and two more figures walked in.

After greeting Wang Mo, the two people also sat back in their seats.

The only three employees of this small company were also present.

"The time limit requested by Penguin is coming soon. Please work harder and we will try to finish it this week."

Zhang Fan's voice rang out, and the other two employees nodded.

Looking at the three people who were getting ready to work after breakfast, Wang Mo's voice suddenly rang out.

"There is no need to do the outsourcing work on Penguin's side."

"I've pushed it away."

Listening to Wang Mo's words, the three of them were stunned.

Zhang Fan even turned on the computer and searched for something on the screen, then said in surprise after a while.

"It's true, our account can no longer access Penguin's backend."

The expressions of the other two people were equally surprised.

"Boss, what are you doing? This order has completed a commission of 30,000 yuan, which is enough for us to last for several months."

"That's right, and breach of contract requires liquidated damages, which is not a small amount of money."

"I still have some final deposits, and the liquidated damages have been paid." Wang Mo's voice rang out.

See Wang Mo is serious.

The three of them looked at each other, wondering what Wang Mo was up to.

Only after Zhang Fan thought about it for a while, his expression suddenly became quite sad, and he almost cried.


"Are you ready to break up?"

Wang Mo shook his head.

"We will not outsource any more in the future."

"We're going back to software development."

The three of them looked at each other, their expressions obviously relieved. It was obvious that at the moment just now they really thought that the company was going to declare bankruptcy.

"But boss."

Zhang Fan scratched his head.

"When our company was first founded, we developed a lot of software, but all of them failed."

"This time you said you wanted to redevelop the software. In what direction do you want to start?"

All three people looked at Wang Mo.

"From a."

Wang Mo took a deep breath.

“Start in a direction that no one has ventured into yet.”

"What direction?" the three of them asked in unison.

"Short video."

Wang Mo slowly said the first type of software he planned to build.

In its previous life, short video software was almost a hit that no one expected.

From its launch to becoming a global hit, it only took a few years to become a veritable national software.

Before Wang Mo crossed over.

The leader in this type of software has created a market value of over one trillion.

More importantly, the code and design of this type of software are not complicated and are most suitable for opening up situations.

As Wang Mo's voice fell, the whole room fell into silence.

Although there are short videos of more than ten seconds appearing on various social media in this world, there has never been a software that is completely based on short videos.

And Wang Mo's voice continued to sound.

“This software is the type of software that has never been seen on the market before.”

“All video sizes in the software are mainly ten seconds.”

“And I named this software Douyin.”


(ps: Chapter 10 will be updated tomorrow as long as there are five comments.)

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