Chapter 188: King Wu Fa Ling, Jiang Taigong Jiuding Zhen King, the secret of Oracle Bone! 【Part 1】Ask for a custom reservation, ask for a monthly pass,!!

Back in the tent, Teacher Yang shouted: “Old Chen, you guys come, there is a big discovery.” ”

“Found what?”

A group of people came looking over.

Teacher Yang took out the turtle shell: “I just found a ding, larger than the four sheep Fangzun, there are bones in the ding, and there is a turtle shell inside, just this one.” ”

“Why didn’t you tell me when you found Ding?”

“I’ll go see Ding.”

“Go back quickly, I have a big discovery here.”

A group of people ran out again and returned after a while.

Teacher Yang had already taken a picture of the turtle shell and sent it to the group: “This is the turtle shell in Dingli, you can take a look.” ”

They took out their phones and clicked on the photos.

“This should be Ji, right?”

“It should go, it’s Ji.”

“The latter one is Zi, Himeko.”

“I don’t recognize a few words.”

“Fortunately, there are not a few missing, and I can still see it coherently.”

Old Chen said, “The complete meaning should be that the son of a man named Ji is used to sacrifice to the heavens today. ”

“Well, that’s pretty much what it means.”

“Who is this Ji?”

Teacher Yang said, “How many people with the surname Ji are there in the Shang Dynasty?” Zhou Fangbo’s side. ”

Immediately, his eyes lit up and looked at Lu Yuan: “Xiao Lu, I’m afraid it’s really Bo Yi Kao here!” ”

A group of old scholars looked over with a question mark: “Why is it Bo Yi Kao?” ”

“Old Yang, be rigorous in academics.”

Teacher Yang said, “Before this statue was dug up, Xiao Lu was translating the oracle bones, and he saw such a paragraph on it. ”

“What’s going on?”

A group of old men looked at Lu Yuan again, and Lu Yuan snorted: “There is such a paragraph, but it is completely blind translation, see what word it feels like.” ”

They nodded, Lu Yuan is not engaged in academia, so it’s no problem to say, they can’t.

But yes, there are indeed some… To say that it is a stroke of luck seems a bit unreasonable.

Teacher Yang ignored them: “Xiao Lu, let’s take a look at the oracle bones of the Zhou Dynasty above.” ”

“Okay, take a look.”

Lu Yuan also happily studied with Teacher Yang, the key is that this old man believes what he said.

It was too rare to meet this kind of person who was willing to listen to the nonsense of a hairy boy, and Lu Yuan felt that he couldn’t trust him without saying it.

Lu Yuan took out his mobile phone and began to continue translating.

Old Chen glanced at this side, a little crying and laughing.

They don’t believe Lu Yuan, there is a specialization in the art industry, Lu Yuan recognizes all oracle bones, and can only say that he has a better memory.

But to say that you can decipher oracle bones is too nonsense.

As for the content he translated before he dug it out, although it is a bit unreasonable to force it to be luck, there is no better explanation.

Could it be that they believe that Lu Yuan has deciphered all the oracle bones? It’s even harder to believe.

“The approximate content of this piece is that Di Xin has no way, and Zhou wants to send troops to fight. The result of divination is [Bu Xiaozhi, Reverse, Zhan Yu: Great Murderer]. ”

“The content of this piece is the same, Zhou wants to va Di Xin, Bu Xiaozhi…”

I watched more than a dozen films in a row, all of which were one content.

Zhou Vadixin, Bu Xiaozhi, rebel, great murderer.

Until I saw a piece of tortoise shell, the text on it was different.

Lu Yuan said: “King Wu of Zhou attacked Di Xin, Bu Xiaozhi, rebellion, Zhanyu: “Great murderer”, Master Shangfu pushed the turtle and said: dry bones and dead grass, how do you know and be fierce?” ”

Teacher Yang asked, “What does this mean?” ”

Lu Yuan said: “It means that the results of several divination are all great murderers, and a man named Master Shangfu stepped on the turtle shell and yarrow used for divination, saying that he didn’t care about divination, he was pulling a few calves, and he should send troops.” ”

Teacher Yang was confused: “How can this kind of thing be recorded on the turtle shell?” ”

Lu Yuan said, “Teacher Yang, you should be clear about the steps of divination. ”

Teacher Yang quickly reacted: “I missed it.” ”

The steps of divination are very rigorous, and after divination, divination words will be written on oracle bones, as well as notes related to divination.

And the complete divination has four small steps, the first step is the prevination, that is, the period and name of the divination.

The second step is the prescription, that is, the matter of Bu Qing.

The third step is divination, which is the feedback after divination.

The last step is called the testimony, which is the situation in which things come true.

It is not that after today’s divination, the matter will be over, and it will not be completely over until the divination is completed.

The first piece of oracle bone that Lu Yuan saw, the last Ruo, said that the death of Shang was [like the result of divination, the Shang dynasty died].

So if it is a march to fight, then it is generally necessary to perform two sacrifices.

Sacrifice before fighting, sacrifice after fighting.

Divination, on the other hand, is performed before the beating, recorded after the beating, and sacrificed together with the person in the subsequent sacrifice.

The so-called use of people is those who are sacrificed in the pit outside.

It can also be seen from the word “man” that businessmen do not respect life, but do not regard aliens as life at all.

“This is the sacrifice of King Wu of Zhou?”

Teacher Yang suddenly asked.

Lu Yuan nodded: “Judging by the divination records, it is him.” ”

“Then this Master Shangfu…”

He looked at Lu Yuan, the two looked at each other, and spit out a name: “Jiang Ziya.” ”

“What the hell, why did you suddenly pull Jiang Ziya?”

“Say it quickly, who is Master Shang.”

“Didn’t you say that, Jiang Ziya.”

“Master Shangfu is Jiang Ziya?”

Mr. Yang has studied Oracle for many years and has a good understanding of the history of Shang Zhou.

Ordinary people are confused when they hear the title of Master Shangfu, but he knows.

“Battle of Makino?”

Teacher Yang said, “Is this one?” ”

Lu Yuan nodded: “From the point of view of divination, it should be this one.” ”

“Look again.”


Lu Yuan continued to read.

“The content of this piece is that Ti Xin committed a great crime, and asked the heavens to condemn him, and sacrificed 700 people and 500 livestock.”

“The content of this piece is a sacrifice to the mountains and rivers, and the high priest who presides over is Taigongwang.”

I watched hundreds of films in a row, and the content was mainly about two things.

The first thing, King Wu fell.

The second thing, Zhou replaced Shang, and sacrificed once in a while, with a very high frequency.

The Zhou sacrifices were more complex than those of the Yin Shang period, and were clearly visible and more systematic, and the Zhou people also had a full-time job to deal with the complex rituals.

And every time a sacrifice is made, many people must be killed, ranging from six or seven hundred to thousands.

The number of people killed and sacrificed here was even more than Lu Yuan imagined.

“The content of this piece is that Di Xin drank too much, and his sin is unforgivable.”

“The content of this piece is that Di Xin does not use noble Qi and old ministers, and uses villains and slaves, and the crime is unforgivable.”

“This piece… Di Xin listened to the woman’s words, and his sin was unforgivable. ”

“This piece… Di Xin’s failure to sacrifice his ancestors and ghosts and gods on time is unforgivable.”

Seeing this, Lu Yuan couldn’t stand it a little.

“Why do you remember everything on this?”

“Zhou is an idle egg, is it necessary for him to record this?”

“Lao Lu, are you sure this is the place where King Wu of Zhou sacrificed, not the sacrifice of King Zhou?”

“Don’t use the title of King Shu, that’s evil, call Di Xin.”

“It’s just a tyrant, what do you call me.”

“Do you listen to what is written above, which is up to the passing line of a tyrant?”

“Really, that’s all, listening to it, I feel that he was born in the wrong era, I can’t blame him, I can only blame his thinking too far ahead.”

Teacher Yang said, “These are the incriminating evidence listed by Zhou against Di Xin, right? ”

Lu Yuan nodded: “It should be.” ”

Teacher Yang said, “It seems that Di Xin is indeed not a tyrant, otherwise he would not have listed alcoholism as a crime.” ”

“When I studied the information of this era, I found that Yin people believed in ghosts and gods, but when I came to Di Xin, his concept of ghosts and gods was a little weak, and the sacrifice of ghosts and gods was not on time. This is actually a good thing for the entire civilization, but I didn’t expect it to be a crime. ”

“Let’s see what’s in the back.”

Lu Yuan continued to look down, and the back was basically all kinds of accusations against King Shuo, but accusations came and went, just a few words, nothing new.

“The content of this piece is that Zhou wants Di Xin to die forever in order to suppress the corpse. Divination results are not allowed. ”

“The content of this piece is that Zhou wants Di Xin to die forever and bury his corpse. Divination results are not allowed. ”

“This piece…”

After listing the charges, I was thinking about the corpse of Di Xin.

History records that Di Xin set himself on fire, but the body did not escape.

The so-called eternal death and the present eternal life cannot be separated from the same meaning.

Lu Yuan was very curious about what happened to the end of the gang.

I continued to watch and watched more than a hundred films, and finally found the relevant oracle.

“Master Shangfu Zhan: With Jiuding Town Di Xin, will he die forever? Zhan Yu: If called, eternal death. ”

When Lu Yuan was about to translate into the vernacular, he was suddenly startled, stared at the words on this piece of tortoise shell, carefully looked and looked, and made sure that he was not mistaken.

Teacher Yang was waiting for him to translate the vernacular, which he could understand, but Lu Yuan kept translating, and he didn’t bother to use his brain.

Seeing that he didn’t speak for a while, he looked over: “Xiao Lu, what’s wrong?” ”

Lu Yuan slowly looked at him, Teacher Yang was startled by his appearance, how could this look be fiery?

You look at me like that a bad old man? What special proclivities does your boy have?

“Xiao Lu…”

Lu Yuan suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried to calm himself down: “I found the whereabouts of Jiuding!” ”



Lu Yuan read the words on this turtle shell again: “Master Shangfu: With Jiuding Town Dixin, will he die forever?” Zhan Yu: If you say, die forever! ”

Teacher Yang listened carefully, and after listening, his eyes lit up: “This is to use Jiuding Town Dixin?” ”

“Yes! That’s what it means! ”

“Quick, look at the back again and see if there is a town.”

“I’ll look for it.”

Lu Yuan quickly flipped through the photo, and didn’t read it, after reading it silently, no, he immediately looked at the next photo.

Soon, the corresponding turtle shell was found.

“Master Shangfu Zhan: West is deep, Jiuding Feng Dixin? Zhanyu: If it is called, it can be sealed. ”

“Found it!”


Teacher Yang immediately stood up: “Go, go find Jiuding now!” ”

Lao Chen and the others, who were still deciphering on the side, heard the two shouting and couldn’t help but look over.

“Old Yang, what are you doing?”

“Xiao Lu found Jiuding!”

“What Jiuding?”

“Kyushu Ding, Dayu’s Kyushu Ding!”

Lao Yang said, “Xiao Lu saw the record from the oracle bone that Jiang Ziya wanted to use Jiuzhou Ding to suppress Di Xin, so that he could not exceed his life.” ”

A group of old men, you look at me and I look at you, and for a while I didn’t know where to start complaining.

Lao Chen said: “It’s almost six o’clock, let’s eat first, find Jiuding or something, and talk about it tomorrow at dawn.” ”

Teacher Yang looked at Lu Yuan: “Xiao Lu…”

Without waiting for him to finish, Lu Yuan suddenly said seriously: “Teacher Yang, believe me or not?” ”


Teacher Yang didn’t even think about it and said directly.

Lu Yuan said, “Okay, Mr. Yang’s words are enough.” ”

He looked at Lao Chen and the others: “Teachers, the oracle bone text records the specific whereabouts of Jiuding, wait for me to find it, I will give you a big gift.” ”

After that, he got up and grabbed his backpack and took out a bunch of chocolates from his backpack: “Teacher Yang, come, eat, eat enough and go on the road.” ”

“You sound unlucky.”

“Hey, it’s okay, follow me to promise Jili, you take care of the teacher, follow me to Cao Cao’s tomb, don’t you all have to come back?”

“You… Forget it, I’ll eat first. ”

Teacher Yang did not speak, and began to bury his head in hard eating.

At first, he actually listened to it for fun, but after hearing it, he found that what this kid said was the same as the truth.

You just make it up, and you can’t make it up for something that doesn’t have anything, right? Not to mention, he also made up the living sacrifice of Berycau.

Can this still be luck?

And even if it’s luck, he doesn’t care.

Lu Yuan said that there was Jiuding, so he accompanied him.

If there really is, then this value is really big.

The value he refers to is not the value of Jiuding.

It’s what is written in Oracle! If Lu Yuan can find it, what does it mean? Means that he deciphered the contents of the oracle.

It shows that he really knows these words.

It doesn’t matter if he identifies it by his first impressions, let him copy it down, go back and study and determine the work they do.

This step alone does not know how much effort they have saved.

Teacher Yang quickly finished eating, drank another bottle of mineral water, got up and said, “Xiao Lu, let’s… Wait, I’ll go and make it easier. ”

A few minutes later, Teacher Yang returned: “Go, Xiao Lu, go find Jiuding!” ”

Lu Yuan carried a hoe and a wild knife, greeted Xiaoliu, and walked straight outside

Seeing this, Lao Chen hurriedly caught up: “Xiao Lu, it’s dark this day, let’s go again tomorrow.” ”

Lu Yuan said: “It’s okay, the mountain is like my back garden, and I should worry about the small animals in the mountain.” They better not come to me, or we will eat meat tomorrow morning. ”

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, he looked at Teacher Yang again: “Old Yang, you guys will go again tomorrow.” ”

Teacher Yang said, “Okay, you guys are busy with your going, I’ll see that Xiao Lu is okay.” ”

The two didn’t care about anything, just left.

One person with a flashlight, wrapped in a thick coat, walking in the dark deep mountains and old forests.

“Lao Lu, this is really crazy.”

“The point is… The above oracle bones are all your own nonsense, you still take it seriously? ”

“Regardless of whether he is thinking blindly, if he really finds it, Lao Lu can be regarded as deciphering the oracle bone by the way.”


“What’s unrealistic, just Lao Lu’s nature, not a little confident that he will do this? After watching it for so long, you still don’t understand? ”

Teacher Yang just walked for half an hour and was a little uncomfortable, his body was a little fat, and he walked for half an hour, a little breathless.

“Xiao Lu, how long are we going to go?”

“I calculated that the Shang Dynasty’s one zhang is about 1.69 meters, counting him 17 meters, ten thousand zhang should be 17,000 meters, almost 17 kilometers. Let’s go fast, an hour. ”

“Can you walk 17 kilometers in an hour?”

Teacher Yang almost weakened his knees in fear

Lu Yuan said with a smile: “Forgot you, then let’s walk normally, about 4 kilometers in an hour, and you should be able to reach it in four hours.” Teacher Yang, if you are tired, tell me, let’s rest for a while. ”

“…… Yes. ”

He doesn’t care about anything, he has to follow out, he can’t retreat at this time, and this matter is also of great significance to him.

Once Jiuding is found, the rest of the content on the oracle is equivalent to deciphering.

Traces of the Xia Dynasty… It can also be determined.

And the Zhou Dynasty is different from the Shang Dynasty, the Shang destroyed Xia, but the Zhou Dynasty has many descendants of Xia, maybe there were sacrifices here, and there are oracle bones left by sacrifices.

These are all proofs that can directly support the existence of the Xia Dynasty.

Ganniniang’s, said that Xia Benji is not credible, and when the oracle bone of the relevant record is found, Lao Tzu throws you in the face!

An hour later, Teacher Yang couldn’t do it, Lu Yuan took out the potential drink, mixed it with water and handed it to him.

After drinking, Teacher Yang felt that he could do it again.

Eleven o’clock in the evening, an hour slower than originally planned.

They finally arrived at a distance from the western part of the place of sacrifice.

“Teacher Yang, you take a break, I’ll look for it.”

“Okay, you look for it first, I’ll rest for a few minutes to accompany you.”

Teacher Yang sat down, and Lu Yuan began to scan: “Three-level scanning.” ”

At the end of the scan, there was some scattered golden light nearby.

About a hundred meters away from him, dozens of dense golden rays gathered in one place.

Lu Yuan’s heart was pounding violently.

This…… Is it Jiuding?

Dayu Dingding Jiuding Jiuding!

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