Chapter 84 Shock! Extinct animals were dug up! 【2nd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

In the past few days, the video of Lu Yuan digging treasure edited by Tigershark has also gained a group of fans in these two countries.

Of course, there are not many fans.

Just when the live broadcast started, the two live broadcast platforms gave a pop-up window to promote it.

The promotional image is the same as the tiger shark, Lu Yuan’s photo, accompanied by ‘The Great Digger’.

Initially, when these few fans saw it, they thought they were wrong.

Click in and see, it is really the treasure digging anchor of the Dragon Kingdom, one by one, excited, but this part of the fans is a minority after all, and most passers-by netizens do not recognize it.

However, live digging for treasure is inherently attractive.

In the natural forest environment, a young man with a hoe and a field knife, although the equipment is simple, but everywhere is full of professionalism, and suddenly left the first wave of netizens who poured in.

“It’s really a live broadcast!”


“Finally no need to climb over the wall.”

Netizens who watched the video were excited to send barrages, and most of them watched silently.

“I went, and the foreign synchronous live broadcast?”

“Just saw the hot search, looked over the wall, and it was really synchronized.”

“Only Sakura Country and Han Country.”

“After reading the announcement of the tiger shark, the oil pipeline is also under negotiation, and it is estimated that it will be soon.”

“Lao Lu really went abroad.”

“Old Lu Niu (broken sound)”

“Lao Lu, when do you go to dig abroad? Dig up Mt. Fuji! ”

“Friendly reminder, it’s an active volcano.”

Lu Yuan took a look, already live broadcast?

He had already walked through several scattered treasure spots, all of which were medicinal herbs without exception.


He stopped and stood at the foot of a steep hill, which had many treasure spots.

This area is only inch-long weeds, as if they have been cleaned up, which is out of place with the whole mountain.

This is also good, you can see at a glance, there are no medicinal herbs nearby.

As long as there are no medicinal herbs, he now sees medicinal herbs and his brain hurts.



“You dug up [the corpse]”

[Body]: Value: 5,000 yuan.

Lu Yuan’s hand holding the hoe shook, after all, he still couldn’t escape the corpse? Fortunately, I have also seen the big scene, and after a short period of shock, I quickly calmed down

Worth five thousand, it should not be a homicide.

It could be the amount of money being sought for people.

I wish I could have an ID, and I was doing a good thing.

Lu Yuan did not stop and continued to dig.

Soon, a piece of Mori white bone with carrion was exposed from under the soil.

Seeing the bone, Lu Yuan chuckled.

“Let me see!”

“Bones, it’s really corpses.”

“Lao Lu has won the jackpot!”

“There are corpses in this place, and seven or eight out of ten are corpses!”

“Call the police, Lao Lu!”

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

Two days and one night, finally dug something.

Lu Yuan squatted down, stared at the bones that still carried carrion in the pit, confirmed his guess, and felt much more relaxed: “It’s an animal corpse.” ”

The system is lazy, directly mark a corpse, and do not subdivide it.

“Animal? Can you see this? ”

“It’s really not like a human, human bones are not like this.”

“Happy for nothing.”

Ten minutes later, this piece was dug up by Lu Yuan.

A half-decomposed animal carcass lies quietly in a dirt pit.

Lu Yuan circled along the earthen pit and said, “This is a stag. ”

“Can both the male and the female see it?”

“I can see it, let alone Lao Lu.”

“Popular science, bucks have antlers, it’s easy to tell.”

“Is the body still worth anything?”

“Otherwise… Hot? ”

“Vozh, you’re so poisonous.”

“Lao Lu earned, this deer has not died for a long time, and the antlers are still intact.”

“This is buried, right? Otherwise, how to dig it out and not rot? ”

It was the first time that foreign netizens livestreamed and saw Lu Yuan dig up the treasure.

Although it was just a corpse, it also made them excited.

“Digged up Smecta!”

“This is buried in advance, and the animals will not dig their own graves after death.”

“Thank you, kind man, otherwise I would have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life.”

“The script is also good-looking.”

Lu Yuan squatted on the edge of the pit, grabbed a handful of soil casually, looked at the steep hillside in front of him and said: “There has been heavy rain in the mountain recently, and the nearby slope has collapsed.

The nearby vegetation was buried underneath, and this deer was probably buried during the landslide. ”

No wonder the weeds in this area are so low, when digging, he also clearly feels that the soil is softer and easier to dig than other places.

“The Master of Analysis is online!”

“Yes, the grass nearby is very low, unlike other places, this kind of slope is indeed prone to landslides when it rains.”

“I checked, it only rained heavily in Tianyun Mountain last week.”

“Landslides? Isn’t that old Lu dangerous? ”

“It’s okay if it doesn’t rain, besides, this happens a lot in the mountains.”

“Useless knowledge has increased again.”

After listening to Lu Yuan’s analysis, everyone was abrupt.

Lu Yuan covered the soil and did not cut the antler velvet.

All died for a while, although the antler velvet and deer bones are still worth five thousand pieces, but it is not necessary.

He walked a few meters away, and there were two or three treasure spots every few meters, and in some places, less than a meter.

He didn’t even have to dig it out to see it, and he could guess that it must be a corpse below.

Come on, keep digging.


“You dug up [the corpse]”

[Body]: Value: 20,000 yuan.

Lu Yuan was no longer indifferent, but the price still surprised him.

The same corpse, why is this one so expensive?

The soft dirt was very easy to dig up, and after a while, another animal carcass appeared.

Lu Yuan was a little surprised after observing, and he squatted in the butt position of this corpse: “This is a forest musk deer.” ”

“What is Lin Musk?”

“It’s the deer.”

“I’ll just say, it’s no different from a deer.”

Lu Yuan said: “Lin Musk is the same as the sika deer, there are treasures on the body, the baby of the sika deer is antler velvet, and Lin Musk’s is musk, that is, this thing.” ”

He took out a field knife and put it against the urethral opening of Lin Musk’s abdomen.

“This is called a musk sachet, there is musk hidden inside, not long after this Lin musk died, the musk has not yet volatilized, it is estimated that there will be some.”

He lifted his knife and pulled it, and one by one, dark brown granular objects the size of his fingernails fell.

Lu Yuan reacted extremely quickly and took it with a knife.

The wild knife was retracted, and the musk on it gave off an extremely rich sweet milk smell.

“That’s a good thing.”

Lu Yuan sighed a few times and pinched the musk to show everyone clearly.

“I’ll go, Lao Lu’s sword technique, hang very much!”

“The knife technique is indeed hanging, but I want to know more, how much is musk?”

“Knowledge really changes fate, I don’t understand anything, even if I see the corpse, I will probably miss it.”

Lu Yuan put the musk into a plastic bag and stood up and said, “Musk score, the musk taken out by the farmed Lin Musk is cheap, and a gram is only a few dollars.”

Natural musk is expensive, starting at five hundred a gram, and the top dry block. ”

“Yes, it’s more expensive than gold!”

“This thing is actually sold by Gongke?”

“How many of those did Lao Lu just take?”

“A conservative estimate is thirty or forty grams.”

Lu Yuan stopped after walking a few steps, and said while digging: “The musk I took from the dead Lin Musk corpse has already volatilized a lot, and the quality is average, and one gram is about five or six hundred.” ”

Musk is generally harvested alive, once a year, and grows again the following year.

However, wild musk deer is a protected animal and is forbidden to be harvested alive.

It is precisely because it protects animals that natural musk is precious.

“I feel like I’m okay again!”

“The shovel has been reordered.”

“Landslides, huh? Got it, I’m looking for this kind of place. ”

“It’s best to go when it’s raining heavily, see an animal being buried, and dig it out immediately, that’s really hot.”

“Don’t be dead, be careful that you are buried, you can’t climb out.”

“I’m afraid of a hair, it’s buried and wait for Lao Lu to dig it, remember to bring your ID card with you, don’t cause trouble to Lao Lu.”

“You dug up [the corpse]”


“You dug up [the corpse]”


I dug for two hours in a row, and when I looked at the time, it was already noon.

Throughout the morning, Lu Yuan was digging up corpses here.

He felt like he was opening a blind box, completely unaware of what corpses were underneath.

Forest musk deer, sika deer, shoji, wild boar… Great variety that never disappoints him.

Musk alone, he collected more than a pound.

Although the overall harvest is not huge, this kind of thing is difficult to find with money.

He glanced at it, and there was one last treasure spot in this area.

After drinking saliva, Lu Yuan sat on the spot: “Rest for a while, eat something, and dig later.” ”

“The area of the landslide in this place is really huge, and so many bodies are buried.”

“Lao Lu’s vision of picking places is still the same.”

“The little devil next door is dumbfounded.”

“The stick is in that smecta.”

Netizens in these two countries usually watch the edited essence version, and the first time I watch the live broadcast, I feel really different.

The point is that it was also dug up.

Although it was not a gold treasure, the feeling of seeing Lu Yuan collect musk from the corpse made them feel empathy.

Many office workers jumped up immediately, took off their work clothes and changed into outdoor clothes, carrying hoes to dig for treasure.

But think about it carefully, the land of the dragon country is big, there is everything, what is worth digging in this projectile land?

Thinking about it like this is immediately deflated.

After eating and drinking, and resting for half an hour, Lu Yuan got up and began to dig.

The last place, dig up and change places.

He was looking forward to that dense treasure spot.


Ten minutes, twenty minutes…

“Normally it should have been dug in a quarter of an hour, and this has already been dug into the ground before the landslide.”

“Not a corpse?”

After digging for so long and not digging, Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to rejoice, and he was looking forward to it more and more.

An hour later, the dirt on both sides piled up, and Lu Yuan’s whole person was not in the pit.

“If you can’t dig it, change places.”

“If you don’t say that Lao Lu can dig it, we can’t dig it, it is impossible to gain every time, you insist.”

“The corpses here are estimated to have been dug up, so let’s change places.”

Netizens are urging, suddenly.

The sound of “bell” was transmitted into the live broadcast room.


“It sounds like a stone.”

“Gotta go, dig almost three meters, dig a stone.”

Lu Yuan felt the feedback on the hoe, not stone, but bone.

“You dug up [the corpse]”

[Corpse]: Worth 1 million.

Lu Yuan’s eyelids shook slightly.

His brain thinks quickly and keeps coming up with one piece of information for analysis.

This value, I am afraid, is not the carcass of animals.

In the position of a landslide, there is a high probability that tourists who came here before encountered a landslide and were buried alive here.

The value of 1 million should be the family’s external reward, and this person is either rich or precious.

After a slight pause, Lu Yuan continued to dig.

When he dug out the first bone, he was slightly confused.

This bone is obviously not a human bone.

And judging by the color of the bones, I am afraid that they have been buried under it for decades.

A strong curiosity arose in Lu Yuan’s heart, what animal corpse can be worth 1 million?

“What kind of bone is this?”

“Animal bones.”

“Listen to a table, as if you listen to a table.”

Lu Yuan continued to dig, digging out the surrounding soil according to the division of the bones, so as not to destroy the bones.

After digging for about twenty minutes, the prototype of the animal’s skeleton can already be seen from the sky.

A long spine, ribs with distinct layers of ribs in the chest, long limbs, curved limbs, and a tailbone.

“What kind of animal is this?”

“Looks like a carnivore.”

“Nonsense, that tooth looks like a flesh-eater.”


“Tianyun Mountain only has leopards, and they are not so big.”


“The tiger is not so small, and where did the tiger come from Tianyun Mountain?”

“This is a black bear, right?”

“Your black bear has such a long tail?”

“Do you understand brother, come out and say two sentences.”

Netizens are still speculating that Lu Yuan has dug up the remaining dirt.

He stood on the side and watched for a long time, his eyes gradually strange.

Look at the four claws, look at the sharp teeth, very obvious feline body structure.

According to the animal and plant books he mastered, this animal carcass was a fairly standard tiger carcass.

The leopard is not so small, there is no lion in the mountain, plus the obvious difference in the skull, Lu Yuan is sure that this is a tiger corpse!

It’s amazing, I actually dug up the corpse of a tiger in Tianyun Mountain! Lu Yuandu couldn’t help but want to call 666.

He looked at Little Six, and Little Six wondered: Six Six Six?

Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the live broadcast room, netizens argued endlessly, all kinds of speculation.

Many people say that it is a leopard’s, and some say that it is a tiger’s.

But there are also quite a few people who refute it.

“This is a tiger corpse.”

Lu Yuan hammered the nail on the head.

“Although you are very professional, this time I still have to refute that the tiger corpse is bigger than this.”

“It should be a leopard’s, there are leopards in Tianyun Mountain, and it also fits.”

“Is it possible that there is an underage tiger?”

“It’s impossible, just a little, there are no tigers in Tianyun Mountain.”

“Is it possible that the passing circus overturned and the tiger ran out?”

“Big brother, we are discussing science, it is not interesting for you to lift the table directly.”

Lu Yuan squatted next to the tiger’s head and casually took out a tiger tooth, jade white in color, full of two-thirds of the size of a palm.

It is worthy of being the king of the forest, and this bite can only be saved by sliding shovels.

Lu Yuan played with the tiger tooth and said, “It is indeed a tiger, and it is an adult tiger.” ”

“This tooth is so beautiful, it looks like it is indeed tiger teeth.”

“Lao Lu, analysis and reasoning must be logical, if you want to say that this is an underage, I still believe, and the adult tiger will grow at least half a meter to one meter.”

Lu Yuan said: “This tiger corpse is small, it is not an underage, nor is it a leopard.”

It is small and simple, because this is the carcass of a South China tiger. ”

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