Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 258: Ten Days Of Open Beta, 30 Million Registered Players!

As time goes by.

in the subsequent period.

Because the linkage activities between League of Legends and Weixin are still continuing, the number of new registered players every day has always remained at around one million.

And during this time.

As the number of players continues to increase.

The reputation of the game also began to spread across the country in an unstoppable trend.

In just one week.

League of Legends has become the game with the highest single-day play time among all Internet cafes across the country!

This game has also become a trend in major colleges and universities. Word-of-mouth continues to ferment and spread in different schools, attracting more other students.

When a game becomes popular on campus.

This game can be declared a success after just a few draws.

It took half a year for the original Dota to become popular among the "383" students in Yanguo universities, and it took a year for the earlier Penguin Fireline.

League of Legends has already started to become a popular game in just one week.

During internal testing.

In fact, many players already feel that the quality of this game will definitely not be lower than Dota, and the enjoyment will be much higher.

But they didn’t find out until most players actually got started.

Dota game.

Not even qualified to carry shoes for League of Legends.

The difference between the two is actually not only the viewing quality, but also the huge gap in gameplay and fun.

On the surface, League of Legends has canceled mechanisms such as denying trees, which seems to make the game a lot simpler, but in fact, after League of Legends has canceled these designs, it will allow players to focus on other aspects.

More exaggerated kill feedback, lower death frustration, situations with more rhythm changes, higher operability, and branching and hero designs that suit different players' habits, make League of Legends attractive to countless players.

Its gameplay was underestimated before the public beta.

In fact, it is far more than Dota.

And under the all-round promotion of League of Legends by Junzi Group.

The number of registered players for this game will eventually reach a quite exaggerated level.

As time goes by.


It’s ten days after the open beta of League of Legends.

on this day.

The large-scale promotion of League of Legends has finally begun to end. After Weixin registered a League of Legends account, he was no longer able to receive cash red envelopes.

This move by the Gentleman Group.

Basically, the first stage of large-scale promotion of League of Legends has been stopped.

for this time.

In fact, many major game companies in the Yan Kingdom do not understand it.

In their view.

This kind of announcement of a large-scale client game public beta will last at least several months, and is usually carried out over a long period of time.

Only this kind of long-term publicity can make players develop the habit of playing a certain client game.

For almost every major gaming company.

Players' gaming habits are the key to determining the outcome of a game.

When a player develops the habit of playing a certain game, it is basically difficult to get out of it. They usually click on the game to relax at a certain point in time, which has become their habit.

Even if the quality of a game is average, it can bind players to the game through long-term activities. Players must play the game every day for a long period of time and complete certain tasks to obtain rewards.

As long as this period of time is long enough, players' habits can be formed. When the announcement and activities are offline, player retention will also be high.

So before.

When Weixin launched an activity tied to League of Legends.

Almost every other gaming company thinks so.

This activity will last at least one to two months.

Because you can receive cash red envelopes by upgrading and completing as many games as you want, players will log in to the game almost every day as long as they have time. After a few months, when players have developed a gaming habit, they will not let the event end. Losing too many players.

But no one thought of it.

The large-scale announcement of League of Legends and the linkage event with Weixin actually ended in only ten days.

Now other Internet practitioners are looking forward to Junzi Group announcing the results of the ten-day public beta.

And the reason why Junzi Group stopped publicizing so unnaturally.

Just for one reason.

They have enough confidence in the League of Legends game that they do not need other long-term activities to develop users' playing habits.

They believe it.

Most players will naturally become my loyal players after playing this game...

They don't have to keep throwing money at it.

As for whether Junzi Group's choice is correct, we have to wait for a while to see the true retention and daily active numbers of the game when there are no activities and promotions.

On the day when League of Legends stopped announcing and promoting.

The official game blog directly announced that League of Legends had registered 30 million players during the ten days of open beta!

This is a meager hair.

It almost instantly detonated the entire Yanguo PC gaming circle.

No one expected it.

Just ten days.

League of Legends has actually created such an exaggerated achievement.

Not to mention Yan Guo, even in the entire world, such exaggerated results have never been seen in a short period of time for PC games. The number of registered users of 30 million in ten days is already an astronomical figure compared to other games.

The previous turret.

After so many years of operation, the number of registered players worldwide is only 50 million, which is only 20 million more than League of Legends, which was in open beta for ten days!

To know.

It took nearly ten years for Dota to reach 50 million registrations, but it took ten days for League of Legends to reach 30 million.

The contrast between the two can no longer be described as a world of difference.

And know it.

Now League of Legends has only carried out a large-scale announcement in Yanguo. All other overseas servers have not had time to promote and publicize 2.7.

That is.

These 30 million registered players are basically from Yan Kingdom!

And this number has exceeded the number of registered players of Dota Yanguo.

Although many users know that the results of League of Legends are closely related to Weixin and Douyin.

These two softwares, one is the national chat software with the largest number of users at present, and the other is the leisure software with the largest number of users. The vigorous promotion of these two softwares is quite terrifying.

But even so.

The performance of League of Legends can still be called a miracle, just because it is a client game, not a mobile game or mobile software.

But now.

With the announcement and promotion of League of Legends in Yan Country, it has come to an end.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on how many of the 30 million registered players can be retained!

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