Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 182: Mainly Recommending Preferred Functions, Live Broadcast Inspection!

It was before.

Meituan’s promotion direction is still aimed at the conventional group buying field.

It is still promoted in the field of daily life and leisure, and various advertisements are also in this direction.

Although Meituan’s large-scale announcement came after the emergence of the preferred function, the preferred function has not been mentioned a few times in Meituan’s advertisements.

It is precisely because of the emergence of this situation.

So many people think so.

Meituan’s internal priority for the preferred function is not high. After all, Meituan’s food delivery has appeared several times, but Meituan’s preferred function is like a motherless child. Except for users to click on the function interface and discover it, there is nothing else. channels of knowledge.

So many people don’t know that Meituan has launched a new feature.


Outside the outside world, Meituan does not pay attention to Meituan’s selection function.

Meituan’s publicity efforts suddenly turned to this aspect.

on the previous day.

The major variety shows sponsored by Meituan still used advertising slogans about Meituan, but the next day, these advertising slogans became various promotions of Meituan.

Regarding Meituan itself, I only used it. I also briefly mentioned some of their features, and then began to promote the preferred features in heavy ink.

Almost overnight.

Meituan’s publicity direction has changed so completely.

This situation left many people confused for a while.

After all, this kind of treatment has never been enjoyed by Meituan’s takeout function.

Only then did many people react.

Meituan did not announce this feature before because there was something big waiting for it later.

Meituan’s actions also made many people suspicious.

Has everyone underestimated the potential of this feature? Otherwise, why would the United States promote it on a large scale in this direction?

For a while.

Many other players in the Thousand Regiment Battle began to worry.

But they.

Because there is no qualification for offline operation.

So they can only hope that this feature will not have the impact they expected.

After Meituan began to announce the community group buying function on a large scale.

There are also more and more users who know and use this function.

In this situation.

The number of users of Meituan’s preferred functions has begun to increase crazily.

A week after Meituan changed its promotional direction.

It’s nine o’clock on an ordinary morning.

this day.

It is rare for technology Aniu to open his own live broadcast room in the morning.

After switching to the Douyin live broadcast platform, the number of fans of Technology Aniu has increased a lot compared to before, and the number of people in each live broadcast is also much higher than before in Shark Fighting.

Watching this day, A Niu suddenly broadcast live in advance.

Many fans couldn't help but ask after rushing into the live broadcast room.

"Aniu, what's going on today? Why is it broadcast live so early?"

"That's right, isn't it usually at night?"

Facing the barrage of questions, Aniu smiled.

"There are some things that cannot be broadcast tonight."

"Just in the morning."

"I will probably broadcast until around 12 noon."

Listening to A Niu's words, Barrage did not continue to struggle.

A Niu also participated in the daily game live broadcast.

Although he claims to be a technology blogger, he still spends most of his live broadcast playing games.

However, because the time is different from usual, the number of people in the live broadcast room in the morning is now smaller.

And after continuing the live broadcast for more than an hour.

A Niu suddenly received a call.

Because he was still playing the game, Aniu put the phone on speakerphone and put it aside. All the viewers in the live broadcast room could also hear the words of the person on the other end of the phone.

"Have you gone out yet?"

"I told you yesterday that I was going to cook for myself at noon today and asked you to buy food for me in the morning."

The voice on the other end of the phone was A Niu's wife. Because she often travels abroad, the audience heard it directly.

And faced with my wife's inquiry.

A Niu Xiao

"I'm going out soon, don't be in a hurry."

"I'll be there at about twelve o'clock. If I don't see the groceries you bought when I come back, I'll have to kneel on the washboard tonight.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone was officially hung up.

And the number of barrages increased a lot because of this phone call.

"It seems that Aniu can only live broadcast this one, after all, it takes a long time to buy groceries."

"You can't make up enough time for the live broadcast."

"I just opened Douyin and saw Aniu's live broadcast room and clicked in. Now it seems that Aniu won't be able to live broadcast for much longer."

Because I have the responsibility of being a wife.

Therefore, most viewers feel that Aniu will be off the air after finishing this game.

But what no one expected was.

After A Niu finished this game, he actually played another one!

See this.

Many people thought that A Niu had forgotten the phone call just now. They didn't remind him specifically, so they just wanted to play a trick on A Niu.

The barrage also became quite tacit at this time.

After Aniu started playing the game again, not many people started to remind him.

The time was broadcast live by A Niu until about 11 o'clock in the morning.

When you see that it is too late.

The barrage is finally no longer hidden.

"Aniu, have you forgotten something?"

"It's over, Aniu should be punished tonight."

"Can you live broadcast kneeling on the washboard? I want to watch it."

"Upstairs, is that the washboard you want to see? I don't even want to point it out to you.

"It's half past eleven, Aniu, it's too late for you to go shopping now, just wait until it's over, your wife is coming back too.

Looking at the barrage filling the screen.

A Niu was not as panicked as expected, but picked up the phone and took a look at it, and then smiled.

"Don't panic, I'm not worried. Why are you anxious?"

Seeing A Niu not panicking at all, countless viewers also looked puzzled.

How come A Niu is no longer afraid of his wife?

.........Please give me flowers...

It turns out that A Niu didn't forget about it just now, but he didn't take it seriously.

Just when many people wanted to ask A Niu why there was no need to worry, the doorbell rang at A Niu's home.

After Aniu got up from his seat, he came to the door and took a large bag of things.

Because A Niu's camera is facing the gate, many viewers can clearly see A Niu's movements.

Only at this moment did A Niu speak.

“I placed an order on Meituan Select at 6 o’clock this morning, and it was delivered before noon today, so I didn’t panic at all.

A Niu showed off Meituan on his mobile phone, letting everyone see the preferred orders on his mobile phone.

Only then did everyone see that A Niu had indeed placed the order at six in the morning.

And A Niu's voice continued to sound.

“Originally, Meituan preferred to buy tomorrow’s delivery today, but I saw it yesterday.

“If you buy groceries earlier in the morning, you can have them delivered before noon that day.

"That's why I thought about playing games all morning today and using this to shop for items."

Listen to A Niu's words.

The barrage filling the screen also floated out instantly.

"It turns out you were waiting for us here, so I asked you why you didn't panic at all.

"I know this function, but it has never been used. The fruits and vegetables delivered to your door should not be fresh."

"What you said above is correct, the timeliness of fruits and vegetables is the most important. This kind of online fruit and vegetable shopping usually delivers stale and bad things.

"Aniu, you're going to get scolded this time for buying some low-quality fruits and vegetables."

Although Meituan’s previous announcement has made many people aware of the preferred function.

But most people who know this function have never used it.

Because most people feel that the fruits, vegetables and meat purchased online are certainly not fresh and are definitely not as good as buying them directly from the farmer’s market.

Because of concerns about quality.

Therefore, many young Meituan user groups have never used this function.

And looking at the barrage that filled the screen, Ah Sheng couldn't help but scratch his head.

“This is my first time buying, so I am really worried about the quality of these things.

"But it shouldn't be that bad."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage also started asking A Niu to open it and take a look.

"Aniu, open the bag and see if there are some good things inside."

"The bag is big. Ah Niu bought a lot of things, but I'm afraid not many of them are of good quality.

"I originally wanted to try this function, but after hearing what you said, I also had some doubts.

Under the urging of many barrages.

A Niu also adjusted the direction of the camera.

At the beginning, in front of more than 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room, I opened the various fruits, vegetables and meat products delivered by Meiji in public.

The next second.

As the bag is opened.

A variety of crystal clear, large and plump high-quality fruits and vegetables appeared in the live broadcast room. .

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