Chapter 91 You dug up a few handfuls! 【3rd change】Ask for self-ordering, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation tickets!!

A moment later, Lu Yuan stood in front of the last box.


The lid is lifted and placed against the wall.

Walking back, looking down, this whole box turned out to be all books! From bottom to top, ancient books are neatly arranged and stuffed.

“I’ll go, so many ancient books, Lao Lu sent it again!”

“Books are not worth much, they have farts to use.”

“Maybe it’s three hundred Tang poems?”

“You managed to make me laugh with that.”

Lu Yuan casually picked up a book.

[Book]: Attribute: Ming Dynasty.

Value: 100,000.

So cheap?

This box is estimated to be in the millions.

If you calculate it this way, even if you add the large vase at the entrance of the tomb, it is less than 500 million.

Could the remaining bits and pieces be more expensive than chicken cups? His gaze fell on the ancient book in his hand, and the title of the cover made him interested. “Taibai Yin Sutra”!

“Hold the grass, Lao Lu has dug the exercises!”

“Cow, cow, there is actually a method of cultivating immortals!”

“Fast forward to Xiu Xian!”

Lu Yuan was speechless: “This is the Tang Dynasty’s book of soldiers…”

“Book of soldiers? How did the Book of Soldiers choose the name of Immortal Law? ”

“This book of soldiers is not serious.”

Lu Yuan casually turned a few pages and put it back.

Take another copy.

“A Hundred Battles”.

The same book of soldiers.

He squatted down, took out the book one by one, read the title and put it back. “Straight Explanation of the Seven Books of the Martial Classic”, “Formation History”, “Ascending the Altar Must Be Investigated”… The books in this box are all military books.

Lu Yuan was dumbfounded.

Can’t help but look at the coffin, there is a martial general buried here, right?

“Depend, why is it all a book of soldiers?”

“Hammer, this is a martial general’s tomb!”

“Open the coffin quickly and see if there is any identity information of the tomb owner inside.”

“This tomb must have been stolen, how can anyone be buried without erecting a monument?”

“If it’s stolen, there aren’t so many good things.”

Lu Yuan went around to the front of the coffin, and the treasures on the bright side of the entire tomb were all checked except for this coffin.

The coffin was glowing with golden light, and he wasn’t sure if it was the value of the coffin itself or the treasure in the coffin.

He walked up and put his hands on the coffin.

[Coffin]: Attribute: Ming Dynasty.

Value: 800,000.

The golden light disappears.

Okay, it is estimated that there is a skeleton in the coffin, and there is no point in opening it.

Wait for the archaeological team to come over and open again, otherwise nothing will be left for them, he is afraid that Gu Deyong and a group of people will go crazy at that time.

“I won’t open the coffin today, after all, there is no archaeological evidence, and it is easy to be chased and scolded if it is opened.”

Lu Yuan teased himself, turned around and walked away.

“Lean, it’s close, don’t you open?”

“This coffin won’t open today, I can’t sleep!”

“Opened a hair, haven’t seen enough of the corpse after one night?”

“Is there so much in the tomb? Feel so little. ”

“But it’s worth a lot.”

“I roughly calculated that the treasure I found now is almost worth 300 million!”





The live broadcast room brushed up with a gasping ‘hiss’.

Lu Yuan walked towards the scattered treasure hiding place in the tomb, and when he arrived at the place, there were flat stone bricks under his feet, and he couldn’t see anything abnormal with his eyes alone.

Lu Yuan came interested.

Instead of rushing to dig, he said: “There is something wrong with this tomb. ”

As soon as these words came out, netizens were stunned.

“What’s wrong?”

“Have rice dumplings?”

“You can’t be so scary at night, Lao Lu!”

Lu Yuandao: “Judging from the structure and scale of the tomb, the tomb owner is by no means a businessman, but an official.

Merchants may be able to get the porcelain in the palace, but they can’t get the Painted Landscape Map. ”

“The funerary goods in the tomb are very rich, but don’t you think it’s strange?”

Lu Yuan asked himself and replied, “The position of these three stone pillars is similar to a tribute, and the things placed on them are to be equal to the status of the tomb owner.

There is no problem with the town tomb talisman brick, this thing is indeed very important.

But the crickets are a bit of a joke, and the vase is put in gold, which is even more confusing. ”

“That big box is full of gold, why put it here?”

“A person who can take out a box of gold and silver jewelry casually puts crickets and gold on the tribute pillar, which is not in line with the identity of the tomb owner.”

“And there is only a painting and a chicken cup in the other box, which can also be seen that the tomb owner also knows the value of these two things and attaches great importance to them.”

“On the whole, the treasures in the tomb can definitely not be said to be few, and can even be said to be quite many.

But! ”

He changed his tone and said, “This tomb is missing one thing, one most important thing!” ”

Everyone listened intently, and just when someone wanted to ask something, Lu Yuan had already continued: “Some things that prove the identity of the tomb owner!” ”

“With the financial strength shown by the tomb owner, the official position before his death will not be low, and the burial of such a person must be accompanied by an epitaph, but there is no here.”

“There are no traces of tomb robbers here either, so there are only two possibilities, the first one, there is nothing about the identity of the tomb owner.”

But this is very unscientific and does not make sense. ”

“The second one, hidden.”

Lu Yuancheng raised his head and looked at the coffin: “The tomb is not big, it is not small, and the place where you can hide things must only be in this area.” ”

“Although I didn’t open the coffin, I knew that there would definitely not be one in the coffin.”


Finally, someone took advantage of the gap to ask.

Lu Yuan said, “It’s very simple. ”

“If you want to hide, you must hide it in a place that is invisible to the naked eye.

If someone robs the tomb, the coffin will definitely be opened, so there will be no inside the coffin. ”

“In fact, it can be seen from the treasures on the bright surface that the tomb owner has long been prepared to be robbed of the tomb after death.”

“These treasures are all given to tomb thieves.”

“These things are good things in the eyes of tomb thieves, but they are not worth mentioning to the tomb owner.”

After analyzing this, Lu Yuan was also curious about what kind of identity this tomb owner was

Although he didn’t know what the hidden golden light was, he felt that his analysis was absolutely correct.

The value of the hidden treasure is probably no worse than that of the chicken cup.

“The head of the analysis is the Tao, as if this is really the case.”

“I think Lao Lu’s analysis is very reasonable, and it is indeed not normal to put a cricket jar on the stone pillar.”

“Who put gold in a vase?”

“It’s strange that you can understand the thoughts of the ancients.”

“It’s hard to say anything else, but it’s really abnormal for a tomb of this size to have no identity information for the tomb owner.”

Lu Yuan took out the hoe again, and while walking in the tomb, he said: “The ancient tomb is so big, there are not many places to hide things, it is nothing more than underground, or on the wall. ”


With every step he took, he had to take a hoe and knock on the stone tiles, inch by inch, without missing a single bit.

“Fan One” sounded in an empty voice.

Lu Yuan immediately stopped, looked at the golden light under his feet and smiled: “Found it!” ”

“I, Vozh!”

“It’s really special!”

“Lao Lu’s brain, it’s so easy to use.”

“The grave owner is a miserable batch, it is estimated that he will not even think that the things he carefully hid will be dug up.”

“This time is really insightful, it turns out that digging graves is so much.”

“Lao Lu’s IQ is a bit against the sky!”

Although it is very eye-catching to see him making money, this time, everyone is really convinced that this money is really not everyone can earn.

At least they asked themselves, and if they changed to themselves, they would never consider whether there were still treasures hidden underground.

No, change to yourself, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to find this ancient tomb.

For the first time, they felt that the gap between people was so huge, even greater than the gap between people and Little Six.

Lu Yuan squatted on the ground, put the hoe aside, and drew out the field knife.

Tap lightly with the handle to determine the approximate range of storage under your feet.

Knocking on it, he was a little surprised.

Underground stuff, a little big!

The open space at the foot is about half a meter wide and two meters long.


He inserted the tip of the knife into the gap between the tomb bricks, and with a click, a tomb brick was pried, followed by a second, a third…

Ten minutes later, a tomb brick was neatly set aside.

An underground vault that is two meters long and half a meter wide and half a meter deep is presented.

Inside was a wooden box about one meter and five meters long.

“You dug up the [sword]”

[Sword]: Attribute: Ming Dynasty.

Value: 5 million.

“Open it and take a look!”

“Blind guess is a painting!”

“The painting won’t put this.”

Lu Yuan opened the wooden box, and a long sword with a scabbard lay quietly in the box.

“I’ll go, it’s a weapon!”

“The murder weapon from the ancient tomb, Lao Lu be careful!”

“What does it mean to bury a sword underground?”

Lu Yuan took out the sword, it was very weighty.

The scabbard is made of copper, with intricate and delicate moires on it, and the hilt is made of copper and iron, which is exquisite and atmospheric, which is clearly different from all the swords of ordinary soldiers.

“Judging from the shape, this is a sword used by the secretary of state.”


Lu Yuan’s thumb flicked upwards against the hilt, grabbed the hilt and pumped, making a sword whining sound.

The sword is unsheathed, and the blade is partially rusty.

No matter how good steel is, there is nothing to do in the face of time.

He sheathed his sword, put it back in the wooden box, picked up the hoe and continued on his way to the next treasure spot.

“Knock knock~”

Found another place.

After determining the size of the burial point, Lu Yuan knew that what was buried under this was also a weapon.

A quarter of an hour later, the last brick was pried open, and looking at the wooden box below, and the system’s prompts, it was not surprising.

The box opened, still a sword.

An hour later, Lu Yuan had already pried open the sixth treasure spot.

Still a sword.

He stood up, looked at the location of the six swords, and said: “These six swords surround the coffin, which should be equivalent to some kind of formation and the like, to guard the coffin. ”

He glanced at the remaining treasure spots, and there were four more.

The location of these four treasure points is in the middle of the coffin and the stone pillar.

Three of them, just half a meter behind the stone pillar.

The fourth is half a meter in front of the coffin.

This arrangement is very interesting.

Wherever he went, he came to the cricket jar first.


“There’s one here, too.”

Crouch down and skillfully begin to pry bricks.

“Lao Lu is becoming more and more professional.”

“To have proof is to be able to do whatever you want.”

“Wipe, it’s almost one o’clock in the morning, I have to go to work tomorrow!”

“Last fart, take leave!”

“Your boss may also be staying up late…”

At this point in time, the popularity of the live broadcast room has not decreased in the slightest, which is quite outrageous.

Soon, the last brick was pried open.

This treasure hiding point is only half a meter long and wide, which is much smaller than the previous hidden weapons.

“You dug up the [Golden Book Iron Coupon]”

[Golden Book Iron Coupon]: Attribute: Ming Dynasty.

Value: 80 million.

Lu Yuan snorted in his heart.

Golden Book Iron Coupon!

Is there such a thing in this tomb? What is the identity of the tomb owner?

He calmed down and took out the box below.

Lo and behold, the boxes containing gold books and iron coupons are more high-end than the boxes containing swords.

The yellow rosewood box, after so many years, can still see a faint yellow, pleasing to the eye.

He placed the box on the ground and opened it gently.

A curved, rusty piece of iron, quietly placed in a box.

On the front of the iron sheet, there are beautiful fonts written in gold paint, densely packed and covering the entire piece of iron.

Many of the handwriting is blurred and covered in rust.

As soon as this piece of iron came out, the live broadcast room exploded directly.

“Vozh, Vozh, Vozh!”

“Danshu iron coupon, this is a Danshu iron coupon!”

“This tomb owner is definitely a great official, and he is a great hero of the founding dynasty!”

“That, if you don’t understand, just ask, what is the Danshu iron coupon?”

“Death-free gold medal, big brother, don’t you know this? I don’t understand history, I’ve always watched a time-traveling drama, right? ”

“There is Chenghua porcelain in the tomb, how can it be the minister of the founding dynasty?”

Lu Yuan looked at the golden book and iron ticket, and he was also a little confused.

Rao is that he has a systematic help, and he can know more information than the average person.

But at the moment the head is also a mush.

The golden book and iron coupon is said to be a death-free gold medal, but it is simply a talisman.

The point is that except for the group of ministers who founded the Ming Dynasty, he really has never heard of anyone who has won the gold medal of freedom from death.

The descendants of those ministers?

But many of them were raided and destroyed… In the end, only Yuwa and Huagao survived.

He held the box up and stared at the words on the death-free gold medal one by one.

The meritorious achievements of the heroes must be recorded on the iron scroll, and who this death-free gold medal is, you can know it directly by looking at it.

Although a lot of handwriting is corroded, you can still see a rough idea.

After reading it, Lu Yuan was dumbfounded.

This is actually Li Shanchang’s death-free gold medal! This special lady is outrageous!

He turned the box around, and there were four words behind the iron roll: Conspiracy is not good! This means that if you have the intention of rebelling, the gold medal for avoiding death is invalid.

Looking at the screen full of grass, Lu Yuan said: “This is Li Shanchang’s death-free gold medal. ”

He closed the box and said, “I can’t figure it out, this tomb… It should be unlikely to be Li Shanchang’s tomb, all of which were beheaded by the door, where did the tomb come from? ”

“Big news, absolutely big news!”

“Quickly look for it, see if you can find the identity information of the tomb owner!”

“The big night has given the grandpa a whole spirit!”

After one o’clock in the morning, the popularity of Weibo is higher than the wave.

Every time Lu Yuan dug up something, it would immediately be transmitted to the Internet.

As soon as the golden book iron scroll came out, the entire Weibo followed the fryer.

Museum staff across the country were also woken up by the phone.

“He dug up the death-free gold medal!”

“Be sure to turn him in… No, it’s bought, you must buy it, this is a treasure-level cultural relic of the town hall! ”

“Don’t sleep, get up quickly, I booked a ticket, three o’clock in the morning, hurry up…”


Under the urging of everyone, Lu Yuan continued to search, he did not go to the second stone pillar, but approached the coffin.

He wanted to find information about the identity of the tomb owner.

Of the remaining three treasure sites, this one is closest to the coffin.

In his opinion, if something related to identity is hidden, it will inevitably be closest to the coffin.

Soon, he came to the treasure spot in front of the coffin.

“Knock knock~”

“There’s something underneath there too.”

He crouched down and began to pry bricks.

Many archaeological teams, at first, were very unhappy to see Lu Yuan prying bricks, and sent a barrage to let Lu Yuan not pry, and wait for the archaeological team members to pry again.

But now they are also curious, plus Lu Yuan’s technology really doesn’t say

Even if the archaeology team comes, they still have to find these hidden things in the ground and pry them out.

Not to mention a few bricks, even if it is broken, it doesn’t matter.

This treasure spot is also about half a meter long and wide, and as the last brick is pried open, a box unlike the others appears.

This wooden box is about 40 centimeters long and wide, but it is more than half a meter high.

The box is made of gold silk nan, with gold at the corners, and the sense of luxury is about to overflow.

Lu Yuan put his hands against both sides of the box and took it up little by little.

At the same time, information from the system emerged.

“You dug [a few]”

[several]: Attribute: Ming Dynasty.

Value:? Lu Yuan dragged the wooden box’s hand and stopped halfway.

The system’s prompts made him very confused.

What are these gadgets? No, how many handfuls is this? How many handfuls did I dig up?

【Ask for a monthly pass,】.

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