Chapter 126: The Pattern of Sealing the Prime Minister, Seven Pre-Qin Ancient Tombs! 【2nd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

Why not go into the mountains to mine?

Because the cost is too high.

The Lantian jade mine found today is enough for local mining, and there is no need to go into the mountains to find it.

What’s more, minerals are such things, unless they are particularly rare minerals, they will send professional people to look around.

Under normal circumstances, consumer goods such as jade mines will not and will not be actively sought and mined.

First, the economic value is not large enough to feed the people of an area, and secondly, to protect the local environment.

Digging basically means that at least half of the mountain has to be hollowed out.

Such a large-scale destruction of forest resources will certainly not be allowed above.

Well, digging into the Emerald District Pit or other mines with great value is another story. Over the years, the local area has also searched nearby and found nothing.

The location Lu Yuan said was twenty kilometers away from the foot of the mountain.

Too deep.

Moreover, the scale of the jade mine he described is not large, and there is no need to mine.

These are not the point, the point is, why did he find it so easily?

“These jade mines have been exposed to the earth, and they have been dug as soon as they are dug, and I have found traces of private mining here, there are pits blown up by explosives, and I also found some scattered jade on the way into the mountain, which I suspect fell during their transportation to the outside world.”

“Someone mines? Okay, I see, Mr. Lu, thank you. ”

“You’re welcome, it should.”

Hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan glanced at the explosive pit and walked towards the foot of the mountain.


I thought it was an ancient tomb, and Bai was happy…….

Leaving the jade mine, at four o’clock in the afternoon, Lu Yuan stood on the halfway slope of another mountain.

His gaze looked down, and he couldn’t help but light up.

“Good mountains, good water, good feng shui!”

Sure enough, there are no chicken ribs of skill, only wrong operations.

Looking at the whole piece of Junnanshan, feng shui is of course good, but you can’t see anything.

But just looking at the landscape of a single situation, this feng shui ability is immediately highlighted.

At this moment, in his eyes, several hills directly in front of him, the general trend of feng shui is undoubtedly prominent.

“Hey, Lao Lu still knows feng shui?”

“Are you digging for treasure or robbing tombs?”

“Digging treasure also has to understand feng shui, it’s outrageous.”

Lu Yuan said with a smile: “You still have to understand feng shui, especially this kind of large mountain range, if you don’t understand feng shui, then you can only dig indiscriminately.” ”

He raised his finger and pointed at the three peaks in front of him and said, “Look carefully, what do you see?” ”

“Mountains are still mountains.”

“The two mountains on the left remind me of my girlfriend’s Naiko.”


Lu Yuan said: “There are three peaks here, one of which is majestic, but the two sides are only a hundred meters high. If you just look at it alone, no matter which one is ordinary, but if you treat it as a whole, it is very different. ”

“The green mountain on the left connects to the main peak, such as Qinglong Town guarding the gate of wealth, and the green mountain on the right is like a white tiger, and the name white tiger removes the fierceness.”

“Look at the case mountain in front of you, a tributary in the mountain zigzagging like a mingtang, and a straight mountain path between the three mountains across the north and south, this is called a horizontal case. Looking at the east and west, the tributaries circulate, spanning tens of miles, wide and able to accommodate thousands of troops, this is the pattern of the young marshal sitting in the middle hall, and the fame and luck have been going on since ancient times. ”

“To put it in a big way, this is the feng shui of Feng Hou Bai Xiang in this game.”


Lu Yuan really didn’t expect that the feng shui here was so good.

“I don’t understand how to get it at all?”

“So what? Is there an ancient tomb underneath? ”

“As soon as Yanbu was a famous researcher, Ding Wushan Jiu only asked for peace.”

Lu Yuan smiled and looked at a place under the three peaks: “If nothing else, there should be some.” ”

He is also not very easy to say absolutely.

After all, it is the first time to use feng shui to meet public opinion, whether it is accurate or not, I dare not be sure, but it is indeed an excellent good feng shui.

This feng shui pattern, Sha said that he is also a prime minister.

With luck, it is not impossible to meet an imperial tomb.

“Level 5 scanning!”

It took a few minutes for the scan to finish.

Lu Yuan kept staring at the place where an ancient tomb might appear.

At the end of the scan, Lu Yuan saw that there was indeed a rather dense and extensive golden light in that place.

But what surprised him was that in addition to this place, there were six or seven densely packed places a few kilometers nearby, and the stars were dotted with golden light.

He was a little stunned.

So many babies?

The nearest one, less than 100 meters in front of him.

Each of these treasure spots is very dense.

Except for the one he paid attention to, there were generally only six or seven, or a dozen golden rays in other places.

The closest distance between each other is less than three hundred meters, and the distance between the larger points is one or two kilometers, and there is no pattern in the division.

For a moment, Lu Yuan was a little confused about what the situation of these treasure points was.

“Whatever your situation, dig it first.”

He picked up his head and walked towards the nearest one.

Coming to a hundred meters away, this treasure spot, less than three meters in size, six golden rays below.

Lu Yuan waved his hoe to dig.

“Watch Lao Lu dig a grave.”

“Old Lu lacks a compass.”

“There is still a lack of Luoyang shovel.”


Lu Yuan dug for half an hour, digging down to a depth of almost a meter, and there was nothing.

But he was not discouraged in the slightest, but became more and more confident.

The deeper it is, the more it means that there is something good.

While digging, he said: “I still have a little research on feng shui, according to my survey, this is the trend of the dragon coming to the head, there must be good things underneath.” ”

“Why did you call the dragon into the head?”

“That sounds a bit informal.”

Lu Yuan said: “Thousands of miles to the dragon, when the cave is about to end, first bundle the qi across the gorge, suddenly towering up the mountain, ready to form the cave, this kind of mountain situation is called entering the head.” This kind of landscape, not to mention a prince and nobleman. ”

“Don’t say so much, dig him ten meters and eight meters first.”

Lu Yuan excavated frantically.

This place is indeed good feng shui, but there are only six treasures below, and it is only three meters away.

If it were the tomb of a prince and nobleman, it would be too shabby.

But feng shui is indeed such a feng shui.

This digging was dug to half past five, and the earth pit had been dug one meter and five deep.

There are normal ancient tombs, and this depth is almost there.

But Lu Yuan still didn’t harvest, not even a copper coin.

“Eat something and keep digging.”

Lu Yuan climbed up the dirt pit and sat on the edge of the pit and nibbled on beef jerky.

“Let’s change places, it’s almost two meters deep, and there is nothing.”

“Lao Lu, you are not sure of feng shui, you want me to say that it is better to buy a detector.”

“It is estimated that it is not an ancient tomb.”

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, dig and dig again.” There are really ancient tombs, it is possible to be tens of meters underground, this is only a few meters? And this place is indeed a good feng shui, dig ten meters to see, ten meters can not dig and change places. ”

Except for the huge ancient tomb of Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum, the depth of normal ancient tombs generally does not exceed ten meters.

Even the ancient tombs of ordinary princes and nobles are not too deep.

Unless the earth’s crust has moved over the years, or natural changes, it may have made the tomb deeper.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, ten meters is the limit.

After eating and drinking, Lu Yuan put on his headlamp and jumped off the dirt pit to continue digging.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye it was evening comparison.

When he dug about three meters into the ground.


“You dug [Ancient Tomb]”

[Ancient tomb]: Attribute: Pre-Qin. Value: 800,000. Ooh!

Pre-Qin Ancient Tomb!

Yes, there has always been a saying in the circle: the ancient tomb of the pre-Qin looked at Qin Xi.

The pre-Qin tombs excavated here are also the most.

That’s the value, it’s too bumpy.


“It seems that my little feng shui knowledge is still useful.”

Lu Yuan laughed loudly, and his hand slowed down.

In terms of value, it is not the tomb of some prince and nobleman.

The scope of the tomb and the treasure points below are also described.

As for why he was buried in such a good feng shui treasure land, Lu Yuan has not yet figured it out

And from the hoe feedback, it should be wood.

If nothing else, it’s a coffin.

“What did you dig? Stone? ”

“Be careful that Lao Lu blacks you out, the next draw won’t have you.”

Ten minutes later, as Lu Yuan opened the shovel, a piece of black wood was revealed.

He dug up the nearby soil along the edge of the wood, and soon a wooden cover plate of more than two meters was successfully unearthed.

“I wipe, there really is a coffin!”

“Niu, Lao Lu, you can change careers to become Mr. Feng Shui.”

“Coach, I want to learn this!”

“It’s not nonsense, you really know feng shui?”

Lu Yuan stood the hoe aside, patted the dirt on his hand, and said with a smile: “Feng Shui, I understand a little about it.” ”

“Damn, let him pretend!”

“Relying on feng shui to find ancient tombs, this is really awesome.”

Feng shui is a good thing, and in the future, it refers to where to hit, and when it is said that there is here, there is there.

Don’t ask, ask is feng shui.

“Let’s open the coffin first.”

Lu Yuan straightened the headlamp, observed a circle, and did not see the steel nails.

Grasp the sides of the coffin lid and lift it firmly.

It didn’t take much effort to lift it.

He put the lid of the coffin aside, turned his head to look, inside the lid, the soil accumulated a small half-layer, and he could barely see a skeleton lying on his knees in the coffin.

On either side of the coffin, as well as in the bosom of the skeleton, there are five earthenware filled with earth.

They are all pottery jars, very simple and rough, there is no beauty and design.

“What kind of tomb is this?”

“The tomb owner is Mao in this pose?”

“Those jars are companion collections? It’s so little. ”

“Lao Lu, don’t gouge the ancestral graves of the residents under the mountain.”

Lu Yuan squatted down and buttoned the soil, took out a pottery, observed it for a while, and said, “This should be an ancient tomb from the pre-Qin period.” ”


“Lao Lu, are you serious?”

“It can’t be a tomb or an ancient tomb, right?”

Everyone was shocked, why don’t you dig a grave casually is an ancient tomb?

The point is, this tomb is not simple, where is there a little ancient tomb?

Lu Yuan said, “It shouldn’t be wrong.” ”

“These clay pots are the most direct proof, just let the archaeological team come and take a look.”

“There are still words on this pottery, it is a small seal.”

He discerned for a moment and said, “[Xiantingli], it seems to be a resident of Xianyang City. ”

“Judging from the scale of the tomb, it should be an ordinary person in the pre-Qin period.”

He put down the pottery, stood up, looked at the skeleton lying on the knee and side, and said: “There is also the form of burial, this kind of knee bending side lying is a limb-bending burial in the pre-Qin period, and it is generally seen in ordinary tombs in the pre-Qin period.” ”

“And there were no tombstones before the Qin Dynasty, mainly because the war was chaotic at that time, and the funeral culture of various countries was different0… In the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang believed that he was both the three emperors and the five emperors, and he would also show his merits to future generations after a hundred years, so he opened a precedent for the erection of monuments. ”

“What about the tomb of the princes and nobles?”

“Such a good feng shui treasure land, just bury an ordinary person?”

“Are clay pots valuable?”

Lu Yuan shook his head: “Don’t think about it, it’s not worth anything.” ”

This clay pot is of little significance, and has little artistic value and other information to support that era other than to determine the age of the tomb owner.

He glanced at the other places, looking at the scattered treasure spots, and he guessed that if those places were ancient tombs, they were probably ordinary civilian tombs like this tomb.

The only thing to look forward to is the treasure point under the majestic mountain in the middle, and if there is an ancient tomb below, the lowest is also a prince and nobleman.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Gu Deyong’s number: “Teacher Gu, I found an ancient tomb of the pre-Qin dynasty here, do you want to come and take a look?” ”



“How large?”

“It’s not big, it’s just two or three meters.”

“Already dug it out?”


“Okay, I’ll make contact, and I’ll go over tomorrow.”

Two or three meters old pre-Qin ancient tomb, to be honest, there is nothing worth archaeology, but after all, it is done in this line, as long as there is an ancient tomb, you have to go over.

What’s more, Lu Yuan’s phone calls are coming, if you don’t go, then dig up the ancient tomb in the future, are you still embarrassed to go?

No matter how big or small, just have a tomb.

Hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan said: “It’s not early, I’ll rest first, and I’ll dig it tomorrow morning.” ”

He didn’t say anything about feng shui nearby, he said, it is estimated that tomorrow a large group of treasure diggers will run over.

This pre-Qin tomb is too small, and no valuable things have been found in it, which has not attracted too much attention.

Many archaeological teams learned that they were also smiling and silent.

This kind of ancient tomb is the same whether it is archaeology or not.

Looking across the screen, they can be roughly clear.

Early the next morning.

Lu Yuan got up at six o’clock.

Ate simply, grabbed the hoe and headed to the next place.

“Old Lu got up so early.”

“Early birds have worms to eat.”

Lu Yuan came to the next treasure spot and said: “I just looked at it, the feng shui here is also very good, get up early and dig early, if not, change places.” ”

“You feng shui… Well, it’s quite reliable. ”

“What is reliable, say a good tomb, the result is a coffin.”

“You just said you didn’t dig it.”

Lu Yuan planned to dig up several scattered treasure spots nearby.

Not much, just one.

Each place is five or six, or seven or eight golden rays.

According to the ancient tombs dug up yesterday, I am afraid that they are all small tombs of this type.


He waved his hoe, and after a while sweat was already wetting his clothes.

With yesterday’s experience, he digs more efficiently.

An hour and a half later, a depth of three meters had been dug.


Familiar haptic feedback.

“You dug [Ancient Tomb]”

[Ancient tomb]: Attribute: Pre-Qin. Value: 600,000. Oh, it’s another pre-Qin tomb.

After he dug out the lid of the coffin, he didn’t lift it, jumped directly up, and walked to the next place.

“Digging an ancient tomb again?”

“Depend, Lao Lu’s feng shui is really possible.”

“Why is Lao Lu going? Why don’t you dig it? ”

Lu Yuan said, “Wait for the archaeological team to come and open the coffin, I will be responsible for setting a position.” ”

“When did Lao Lu become so generous?”

“Sand sculpture, Lao Lu obviously can’t look at this kind of small tomb.”

“The coffin lid has been dug, and there is no effort to open a coffin?”

“yes, what if there’s something good in it?”

“Think too much, can there be good things in a tomb of this specification? At that time, there were no good funerary objects below the princes and nobles. ”

Lu Yuan stopped and walked, taking a look at the nearby mountains from time to time, and then pretended to come to the next treasure spot: “The feng shui here is good.” ”

An hour and a half later.

The third pre-Qin tomb was dug up.

A group of people in the live broadcast room: (ΩДΩ) followed by the fourth, the fifth… Half past five in the afternoon.


“You dug [Ancient Tomb]”

The seventh, and last treasure point other than the treasure point with the densest golden light, was dug up by Lu Yuan.

Seven ancient tombs of the pre-Qin dynasty, none of them are wrong.

Moreover, there are ancient tombs almost everywhere.

This magical means shocked netizens.

From the time he dug the third ancient tomb, Lu Yuan’s title of #Feng Shui Master# had spread on the Internet, attracting a large group of netizens to come and watch.

Then I watched him continue to dig out ancient tombs one after another.

“My mother, my mother, my mother!”

“I knelt the whole way.”

“What is the rank of Lao Lu’s feng shui? It’s terrifying, say here and here. ”

“I admit that I was disrespectful to Lao Lu before, and even joked, I was wrong, Lao Lu must not dig my family’s ancestral grave.”

This means of looking at feng shui is really terrifying.

One can be said to be luck, and two can also be said to be lucky.

But seven were dug in a row, and there was no deviation at all.

It’s not luck, it’s really feng shui!

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