Chapter 111: Treasure under the Deep Mountain Waterfall, Tiger Rune, Imperial Jade Seal! 【2nd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

Money leopard hunting, Lu Yuan is the first time to see.

Netizens also saw it for the first time.

“I’ll go, Brother Leopard!”

“This is simply a fairy!”

“These two chickens are weak, how did they survive until now?”

“What a waste protection!”

At this time, the money leopard suddenly looked towards Lu Yuan.

It had already discovered this two-legged beast.

After solving the two brocade chickens at this time, the money leopard suddenly turned around and walked towards Lu Yuan.

Its head is slightly lowered, and its forelimbs advance slowly, as if it is attacking and hunting.

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows: “This is trying to me?” ”

“Lao Lu is being targeted, danger, danger!”

“It’s a dangerous fart, so I can shoot to death with my bare hands.”

“Big brother, will you die if you don’t brag?”

“The tiger does not dare to say that it is indeed no problem for adult men to kill leopards with their bare hands, but they will also be injured.”

“Kill a fart, running is the right way.”

Lu Yuan also stood up, did not take the hoe, looked at the approaching money leopard with an indifferent face, and said: “The money leopard has a fierce temperament, a strong sense of territory, and will carry out the horse area for all the dangers of invading the territory.”

It looks like I accidentally stepped into its territory. ”

“Don’t popularize science at this time, run quickly!”

“Close the door, put Little Six!”

“Do you want Little Six to hold it up?”

Lu Yuan unloaded the field knife on his waist and grabbed it in his hand.

After thinking about it, I put it down again.

Dealing with a money leopard and using a knife, he felt that he was bullying the leopard.


The money leopard roared ugly, as if it was on wood.

It kept circling Lu Yuan, and when it didn’t know how many circles it took, it suddenly attacked from behind Lu Yuan.

A swift acceleration start, ferocious, very.

“Old Lu be careful, it’s behind!”

Everyone’s hearts tightened, and when they saw that Lu Yuan was motionless, he didn’t seem to react, and he was even more nervous.

Seeing that the money leopard was about to knock Lu Yuan down, Lu Yuan’s feet moved half a meter in a wrong step.

A look of stunned light flashed in the eyes of the money leopard, probably not understanding why the target suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

Lu Yuan watched it rush out from where he had moved away.

Then, he reached out and grabbed the softness of the back of the lord’s neck

It’s like lifting a kitten.

The money leopard just wanted to struggle, Lu Yuan threw it smoothly, the money leopard flew out more than ten meters and rolled two or three meters on the ground, before he got up in embarrassment and continued to roar at Lu Yuan.

But this time, he did not dare to go up again.


Shouting twice, the money leopard suddenly turned around and ran up the tree.

“Vozhi, a batch of old Lu Meng!”

“This reaction, this skill, is too strong!”

“It turns out that dealing with a leopard is so simple, you only need to grab the soft flesh on its neck!”

“Well, I’m right, you can hang it with one hand!”

“That’s Lao Lu, and you have a fart relationship.”

Watching the money leopard run away, Lu Yuan had some regrets.

I thought it would attack a few more times, but it ran away.

Don’t even give yourself a chance to tame.

If you can tame, you can eat roast chicken safely and for free during your time in Mangshan.

“This leopard is so intimidating, I still like the way it is untamed.”

With a light sigh, Lu Yuan walked over, looking at the two brocade chickens that had died and couldn’t help but sigh at the impermanence of fate, tears almost flowed down the corners of his mouth.

“Brother Leopard is so polite, he will give such a big meeting gift when they first meet.”

Lu Yuan picked up the brocade chicken, and a smile blossomed on his face.

Tied the paws of the brocade chicken with a rope and hung it on his backpack, Lu Yuan walked towards the mountain happily.

Walk and dig and dig, two o’clock in the afternoon.

“Level 3 scanning.”

After the scanning, Lu Yuan walked along the range of the treasure spot.

Halfway through, just as he walked towards the next treasure spot, he turned his head out of the corner of his eye.

When he saw the money leopard lying on the tree, Lu Yuan’s eyes were glowing.

What is fate?

This horse is fate!

Lu Yuan suppressed his inner ecstasy and smiled forward: “Brother Leopard, we met again.” ”


The leopard roared lowly, and immediately arched its body, plucking its teeth, trying to scare away the two-legged beast.

However, Lu Yuan got closer and closer, and his steps became faster and faster.

The fat pangolin next to the two-legged beast also thought of the weakness when it was thrown out by the two-legged beast before, and the leopard felt great pressure, and then turned around and ran.

“Brother Leopard, stay and give me a chance to get acquainted!”

Lu Yuan shouted, and the leopard had disappeared.

“This leopard was obeyed by Old Lu Zhi.”

“Oh, it’s too leisurely.”

“Lao Lu also bullied and bullied leopards, change tigers, you try?”

Lu Yuanhehe, that is, there are no tigers in the mountains, otherwise you must be allowed to see the power of the sliding shovel.

All the way to digging, an hour later, Lu Yuan finished digging the last treasure point and walked towards the deep mountain.

After walking for about half an hour, he paused in his steps, propped up his ears, and his body could not move.

After listening to half a ring, Lu Yuan’s eyes lit up.

The sound of water!

Water found!

He pulled out his legs and walked briskly in the direction of the sound of the water.

After walking for about ten minutes, he sensed that something was wrong.

The sound of the water is getting louder! Not a stream, but a waterfall! There is a waterfall near here!

No wonder there are brocade chickens and leopards nearby, this piece has a water source! After walking like this for another ten minutes, the sound of the water became louder.

You can tell from the sound, which is the sound of a waterfall falling into a pool, otherwise it would not be possible to hear it from this distance.

Walking through a forest, Seeleyu became cheerful.

An irregular waterhole about forty meters wide dotted deep in the mountains like a sapphire.

On the side of the mountain rock wall, a waterfall falls straight into the sky, beautiful as the Milky Way.

“Wow, waterfall, so beautiful!”

“Lao Lu be careful, the deep mountain B original pay jin beast is the most.

This hanging waterfall is not very large, with a vertical drop of about 20 meters. ”

But this waterfall is rugged and downward, there are three in total, and from a distance it looks like a three-step step.

The water falls from above, smashing into the stone rock that protrudes from the first level, then the stone rock of the second level, and finally the waterhole.

Nature’s crafting is truly beautiful.

Looking at this hanging waterfall, a thought flashed in Lu Yuan’s mind, and the whole person suddenly froze in place.

“Shiyan Chong, three bridges!”

He suddenly looked at the waterfall again, these three-section waterfalls, at first glance, are not shaped like three bridges!

It’s just that the bridge is blocked by a waterfall.

Lu Yuan’s heartbeat was racing, and he felt that he might have found the location of the three bridges.

“If this were the three bridges, where would the treasure be?”


He suddenly looked at the waterhole, the waterhole was clear, but it was not shallow, and it was impossible to see the end of such a clear and agitated, let alone six meters deep.

And downstream of the waterhole, many small stream crossings are scattered.

If there is treasure here, under the waterhole is undoubtedly the most suitable for burying treasure.

“Level 1 scan!”

Scan ends.

There are a few treasure spots scattered nearby, and the dense golden light below the waterhole!

In Lu Yuan’s eyes, the clear pool was filled with this dense golden glorious smoke

Found it, really here!

“Brothers, I may have found treasure again!”

Lu Yuan suddenly said.

“Treasure? The King’s Treasure? ”

“Where? How do I see? Am I blind? ”

Lu Yuan pointed to the waterfall and said, “This waterfall has a three-level drop, doesn’t it look like three bridges?” ”

This sentence made netizens stunned at first, and after reacting, they immediately became excited.

“Hold the grass, it really seems to be!”

“Ma yes, I said there must be other treasures, let me say it!”

“Guess that there is a fart, you have to find it!”

“This is a waterfall, where can the treasure be hidden?”

“Underwater! Definitely underwater! ”

Lu Yuan dialed this, and they immediately felt that this waterfall was really too much like three bridges.

“Whether it is or not, you will know it by digging it up.”

He came to the nearby scattered treasure spot, grabbed a hoe and dug it.


He dug extremely fast, a quarter of an hour later.

“You dug up [bronze]”

[Bronze]: Attribute: Ming Dynasty.

Value: 10 million.

The road guide has been dug!

He crouched down, quickly pulled away the dirt on the side, and quickly dug up the same bronze medal.

Four big characters are written on it: Fengtian Jade Edict!

“Hammer, the treasure is here!”

“Niu, Lao Lu, you can find this specialty!”

“Hahaha, who would have thought that the king of trespassing left two treasures in the mountains!”

“The three bridges turned out to be waterfalls, I really didn’t expect it.”

Lu Yuan put the bronze medal in his backpack and put it away, and did not care about the other treasure points, but walked back to the waterhole.

He unloaded all his things on the ground, stared at the clear pool and said, “I’ll go down and take a look.” ”

He did not take off his clothes, grabbed the hoe and plunged down.

The waterhole is clear and the visibility is extremely high.

Diving all the way, Lu Yuan saw many small fish with finger lengths.

He quickly descended to the bottom, where there was a lot of rubble and very little silt.

With his top-notch swimming skills, he is easily standing underwater.

As far as the eye can see, boxes one meter long and half a meter high are densely displayed in front of you.

A layer of green algae on the box, snail, it has been many years to look at.

He swam over, holding a box with both hands, and did not dare to exert himself, but lifted it with ingenuity.

With the buoyancy of the water and Lu Yuan’s own strength, the box was lifted up from the water.

The box is of good quality, and there is a tight ring of iron boxes on the periphery, which has not decayed even for hundreds of years.

This box is about eighty pounds, and the average person just finds that it is a big problem for the baby to get it.

But for Lu Yuan, it was a trifle.

He bent his knees and stomped under the water, carrying the box and swimming quickly towards the shore.

When he approached the shore, he appeared, and the box and the butcher surfaced on the ice.

“Lean, there is indeed a baby below!”

“I know that with Lao Lu, don’t think about missing the treasure!”

“You can find it hidden so deeply, it’s really yours!”

Lu Yuan climbed ashore and came up like a box.

Throwing off the water from his hair, Lu Yuan said: “There are a lot of treasures below, I won’t sleep tonight, let’s get all the treasures below.” ”

He knew very well how tempting the treasure was.

Once the news of the treasure found under the waterfall spread, those treasure hunters would probably rush to this side immediately.

He didn’t want to make a wedding dress for someone else.

Fortunately, everything is underwater, and it is difficult to watch, which is actually much simpler than burying it in the ground.

No need to dig, just get the boxes one by one, it’s quite simple.


Jump into a waterhole and swim into the depths.

And the news that he had discovered the second treasure of the king had spread.

A group of treasure diggers in the mountains, watching this scene, their hearts are dripping blood.

“There is even a treasure..”

“The mantra that has not been cracked for decades, he found it in two days after arriving here.”

“The good things have been dug up by him, and this is still digging a fart!”

The group of treasure diggers were desperate and felt the dimensionality reduction blow from Lu Yuan.

Everyone is a treasure digger, and we still carry detectors, but we are not as good as you a wild player with a hoe.

It’s also too shocking.

Lu Yuan was like a tireless iron man, constantly diving down to carry the box up, again and again, repeatedly.

Netizens who saw the news all poured into the live broadcast room, wanting to witness the second treasure found by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was busy from four o’clock in the afternoon until nine thirty in the evening.

For nearly six hours, everyone watched the boxes on the shore, one by one.

“Already 57 boxes!”

“How is there more under this than underground?”

“I don’t know what’s in there.”

“Don’t think about it, it’s definitely all gold and silver jewelry, and nothing else.”

“Maybe there are calligraphy and paintings.”

“What do you think, calligraphy and painting have been soaked under the water for hundreds of years, and they have long rotted into a pool.”


Lu Yuan picked up the box and climbed ashore and said, “It’s done.”

All the babes below are here. ”

A total of 58 boxes.

The estimated price of the system is 900 million.

Although it has not been opened yet, Lu Yuan knows that it is basically gold and silver treasures

He didn’t hold out hope for porcelain or anything.

People were robbery, not collections, what do you want to break porcelain for? What’s more, the porcelain of the same era was placed at that time, even if it was expensive, it was not much more expensive.

It is far less convenient and fast than grabbing silver directly.

However, it is a pity that there is no calligraphy and painting.

There are no calligraphy and paintings found in the underground box, and basically the underwater ones will not have a systematic 900 million valuation, which is almost the actual value of these treasures

There won’t be much discrepancy.

He took off his clothes and pants and put them on the box to look around.

Then picked up the flashlight Jane and walked over: “It’s everyone’s favorite treasure opening link again, let me see, what good things are in it.” ”

“Bah! Who loves this session! ”

“Fast forward until Brother Leopard appears!”

“I have never missed Brother Leopard so much, it’s best to drag the family to find Lao Lu.”

“Think too much, leopards are solitary animals, even if they mate, they are only two, not enough for Lao Lu to slap and smoke.”

Lu Yuan opened one box at a time.

Silver, silver, silver, gold and those treasures buried in the ground are almost the same as Ren’a.


Opening a box, Lu Yuan’s footsteps were about to leave.

Just after taking two steps, Lu Yuan turned back and stared at the contents of the box.

At the bottom of the box are official silver, and above are two Hutou boxes.

After hundreds of years, these wooden 0.7 boxes are still intact.

He picked up a box, opened it, and clear water gushed out of the box, and a bronze gold, tiger and leopard-like artifact stood in it.

“It’s not silver at last!”

“What is this?”

“It is estimated that it is an object in the palace, anyway, it is not cheap.”

“Lu Yuan took out the artifacts, which were quite heavy.”

On top of the artifacts, various runic handwritings are sold.

The more Lu Yuan looked at it, the brighter his eyes became: “This is a tiger talisman!” ”

“Hold the grass, the tiger talisman that dispatches troops?”

“Isn’t the transfer of troops using tokens?”

“Look at the dynasties, the talismans of each dynasty are different.”

Lu Yuan said: “This is the tiger talisman of the Ming Dynasty, but it is not possible to transfer troops with a tiger talisman alone, and the tiger talisman can be accompanied by a seal letter.” ”

He put the tiger talisman away and set it aside.

Pick up the second wooden box and open it.

A jade treasure seal, lying quietly and watching.

“I lean on, Yuxi!”

“A national treasure is born!”

“I know there’s definitely something good down here!”

“It’s worthy of being a king, this is called raiding the house, all learn to see!”

Lu Yuan picked up this treasure seal, only to find that the treasure seal had been damaged in many places.

He turned the treasure seal upside down, and the four big characters below were still deep and bright red.

Lu Yuan stared at Yin Wen for a moment, and recognized the four words one by one

He put the treasure seal into the box and said, “This is the jade seal, the real jade rate!” ”

“It also needs to be said, I can tell at a glance that it is a jade seal.”

“Which minister used this jade seal?”

“To be able to put it together with the Tiger Rune, at least it must be Prime Minister Jade Seal, right?”

“Sand sculpture, there is no prime minister in the Ming Dynasty, only Shoufu.”

Lu Yuan was speechless for a moment and said, “You guys have a little misunderstanding of the word jade seal, only the jade seal used by the emperor can be called a jade seal. ”

He shook the wooden box in his hand and said, “This is the emperor’s jade seal, and the four words on the jade seal are [Treasure of Edict]. ”

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