Chapter 136: Usurping the throne before death, seeking fame after death! It’s higher than the sky! 【3rd change】Ask for your own reservation, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers!!

Appointed by heaven, both life and prosperity!

These eight words, along with the jade seal of the country, remained in the historical records.

Even though the whereabouts of the Jade Seal of the Kingdom are unknown, these eight words are widely known.

As Lu Yuan read out these eight Yin Wen small seals, everyone was shocked after a brief reaction.

“This is the Jade Seal of the Kingdom!”


“Qin Shi Huang’s jade seal, this is indeed the tomb of the First Emperor!”

“Ma Ye, I can witness the birth of the Jade Seal of the Kingdom in my lifetime.”

“Lao Lu, hold it in both hands, don’t fall down.”

The live broadcast room exploded, and the extranet also exploded.

The world of archaeology is crazy, and the individual buyers who come are equally crazy.

The jade seal of the country has come out!

At this moment, national, no, global.

A small group of people at the top of the world’s industries receive different calls reporting the same thing.

The same goes for ordinary people.

They dialed the phone numbers of friends, the phone numbers of couples, and told them about it, although they did not know what was there to tell about this kind of thing.

But at the moment I want to share it with others.

At this time, it was late at night, and Wu Jie had already returned home and was leaning on the sofa to watch Lu Yuan’s live broadcast.

Seeing this scene, he immediately dialed Liang Dong’s phone.

“Liang Dong, Xiao Lu found the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, and the flow… The platform may not be able to handle this much traffic. ”

“I see.”

Liang Dong immediately left for the company and contacted the person in charge of the technical department at the same time.

On the way to the road, he kept looking at the online in the live broadcast room.

30 million.

31 million.

34 million.

The online is growing exponentially by millions, and there is no intention of stopping.

He lives not far from the company, and when he arrives first, he talks to the technical department while following his instructions to turn on the backup server.

The platform’s backup server has always been on, but Liang Dong knows very well what kind of impact the discovery of the Jade Seal will have.

Only one can not be carried at all.

Opening the last server, Liang Dongcai breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the live broadcast room, the online has broken through 60 million!

Before the online live broadcast room, the highest was only more than 50 million.

And now, in less than ten minutes before and after, it has exceeded 60 million, doubling.

And it continues to rise, simply perverted…….

“Xiao Lu, it’s… Are these eight words? ”

Gu Deyong still didn’t quite believe it, nor did he not believe it.

It’s like an ordinary person buying a lottery ticket and the next day the owner of the lottery shop tells him, you won five million.

Who can believe this?

I’m not a leader, how can I win five million?


Lu Yuan’s words were concise, and the system’s prompts also appeared.

[Jade Seal]: Attribute: Qin Dynasty. Value:?

Tonight he met too many inestimable treasures.

He saw the jade seal clearly from beginning to end and handed it to Gu Deyong: “Teacher Gu, take a look.” ”

Gu Deyong held it in his arms, fully showing his distrust of his hands.

This thing is even more precious than his baby, and if his hands are drawn, he can’t bear this huge loss.

Lu Yuan looked at the gold nuggets, gold boxes, and golden locks on the side.

He already had a guess in his heart about the owner of this Qin Dynasty imperial tomb.

He looked at the stone box on the side: “The stone box is for me.” ”

Xiao Feng handed it over, Lu Yuan took it, and said, “Open the jade box.” ”

“Oh, good.”

Xiao Feng also reacted from the shock and started his old business.

Gu Deyong had already packed the jade seal into a gold box and placed it on his clothes.

Lu Yuan opened the stone box, and inside was a roll of bamboo simplification.

He took out the bamboo Jane and handed it to Gu Deyong: “Teacher Gu, you can show it.” ”


Gu Deyong unfolded the bamboo simplification, blank, blank…

It wasn’t until it was all unfolded that I saw the handwriting engraved by the knife in the corner of the jade Jian.

He looked at it word by word, and then read it: “Fengtian carries the emperor, and the edict is called: Lizi Fusu is the queen of the deputy.” ”


“That’s it?”

“And the back?”

Everyone urged, and only a few words disappeared.

Suddenly, someone reacted.


“Wait, this is the divine decree?”

“Isn’t Qin II Huhai? How is this Fusu? ”

“Fake, huh?”

After Gu Deyong finished reading, he was also stunned for a while, and looked at Lu Yuan: “Fusu? ”

“Well, Fusu.”

Lu Yuan said: “According to legend, before his death, the first emperor wanted to establish a fusu, and the edict was intercepted and tampered with, so Hu Hai succeeded to the throne. It is said that there is no wind and no waves, it seems that the legends of history are also true. ”

Lu Yuan took the bamboo Jian holy will, looked at it carefully for a while, and said: “There is a jade seal on it, it is too long ago, and only some traces remain.” ”

Gu Deyong looked over and did see some bamboo tablets with jade seals stamped.

“If this edict is true, the history books will really be rewritten!”

“There have been such statements circulating in history, but they have never been corroborated.”

“The edict dares to forge it, and the boldness is not ordinary!”

Gu Deyong was puzzled: “How could the edict be here?” ”

He is specialized in archaeology, and he is not good at reasoning.

Lu Yuan rolled up the holy decree, put it back in the stone box, got up and walked towards the bronze coffin, and said as he walked: “The stone box is buried in the ground, and the figurines above are red and golden, and the edict is locked with a stone box.” Doing so is nothing more than the spirit of the king. As for why it is here, you will know when you find out the identity of the tomb owner. If this is one, then it is not unusual for there to be a jade seal and an edict here. ”

Gu Deyong got up and followed: “Do you know who the tomb owner is?” ”

“Guessed a little, but there is no particularly direct object to support it.”

He glanced back at Xiao Feng, who was still unlocking, and continued to walk towards the coffin: “Go, Teacher Gu, let’s open the coffin.” ”

“Open the coffin? This, this is not urgent, we will not be late to open tomorrow during the day. ”

“There’s no need to wait for tomorrow, it’s not that there are not enough people, why wait?” You are professional, I am also professional, let’s join forces, is it not easy to open a coffin? ”

Gu Deyong thought about it carefully, and it was really like this.

In the case of professionalism, and in the case of opening the coffin, why wait? It’s not necessary.

He didn’t say anything and followed.

The bronze coffin is too large, ten meters long and five meters wide, and a coffin lid is estimated to weigh several hundred pounds.

Standing in front of the coffin, Gu Deyong swallowed his saliva: “Xiao Lu, this… How many more people shall I call down? ”

“No, you help me watch a little on the side.”

With just a coffin lid, he can handle it alone.

He first circled around the coffin and said, “The coffin is not sealed.” ”

When the ancients were buried, the coffin was to be sealed.

Unsealed, two possibly.

Either lazy or not buried.

It is unlikely to be lazy, that is, it is not buried.

Lu Yuan was not surprised, he already had a guess in his heart.

It is ready that there is no tomb owner in the coffin.

He put his hands on the side of the coffin, pushed a little harder, felt the weight of the bronze coffin, and then pushed little by little.


The sound of the jade coffin moving and rubbing with the lid of the coffin is difficult to hear.

Lu Yuan pushed out about three meters and stopped.

Most of the lid of the coffin is still on the coffin, and the three meters extend outside.

He walked to the coffin lid that was pushed out, grabbed it, and dragged it for another three meters, when the coffin lid was heavily downward.

Lu Yuan held the lid of the coffin and let it land silently.

He pushed the lid of the coffin and leaned it from the position of leaning upright against the coffin, leaning sideways against the coffin.

At this time, the inside of the coffin can already be clearly seen.

Lu Yuan walked over and glanced down, and there was another coffin inside.

He drew the scoop by the gourd and continued to move.

After the second cast, inside is the third coffin, then the fourth and fifth.

By the time it was cast to the sixth weight, the coffin inside was only a little larger than a normal coffin.

At the same time, Xiao Feng’s voice came: “Teacher Gu, the lock is open.” ”


Gu Deyong’s head did not respond, his attention was now on the coffin.

It’s just that it’s heavy.

When this heavy coffin is uncovered, you can see the true face of the tomb owner.

Xiao Feng walked over, looked at the several bronze coffin lids that were placed on the ground on the side, and then saw Lu Yuan’s action of bending down to take the last coffin lid, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Hold the grass, this is what he got down alone? How did he do it?

Didn’t even be crushed to death by the lid of the coffin?

When Lu Yuan opened the lid of the sixth coffin, inside was a more delicate bronze coffin.

A bronze coffin of less than two meters and a half.

This is not a coffin, it is a coffin.

“Finally saw the coffin.”

Lu Yuan bent down and grabbed the sides of the coffin lid, and with his arm force, he lifted the coffin lid very easily.

Gu Deyong and Xiao Feng watched in horror from the sidelines.

Otherwise, not everyone can dig treasure.

If you encounter such a situation, what if you know that there is a treasure in the coffin?

You can only see, but you can’t move, you can kill someone in a hurry.

The last layer of coffin lid was lifted, and Lu Yuan leaned on the coffin and put it away.

Almost at the same time, Gu Deyong and Xiao Feng heard a puzzled chuckle.

Lu Yuan straightened up, glanced at the two, and then looked inside the coffin.

In the coffin, empty.

No, not empty.

Just no corpse.

The interior is covered with a piece of cloth, which has decayed and the material is not visible.

And underneath the cloth, something covered with a humanoid silhouette, as well as a raised shape.

There are no skeletons.

Not a single skeleton was seen.


“I’ll just say it’s the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, Lishan is the main tomb, and this is the tomb!”

“Quickly open it and see, there seems to be something underneath.”

Lu Yuan looked at Gu Deyong: “Teacher Gu, what should I do in this situation?” ”

Gu Deyong raised his gloved hands: “I’ll take a look.” ”

He leaned in halfway, pinched the corner of the rotten cloth, distinguished it for a while, and said: “It’s a satin cloth, which has been completely rotten.” ”

He pinched a corner and uncovered it little by little.

Every time you reveal a point, stop to see if it affects the object underneath and if it breaks.

Although the clothing is rotten, the toughness is still there, which is amazing.

“Xiao Lu, take the handle.”

“Here it is.”

The two uncovered the clothing completely and placed it at the end of the coffin.

The contents underneath the fabric were also revealed.

It was a garment, a garment strung together by gold threads by an unknown number of pieces of jade.

Even if it is more than two thousand years old, it is only tarnished, and there are no traces of decay”Golden strands of jade clothes!” ”

Gu Deyong unconsciously clenched his fists.

“The golden jade robe of the Qin Dynasty!”

“Fuck, Lao Lu’s trip to Qinling has earned money!”

“Is this ancient tomb worth ten billion?”

“Small, the pattern is small, and there are more than one side of the jade seal!”

“Don’t think about it, you can’t sell it, if you give less money, Lao Lu won’t sell it, it’s too high and no one can afford 0… The Forbidden City can’t afford it. ”

“This trip looks like it has a lot of gains, but there won’t be much to cash out.”

There are too many priceless treasures to measure in concrete prices.

“Teacher Gu, there’s something over there.”

Xiao Feng reminded.

Gu Deyong looked at the thing that held up the fabric, it was a jade box, only twenty centimeters in size, without a lock.

The jade box is delicately polished without any superfluous lines.

Gu Deyong said, “Xiao Lu, you take it.” ”

He is not as tall as Lu Yuan, and he is also older, bending over to reach enough, and it is easy to fall in: “Hmm. ”

Lu Yuan bent down and reached out and grabbed the pressing box.

[several]: Attribute: Qin Dynasty. Value:? Looking at the system prompt, the corner of Lu Yuan’s mouth twitched.

Although he had expected it, but really holding it in his hand, he still couldn’t help but want to hide his face.

I can’t get by with a few handfuls!

A total of several ancient tombs were dug, both of which were eunuch tombs.

He stood up, looked at the jade box in his hand, and opened it.

Inside was wrapped in satin, the satin had decayed, and the wrapped inside was very well preserved.

Gu Deyong looked at this pitch-black and hard thing, brainstormed, and fell into deep thought.

Netizens are more familiar with it the more they look, and they always feel that they have seen it somewhere.

“Why is this thing so familiar?”

“Lao Lu, I feel like I’m related to it.”

“I also have this sense of déjà vu, like, somewhere. Lu Yuan rolled his eyes when he saw it, because of your uncle. ”

If something is undecided, he will ask Lu Yuan.

Gu Deyong asked, “Xiao Lu, what is this?” ”

Lu Yuan pondered for three seconds and said, “It’s a few.” ”

“Huh? What did you say? ”

Why did you suddenly burst into foul language?

Have you never figured out the identity of the tomb owner, are you in a hurry?

Lu Yuan pointed to the contents of the jade box: “I mean, this is a few handfuls, which is the root of life.” ”


When a group of people heard this, they were stunned, and they were out of their minds.

Lu Yuan also said his guess at this time: “When I saw that edict, I had a guess in my heart that the owner of this ancient tomb should be Zhao Gao, a eunuch of the Qin Dynasty. ”

“Zhao Gao…”

This sentence shocked everyone even more than a few handfuls in his hand.

Gu Deyong and the two were stunned, and they couldn’t react for a long time.

Nearly 70 million netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked by the name Zhao Gao and couldn’t speak.

Tens of millions of netizens from abroad are all curious to ask, who is Zhao Gao, Lu Yuan did not rush to explain, looked at Xiao Feng: “Teacher Gu, look at what is in the jade box.” ”

“Jade Box… What jade box? Oh yes, jade box. ”

Gu Deyong opened the jade box, and inside was also a roll of bamboo Jane.

He unfolded the bamboo simple and read it word by word: “Fengtian carries the emperor, edict!” ”

The bamboo Jane is very long, occupying half of the page.

Gu Deyong read for ten minutes before he finished reading intermittently.

Because he was translating and reading at the same time, he only cared about reading in his own mind and did not understand much.

After reading it, and then thinking about the content, Gu Deyong seemed to have seen something terrifying, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

“This, this holy decree is…”

Lu Yuan said, “It’s to learn the Five Emperors and give the imperial throne to Zhao Gao.” ”

Gu Deyong was a little lost in soul: “This, how is it possible!” ”

Lu Yuan said, “Look at the payment.” ”

Gu Deyong hurriedly looked at it: “It’s a child, this is even more impossible!” Zhao Gao was killed by his son and baby, how could he give the imperial throne to him? ”

A group of historians is also full of question marks at the moment.

Lu Yuan said: “Of course, Ziying will not let Zen, this is Zhao Gao’s beautiful fantasy.” If my expectations are correct, this edict… Oh no, it is the holy decree of Zen, and there should be two copies. One copy was placed in the ancient tomb and was put into the earth a hundred years later, leaving as evidence of his accession to the throne as emperor. One is a justified edict used to force children to abdicate the throne. ”

“Zhao Gao’s intention to become an emperor is known to the world.”

“He made Hu Hai emperor in preparation for his subsequent title as emperor. Referring to the deer as a horse, I want to see whether the emperor’s words work, or his words work. But he did not calculate it, and no one supported his succession to the throne. Since it is not supported, then change an emperor, force Hu Hai to death, and the son and child will succeed to the throne, and then let the child come to learn the five emperors to let the wise ministers, and it is also a beautiful talk to pass it out. Unfortunately, the plan could not catch up with the change, he thought that the child was a kitten, but he did not expect to die under the paws of this little cat. ”

Lu Yuan suddenly said, “Remember the mural at the entrance of the tomb?” ”

Gu Deyong shook his head, after he came in, he only took a quick look, and did not have time to take a closer look

Lu Yuan said: “Just looking at the mural, all you can think of is the First Emperor, but if you look closely, the First Emperor is white-faced.” Obviously, it is Zhao Gao on the painting. ”

“Mural paintings, seven-fold bronze coffins, buried gold town heirloom jade seal, town edict, twelve bronze men, Kyushu Ding, Tai’a sword, Suihou Zhu, immortal medicine… These are all Qin Shi Huang’s. ”

“And he wants to usurp the throne and occupy the dove’s nest before his death, and seek fame after his death and spread through the ages.”

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