Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 201: Views On Computer Games And The Lack Of E-Sports Industry!

Listen to these three words.

Wang Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"I really thought you were going to say something serious."

"I'm still thinking about what positions in our company are suitable for you."

After Wang Mo finished speaking, Ye Youxue also smiled.

"Okay, seeing how you look like that, I'll just make a joke."

"Why is your expression the same as when I confessed my love to you in college?"

Talking and laughing.

The two of them had arrived on the first floor and were slowly walking out.

And this time.

Ye Youxue mentioned it casually, pretending not to care.


"What happened to those scandals before?"

"What scandal?" Wang Mo was a little strange.

Ye Youxue took out her phone, switched to a certain interface, handed it to Wang Mo, and then said.

"Isn't it rumored before that there is something going on between you and Reba?"

The content on Ye Youxue's phone was a photo of Wang Mo attending the premiere of The Wandering Earth. Reba was sitting next to him at the time.

Looking at this photo, Wang Mo had some memories.

Because when Meituan was launched, Reba was used as a spokesperson, and later they were photographed watching a movie together, so it seemed that there was some noise in the outside world at that time.

Looking at this photo, Wang Mo smiled.

“So that’s what you came here for.

"Reba and I have nothing to do with each other."

"This is a premiere event I attended before, and I just happened to meet Reba."

Listen to Wang Mo’s words. 350

Ye Youxue's eyes lit up instantly.


"I thought I was beaten to the punch."


Ye Youxue suddenly looked towards the street, and then spoke to Wang Mo.


"We haven't played a game together in a long time."

"Would you like to try it?"

The direction of Ye Youxue's finger happened to be a newly opened Internet cafe.

"When you haven't graduated yet."

"We often play games together."

"But after you started your business, it seemed like we hadn't played games together for a long time, and I missed it a little bit.

Looking in the direction of Ye Youxue's finger.

In Wang Mo's mind, he also recalled some of his interactions with Ye Youxue in school.

At that time, my predecessor really loved games, especially Dota.

Ye Youxue is actually not suitable for this kind of game with high operational requirements, but she learned it for a long time for her own sake, and the two of them often played together after that.

In fact, Ye Youxue is not suitable for some MOBA games with less complicated operations in this world.

Looking at the Internet cafe in the distance, Wang Mo also nodded.

"Let's go."

"I haven't played games for a long time."

Half an hour later.

"(bgbj) Change to another, the other side is about to demolish us!"

"Wait a minute, why is there a tower defense on the opposite side?"

"Hey, I lost again."

Looking at the failure message that popped up on the panel, Ye Youxue also felt annoyed.

The two of them had just played a game of Dota on the end game.

Then she looked at Wang Mo beside her and stuck out her tongue.

"It's all my fault. I died so many times and I couldn't react many times."

Wang Mo smiled.

"It doesn't matter. I'm pretty good at playing against you, and you're not suitable for such a complicated game. There's no need to blame yourself."

Ye Youxue also rubbed her sore palms and continued.

"I really like playing moba games."

"But Dota on the computer is too difficult. Even though I have played it for so long, I still feel that the operations inside are a bit complicated.

"It would be great if, like the mobile moba games, there was a similar version of the PC game, but without such a complex moba game. It's a pity that there is only one moba game in the world."

Although he likes this type of game very much, because of the difficulty, Ye Youxue still loses more than he wins in the games he plays.

And listen to her words.

Wang Mo didn't know what he was thinking about.

He looked at Ye Youxue.

"Your rank as a king seems to be very high, right?"

During the time when he was building the King, Wang Mo also played for a while and often played with Ye Youxue, so he knew this information.

And Ye Youxue also nodded.

"I am Xingyao."

Listening to this sentence, Wang Mo also murmured.

"It seems that you really like moba games.

Ye Youxue nodded.

"And I think PC moba games are more fun, but Dota is too difficult.

"If you hadn't liked playing this game when I was in college, I probably wouldn't have been able to persist.


Wang Mo couldn't help but murmured.

"The complexity of the Dota is indeed not suitable for you."

"But it's not like there won't be other games."

Wang Mo's last sentence was just a whisper and was not heard by Ye Youxue.

At this time, Ye Youxue is preparing to start another game.

But this time.

But the voices of other Dota players suddenly rang out from next door to the two of them.

"Come on, come on, let's try again."

"Wait a minute, I'll watch a game."

"What's so interesting about this game? These people in it are not as strong as me. Keep going.

Listening to the voices of other people next door, Wang Mo suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Ye Youxue and asked.

"Do you know about e-sports?"

Ye Youxue was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't know why Wang Mo asked this question, she still nodded.

"I know."

“Isn’t it just a competition organized by some players themselves?

“Every game in every country.”

"But these so-called e-sports competitions are generally very niche, with not many people watching, and the skills of the players are also uneven. In the recent Dota e-sports competition in Yanguo, there was no one in the top ten of the national server. Players participated, but few people watched it.

"And the largest scale of this kind of e-sports competition is only at the national level."

Ye Youxue said the information she knew.

And listening to her words, Wang Mo couldn't help but take a deep breath.


“All the top players in the world for a certain game can come together to compete, which should be very enjoyable to watch.


Ye Youxue nodded.

“It should be very entertaining, but it’s not certain whether there are prizes for this kind of competition and whether there are so many masters participating.

"For example, in the recent national server Dota competition, not one of the top ten players in the national server participated."

After Ye Youxue finished speaking, Wang Mo did not continue to say anything more.

Because he just remembered that in this world, things like e-sports competitions are also extremely lacking.

we can even say.

A complete global e-sports event does not exist in this world.

Take Dota, the most competitive game in the world, for example. Although every country has its own e-sports events.

But it is not interconnected, and it is organized and participated by players voluntarily. There is no bonus, and there is no connection with the game official in the slightest. You can participate online.

It is also not possible to watch matches directly in the game.

Compared with my previous life, the e-sports industry in this world is just a niche industry organized voluntarily by gamers. Using e-sports as a metaphor is not even appropriate.

Even all the games are online, there is not a single online game.

Think of this.

Wang Mo took a deep breath and murmured slowly.

“This time it’s not just a piece of software that’s a blue ocean.”

“It’s an entire industry that is in a state of untapped territory.

"But to develop a large-scale global e-sports industry, we need a computer game with sufficient influence."

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