Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 159: The Next Hot Software, Wang Mo’S Idea.

Two weeks after Weixin announced its last daily activity.

KouKou finally announced.

The red envelope function will be added in the update three days later.

Although after seeing this news, many QQ users seemed quite happy.

After all, this function can indeed bring more fun to buckles.

But everyone knows it.

It is already too late to launch this updated KouKou at this point in time.

In the past two weeks.

The number of Weixin users is still increasing due to the popularity of lucky red envelopes.

Originally before.

QQ's estimate for Weixin is that it will take at least a month for Weixin to surpass them, and as long as they add the red envelope function during this period, they can slow down this time faster.

But the trending search two weeks ago.

But it directly eliminated the last glimmer of hope for Koukou.

at the present point in time.

The number of daily active users of Weixin has reached 570 million.

There is only the last 10 million gap left between the number of daily active users of QianKou.

this gap.

Even if QQ added the red envelope function three days later, it could no longer stop it.

The number of users of Weixin has exceeded that of Kuankou 16 and Blue Wallet, and only the last period of time is left.

Everyone understands.

This time Wei Xin.

I'm afraid history will be made again.

And at this time.

Within the Junzi Group.

Wang Mo is already thinking about the type of next software.

Gentleman Group Building.

In the king's office on the top floor.

"And the last ten million."

"A week at most."

"In just one week at most, the number of daily active users of Weixin will exceed that of Qiaokou and Blue Wallet, becoming the software with the most users in Yanguo.

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it."

"One day, we will be able to defeat both KouKou and Blue Wallet at the same time."

Looking at the latest daily activity data, Zhang Fan's voice couldn't help but be excited.

After all, this is the software with the most daily active users, and represents the pinnacle of all Internet software in the Yan Kingdom.


Koukou has been in this position for who knows how many years.


It was finally their turn.

And listening to Zhang Fan's words, Qin Haikai who was standing next to him also smiled.

"Your daily active income on Douyin now exceeds 500 million, and maybe it can even exceed that of Kuankou.

Listening to these words, Zhang Fan couldn't help scratching his head.

"I do think so."

"But Douyin's user base in Yanguo should have almost reached its upper limit."

Before Zhang Fan finished speaking, Wang Mo interrupted him with a smile.

"Douyin still has development potential in China. The most important thing is the overseas version of Douyin tik. Its final daily active number will exceed your imagination.

"But now."

"KouKou is indeed going to give up his position on the Yan Kingdom daily life throne."

After Wang Mo finished speaking.

Several other people in the office couldn't help but look forward to it.

After Weixin becomes the number one software in Yan Kingdom, I am afraid that the outside world's attention to them will skyrocket.

But at this moment, Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Wang Mo.

"But boss."

"What are you going to do after Weixin?"

"Should we rest for a while, or should we continue to charge?"

After listening, Wang Mo smiled.

"Do you think I am a person who has some time to spare?"

"There are still many ideas in my mind that have not been realized."

Listening to these words, Zhang Fan also nodded.

But Qin Haisheng on the other side was a little worried.

"But boss."

"Now the outside world is paying too much attention to our Junzi Group."

"Before the launch of Weixin, many major Internet companies were actually staring at us, ready to copy the new software we launched at any time, but because we launched a chat software that challenged QQ, they gave up."

"But with the success of Weixin, we will get more attention."


Qin Haisheng paused.

"I'm afraid that no matter what software we launch, there will be a large number of followers immediately."


“There will also be scenes of dozens of major Internet companies fighting at the same time.


Wang Mo also nodded slowly.

He did expect such a situation.

After all, this situation happened many times in my previous life.

The most lively ones were probably the melee between group buying and food delivery software, and the subsequent brawl over shared bicycles.

Especially when the shared bicycles I used in college in my previous life first came out, various sharing software emerged one after another. Each different shared bicycle was a different color, and the streets were full of different colorful vehicles.

And the interesting thing is.

These two types of Internet software also do not exist in this world.

These two fields are still blue oceans that no one has discovered yet.

If it is developed as a member of the Junzi Group, I am afraid that the situation will be even more chaotic.

And just when Wang Mo was thinking.

Zhang Fan suddenly said.

"Boss, have you decided what we are going to do next?"

Wang Mo shook his head.

"I have a few ideas, but I haven't decided yet what to do?"

"But I plan to re-register a company before my next move, and this company will develop new software.

"In this way, at least in the early stages, it will not get too much attention, and it can also prevent others from discovering what the next trend is at the first time."

Listening to these words, Zhang Fan also nodded.

But he soon heard something wrong from Wang Mo's words.

"The next trend?"

Zhang Fan looked at Wang Mo.


"What outlet are you thinking of again?"

Wang Mo nodded.

“I do have some ideas.


Zhang Fan couldn't help but become a little excited again.

Among the several softwares that Junzi Group has created so far, only Douyin can be called a brand new popular software that has never been done before.

The following software, whether it is Pinxixi, Wangzhe or Weixin, are all types of software that have already appeared on the market.

But now.

Wang Mo said that he already has the idea of ​​​​the next brand new outlet.

How could this make him not excited?

And just when Wang Mo was thinking about what direction to take next, or even whether to break into the field of computer games, a figure pushed away his office and "gave him an idea."

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