Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 209: The Collapse Of Penguin Takeout And The Potential Of Shared Bicycles!

Among the countless speculations about the number of daily users of Penguin Takeout.

There is a big tech blogger who posted the whiteness index of Penguin Takeaway and found that this number has indeed decreased by more than ten times after the launch of Penguin Takeout.

Whiteness index is one of the indicators that can best prove the popularity of a certain event and software.

When a certain software or event is very popular in a certain period of time, the number of times they are searched in Baidu will generally increase proportionally.

After all, Baidu is the search software with the largest market share in Yanguo, and it also has its own Baidu hot list.

Many Internet users.

When looking for the popularity of a certain piece of software or an event, it is also customary to use the whiteness index to conduct investigations.

And now.

Many people don't believe it.

Did Penguin Takeaway’s daily active users really drop to four million? The whiteness index information posted seems to be able to prove this fact.

Judging from the number of searches for Baidu in the past few days.

The number of searches for Penguin Takeout on Baidu did indeed drop off a cliff after the event. On the day when hot searches appeared, the number of searches for Penguin Takeout on Baidu was indeed only one-tenth of what it had been before16.

As soon as this data comes out.

It almost directly confirmed the information released by the previous reporter.

The current daily active users of Penguin Food Delivery seem to be only one-tenth of what they were during the most disruptive period a few days ago.

After the Weibo big v posted this piece of evidence, this piece of Weibo was also ranked at the top of the Weibo hot search list, which also aroused a lot of discussion.

"Really or not, Penguin Takeaway is really out of business."

"Although the Penguin Canteen is not open to the public offline, you can still judge by the number of takeaways at the door. The Penguin Canteen is upstairs from me. There are indeed far fewer Penguin takeaways in the past two days than before. many."

"I can also confirm that from upstairs, I can see the food intake port of the Penguin Canteen from where I work.

"My dear, I'm afraid this Penguin Takeout will suffer a huge loss this time."

"The function of this online canteen has indeed not achieved the expected effect of Penguin. This time, Penguin's investment in the food delivery field feels that it will not be recouped. I am afraid that all the US$2 billion spent on Baidu Food Delivery will be lost." Flooded."

In the heated discussions among countless netizens.

Penguin Takeaway finally released their latest daily activity results at 8pm that night.

And this number.

Indeed there are only four million left.

As soon as this news came out, almost the entire Internet was shocked.

Although before.

Some bloggers have posted various evidences, but many Internet users still don't believe this number.

After all, the number of users has dropped tenfold in a few days, which is quite an exaggeration.

But when Penguin Waimai announced its latest daily activity, those users who originally didn’t believe it now have nothing to say.

When the results of Penguin Takeout appeared.

It's clear to everyone.

This time the Thousand Regiment War has also come to an end.

And whether it is in the field of group buying or food delivery, Penguin Group, which originally had high hopes, has achieved a very ugly result, which can almost be said to be a complete defeat.

The Penguin Canteen, which Penguin Group has high hopes for, is quite limited in its real strength and does not attract users at all.

When the discounts and large subsidies disappeared, the order volume of Penguin Restaurant suffered an unprecedented plummet.

And know it.

Penguin Restaurant was slowly established through the acquisition of Baidu Takeout.

The failure of Penguin Waimai also announced that all the investment they had made in acquiring Baidu Waimai could not be recovered, and the number of users of Penguin Waimai now is not as good as that of Baidu Waimai, which they acquired before.


If Penguin Takeout pays high enough attention to ordinary stores and merchants, and is not the same as Meiyu is hungry, and attracts a large number of ordinary merchants to settle in, then Penguin Takeout's current performance will not be so bad.


While Penguin Takeaway is developing large canteens, it believes that online canteens can replace most ordinary private stores, so it has little investment in private stores.

In the end, the number of ordinary merchants and shops in Penguin Takeaway is far less than that of Meituan Takeaway and Hungry Me, and its red envelope discounts are also not enough.


This is the key reason why Penguin Takeaway’s current situation is so ugly.

No matter which one of Penguin Canteen and ordinary merchants can sustain the situation, Penguin Takeout's daily activity will not drop so much. Unfortunately, Penguin Takeout has not grasped these two aspects.

Penguin Takeaway is now completely delisted, and it is probably only a matter of time.

at the same time.

As the daily active users of Penguin Takeout plummeted, the number of users of Meituan Takeout and Hungry Meitu began to gradually recover and increase.


Hungry’s market share still lags far behind Meituan Takeout.

Shortly after Penguin Waimai announced its results, Meituan also announced a data, but this data was not the latest daily activity results of any software, but the current market value of Dianping.

During this period, Dianping’s market value also increased sixfold from US$1 billion when Meituan acquired it to US$6 billion.

Compared with Penguin Waimai, which acquired Baidu Waimai, this data is also an extremely exaggerated dimensionality reduction blow.

Originally, when the two companies announced the acquisition information at the same time, most Internet practitioners felt that the value of Baidu Waimai would increase, and Dianping might not even be able to survive. 520 but the current performance of the two acquired software.

This directly proves Wang Mo’s vision once again.

If Dianping were allowed to develop on its own, I'm afraid it wouldn't have such a high market value now.


Just when everyone thought that this time the Thousand Regiment War should be over, and there would be no more disturbances or big movements in the future, the Chief Testicle did not intend to stop there.

Although Meituan is now the leader in the field of group buying and food delivery, at most it only makes Meituan a software with a relatively large number of users, and it cannot be called a phenomenal software.

In Wang Mo’s early layout of Meituan.

The current Meituan is not a complete entity.

When Meituan adds the last remaining feature, Meituan can be called a completely phenomenal software in this world.

And that's the last remaining feature.

It was during this period that other Internet companies gradually became aware of it.

Shared bikes.

When Wang Mo was preparing to vigorously impact this market.

Penguin Group and Ali Group also noticed the emergence of shared bicycles in some third- and fourth-tier cities during this period.

Only now.

Other Internet practitioners are still unclear.

Who is the owner behind this budding shared bicycle? .

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