Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 263: Ten Million In Daily Living Expenses? Shocking Penguin Inside!

Listen to this person's words.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Because judging from the current rate of daily loss of League of Legends users, it will take at least several days for League of Legends' daily active users to drop to two to three million.

Why did the official League of Legends Weibo release the daily active data so early?

"are you sure?"

"Based on our previous experience, League of Legends should still be in the declining stage of daily active players.

"How is it possible that the data has already been made public?"

Looking at the employees entering the door, Xiao Ma subconsciously spoke.

The other people in the field had similar thoughts to Xiao Ma.

The large-scale promotion of League of Legends has only ended for a week. How can it be possible that the number of daily active players of League of Legends has stabilized.

Facing everyone's attention.

The employees who just walked in couldn't help but take a deep breath. "847" then nodded with firm eyes.

"I'm not joking."

"just now."

"League of Legends has announced its stable daily activity results on all major social platforms, and it has also been synchronized on all other overseas social media."


Pony frowned again.

"Shouldn't it be so fast?"

He looked at the person coming.

"What is the data released by League of Legends?"

"Is it about three million as estimated by Ma Liuyun before, or about one million as estimated by Zheng Haiti?"

Although everyone still doesn't know why the latest results of League of Legends have been released so soon, they still need to know what this number is first.

Everyone else in the Penguin Group also knows Ma Liuyun and Zheng Haiti's previous estimate of this number.

That's why Xiao Ma asked.

And faced with Xiao Ma's inquiry.

The employee took a deep breath and then shook his head.

Watch this scene.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ma asked.

And the man swallowed.

"This number is not in the speculation of Manager Zheng and Manager Ma."

“Neither of them correctly predicted League of Legends’ initial daily active results.

Hearing this sentence, both of them were stunned.

Zheng Haiti even laughed directly.

"Is it possible that this number is not even one million?"

"I just said that Junzi Group is not very good. How can this game surpass Dota?

"Tell me, what is this number?"

Just when Zheng Haidi burst into laughter.

The expression of the employee at the door became a little more ugly.

He shook his head.

“Initial daily active data of the League of Legends Yanguo server.

"It has stabilized at 10 million."

As soon as these words came out.

The conference room instantly became extremely quiet, and there was no sound. Zheng Haidi's smile instantly froze on his face. Everyone present looked at this person, "The appearance is also a little frozen.

The temperature in the entire room seemed to have dropped by more than ten degrees.

first timing.

Everyone wondered if they had heard wrongly.

Because the data they just heard was too exaggerated.

To know.

Ma Liuyun had been quite optimistic about the prospects of League of Legends before, and felt that this game would definitely surpass Dota, at least in the Yan Kingdom. But even so, the prediction he gave was only 3 million.

But the number they heard just now was three times what Ma Liuyun predicted!

"You, what did you just say?"

"We must have heard wrong, right?"

After swallowing some saliva.

Zheng Haiti said hurriedly.

At this time, the smile on his face remained stiff, and his entire face looked quite strange.

"You heard that right."

“The latest daily active results of League of Legends announced on major social platforms.”

"That's ten million!"

between words.

At this time, point the screen of the tablet at other people so that other people can also see the information sent by the official League of Legends Weibo.

The next second.

Everyone came to this person in an instant, grabbed the tablet and started checking it.

When they saw that the person who came was not talking nonsense, and that the League of Legends official Weibo had indeed announced the data, everyone's faces turned a little pale.

Because of this data.

It has far exceeded all their previous imaginations.

time now.

The public beta of League of Legends is less than twenty days away.

In twenty days, a PC game can have a stable daily active data of 10 million. This achievement can no longer be described as terrifying. No game company in the world has achieved such an exaggerated achievement... …

If this data is true, then Dota is really not even qualified to carry shoes for League of Legends.

"No way, no way."

"This data must be false. There are so many players in this garbage game?"

After seeing this data.

Zheng Haiti took the lead in shaking his head to express disbelief.


Not only him, but also everyone else in the conference room at this time did not believe in the authenticity of this data.

In their view.

The possibility that the operators of the League of Legends official blog sent out wrong numbers is higher than the possibility that League of Legends daily active users really have 10 million.

Even Ma Liuyun.

At this time, I kept shaking my head when I looked at this number.

"There can't be that many."

"This number is indeed an exaggeration."

Ma Liuyun looked up at the others.

"Will it?"

"They came up with this number when the daily activity of League of Legends was still declining.

"The number of 10 million is actually still on a downward curve and has not stabilized. The League of Legends did this deliberately in order to cause gimmicks."

Ma Liuyun paused.

"We have done mathematical models for various event promotions before. This kind of promotion of software that directly sends cash red envelopes will reduce the number of users by one-half to one-third 24 hours after the event ends. , the number of users will decrease again by one-quarter to one-sixth after forty-eight hours.” 4.3

"Although the number of users will decrease every day in the future, it will be a long-term decline process. It will take an average of half a month to really stabilize, but it has only been a week now."

"It is very possible that League of Legends did not wait until the players were completely stable before releasing this data."

As Ma Liuyun's voice sounded.

The faces of other people in the field were also much more relaxed, not as nervous as before.

After all, for a PC game with 10 million daily active users in 20 days, this number is indeed too scary.

Ma Liuyun's explanation is more reasonable.

But listen to Ma Liuyun's voice.

The Penguin employee who had just opened the door to report this information shook his head again, his face looking even paler.

"this number."

"It's the results after stabilization."

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