Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 171: Mei Yan’S Choice, The Fierce Battle Of Thousands Of Regiments!

among countless Internet users.

When he was shocked by the upcoming thousand-regiment battle.

Time is still passing forward.

Ten days after Meituan went online.

Many group buying websites and software have once again announced their latest results. Among them, the most crazily announced and promoted Penguin Group Buying and Ele.com have seen their number of users increase by five million again to around 25 million.

Other software.

For companies that have also invested heavily, such as Dianping and Xicheng Tuanbao, the number of users has basically reached the figure of nearly 10 million.

The fight between them continues.


After other websites and software announced their initial user numbers, Meituan still has no movement and no major announcements.

Watch this scene.

Many Internet users are a bit strange.

Originally, in their expectations, this Thousand Regiment War should be a tripartite confrontation.

But judging from the current situation.

Penguin Group Buying and Are You Hungry do have some hints of dividing the world, but Meibo still hasn’t done anything.

Just when many people are confused.

Meituan finally released preliminary data.

However, what it announced was not the number of users, but the number of cities where the service was launched.

Since the 460 group buying website targets the offline local life field, the number of cities where this service is available is also very critical.

The number of Meituan's openings in the city during these ten days has reached around 150.

This number may not seem like much, but compared with other group buying websites and software, it is already several times their number.

Except Meituan.

For all other group buying software, the average number of cities that have launched services is around 20 or 30.

Even the Penguin group purchase only barely reached about forty.


Most of the cities where Meituan has launched services are second- and third-tier cities, and the proportion in first-tier cities is not high.

However, the cities where other group buying websites open services are basically first-tier cities, so the competition between them is quite exaggerated.


There are even many group buying websites in first-tier cities that have begun to spend money to attract people.

Most of the cities where Meituan has launched services only have its own group buying software, and there is no competition.

Because Meituan has not made any big moves before.

Therefore, as soon as this piece of information appeared, it became a trending search topic and caused a lot of discussion.

"I asked you why you haven't moved. It turns out you are hiding here. (bgeg)"

"There is Meituan in the small city where I live, and it is the only group buying software."

"You want to come to the countryside to surround the city again, right? I don't know if this tactic is effective in this kind of group buying war."

"Penguin Group and others should have discovered Meituan's thoughts and actions, but they have not yet attacked the sinking market where Meituan is located. In their view, the number of users is the most important, especially in first- and second-tier cities. user."

“I live in a first-tier city, and there are endless activities on various group buying websites every day, and all kinds of things are too cheap.

"This is how the money-splitting war was in the early days. It all depends on who can survive in the end."

Not long after this hot search appeared.

Meituan has finally started offline publicity and promotion in third- and fourth-tier cities.

Many user groups in these cities have only been able to watch users in first-tier cities enjoy the convenience of group buying, and they can only be envious and jealous.

Many people don’t know that Meituan has actually launched services in their cities.


Shortly after this hot search appeared.

Many users in third- and fourth-tier cities finally discovered the existence of Meituan and started downloading.

In addition, they do not have a second choice now, so even though Meituan has just announced its launch, it is not very powerful, but the growth rate of users has suddenly caught up with Penguin and Li.

at the same time.

In addition to the booming group buying market.

In another area, the takeout market is also in a state of chaos.

Due to this time's Internet Thousand Group War, most of the software originally chose the group buying field, so there are not many software that only target the takeout field.

After all, in the group buying field, they only need to contact merchants to settle in, and no more complicated situations will be involved.

but if.

I chose to start in the takeout field.

Then it is necessary to develop its own takeout logistics system, and this has been difficult for many Internet companies.

After all, the layout of the takeout logistics system already involves physical operations, which is beyond the capabilities of many companies.

Therefore, there are far fewer players in this field than in the group buying field.

In various group buying software, when they are crazily promoted and announced.

Are you hungry? We have temporarily reached the leading position in the takeout field.


When the number of cities opened by Hungry has reached 30, and the number of users has reached the level of more than 20 million, he has stopped continuing to open cities and promote it.

What it needs to do next is to completely expand its takeout business in these cities.

Because the time is still too short, even if Hungry did not recruit a lot of delivery people at the first time, it was still not enough to support the delivery business in most cities.


Although it has opened services in thirty cities.

But in about one-third of these cities, if you order takeout during mealtimes, it is almost impossible to find a rider to take the order. Compared with the number of users, the number of hungry riders is too small.

So although Hungry Mo has a lot of registered users now, the number of daily active users is very low.

I have also discovered this when I am hungry, so now I have begun to recruit a large number of riders.

Even the requirements for registering a rider are quite simple. You only need to download the software to register, and you only need to have a battery scooter. You can become a hungry rider almost the same day, without any training or procedures.


These riders also don’t have any employee protections.

In addition to the ease of registration for riders.

In order to increase the type and number of merchants, it is easier to register merchants on Hungry. You don’t even need to upload photos, qualifications and other documents.

Therefore, many small workshops and shops began to occupy most of the space in Hungry.

And in the takeout field.

Behind Ele.me are the takeaways from Baidu and Penguin Group Buying.

Their operation method in the field of food delivery is almost the same as that of Hungry. They are crazy about recruiting local riders after opening the city [there are also no restrictions on the opening of merchants.

They don't know yet.

This early convenience move will be the key to their final defeat.

As for Meituan’s takeout function.

Because he has the memory of his past life, Wang Mo does not want Meituan’s takeout function to be the same as it was in his past life, squeezing riders and merchants.

in this world.

Meituan’s takeaway riders have all the insurance and benefits of regular employees of the Junzi Group, and they also need training before joining the company. The entry of merchants is also very strict (small workshops that enjoy taking out takeaways are not allowed to enter).

Because of such high limits.

So now Meituan has launched the food delivery function in less than ten cities.

However, the usage rate of Meituan's food delivery service in these ten cities is far higher than that of other food delivery apps in the same city.

And as Meituan goes online, it’s ten days away.

The war in the entire group buying and takeout field has begun to enter a stage of explosion.

Time also flies forward in this process.


Soon came a month later. .

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