“I, how I feel a little wrong, but I can’t tell what’s wrong.”

“Lao Lu, how did you do it?”

“Wozhi, you are more professional in digging fungi than me as a Yun Province person!”

“If you don’t dig for fungi often, I really suspect that you buried it yourself.”

“Is it hard to dig for fungi? Don’t you just have hands? ”

“It’s not hard to dig, it’s hard to find! Look at what Lao Lu dug, the fungus is either hidden under the leaves or under the soil, and you have to find it to dig. ”

“Lao Lu is simply a pervert, and when he finds an accurate, he is better than my grandma digging fungi.”

Lu Yuan blinked and dug up the operation of more than a hundred fungi, which directly blew out the netizens in Yun Province.

They’ve never seen such a fungus digger.

“Have you forgotten how much Lao Lu knows about plants?”

A word awakens the dreamer.

They remembered that when Lu Yuan was digging for herbs, whether it was He Shouwu or Ginseng, they could say one, two, three.

The year and common name of wild ginseng can be said in great detail.

What they remember most vividly is that Lu Yuan once on the way up the mountain, pointed to a pile of weeds that seemed indistinguishable to them, and gave them science popularization one by one.

What is the scientific name of this weed, what is the scientific name of that weed….

They were shocked.

I didn’t know that I thought he was an expert in botany.

“So I understand.”

“Lao Lu was definitely a top student back then!”

“How did a top student fall into playing with mud…”

“However, people play mud and earn half a small goal.”

“Big brother, speak as you speak, don’t stick your heart.”

An hour later.

Lu Yuan’s shoulder resisted the net pocket full of fungi, unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank the drink to replenish energy.

“It’s not early, go down the mountain, see you in the afternoon.”


Five days later, at eleven o’clock in the afternoon.

Lu Yuan stood on the shore of the Lingshan Reservoir and looked at the 1,800-acre reservoir in front of him.

In five days, Lu Yuan finished digging the last bit of the mountain.

To put it bluntly, he dug up everything that could be dug up in the entire mausoleum, and there was no grass in the place where it passed.

It is basically impossible to have any more treasures.

In fact, he didn’t dig up anything good in the past five days.

Mushrooms, medicinal herbs, bamboo shoots….

Bamboo shoots are outrageous.

In the past few days, he once doubted whether he came to dig for treasure or a mountain village anchor.

After digging Lingshan, Lu Yuan originally planned to rest for two days and then set off to change places.

Suddenly thought of Lingshan Reservoir.

He came to scan it with the attitude of trying it out.

As a result, this scan shocked him.

1800 acres, for a complete scan, you need 12 million reputation points.

Even if he did not lack prestige value, he was shocked by the size of the reservoir.

After scanning, he was even more shocked.

At this moment, the huge reservoir in his eyes exuded a full of golden light.

What does this mean?

This means that there may be huge treasures hidden under the reservoir!

But he wasn’t quite sure.

After all, there are many places where the system is bad.

The summit scan almost didn’t make him vomit blood.

Hundreds of treasure hiding points almost made him think that he was standing on the gold mountain and silver mine, and it turned out to be a special group of fungi.

But the scans were all scanned, and there could never be fungi under the reservoir.

The system has criteria for judging the baby.

The bamboo shoots he dug up were a treasure spot.

The fungus is also piece by piece.

Only if the value reaches a certain standard, it can be called a baby.

Lu Yuan judged from experience that the system’s evaluation standard for babies is about 1,000 yuan.

So under the reservoir, there is a great possibility to hide treasures of great value!

A real treasure!

That’s it, Lu Yuan made up his mind to kill him!

“I won’t broadcast it live in the afternoon, so I’ll play a big game for everyone tomorrow, and wait for my good news.”

Dropping this sentence, Lu Yuan went directly to the broadcast.

Ti slipped Little Six, turned around and stepped onto the motorcycle and left.

When he broadcast, netizens couldn’t sit still.

“Not live in the afternoon? Lao Lu, what are you doing! ”

“Isn’t the point of playing big tomorrow?”

“Lao Lu hasn’t dug up anything good for days.”

“I thought that lightning striking wood was an excess, but I didn’t expect it to be the last glory.”

“In other words, what is Lao Lu doing in the reservoir when he has nothing to do?”

“Look at the scenery, every day in the mountains, see everything is green.”

“I suspect you said that Lao Lu will be green.”

“I can’t see Lao Lu’s live broadcast in the afternoon, it’s uncomfortable.”


Back home, Lu Yuan found his father.

“Dad, who contracted the Lingshan Reservoir?”

“That reservoir belongs to our village.”

“What do you mean?”

“Back then, the reservoir built the flood control embankment, which was paid by our village, and the ownership was in our village. In the early years, some people wanted to come and contract, but some people in the village did not agree, and no one could contract. ”

Lu Yuan roughly understood what was going on.

The ownership of the reservoir belongs to the entire Yanglin Village collective, and if the individual wants to contract, all the villagers in the village must sign and agree.

Lu Yuan said, “I want to contract the reservoir… Forget it, you can’t figure this out, I’ll go find grandpa. ”

Dad: “…”

Do you look down on me as a father so much?

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