Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 111 Weixin’S Contradictory Business Plan, Penguin’S Thoughts

Penguin Group.

In a conference room.

"Mr. Ma, what exactly does Weixin want to do? Why is the main publicity channel among middle-aged and elderly users?"

Ma Liuyun's confused voice sounded from his position.

Just a few hours ago.

They finally discovered that it was not that Wei Xin had not done anything or made publicity.


Weixin’s publicity has always been very low-key and targeted at middle-aged and elderly people.

Although they don't know how many users Weixin has now, this information still makes them a little wary.

"According to common sense."

"Most users who use chat software should be young people who often go online."

“Although many middle-aged and elderly people also have smartphones, they rarely use chat software.


"We have also done marketing in this area to see if we can attract more user groups, but in the end it failed."

"For this group of middle-aged and elderly users, their communication habit is to make phone calls, and they have no habit of using chat software. It is too difficult to change their thinking. Dunkou has failed before."

Xiao Ma's voice also rang in the office.

“But this Wei Xin is still working hard in this direction.

"Don't they know that Kuankuan has done this a long time ago?"

Xiao Ma was also a little hard to understand the information they discovered a few hours ago.

But even so.

This information still made them a lot of vigilant.

After all the current situation.

It is very similar to the stage when Honor of Kings was first launched.

When King of Kings was first launched, the main market 963 announced was also the user group who did not play mobile games. They did not pay attention to it at the beginning, so they lost the opportunity.

And now.

Wei Xin seems to be doing the same thing again.

This left them really confused.

"Mr. Ma."

Li Wenqiu's voice also sounded at this time.

"Could this be because Wang Mo has discovered a user market that we have not noticed. In fact, these middle-aged and elderly people are also potential users of chat software."

Listening to Li Wenqiu's words, Xiao Ma frowned.

if it is like this.

Then it is indeed possible for Wei Xin to gain a foothold in a corner that Koukou didn't notice.

But the point is.

QQ has already tried in this direction, but ultimately failed.

And now.

How can a chat software with similar functions to QQ feel that it has such ability?

But what happened to the king before made them have to be wary of this matter.

"What kind of tricks is this Wang Mo doing?"

"The main user group of the chat software is obviously young people. Why didn't he take action in this direction? Instead, he found a way that QQ has already tried but it didn't work at all?"

"never mind."

"Although I don't understand what Wang Mo's actions mean."

"But since he did it, we can't just watch."

"Let KouKou also try again to promote among middle-aged and elderly people."

It was also difficult to understand Wei Xin's current behavior from Xiao Ma's words.

But he still planned to.

Imitate Wei (bgai) Xin’s actions and behavior.

Just at this time.

A phone call suddenly appeared on Xiao Ma's cell phone.

After answering the phone, Xiao Ma also took a deep breath and nodded, with a somewhat surprised expression.

Then he looked at everyone.

"Do you know that Weixin conducted a large-scale update last night?"

Listening to Xiao Ma's words, everyone shook their heads.

"No one of us was in the company last night, and we didn't have the habit of using Weixin in private."


"Has Weixin finally launched the first update?" Li Wenqiu asked.

And Xiao Ma also took a breath and nodded.

"Someone from my staff just called me. They have sorted out the content and detailed analysis of Weixin's update last night and have now sent it to my mobile phone."

"I'll send it to you right away."

"Let's take a look at Weixin's update first."


Several people in the audience received the specific information about Weixin's update and began to check it in detail.


Not long after.

Li Wenqiu was the first to put down his cell phone, but at this time, there were countless layers of questions in his eyes.

"Why is Weixin's update so weird?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Ma asked.

And Li Wenqiu took a deep breath.

“After our investigation, we found that Weixin’s current promotion direction is obviously the market for middle-aged and elderly people.

"But these two newly launched social methods are obviously for young people."

"Mr. Ma."

"Don't you think there's a contradiction here?"

"While promoting the software to middle-aged and elderly people, we also created a social system that young people like."

"This is too strange."

While Li Wenqiu was talking, the others basically slowly finished reading Wei Xin's updates and raised their heads.

And listening to Li Wenqiu's words, Xiao Ma also nodded.

"I also discovered this."

"Weixin's behavior is really strange."

"There must be something fishy here."

After Xiao Ma finished speaking, everyone frowned and started thinking.

The current situation is indeed a bit difficult for them to understand.

After a while.

Ma Liuyun was the first to notice something, and his expression suddenly became very excited.

He looked towards Pony.

"Mr. Ma, if you were to create a new chat software to challenge QQ, what user group would you target?"

Listen to this.

Xiao Ma answered directly.

"Of course they are young users who know how to use chat software. They are the main user group of chat software."

"KouKou's previous attempts at targeting the middle-aged and elderly market have already failed. Naturally, my brand new chat software will not hit the wall again.

"But what do you mean by asking me this question?"

Xiao Ma looked at Ma Liuyun, and Ma Liuyun also took a deep breath.

"Then if this new chat software you develop targets young user groups right away, what do you think will happen, Mr. Ma?"

Facing Ma Liuyun's inquiry, Xiao Ma frowned.

But he quickly understood what Ma Liuyun meant and answered immediately.

"If I had done this right away, I would have immediately attracted the attention of Dunkou.

"As long as Koukou takes action, my efforts in this area will basically be in vain.

Listening to Xiao Ma's answer, Hui Liuyun nodded.

Then he continued.

"Now, on the premise that you know this will happen."

"what will you do?"

Pony was silent for a moment.

"I will first find a way to distract Kookuo's attention, and then take advantage of him to attack the young market!"


Xiao Ma suddenly understood something, and his expression suddenly became a lot more excited.

He looked up at Ma Liuyun.

"You mean that Weixin's previous actions in the middle-aged and elderly market were to attract our attention and energy."

"The two social functions he launched are the key!"

"He wants us to think that in the communication software market, there are still a large number of potential middle-aged and elderly users who have not been discovered. If we discover this, we will definitely invest and promote it in this direction."

"But in fact, this is just Wei Xin's cover-up."

"The real purpose of Wang Mo is still the original young user group!"

Listening to Xiao Ma's words, Ma Liuyun nodded seriously.

After Xiao Ma came to the conclusion just now, cold sweat broke out on his back.

He didn't expect that he would almost fall into the king's trap again.

And at this time.

The secretary suddenly opened the door to the conference room and spoke to everyone.

"Mr. Ma."

"The marketing department just discovered that Weixin suddenly increased its publicity efforts and began to place advertisements on major software."

"But the weird thing is."

"The areas where these advertisements are placed are all in the market of middle-aged and elderly people. Weixin does not place advertisements on any software with a large number of young people."

"The marketing manager asked me to ask you if we should counteract Weixin's announcement."

Listening to the secretary's words, Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth raised a lot.

After hearing what the secretary said, everyone else in the room had equally wonderful expressions.

"If we don't discover Wei Xin's true purpose."

"Maybe this time, I will really be fooled."

Xiao Ma looked at Ma Liuyun and smiled.

Then he said to the secretary behind him.

"Tell the marketing department not to worry about Weixin's actions."

"It's not that simple if Wei Xin wants to cover up the truth."

At this time, the Penguin Group and others were feeling complacent that they had discovered Wang's true thoughts.

But in fact.

Every move they made was expected by Wang Mo. .

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