Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 136: The Two Horses Were Shocked, Wang Mo Was Cautious At Every Step!

Listen to the words of the secretary behind you.

Lao Ma was also stunned for a moment.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

"It looks like it."

"The decline curve of Weixin users is similar to ours, and it has only stabilized in the past week, so they only released the latest daily activity at this time."

Because the time when Weixin announced daily activity was about the same as the time when their blue wallet confirmed daily activity, Lao Ma felt that Weixin should be the same as them this time, only increasing the number of users by about 30 million.

Previously, Weixin’s daily activity was only 1.5 billion.

And this time, it should be able to increase to about 180 million.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"how many."

Pony's voice also sounded from the screen.

The secretary glanced at the pony in the picture and did not speak directly.

See this.

Lao Ma said directly.

"It's okay, just tell me."

The secretary took a deep breath.

Then he turned on his phone and looked at Weixin's latest daily activity.

At this time, Lao Ma and Xiao Ma were still chatting and relatively leisurely.

After all, in their opinion.

Wei Xin's daily activity increase has basically been determined, and there is no need for them to pay so much attention to the secretary's words.

As long as Weixin's daily active users do not exceed 200 million, they will still have a huge advantage.

But the next second.

The words echoed from the secretary's mouth.

But it immediately stunned the two horses who were chatting.

"Mr. Ma."

"Weixin's latest daily active users are 350 million."

“Among these 350 million users, 300 million have opened the Weixin wallet function.

Listening to the secretary's words, Lao Ma was stunned, and Xiao Ma's smile instantly froze on the computer screen.

This number is not even the slightest bit different from what they had just speculated!

Before Xiao Ma could speak and wanted to confirm the authenticity of this number, Lao Ma had already hurriedly turned around and asked.

"are you sure?"

The secretary nodded seriously.

"This is the data Weixin just published on its official blog."

"And this data is also recorded."

“A month ago, through Weixin’s last rural activity, the number of daily active users reached a maximum of 400 million.”

"And now."

"This number has stabilized at around 350 million."

Listen to this.

Lao Ma shook his head crazily for a moment.

"No way, no way."

"The activities of our Blue Wallet are exactly the same as those of Weixin Wallet. Why can we only add 30 million users, while it can add 200 million?"

"There must be something wrong."

“Weixin’s daily active users cannot increase so much.”

Because this number was so astonishing, Lao Ma couldn't believe it for a while.

After all, before.

The activity types of the two software are almost exactly the same, they are both sending gifts to the countryside and promoting in the lower market.

But why is it last?

Weixin can retain most of its users, but Blue Wallet can only retain a very small part.

And at this time.

The secretary's voice behind Lao Ma also sounded.

His voice was a little hoarse at the moment, and he obviously couldn't believe this conclusion.

"Because Weixin's own market is still very large, and the hot searches during this period have given him a lot more downloads in first- and second-tier cities, it is understandable that he will eventually be able to attract more users than Blue Wallet. of."

"but why."

"Is his final retention still so high?"

Blue Wallet’s highest daily activity reached 800 million, 200 million more than before, while Weixin’s highest daily activity was 250 million more than before. This number is actually understandable to everyone.

Because Weixin itself is a chat software, users are basically in the rising stage.

At this time, no one could understand it.

That's why Weixin can retain 200 million out of the 250 million users.

To know.

Blue Wallet only has 30 million users left out of 200 million.

The gap between the two can simply be described as a world of difference.

"Something is definitely wrong."

"Perhaps Weixin has quietly carried out other activities, or maybe he has promoted Weixin in some places that we haven't discovered yet, otherwise Weixin's retention would not be so high."

At this time, Lao Ma still couldn't believe this data.

Xiao Ma, who was on the other side of the computer, turned pale and fell silent after hearing this number.

After a while.

He finally understood the problem.


Xiao Ma finally spoke slowly.

"Perhaps there is nothing wrong with the activity itself.

"Weixin's rural promotion activities are indeed exactly the same as Blue Wallet's rural promotion activities."

Listen to this.

Lao Ma was instantly unhappy.

“Then why is Weixin’s retention so high, while Blue Wallet’s retention is so low?”

"Since you said it has nothing to do with the activity itself, where does such a large retention gap come from?"

Facing Lao Ma's inquiry.

Pony took a slow, deep breath.

"Although there is nothing wrong with the activity itself, the activities of the two software are exactly the same."


"There is a huge difference between the two softwares!"

“And this difference is the key to Weixin’s ability to retain so many older users!”

Listen to this.

Lao Ma was about to ask, but before he could say anything, his expression froze on his face.

Because he had already thought about what the difference Xiaoma said was.

"It's the software type."

Lao Ma's voice was a little trembling.

The pony in the computer screen (bgca) nodded.

"That's right."

"Essentially, Weixin is still a chat software, and online payment is just one of its functions!"

"And this chat software."

“It is still a chat software that is extremely in line with the usage habits of older users!”

“And this time Weixin’s rural promotion activities attracted most of the users who downloaded Weixin, and all of them were older users from lower-tier markets and second- and third-tier towns!”

Listening to Xiao Ma's voice, Lao Ma's face became paler and paler.


Just now when he thought that Weixin was essentially a chat software, he had already reacted.


Because he has been discussing the functions and activities of Weixin Wallet, he has forgotten the essential software type of Weixin.

And listened to the conversation between the two.

The secretary behind Lao Ma asked with some confusion.

"Although Weixin is essentially a chat software that is in line with the usage habits of older users, it stands to reason that it should not be able to retain so many older user groups.

"You must know that this group of older users are basically people who have never used chat software before."

"It's actually not that simple to get this group of people used to using chat software."

“When Weixin was first launched, it only attracted three older users who were interested in chat software.

"Weixin's retention rate is so high this time. Why?"

The secretary's voice just fell.

The voices of the old horse and the little horse sounded in unison at the same time.

"The network of real relationships."

The two looked at each other.

Then Lao Ma continued.

“It’s because of Weixin’s real-life relationship network based on the address book. This is the key to Weixin’s ability to retain these older users.

The old horse paused.

"To know."

"This time, Weixin's rural promotion activities were basically carried out in one street or one township, and its area coverage was not large."

"Everything on the truck and the people who are eventually picked up are not too far away from each other's family locations."

"In other words, the number of Weixin users added to each rural promotion event are all in a small area's social circle. Many of the older users who go to pick up things know each other, and they will definitely call the nearby people to notify them. Relatives and friends came to pick up the items.


"With the increase of Weixin users in each round, after they download Weixin, a real network of relationships between them has been established."

“As long as one person in this group of relationships adds other users and chats, then this relationship network will quickly spread to other people.

At this point, Lao Ma stopped and did not continue.

Because he knew that the secretary could already understand his words.

After Lao Ma finished speaking, the secretary nodded slowly.

at the same time.

Xiao Ma's voice also rang from the computer again.

"It looks like it's from the beginning."

"In the early stages of Weixin's creation, the design of a real-life relationship network based on address books was prepared for this kind of situation in the future.

“He has long decided to add Weixin Wallet to Weixin, and he has also thought about the promotional activity of scanning QR codes for red envelopes.”


"Perhaps he had expected the frenzy of gift-giving that would arouse after the launch of this event.

"Even if we can plagiarize a certain step in his plan, even if we can replicate the activities he has launched, the final effects and benefits we can get will be far inferior to Weixin because there are no pre-existing designs.

"Wang Hei might have predicted all of this."

After Xiao Ma finished speaking.

Both of them fell into silence.

Compared with the relaxed expressions of the two of them a few minutes ago, the faces of the two of them were now uglier than the other.

Just when Shuangma and Shuangma were shocked by Weixin's user retention.

When Weixin announced the daily activity information, it immediately became a hot search topic and sparked heated discussions across the Internet.

Looking at the number of daily active users of 350 million.

Others finally caught on.

Wei Xin now has the terrifying ability to threaten both Guo Kuan and Lan Qiang at the same time!

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