Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 268: Officially Enter The Overseas Market And Start Crazy Promotion!

Just when countless players and other Yanguo Internet companies are setting their sights on League of Legends.

Three days later.

League of Legends finally fired its first shot at hitting the overseas market!

time at this time.

It has been two months since the official open beta of League of Legends.

In the past two months, the number of daily active players of League of Legends has reached 12 million, making it the PC game with the highest number of daily active players in the world.

Dota, which ranks second, has less than half of the daily active players of League of Legends.

You know, League of Legends has only been in public beta for two months, and you know, League of Legends has not yet made an impact in overseas markets!

Although this time.

In overseas markets, slanderous rumors about League of Legends have emerged one after another, which has stopped many overseas players who want to try the new MOBA game "870".


With the announcement of League of Legends officially entering overseas markets, all rumors and rumors will be self-defeating.

on this day.

Almost all global social software and video software push League of Legends ads on their homepages immediately.

A large amount of League of Legends news began to appear on all game-related websites.

It is different from Yan Guo’s promotion.

Because overseas, Junzi Group does not have software like Weixin, and the mentality of players is different from that in China, so the previous activity of giving cash red envelopes for registration is not feasible. Instead, we can let overseas players know about the League of Legends game step by step through overwhelming advertising. .

Although in the beginning.

Many players will be bored by the overwhelming advertisements, but as the number of players increases, the words of these discussions will gradually decrease.

The effect of this kind of all-round publicity and promotion will be quite exaggerated.

And this time.

Junzi Group has invested an unprecedented tens of billions in publicity and promotion expenses, which has never happened before. No company has ever conducted such large-scale publicity and promotion in any field before.

Although the tens of billions are more like a gimmick, the same as Pinxixi’s tens of billions of subsidies, the actual investment will not be much different.


Even if Wang Mo doesn't do this and only announces it slowly on a small scale, League of Legends will still become popular all over the world sooner or later, but this time will be quite long, ranging from twelve years to four to five years.

Wang Mo’s tens of billions of announcements are to shorten the time that League of Legends becomes popular around the world as much as possible.

And the reason why he wants League of Legends to explode globally as soon as possible is also to pave the way for the subsequent e-sports industry.

No one in the world realizes how exaggerated the benefits and influence a complete e-sports industry can bring.

Before crossing over by myself.

The size of Yanguo’s e-sports market alone is close to 200 billion, and the global e-sports market exceeds one trillion!

And in this world.

This number will only become more exaggerated and terrifying.


In order to launch and lay out the e-sports system as soon as possible, the early investment of tens of billions in publicity and distribution is completely worth it.

After all, in this world, there has not even been a complete official e-sports system, and the e-sports system I built based on League of Legends will not have any competitors.

previous life.

The global trillion-dollar e-sports market is made up of countless games and countless e-sports events. Although the League of Legends e-sports event was also the most influential in previous generations, its overall share is not high.

And this world.

I am afraid that the scale of League of Legends’ e-sports system will occupy 80%, or even more than 90%, of the entire e-sports market!

With such a huge market size, an investment of tens of billions is nothing at all.

at the same time.

When advertisements for League of Legends appeared in major overseas online and offline fields, at the same time, an entry also appeared at the top of the trending searches on overseas Twitter and other social platforms!

“The first PC game with over 10 million daily active users, why is this game so good?”

This hot search.

It is a response to all the previous slander rumors, and it also promotes the League of Legends game itself.

Due to the overwhelming promotion of League of Legends overnight.

Therefore, countless overseas players have no choice but to vent under this hot search.

"Every software I open is an advertisement for League of Legends. Isn't your Yanguo company too willing to invest money?"

"Didn't you say that your daily active numbers are all fake? There can't be so many. Why do you still use this title?"

"It must be a rubbish game that can only be marketed. I won't play it anyway...

Upstairs, you can really try this game. I just discovered and played it during the open beta. This game is really much better than Dota. "

"I don't believe it, I don't play anyway."

"It's over, it's over. All the investment in publicity and distribution by you gentleman group this time will be wasted. After all, your game cannot support such a big publicity.

In the hot search comments, many overseas players are badmouthing this game.

Some of them are because they are core players of Dota and look down on other MOBA games. Some of them believe the previous smear rumors and think this game is garbage. Some players just can't stand this overwhelming advertising.

but no matter.

Although many overseas players are badmouthing League of Legends at this time.

But the visible increase in popularity of League of Legends is indeed a fact that cannot be ignored.

This kind of comprehensive and crazy publicity and promotion has indeed brought huge attention to League of Legends, and with this kind of traffic, a considerable number of them have become gamers.

same day.

The total number of registered players in each overseas League of Legends 4.2 server has directly increased by two million!

This data is already the best in history for a PC game developed by Yanguo.

And all Yanguo game companies know that this is just the beginning.

Because of the previous slanderous rumors, a large number of players still did not download League of Legends, and the number of players who registered on the first day was only a relatively small number.

And the target group of League of Legends is not just players who are interested in moba games. Wang Mo is preparing to slowly absorb gamers from various fields through the word-of-mouth and discussion of the game itself.

When League of Legends itself became a symbol of the trend.

Countless players will follow the trend and flock here.


League of Legends has just taken its first step in overseas markets!

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