Chapter 124: Eight hundred miles of Qin Chuan, 100,000 ancient tombs! Qinling! 【3rd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

The suitcase weighs about eleven kilograms, the box holds up one kilogram, and the rest is cocaine.

Cocaine has different values according to different purities, generally 500-1000 yuan a gram.

This box is 700,000, that is, the purity is not bad.

Day, what am I studying this thing for?

He carried the suitcase, led the three children up to the first floor, and quickly left the factory.

I didn’t happen to meet the owner here, and got into the car all the way without any surprises

After getting on the bus, the three children were still confused.

“Uncle Lu, don’t we dig treasures?”

“Don’t dig anymore.”

Lu Yuan searched the county police station, started the car, and kicked the accelerator out.

“Uncle Lu, where are we going?”

“Police station.”


“What are you doing there?”

“Call the police.”

Lu Yuan said, “If something happens, it’s not a big deal. ”

Lu Yuan also did not explain, saying more that they would definitely be afraid.

“Lao Lu Kai hurry up, your live broadcast, maybe it has already been discovered.”

“If you find it, you can still run away?”

“It’s all already filmed, don’t panic at all.”

“Lao Lu left and smoothed a box.”

Lu Yuan maintained a high speed all the way and arrived at the county police station in half an hour.

Then led three confused children into the police station.

“Hello, I’m calling the police.”

“Okay… Hey, you’re old… Mr. Lu? ”

“Yes, it’s me.”

There were almost no people near Mangshan who did not know him.

“Mr. Lu, what police did you call?”

“I’m in…”

Lu Yuan turned his head and asked the child: “What is the town called?” ”

“Hayashida Town.”

“Yes, I found an artificially grown poppy at the Lintian Town Fertilizer Factory, about three acres of land.”

“Poppy? Mr. Lu, are you sure? ”

The police suddenly became serious.

“I’m pretty sure I filmed it all.”

Lu Yuan’s expression was serious, and then he put the suitcase on the hall platform: “These little guys also found a suitcase, it’s quite heavy, I haven’t had time to open it to see what it is.” ”

Saying that, he pulled the suitcase directly and violently open.

Bags of white powdery stuff are attached to the inside of the box.

The policeman looked at these white powders, combined with the poppy Lu Yuan said, and the pupils subconsciously contracted.

Hold the grass, this is a drug, right? This, this…….

I’m a small policeman in the county, I haven’t seen such a big scene, I can’t handle it!

The little policeman complained madly in his heart, and forcibly calmly said: “Mr. Lu, you wait.” ”

The little policeman was already a little confused, and took his mobile phone to dial the director’s number: “Zhao Suo, someone called the police and found a field of poppy chestnuts, and also found a box there, the box is 363 white powder, I can’t identify the ingredients.” ”

A few policemen next to him also came over, like a curious baby.

In recent years, small counties have occasionally found some drug dealings, but they are relatively rare, very rare.

Security in big cities is stricter, and drug dealers can only choose small places second.

But after all, it is a minority, at least in their county, this is the first time.

Netizens looked at the contents of the box and had already exploded the pot.

“Cow Batch, Cow Batch!”

“It’s definitely drugs!”

“Basement, hand-held lockbox, white powder, if it weren’t for the drugs, I would have given it to eat!”

“Old Lu is ruthless, take children to dig treasures, dig up drugs, really have you.”

“It was discovered by these children, and Lao Lu probably didn’t take a second look in the past.”

Lu Yuanhe, who do you look down on?

Soon, a middle-aged policeman came over, it was the director of the police station.

Zhao Suo already knew the general situation, and as soon as he came, he saw the suitcase on the table and the bags of white powder in the box.

“Mr. Lu, this is Director Zhao of our police station.”

“Hello, Zhao Suo.”

“Hello Mr. Lu, the situation is generally clear to me, trouble you to lead the way, let’s go over.”

“Xiao Hu, you send these to the test, and the test results come out and tell me.”


Xiao Hu picked up the suitcase and left immediately.

Lu Yuan took the three children to the car again and led them to the fertilizer plant.

Half an hour later, several police cars arrived with him at the fertilizer plant.

Still no one.

This is normal, even if the other party knows that it has been found here, it is impossible to emerge at this time.

It is wisest to leave the county immediately.

They came to the back of the factory and sure enough they saw a poppy.

Zhao Suo saw a lot and recognized it at a glance.

Poppy Kurita is still quite small, if the contents of that suitcase are really drugs… That’s the big case.

Zhao Suo said, “It is indeed a poppy, Mr. Lu, thank you very much.” ”

Just after speaking, the phone rang, and Xiao Hu called.

“Zhao Suo, the test results are out, it’s cocaine.”

“Okay, I see, put things away.”

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Suo said, “Mr. Lu, the suitcase is cocaine.” ”

“I said, it must be drugs!”

“Fools can see it.”

“Old Lu has made a contribution!”

“It was those three children who made the credit.”

Lu Yuan patted the child’s shoulder: “The suitcase was found by them, without them, I may not be able to find it.” ”

He immediately asked, “Is there a bonus?” ”

Zhao Suo said with a smile: “Yes, this is a major meritorious achievement.” ”

He looked at a few children and said, “Where is your home?” ”

“Right in town.”

Children don’t know much, but they also know that they have made a contribution.

And there are bonuses!

“Go, send you home first, I’ll talk to your parents.”

Left a car of police, sealed this piece, Zhao Suo and Lu Yuan, sent the children home.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped on the side of the road.

The three children pointed to the house on the side of the road and said, “That’s my home.” ”

It is a small two-story building, very basic, behind the house is farmland.

Grandparents at home are there, and grandpa has just returned from work, sitting at the door sweaty.

Seeing a group of policemen leading his grandson, grandpa was a little panicked, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: “Comrade police, my grandson…”

Zhao Suo preemptively said: “Your grandson has made great achievements, and I specially came to thank you.” ”

He asked the other two children to call the adults over.

The three adults gathered, and Zhao Suo explained the matter simply.

Drugs, poppies, bonuses…

The three adults are like listening to the book of heaven.

“I will let people send the bonus back, and during this time, the child will not run around.”

“Hey, good, good, thank you comrade police.”

When Zhao finished speaking, Lu Yuan sat on the small horse and looked at the three children: “Go to school well in the future, don’t learn me to dig treasures.” You are willing to study, and the future tuition will be paid by your uncle for you. When you go to high school, your uncle will provide you to high school, until college, graduate school, Ph.D., and uncle will provide you with it until that time. ”

For him, the money to provide for the education of several children is negligible.

But for these children, it may be a turning point that changes their lives.

Lu Yuan is not a bodhisattva, and he has never thought of helping people everywhere, but since he has met, he should help.

The child nodded vigorously: “I must study well.” ”

Before Lu Yuan left, he left the bank cards of the three old men and left his phone number.

After doing this, Lu Yuan followed Zhao Suo and left.

When he arrived at the police station, it was already a little dark, and Lu Yuan said, “Zhao Office, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first.” ”

Leaving the police station, Lu Yuan also went on the air.

He ate something in the county seat and drove to the nearest city at night.

This place is too dangerous, and it is the best way to go.

At half past nine in the evening, Lu Yuan arrived in Lin’an City.

This is a second-tier city with a prosperous urban center comparable to that of the first-tier city.

After eating and drinking, I found a hotel to stay.

The next day I had breakfast and called my mother to buy a few houses in the city.

Villas, large flat floors have to be bought.

In the afternoon, I chatted with Wu Jie for half an hour.

He’s going for a second draw.

The prize was more generous than the last time, and he asked Li Huakai to take out some of the cultural relics that were auctioned.

This time, Lu Yuan played a big wave.

The world offered ten small yellow fish as a prize.

A small yellow fish 10 taels, that is, 500 grams.

Counting its cultural relics value, one stick is about 350,000.

Lu Yuan is not stingy at all.

With the prize decided, Tigershark began to promote it.

In the afternoon of the same day, the news of Lu Yuan’s tomorrow lottery was on the hot search.

When the prize was announced, the whole network boiled.

“From today onwards, Lao Lu is my own brother!”

“Vozh, is this anchor so generous? Take gold as a prize lottery? ”

“This is not ordinary gold, it is an ancient small yellow fish, it is a cultural relic!”

Such a rich prize, foreign netizens are envious, many specially registered the account of the dragon country, set an alarm clock, and wait for the lottery.

The next day, the morning revenge.

The draw begins.

The draw lasts until eleven o’clock.

Tens of millions of people draw prizes, and there are only more than a hundred places.

Ten small yellow fish, and some other treasures.

The lowest value is also a bronze coin.

After the lottery, Lu Yuan said: “The old rule, rest for three days, and wait for me to broadcast live after three days.” ”

“It’s another day when I can’t see Lao Lu for three days.”

“Where to go next?”

“Go abroad and dig, Lao Lu!”

Lu Yuan said: “The next stop has not yet been decided, take a good rest in the past few days, don’t say anything, see you in three days.” ”

After the broadcast, Lu Yuan went out to find a place to eat.

After eating and drinking, returning to the hotel, leaning on the sofa, Lu Yuan opened the map and saw where to go next.

Mount Pingfeng, Mount Heshan…

“Qin Ling, it’s you!”

It’s not interesting to dig in small places, and there won’t be anything too good.

If you want to find it, look for a big place.

He didn’t go to Qinling for a moment’s fever.

First, the Qinling Mountain Range is very large.

Big, often means more baby.

Secondly, since ancient times, there has been an ancient saying: eight hundred miles of Qinchuan, one hundred thousand ancient tombs.

Since the Qin and Han dynasties, many dynasties have set their capital at Chang’an, Xianyang, Luoyang and other places.

For thousands of years, I don’t know how many princes and nobles died, the common people don’t say, just these dignitaries and nobles, who have died generation after generation, will be buried in this majestic Qinling Mountains, and the ancient tombs here are not to say 100,000, there are thousands of them.

At present, there are many ancient tombs found in Qinling, the most famous of which is the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

The mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is bordered by Mount Li to the south and Weishui to the north, and Mount Li is a branch of the northern foothills of the Qin Mountains.

In addition, more than 600 ancient tombs since the Warring States, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties have been discovered over the years, most of which are Qin tombs, and in various areas of the Qinling Mountains, a certain number of ancient tombs from the Ming and Qing dynasties are also distributed.

In addition to the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the largest discovery is the Qian Mausoleum.

However, these are all on the outskirts of the Qinling Mountains, which are deep in the mountains and are no-man’s land, and few people set foot on them.

This kind of undeveloped, uninhabited place is most likely to hide good things.

Of course, it is also possible that there is nothing.

But once there is, it’s the big guy!

Ordinary people have no ability or funds to bury their tombs deep in the mountains, only princes and nobles.

The disadvantages and advantages of Qinling are the same, that is, it is big.

It’s too big, so big that he walks normally, and he may not be able to go out for half a year.

Set the place, and for the next three days, Lu Yuan slowly rushed towards Qinling while playing.

Three days flew by.

That morning, Lu Yuan arrived at the county seat near the foot of the mountain.

First go to the local forestry bureau to apply for a mining license certificate.

He can choose to apply for a mining license for a single mountain, such as the nearby Junan Mountain, and a single certificate is 10 million.

Because it’s too big.

A Junan Mountain is twenty times larger than Mang Mountain, and according to the size comparison, 10 million is cheap.

It is too troublesome to do it alone, the mountains are connected, and the other mountains will have to go sooner or later.

The price of applying for a mining license in the Qinling Mountains is much cheaper than Lu Yuan thought, only 30 million.

This surprised him.

During the process, the director of the local forestry bureau came to hear the news.

“Mr. Lu, there are some restrictions on the Qinling mining license, I have to make it clear to you in advance, you listen to it first, and then determine whether to handle it after listening.”

“You say.”

“The Qinling Mountain Range within the limits of Qinxi Province is not allowed to mine any minerals.”

“Of course, if you personally dig it, no matter what kind of mineral, you can take it away, but it is forbidden to use any equipment for mining, such as excavators…”

Lu Yuan nodded, although he didn’t understand why there were such restrictions in the local area, he didn’t have a choice.

He speculated that it might be related to the minerals contained in the Qinling Mountains.

In such a big mountain, there must be minerals, and many minerals have been discovered.

“Is there anything else?”

“It’s gone.”

“30 million, it’s not cheap.”

“No way, this is Qin Ling.”

The director helplessly spread his hands: “The number of ancient tombs in our Qinxi Province is famous far and wide. As long as Mr. Lu digs one, 30 million may come back directly. ”

Lu Yuan smiled and said nothing.

This is also nonsense.

The ancient tombs found are all on the periphery of the Qinling Mountains, and they have not been found deep in the mountains.

No wonder such a high price is backed by ancient tombs.

Coming out of the Forestry Administration, he went to the supermarket to buy things.

Everything was ready, and he received a call from Wu Jie.

“Xiao Lu, will it be live tomorrow?”

“Well, live.”

“The place is set?”


“Then wait for you to start broadcasting tomorrow.”

She also didn’t ask Lu Yuanxin’s location.

After hanging up the phone, Tigershark began to advertise.

#Lao Lu starts broadcasting tomorrow#

A simple notification, easily on the hot search, it can be seen that Lu Yuan’s influence is great.

“Finally waiting for the broadcast!”

“Three days, it’s been three days, Lao Lu, do you know how I came over these three days?”

“Curious where Lao Lu Xinyi stops.”

“Blind guess the kingdom!”

“Daily milk?”

…… The next day, morning.

Meimei had a breakfast, and Lu Yuan drove on the road and started broadcasting.

“Brothers, hello everyone, my Lu Hansan is back.”

Lu Yuan laughed and held the steering wheel.

“Hey, I’ll go, say it’s good to start broadcasting at nine, it’s only half past eight.”

“Where is this?”

“They all look the same, and they don’t come out.”

Lu Yuan said, “Qin Ling.” ”

“I’ll go, run to Qinling?”

“I can really run, more than a thousand kilometers.”

“I’m afraid you’ve been on the road for the past three days.”

“Is the mining license issued? Curious about how much Qin Ling’s certificate costs. ”

Lu Yuan said: “It’s done, 30 million.” ”

“Vozh, so expensive?”

“It must be expensive, you too, don’t look at how big Qin Ling is.”

“No matter how big it is, it’s not worth the money, right?”

Everyone was shocked, they thought that the 5 million of Mangshan had reached the top, but as a result, Qinling directly increased by six times!

An hour later, Lu Yuan arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The starting point he chose was Junan Mountain.

Get to the place, get out of the car, put on your bag, pick up a hoe, as always simple equipment.

He glanced in the direction he came from and smiled.

See if anyone else follows this time.

Qinling is different from Mangshan, and any mountain you can take out is more than ten times larger than Mangshan

There are many wild animals in the mountains, and there are many dangers from nature.

In contrast, the leopard of Mangshan is as docile as a kitten.

And if you want to dig treasure here, you must not only guard against wild beasts, but also have certain wild survival skills.

Lu Yuan, who drinks potential drinks to water every day, has almost reached the peak of the world in terms of physical fitness.

Don’t talk about the leopard, that is, the Siberian tiger is in front of him, he has a sliding shovel… No, the slippery shovel must be the Siberian tiger.

He clenched his hoe, looked at the majestic mountains in front of him, and stepped forward: “Enter the mountain, dig for treasure!” ”

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