Chapter 87 Grave Road! Cave theft! Fast forward to blue and white porcelain! 【2nd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

“Shocked my mother for a hundred years, it’s really an ancient tomb!”


“Kneel to Lao Lu, a person really dug up the ancient tomb!”

“What other treasure is this technology digging, let’s be a tomb thief!”

“Sand sculpture, can the tomb robber earn more than Lao Lu?”

“Lao Lu has a certificate, this is a legal tomb robbery!”

“2 million certificates, return the book, absolutely return the book!”

“Back to the book? Hehe, earn to heaven! ”

“Lao Lu, I suggest you don’t dig anymore, because my eyes are red.”

“Your equipment is not complete, don’t dig it first, send me an address, and I’ll send you a black donkey’s hooves.”

“There are ancient tombs that don’t necessarily have good things, and they have all been visited by tomb thieves.”

“Are you kidding me? Copper coins and porcelain have already been dug up, can there be anything good underneath? ”

Lu Yuan smiled for a while and said, “Don’t wait for tomorrow, it’s rare to dig an ancient tomb, if I don’t dig it out today, I won’t be able to sleep tonight.” ”

He squatted down, pulled away the dirt on the side, lightly tapped his knuckles on the ancient tomb below, and said: “Gray sand bricks, one of the most significant features of the ancient tombs of the Ming Dynasty, this tomb is indeed from the Ming Dynasty!” ”

“Brothers, wait for my good news!”

Lu Yuan was full of energy, grabbed the hoe and excavated.

Now that the location of the tomb has been determined, you can’t do it recklessly.

Although he has a certificate, after digging the ancient tomb, he also has to go through the process.

First, he can dig, but not destroy the structure of the ancient tomb.

Second, the archaeological team needs to be brought in to coordinate.

Third, all cultural relics unearthed from ancient tombs need to be identified by experts, and if they are top national treasures, they cannot be sold abroad.

Lu Yuan didn’t have time for these regulations, otherwise he would have to test for an archaeological certificate.

In the future, when you dig up the ancient tomb, you don’t have to worry about the archaeological team, and you can do it alone directly.

As for now, it is still only the clean-up of the periphery of the ancient tomb, as long as it does not destroy the ancient tomb, it is no problem.

He is digging, the net is already boiling.

#Lao Lu dug into the ancient tomb of the Ming Dynasty#

“Big news, big news!”

“He really dug in… How is it done? ”

“Professional! This anchor is a professional group, and this ancient tomb is not so much dug by him as it is found by him. ”

“I only care if there are antiques in the tomb.”

“It’s not nonsense, there must be!”

“Lao Lu is numb, I cry numb.”

“I’m not a man on a horse!”

“When you applied for 2 million at the beginning, how happy you laughed, how bad you are now.”

“The devil knows he can really dig up ancient tombs.”

Abroad, netizens in the two countries were also shocked.

This anchor of the Dragon Kingdom really went into the mountains and dug into the ancient tomb.

Originally thought that he had dug up the tiger corpse at the peak, but he didn’t expect to turn around and dig an ancient tomb.

Especially his various professional science popularization, this profound knowledge, deeply shocked them.


Followers from all walks of life were equally excited when they saw the brick wall structure of the ancient tomb.

A phone call frantically called Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was about to clear this piece when the mobile phone in his pocket began to vibrate.

“I almost forgot about you.”

Taking out his mobile phone, Lu Yuan put the hoe aside and sat on the ground.

Let’s deal with this wave of calls first.

“Hey, Director Li, okay, you let Teacher Gu bring someone over, don’t be in such a hurry… Okay, then you should be safe on the road. ”

Li Botao was the first to call.

If there are multiple archaeological teams that want to come and investigate the ancient tomb, it depends on which one Lu Yuan chooses.

Li Botao felt that he had been squatting in the live broadcast room, which was considered to be the right squat.

Judging from his contact with Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan did not care much about these little things.

In this case, whoever is the first to call can come and survey the ancient tomb

As soon as the phone hung up, Wu Jie’s phone called.

“Lu Yuan, there is an archaeological team that wants your contact information…”

“No need, tell them that an archaeological team has already come.”

“Okay, I see.”

Wu Jie said: “The people of the company can go to Tianyun Mountain tomorrow morning, and they will broadcast the corpse of the South China tiger live at that time.” ”

“Well, good.”

I hung up the phone, and several more calls came in.

Sun Xiangdong bore the brunt of this.

“Xiao Lu, I have a friend…”

Lu Yuan raised his forehead and said with a black line: “Brother Sun, let’s not talk about this first, the tomb has not been dug up, and it is too far to talk about this now.”

Don’t come over, this is not Nanshan, this place is more than ten kilometers from the foot of the mountain, you enter the mountain during the day, and you may not be able to get out at night.

Let’s wait until the tomb is dug up. ”

“It’s also said that this point is leaked, okay, then wait for you to dig first.”

Anyway, my friend you have also contacted a lot, meet the one you like, absolutely do not bargain. ”

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan waited for a while, but no more calls came in.

This surprised him.

Transsexualized This is?

Li Huakai didn’t call anymore?

Li Huakai wanted to call, but in the end he didn’t call, he directly took an employee and drove over overnight.

This time, you have to get two pieces to auction everything, even if you ask for it!

Zhang Chao had just finished a live broadcast of a street interview, looked at the time and said: “It’s almost eight o’clock, brothers, I’m off the air, we’ll see you tomorrow.” ”

Saying that, he glanced at the barrage, and the next second his smile stopped on his face.

“Brother Lu dug an ancient tomb?”

The corner of Zhang Chao’s mouth twitched, didn’t he? Is Brother Lu so, so ferocious? Isn’t it a digging of corpses? How did it become an ancient tomb?

“Xiao Zhang, you missed a chance.”

Xiao Zhang’s smile gradually transferred to my face.

“Hahaha, let you not follow, regret no?”

“It’s useless to follow, get a certificate of 2 million!”


An off-road vehicle driving in the night.

The young man in the co-pilot looked away from his mobile phone and looked at Wang Bing, who was driving: “Brother Lu dug an ancient tomb.” ”

“Ancient tombs?”

“Yes, from the Ming Dynasty.”

“Tianyun Mountain dug it?”


“There are still ancient tombs in that place? It’s amazing. ”

“Shall we also get a certificate?”

“…… No need. ”

Wang Bing shook his head, he didn’t think that a few of his people had the ability to find the ancient tomb.

2 million is also a huge expense for them.

The head of the archaeological team of Yingtian Museum, Gu Deyong.

He was eating when he suddenly received a call from Li Botao.

“Archaeology? What ancient exam? ”

“What? Xiao Lu dug into an ancient tomb? Okay, I see, I’m eating, I’ll go over after eating, you get the car ready, I’ll contact them. ”

There are ancient tombs to investigate, what else to rest?

Those archaeological teams that did not grab the qualification for archaeological survey looked at the live broadcast room and sighed.

Lu Yuan put the phone away and continued to dig.

The online online broadcast room is even more terrifying than the afternoon, and has risen to 25 million

Everyone was watching him dig ancient tombs.

“The first time I watched the anchor dig a grave, is there anything to prepare?”

“God is digging a grave, this is an ancient tomb!”

“Isn’t an ancient tomb a tomb? It makes no difference. ”

“You win.”

“Remember to prepare a quick-acting heart-saving pill, if you don’t have a good heart, it is not recommended to watch Lao Lu’s live broadcast.”

“Why? Will there be any irritating images? I like this one the most. ”

“There is nothing exciting, to support death is to dig up the corpse, see too much is just like that, I am immune.”

“Mainly, you will often see Lao Lu digging up some treasures, Lao Lu with a price of tens of thousands does not look at it, hundreds of thousands of basic digging can not be seen, starting from millions of millions can often be seen.”

Seeing more old Lu digging treasures, easy emo. ”

“This, is the way this anchor strikes people so unique?”

Ten o’clock in the evening.

Lu Yuan had already cleared an open area three meters long under his feet.

It is still a strict brick structure.

“Where is this tomb?”

“Who can answer your question?”

“This ancient tomb is a bit big, it’s more than three meters, it’s not over yet?”

“Those who can have porcelain to accompany the burial, let alone a rich party.”

“Lao Lu estimated that he dug a heavyweight tomb.”

“Don’t be the Imperial Tomb, right?”

“That’s unlikely, the tombs of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty have basically been dug up, and the approximate location has been determined if they are not dug up.”


Lu Yuan dug out a space again and suddenly stopped.

He stood next to the ancient tomb that had just been dug up and stared at the tomb bricks carefully

The night was too dark, so he crouched down again and took out a large flashlight and shone it on the tomb bricks in front of him.

“Good stuff!”

Lu Yuan laughed loudly, and everyone looked at each other curiously.

The flashlight is bright enough to be seen clearly at night.

But in their opinion, there is nothing special except for the ancient tomb structure.

“What are you laughing so loud for?”

“Did you dig the entrance?”

“The tomb has a fart entrance.”

Lu Yuan pointed at the ancient tomb at his feet with a hoe and said, “Here, it’s a robbery hole.”

Look closely, this piece is dirt, not sand-lime bricks. ”

After such a reminder from him, and then looking closely, everyone really saw the difference.

This piece is about 80 centimeters, and although it is as flat as other tomb bricks nearby, there is no gap between bricks.

“Does that mean you can go straight down?”

“Old land ox, you can dig a hole in a thief.”

“Hurry up and plan, fast forward to blue and white porcelain!”

Lu Yuan set the flashlight on the tripod, set it aside, grabbed the hoe at the location of the robbery hole, and gently plunged down.

Indeed, dirt, not bricks.

In order not to destroy the tomb structure, this step must be slow.

After digging for half an hour, with a ‘poof’, a hole was dug in the earth that filled the thief hole.

Lu Yuan obviously felt the dirt falling.

After about a second, there was a slight sound of dirt falling to the ground below.

Because of the long time, plus the pressure that was pressed down at the moment when the soil collapsed.

The soil that sealed the cave was compacted and solidified into blocks, and the hole in the middle was dug out, and the surrounding mud was not broken.

“At this time, you have to be careful and can’t continue digging.”

Lu Yuan put the hoe aside and went directly to pick it up: “If you don’t know what’s underneath, you have to get the dirt up.”

In case there is porcelain underneath, there are antiques, this lumpy dirt will smash the treasure directly. ”

“The details have to depend on Lao Lu.”

“Details, what details!”

“I’m in a hurry, hurry down.”

Twenty minutes later, Lu Yuan finally removed all the mud.

This robbery cave of about 80 centimeters is clearly presented at this moment.

“I’ll go, this hole is really big, I have a bold idea!”

“It’s a little scary to look at, there won’t be ghosts underneath, right?”

“Ghost your sister, don’t talk about these things in the scientific world.”

“Lao Lu go down quickly!”

“Get down, go down!”

Netizens watched the excitement is not too big, brushed up in the live broadcast room, and the screen was full of ‘go down’.

Lu Yuan took the flashlight and took a picture below, only to see a hill made of dirt directly below, and nothing else.

According to this pile of dirt, the height is about three meters.

“In the line of robbing tombs, there are rules for robbing caves, although I am not a tomb robber, but I also have to go to the tomb according to the scientific way.”

He jumped into the dirt pit, came to the body, and picked up the kit next to it.

A candle was taken out of it, and the rope he brought himself.

Only then did he realize that he was still not fully prepared for entering the mountain this time.

Back in the cave, he took out the rope, pulled out his shoelaces, tied the candle to the rope and lit the candle, dropping the rope down the hole little by little.

“Ancient tombs are generally sealed, there is no flowing air, professional archaeological team members generally wear gas masks, my equipment is rudimentary, so I use candles instead.”

After the rope was lowered, a little soybean-sized candle flame under the theft hole flickered, and Lu Yuan stared carefully, waiting very patiently.

“Lao Lu is really special, and he even understands this kind of operation.”

“Everyone who has watched the tomb robbery TV series understands, right?”

“Is it the same thing to see and practice?”

At this time, there were many more netizens in the live broadcast room.

When he discovered the robbery hole, the hot searches of major forums followed closely updated

A group of netizens are chasing Lu Yuan’s progress in excavating ancient tombs like a large-scale series.

And just as Lu Yuan was staring at the candle, an off-road vehicle drove at the foot of the mountain.

The car stopped, four men got out of it, checked their equipment, and quickly set off towards the mountains.

There was a person left in the car, sitting in the driver’s seat, 183 smoking, and after watching the live broadcast for five minutes, Lu Yuan slowly lifted the rope up.

The candle flame is not extinguished, indicating that there is oxygen below.

Lu Yuan is actually not too worried, after all, he has been patronized by tomb thieves, even if he is resealed for a period of time, it will be fine in a short time.

But what he dug is an ancient tomb after all, and everything has to be according to the rules, after all, so many people are watching.

“No problem below, go to the grave!”

Lu Yuan tied his shoelaces and stood up, taking the Luoyang shovel over.

The rope is tied to the Luoyang shovel, stuck on the robbery hole, and then down the rope.

He actually didn’t need to bother so much, jumping three meters with his light skill was not a problem at all.

You can do this, but you don’t have to.

With all the preparations, Lu Yuan sat on the robbery hole, his legs hanging in the darkness below, and said to the camera: “Brothers, go to the grave, let’s go!” ”

He grabbed the rope and leaned down little by little, and after a moment his body was already engulfed in darkness.

As far as the eye can see, the headlights illuminate.


The feeling of being down-to-earth came.

The drone also followed into the tomb.

Lu Yuan turned on the flashlight, and in an instant, the darkness was swept away, and the light illuminated a large area of the tomb.

The general structure of the tomb is presented to everyone at a glance.

Lu Yuan slowly turned around, a little surprised, and said unexpectedly: “This is the cemetery.” ”

Not surprisingly, because from the porcelain fragments dug up, he judged that the identity of the tomb owner was not ordinary, and it was normal to have a tomb road.

Generally speaking, ancient tombs with cemeteries are buried with merchants, princes and nobles.

Of course, the cemetery is also divided.

From the size, length and length of the tomb, and whether the walls of the tomb are decorated or not, the approximate identity of the tomb owner can be distinguished.

Surprised, because under the robbery cave is actually a cemetery, not the main tomb! Professional tomb thieves, after discovering the ancient tomb, will determine the general structure of the ancient tomb through the surface structure.

The purpose of determining the structure is to open a theft hole.

The preferred location of the cave is the main burial chamber!

Open on the cemetery… It can only be said that this group of tomb robbers is too amateurish, and the amateur makes Lu Yuan a little distressed.

Stealing a tomb, he came across a landslide and buried himself here.

How bad is this luck?

Moreover, this ancient tomb is only two or three hundred meters, and this scale is small in the ancient tomb.

Such a small ancient tomb, you can open a robbery hole and open it on the tomb road, which is simply a shame for tomb thieves.

“This ancient tomb is not simple, there is also a tomb road.”

“If you don’t understand, ask, what is the cemetery?”

“Similar to a corridor, at the end is the main tomb.”

Lu Yuan collected his thoughts and began to observe carefully.

There are three golden lights in the cemetery.

One of them was in the dirt that had accumulated directly below the cave.

The other two are in front of the cemetery.

Ignoring the mound of dirt, he walked toward the front of the cemetery with a flashlight.

Observe the walls on both sides as you walk.

The cemetery is about five meters wide, the walls are brick, there are no murals, no embellishments, and there are no stone pillars along the cemetery to hold lamps, which is very ordinary, even a little shabby

It is also an ancient tomb with a graveyard, and the result is a Sulia decoration style…

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