Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 131: The Sinking Market Was Detonated, And The Number Of Users Increased Dramatically!

A Niu live broadcast that night.

In a small town in the north of Yan Kingdom.

"Brother, the price of cabbage has been too low in the past two days. No matter how we sell it, we will lose money."

"With such a low price, I think it's better to give them away for free.

outside the room.

Looking at the cabbage spread all over the yard, Er Zhuang's tone was quite worried.

After he finished speaking, he returned to the room.

His brother Da Zhuang was watching A Niu's live broadcast in the room.

"It's better to live broadcast."

"Put a red envelope code from a merchant nearby and you can earn tens of thousands in one night."

Da Zhuang couldn't help but sigh.

"There is no way, we can't find so many people to help us scan the code."

Er Zhuang also watched the live broadcast just now, so he knew what Dazhuang meant.

But listening to Er Zhuang's words, Da Zhuang suddenly frowned, as if he thought of something.

He looked at Er Zhuang.

"Do we also have WeChat merchant red envelope codes?"

"Is there also a merchant payment code?"

"And for people who register for Weixin for the first time, after binding their bank cards, will the amount of the red envelope they scanned be very high?"

Er Zhuang nodded.

"Why are you asking this?"

Listening to Er Zhuang's answer, Da Zhuang's face instantly became very excited.

He hugged Er Zhuang and said excitedly.

"I know how to make money."

"The cabbage in the yard outside is useful!"

"Go to sleep, we will be in Tianji at six o'clock tomorrow to make money!"

Listening to Dazhuang's words, Erzhuang was a little confused.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"The price of this batch of Chinese cabbage is very low now. If we sell it for 820, we will lose money."

"We're not selling."

A loud voice rang out.

Before Er Zhuang could ask, Da Zhuang's next words made Er Zhuang freeze on the spot.

"We give it away for free!"

Six o'clock in the morning the next day.

At the big market in this small town, two large trucks pulled two loads of cabbage and drove to the intersection with the most people.

On the side of the truck, there is a Weixin merchant red envelope code posted on each side.

On the other side, there are several large characters saying free cabbage.

Next to the red envelope code, there is also a list of how much cabbage will be sent corresponding to the price.

After driving the car over.

Da Zhuang shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Dear fellow villagers, we are giving away cabbage for free today!"

“As long as you take out your mobile phone and scan it, you can get Chinese cabbage for free!”

Because the gimmick of getting free cabbage was very loud, people quickly gathered around the two cars.

Because this town is not big, most young people have gone out to work.

So the remaining people are basically middle-aged and elderly users.

They are naturally most interested in giving away free cabbage.

"Really or not, can I give you free cabbage?"

"Don't lie to us."

"How to send it?"

Facing everyone's inquiries, Da Zhuang smiled.

"No, no."

“As long as you have Weixin and bind your bank card, we can give you free bgbe.

The next second.

Da Zhuang picked up the loudspeaker again and explained to everyone.

"After you scan this red envelope code with Weixin, you can receive a red envelope, and then scan the amount of the red envelope you received to us. You don't have to pay more than ten cents."

"Then based on the amount you scan, you can get the cabbage directly!"

"The more you scan, the more cabbage you will receive. You can take away up to ten cabbage for free at one time!"

As soon as the strong voice fell.

Many people around him immediately took out their mobile phones and started downloading Weixin.

Most of this group of people are older users. Although they have smartphones, they still prefer to use cash for daily consumption.

They still couldn't help but feel a little bit overwhelmed by this free cabbage event.

Soon someone downloaded Weixin and activated the wallet function, and then scanned the red envelope code of Da Zhuang and Da Zhuang.

"I paid thirty-five yuan, how many cabbages are there?"

"Come on, scan the red envelope to us first. You don't have to pay more. You can pay as much as you scan. You can take away the seven cabbages directly."

Da Zhuang finished his words.

The man hurriedly rode over with his small battery, then picked up seven big cabbages and took them away.

Seeing that the two Da Zhuang brothers were not joking, the others speeded up their movements again.

For a while.

Both cars were surrounded by people.

"What if I don't have a smartphone?"

“Let anyone with a smartphone at home come.”

"I don't know how to tie a bank card."

"I'll come down and help you right away!"

As time goes by.

The amount of cabbage on the two large trucks is decreasing almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than an hour, Da Zhuang and his two men had already sent out a cart and a half of Chinese cabbage.

"Brother, your move is so wonderful."

"I took a look just now. Our collections and rebates add up to six to seven thousand."

"Don't talk nonsense. After delivering these two cars, go and bring two more cars over. Change the place in the afternoon. By the afternoon, many people in this place will have registered for Weixin, and the rebate will not be that high.

While the two were talking.

A young man also walked by.

He stood aside and looked around, and quickly figured out what Yin Zhuang and the two were doing.

"You two, you are making money so easily, and you are making double the amount."

"If someone scans your red envelope code and it's not enough, they still have to pay you the payment code. This time, you can make twice as much money for each person.

After listening to this man's words, Da Zhuang and the two smiled directly. At this time, they had no time to talk.

And the next second.

As the last few cabbages were delivered, both of them returned to the cab and prepared to leave.

Da Zhuang even made a phone call.

"Third brother, are you ready for the Chinese cabbage? I'll come over and get it. You can help me buy some Chinese cabbage from other places. The more the better."


The two drove away from here.

Looking at the backs of the two cars, the young man couldn't help but click his tongue.

"These two people are really smart, they actually thought of such a way to make money."

"Chinese cabbage is so cheap now, they can make a lot of money just by doing this.

"Why couldn't I have thought of that?"

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he hit his head directly.

"Why am I so stupid? It's not too late to know now!"


The man hurriedly made a phone call.

"Dad, does the second uncle have a vegetable field over there? Ask him to stop selling vegetables. I know a way to make money. Just ask him to wait for me. I'll go there right away!"

When the big and strong duo started making money in this way.

Across the country, people are beginning to discover this method of ‘picking’ Weixin’s wallet wool!

For previous Weixin users, the first time they opened their wallets when they scanned the red envelope was usually more than ten yuan. However, for the current users who registered for Weixin for the first time and opened their wallets, the first time they scanned their red envelopes and opened their wallets, the average amount was more than twenty yuan. .

Such a high red envelope amount gives many people the opportunity to make money.

And in order to earn the most rebates.

They basically just change places, and the locations they choose are all second- and third-tier towns, because in these places, there are quite a lot of middle-aged and elderly people who have not registered for Weixin.

Being able to receive things for free is also very attractive to these people.


In many first- and second-tier cities, such similar activities are almost impossible to see.

But in some rural areas and towns, similar situations continue to appear.

People like Da Zhuang also think that Weixin has not discovered this loophole yet, and their actions must be accelerated, otherwise it will be too late when Weixin sets the upper limit of rebates.

But what they didn't know was that this situation was actually expected by Wang Mo.

previous life.

Some people have already made a lot of money in this way, so Wang Mo naturally knows about it.

This kind of activity can make some people make money, and it can also increase the number of Weixin users, which is a win-win situation.

This kind of promotion activity, which is not led by Weixin, can bring effects that none of Weixin's previous activities have.

In this situation.

The number of Weixin users began to increase crazily.

In the days after A Niu's live broadcast, this offline gift-giving activity was only on a small scale, because these people did not want others to find out.

But two days later, a trending search exposed this way of making money.

But it was this kind of activity that instantly detonated the sinking market of the entire Yan Kingdom!

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