Chapter 120 Everyone present is rubbish! 【2nd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

One hundred million a book, this price is guessed by netizens themselves.

Lu Yuan did not affirm, and there was no professional auction house pricing.

But now, someone has come out, although it is 70 million, but the gap with 100 million is only 30 million.

Price is not the source of everyone’s surprise, the identity of the man’s representative ~ is.

British museum!

The scene suddenly became restless, and the discussion was endless.

The live broadcast room was equally surprised.

“It’s only been one night, how did the British Museum come about?” Planes too—not so fast, right? ”

“Stupid, people have an office in the Dragon Kingdom.”

“What he can’t buy, first-class cultural relics, don’t even think about it.”

“I used to rely on robbery, now I rely on buying, I really have yours.”

“So people bid before they are ranked.”

“Is it useful? Don’t take this out of shame. ”

Netizens sneered and did not hide their disgust for the British Museum.

The same is true on the spot.

Old Yuan directly sneered: “This is the Dragon Country, not the Eagle Country. ”

The middle-aged man kept smiling: “This is a deal, since Mr. Lu is willing to make a move, there is no problem with our bidding.” ”

Lin Guangmin said, “What’s the hurry?” It has not yet reached the step of trading, and the Cultural Relics Bureau has not yet graded, so we will wait until the grading is completed. ”

The middle-aged man didn’t respond, just looked at Lu Yuan: “Mr. Lu, what do you think?” ”

Lu Yuan shook his head: “Not for sale.” ”

The middle-aged man was not surprised at all and continued: “In terms of price, there is a lot of space.

I personally can call the shots for 80 million a volume, if Mr. Lu is still not satisfied, I can communicate with the museum on the spot.

As a Yongle Festival, the museum will be more than happy to buy it at a high price, and we believe it is worth the price. ”

Lu Yuan still shook his head: “Not for sale.” ”

At this time, another blond man stood up and spoke fluent Chinese: “Mr. Lu, the Louvre is willing to buy the Yongle Canon for 90 million yuan.” ”

The scene was quiet again.

“I went, two of the world’s four major museums came?”

“Isn’t the Louvre a place name?”

“Sand sculpture, that’s a museum, the first of the four major museums in the world.

With the British Museum a urine, plundering home. ”

“Niu Bu, come here to show off your might.”

“90 million copies are really rich and rich.”

In the back seat of the scene, there were many young and beautiful women.

If Lu Yuan pays attention to the entertainment industry, he will definitely be able to recognize them at a glance, these are star artists.

From the eighteenth line to the first line.

Which of the people who can gather here and spend money on antiques is not a handful at the top of the world’s pyramid?

If you can make friends with these people, or be a confidante, where do you need to continue to crawl in the entertainment industry?

Of course, there are also a few who want to see if they can afford it.

But most of them come here for the rich.

At this time, watching the two major museums bid one after another, these stars were breathing a little shortly.

“Antiques are expensive.”

“It’s the Yongle Grand Honor.”

“Lu Yuan doesn’t know how much to earn this trip.”

“I want to dig for treasure with me when I watch it, what kind of drama do I play.”

“Anyone can dig that? Just think about it. ”

To be honest, their eyes were red.

The first two treasures are almost a billion yuan.

And this third treasure, just the Yongle Ceremony, can already cover the total value of the previous two treasures.

In that box, there are 28 volumes, and if you take the price of the Louvre Museum, it is 2.5 billion!

A box of books, 2.5 billion! It’s unimaginable.

Faced with the Louvre’s offer, Lu Yuan still said the two words: “Not for sale.” ”

Then Zhang Xuezong, who was expressionless on the other side, said: “Director Zhang, let’s grade the Yongle Grand Canon first.” ”


Zhang Xuezong and several people glanced at the two museums coldly and withdrew their gaze.

Lu Yuan opened the box of the Yongle Classic.

The two sighed in their hearts.

When they came over last night, they knew that the Yongle Grand Ceremony was unlikely to get their turn, let alone the Yongle Festival, even other things, it was basically impossible to get it

Even the Dao scriptures copied by Emperor Jiajing were positioned as first-class cultural relics, and there were very few that they were eligible to buy here.

As for fishing in troubled waters, buying as a domestic buyer, don’t even think about it.

The governor of a province sits in a town and wants to participate in the purchase, and identity verification is the first step.

In fact, Governor Li is already doing this, and there are staff members collecting the identities of these people at the scene.

Once it is determined that it is a foreign status or has a relationship with a foreign country, it is not eligible to purchase first-class cultural relics.

Liu Haisheng, Pan Zhongli and Teacher Xue took out a book of the Yongle Canon and placed it on the table.

They put on gloves and carefully turn the title page.

They looked at it for a long time, and Liu Haisheng said: “This book records medical techniques. ”

Pan Zhongli said, “This is the original. ”

After making sure that it was correct, they took out the rest of the Yongle Canon and looked at it one by one.

There are 28 volumes, of which 17 are medical techniques and the remaining 11 are commercial agronomic techniques.

Best of all, it’s the original!

The Yongle Canon handed down in cash is a transcript of Emperor Jiajing.

And the original has long disappeared into the long river of history.

There’s one box, but it’s only 28 volumes.

The complete set of Yongle canon was bound into a total of 11,095 volumes, with a total length of nearly 400 million words.

This is just a drop in the ocean.

“It’s the original.”

Three experts gave the appraisal results.

The Cultural Heritage Bureau began printing the certificate.

Next, there was the box of jade seals, tiger talismans, jade pei and jade bowls.

Finally, there is calligraphy and painting.

When the calligraphy and painting were unfolded and placed on the table, everyone below stood up and stretched their necks to look.

The true work of Tang Bohu, the darling of the auction market!

Xu Wei’s “Ink Grape Diagram” is a collection of poems, words and paintings! Liang Shimin’s “Luting Mi Xuetu”, a painting handed down from the Song Dynasty! There are also those 11 authentic emperor essays.

All of them are first-class cultural relics.

Three of the paintings can serve as treasures of the town hall.

After the appraisal was over, the three of them also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Identification is a very energy-intensive business.

A few boxes of things, by the time they finished identifying, it was already past twelve.

More than four hours have passed.

Lu Yuan said, “Let’s go to eat first.” ”

Everyone said they were not hungry, but you were not hungry, I was hungry.

Lu Yuan asked the hotel to arrange a hall and prepare more than a dozen tables of meals.

Lu Yuan is not stingy, and the standard of each table is six or seven thousand.

He didn’t go over, let the guest room deliver a meal, and ate it himself.

While eating and drinking, and resting on the chair, a white-haired old man wearing a placket came over.

“Mr. Lu.”

The old man looked at him with a smile.

Lu Yuan tilted his head and raised his head, and the old man said, “Despise Qin Fuying, the president of the Palace Museum.” ”

“Hello, Dean Qin.”

Lu Yuan got up and shook hands with him, and the two sat down.

Dean Qin said, “Mr. Lu, you haven’t seen that tiger skin yet, have you?” ”

A word awakens the dreamer.

After a busy morning, Lu Yuan forgot about it.

“Not yet, but I guess I can’t get it today.”

It is not very safe to dismantle the tiger skin here, so I asked Director Li to see if he had professional equipment there. ”

“I brought it.”



Dean Qin said: “I heard that there may be dragon robes, and last night people brought professional equipment overnight, if Mr. Lu doesn’t mind, you can hand over the tiger skin to me to deal with.”

To talk about professionalism in this regard, the Palace Museum said that second, even the Louvre and the British Museum did not dare to say first. ”


People even brought equipment, what else is there to refuse.

Dean Qin said, “Then I’ll ask people to bring the equipment.” ”

He dialed the phone, and soon a group of people pushed several things into the venue.

A large mobile room of two meters and five meters, and a suitcase, looks like biotechnology.

Things were put aside, and Lu Yuan opened the shell of the aluminum alloy.

Dean Qin looked at the tiger skin and said, “Be careful.” ”

It’s also not the first time the staff has done this kind of thing and are experienced.

However, when they thought that it might be a dragon robe, they still couldn’t help but be nervous.

It took half an hour to move the tiger skin into the box.

The box is now open and you can see inside.

The tiger skin was hung inside the box, and two staff members wore protective suits and masks, and the door was closed.

Then there was a beeping sound inside, and Dean Qin explained: “This closed environment needs to adjust the air humidity inside to achieve the most suitable data. ”

Lu Yuan asked, “How long will it take?” ”

“If you hurry, two hours.”

It’s going to take so long… Lu Yuan nodded calmly: “Good.” ”

After a while, everyone returned after eating.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the conference room came back to life.

Someone urged: “Mr. Lu, is it okay?” ”

Lu Yuan snorted and looked at Li Huakai: “President Li, trouble you to set a price.” ”

“No problem.”

He is also familiar with it, and he specially did his homework last night.

At this moment, these artifacts had a clear price in his eyes, and Lu Yuan put the agate on the table one by one.

In normal times, this also has to be a big object.

But compared with the Yongle Grand Ceremony, calligraphy and painting are tantamount to rice grains and Haoyue, which are crushed miserably.

“These three pieces are King Zhou Ding’s favorite agate, and there are records in the history books called Agate Three Jue.

There have also been many transactions before, and the starting price of each piece is 3 million. ”

The price is much cheaper than Lu Yuan imagined, but after all, it is an agate product.

Even if these three are first-class cultural relics, anything has its own price in the market.

3 million, which is not low.

In the end, this box of agate products sold for a total price of 27 million.

It is about the same price as a box of official silver.

The three agates were snatched away by Fang Hai and the three of Yuan.

Then came the box of Taoist scriptures copied by Emperor Jiajing.

That’s a tough thing to do.

This kind of cultural relic has no record of auction at auction houses.

But this did not bother Li Huakai, who directly revealed the evaluation price given by the company’s internal consultation.

The list of appraisal prices bears the official seal of the auction house, which represents absolute professionalism.

Different scriptures have different prices.

The highest price is the Tao Te Ching, this one, 8 million! In the end, the major museums bought it, and Fang Hai and others did not participate…

They don’t have the slightest interest in this kind of thing.

A box of Daojing, sold at a total price of 76 million.

And the jade plate engraved with the number of Jiajing Emperor Road was sold for 17 million yuan alone.

“Tiger Rune, this is the right half, the imperial power belongs.

Not long ago, Mr. Lu sold a left half-tiger talisman, 90 million. ”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Guangmin said: “The left half of the tiger talisman was purchased by our Magic Capital Museum, and you all bought half of it.”

In this piece, I gave 90 million to make the tiger fit the line. ”

No one spoke.

Indeed, this is only half a tiger talisman, and it is still half less if you buy it.

Li Botao said, “Director Lin, don’t interfere with the things behind in that moment.” ”

Lin Guangmin glared: “A tiger talisman, you let me stop?” Then you also buy and see who bids high! ”

Li Botao: Hehe, that’s what he said.

It doesn’t matter if you can be the best, or not.

So this piece of tiger talisman was taken by the Magic Capital Museum for 90 million, and at this point, a pair of complete tiger talismans fell into their museum.

Lin Guangmin’s mouth opened with a smile.

No one actually robbed me, and I made a lot of money!

Li Huakai took out the jade seal of the treasure of commandment and said, “The treasure of fate, used by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

The twenty-four seals of the Ming Dynasty each performed their duties, and the treasure of the edict of Mr. Lu was used by the edict, and its rights were equivalent to the treasure of this edict.

That side of the jade seal was eventually sold for 320 million. ”

Seeing that someone below wanted to make an offer, Li Huakai said more: “The treasure of fate is damaged, and this treasure of destiny is a complete body.” ”

After speaking, he stood aside and stopped talking.

Seeing that no one offered an offer, Fang Hai said lightly: “330 million.” ”

The price of the jade seal is very transparent, and the jade seal on the previous side was bought by him.

This side, he will not miss either.

I can’t buy a dragon robe, I can’t buy a Yongle Dian, I can’t buy a jade seal? It’s not a jade seal.

After he shouted the price here, no one in the conference room raised the price, and the atmosphere was a little strange for a while.

This quiet atmosphere made Fang Hai a little puzzled.

No one robbed me?

Li Huakai was also confused, what was the situation? This is a jade seal that is intact.

Don’t you all want it?

No one raised the price for a long time, Fang Hai said: “Xiao Lu, how?” ”

Lu Yuan nodded: “Deal.” ”

Fang Hai wanted to laugh a little, but without much effort, he added 10 million and took it down?

Lao Yuan and Lao Yang also stared, and they didn’t react.

What is the situation here?

Fang Hai had already reacted after realizing it at this time, and said in a low voice: “The three calligraphy and paintings in the back, let’s one by one, rest assured, no one will rob us of it.”

Even if you grab it, you can follow it a few times at most. ”

Lao Yang was puzzled: “Are you so sure?” ”

Fang Hai said: “They came for the Yongle Grand Ceremony and that dragon robe” Old Yuan said: “Whether it is a dragon robe or not is not certain.” ”

“Why are there so many, in short, they are not very good at robbing us of calligraphy and painting.”

Museums also have limited funds at their disposal, and their purpose is relatively simple.

The Yongle Grand Dian is ranked first, and if it is a dragon robe, it is ranked second.

Let’s take these down first.

As for the rest, if you can take it, you can take it, and if you can’t take it, let’s talk about it.

Fortunately, these are all first-class cultural relics, and those with foreign status are not qualified to follow suit.

“This gold-covered golden jade bowl is an item from the Wanli Emperor of the Mingshen Sect, and this item is ingenious, the jade bowl is white jade, and the others are gold.

It is well preserved and almost undamaged.

Similar products have been auctioned for 63.9 million.

But it was a Qing Dynasty object, and this one, our company priced it at 80 million. ”

“81 million!”

Li Botao immediately made an offer.

It is impossible to eat a museum in the Yongle Classic, and no one here will allow one person to eat it all.

However, there are more than 20 museums that come here, and the Yongle Canon is only 28 volumes in total, and there must be museums that cannot be bought.

Fang Hai’s analysis was correct, their main purpose was the Yongle Ceremony, but it did not mean that other objects were not interested.

Do not pay attention to jade seals because jade seals are too expensive.

The jade bowl is within an acceptable range.

“82 million!”

“83 million!”

A group of museums kept offering prices, and Fang Hai and several people did not make a sound.

There are other individual buyers who offer prices.

The stars in the back row looked at each other.

Originally, the front agate they thought was quite normal, but they didn’t like agate, and the result was tens of millions, hundreds of millions.

For the first time, they felt the urge to escape.

This is really not a place they can come to.

“110 million.”

A middle-aged woman speaks Bay Island Mandarin and offers an offer.

As soon as she spoke, everyone’s attention shifted.

Bay Island’s?

The woman saw these questioning eyes and said, “I represent the Wanbei Palace Museum. ”

Oh, the Wanbei Palace Museum, that’s fine.

However, just when the woman thought that the overall situation was in hand, an old voice said: “120 million.” ”

The woman turned her head and saw Qin Fuyin, who was making an offer, her face was expressionless, and she stopped talking.

Yes, the Wanbei Imperial Palace was beaten by the Liangcheng Imperial Palace.

That indifferent tone seemed to say: Everyone present is garbage chuan…

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