Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 217 Hello Bicycle’S Counterattack, Rumors Began To Spread!

Because Penguin and Ali Group are not worried about the existence of Hello Bicycle.

Therefore, the pace of both companies is quite slow.


Ten days after Junzi Group announced the establishment of Riot Studio, they launched their own shared bicycle.

at this point in time.

Hello bicycles have appeared in half of the cities and towns in Danguo.

If this was a shared bicycle owned by a large company, Penguin and Ali would have panicked by now.

But the point is.

Hello company, it’s just a small company.

For such small companies, the faster they develop, the bigger and more dangerous their internal cracks will be. There is no way for such a small company to support a shared bicycle market that truly caters to the national user base.

And at this time.

In addition to Hello, there are already several other types of shared bicycles on the market.

With Ali and Penguin officially entering.

The types of shared bicycles currently available in China have reached a considerable level.

Appearing in some cities, you can see many colorful shared bicycles on the streets.

But because of Hello’s advance layout and users’ usage habits.

Today, Hello Bicycle’s market share still exceeds 90%.


In the eyes of many Internet users, this number can no longer last long.

Because Penguin and Ali’s shared bicycles announced that they would ride without a deposit on the day they were launched!

For Penguin Bicycle, you can directly scan the QR code with KuoKou without deposit, while for Ali Bicycle, you can directly scan QR code with Blue Wallet [and you can ride without deposit no matter how high your credit score is.

This kind of plan.

For other shared bicycles that require a deposit before riding, this is almost a fatal blow.


On the day Penguin Bicycle and Ali Bicycle were launched, their deposit-free riding plan immediately shot to the forefront of Weibo’s hot searches!

The title of this hot search.

Just one short sentence.

“Deposit-free bicycles are here!”

Because the previous Hello bicycles always required a deposit, and the deposit was not cheap at 200 yuan, so many students sometimes really couldn't come up with the deposit money.


The idea of ​​riding shared bicycles without a deposit has actually been mentioned by many people when shared bicycles were developing.


Some Internet practitioners have also analyzed it.

Enjoy the order until the end, and ride with no deposit required.

All shared bicycles that require a deposit to ride will not survive.

So when Penguin and Ali entered the game, many users were actually looking forward to it.

And this meager post also attracted countless comments.

“It’s finally here, and I can finally ride without a deposit.”

"Hurry up, you two big companies, why are the first batch of opening cities only more than ten, it's not enough, I don't have it here yet.

"What you said above is correct. The combined number of cities where you two have opened shared bicycle services is only one-tenth of the number of Hello Bike cities. It's too few."

"I've already refunded the deposit for Hello Bicycle, and I'm waiting for you."

At this time, the biggest problem for Penguin Bicycle and Ali Bicycle is that the number of cities with service is too small.

In most cities, there are no such bicycles.

But everyone feels it.

Wait until Ali Bicycle and Penguin Bicycle are fully rolled out in major cities.

Then other shared bicycles that cannot be ridden without charge will probably suffer a devastating blow.

In the first batch of cities where Alibike and Penguinbike launched services, the usage rates of other bicycles that require deposits have basically been reduced to a minimum.

And at this time.

With Ali and Penguin officially entering.

Everyone wants to see what Hello Bicycle will do.

After all, it's the moment.

Hello Bike is still the only leader in the field of shared bicycles, with a market share of more than 90%.

If Hello Bicycle does not make any move after Penguin and Ali enter the market, then the only option left to meet it is bankruptcy.

So hello bicycles must have movement.

It's just that the movements of Hello Bicycle are far beyond everyone's imagination.

On the day Penguin and Ali officially entered the venue.

Hello Bicycle started with a crazy effort to open city services and increase the number of bicycles.

on the second day.

Many users discovered as soon as they got up that the number of cities where Hello Bike was launched increased by dozens almost overnight. This kind of growth rate is probably something that neither Ali nor Penguin Group can achieve now.

The first time I saw this message.

Many users feel that there should be a problem with the system.

After all, if you want to complete the opening of bicycle services in a city, you need at least tens of thousands of bicycles in the city. This is just the minimum number. The larger the city, the more bicycles it needs.

And overnight.

Let dozens of cities add at least tens of thousands of bicycles at the same time.

This kind of large-scale all-round launch operation would probably be difficult for even Penguin and Ali to accomplish.

The point is, it was just overnight.

…Please give me flowers…

So the first time.

Many users didn't believe it after seeing this message, but some people soon discovered it.

In these cities that have just opened the Hello Bike service, there are indeed a large number of shared bicycles!

This is not a software glitch, it is real!

Hello Bicycle has really added dozens of cities where it serves directly overnight!

While many Internet users are shocked by Hello’s generosity, the crazy launch of Hello bicycles continues!

Originally before.

Wang Mo has already built 20 million bicycles that can support the operation of shared bicycles throughout the country, and has already placed these bicycles in warehouses in major cities in proportion.


Because of the need to keep a low profile, the bicycles in these warehouses were not released immediately.

Take on the present.

With Penguin and Ali officially entering the game, Hello Bicycle no longer has any need to hide, so the real and crazy launch of bicycles across the country began.

in the next few days.

Not only has the launch speed of Hello bicycles not slowed down, it has even become faster and faster.

Half a month later.

When Penguin Bicycle and Ali Bicycle have just launched their third batch of bicycles, Hello Bicycle’s urban coverage has already reached 90%!


Hello bicycles can be seen in almost all cities and large towns across the country.

Regarding the explosion in the number of bicycles in a short period of time.

Many Internet users and practitioners were equally shocked.

Because Hello Bike's move requires a lot of funds, and it even needs to be laid out long in advance, otherwise Hello Bike would not be able to do this.

For a small company like Hello Company.

The outside world doesn’t even know where such a large amount of funds came from.

And even if Hello Bicycles has captured the entire Yanguo market in advance, as long as they don’t ride without a deposit, then once Penguin and Ali enter the market, Hello will still be unable to beat Penguin and Ali.

Therefore, it is difficult for the outside world to understand Hello Bicycle’s current actions.


It was the day after Hello Bicycle’s urban coverage reached 90%.

Rumors suddenly circulated in the outside world that all the funds for Hello Bicycle were misappropriated user deposits, and now the user deposits cannot be returned.

After this rumor appeared.

The level of trust that Hello users have in the Hello company has begun to decrease crazily.

No one knows how Hello Company can cope with the situation. .

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