In Lin Yuan's project summary report, there are five advanced technologies.

On page 23 of the project report, the first five pages respectively revealed the soul lock, using

High-density hydrogen-ion batteries, 1nm chip technology, miniaturized electromagnetic wave technology and super-strength new alloys.

The records of the four techniques are all very inappropriate.

There is no research and development process, and there are no research and development details, only the results of conquering.

However, this also made them understand one thing.

Everything about Lin Yuan was for the sake of completing the Soul Locker, and between the lines, they all felt Lin Yuan's helplessness.

It seems that these techniques are all because of the rush of time, Lin Yuan made concessions, given him plenty of time, he can make better ones.

From the sixth page to the eighteenth page, they are all writing about the technical principles and development process of consciousness transcoding. It can be seen that these four technologies are insignificant for the development of the soul lock.

"Yaoguang, do you understand?"

Bao Hai is an aircraft carrier. He can't say he doesn't know anything about information technology, but he is only half a bucket of water.

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Yaoguang, who was the only information technology person present.

However, Lin Yaoguang sighed and shook his head: "I don't understand, I don't understand at all. I can only say that I understand some principles and have some brows."

Chu Dingyuan asked: "How long will it take for you to fully understand?"

Lin Yaoguang thought for a moment and said: "At least five years, our team can get started and make some simple technical products. If we want to achieve the level of ecstasy in front of us, unless Lin Yuan teaches us, otherwise I feel that I will die and the team will not be able to do it." come out."

The rest of the people: ...

At this moment, they didn't know what to say.

They are all well aware of Lin Yaoguang's team's research and development capabilities. Currently, 90% of the country's cutting-edge computers are designed, developed and manufactured by them.

It is a real team with both theory and hands-on ability, and it is also the strongest team in China.

However, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to make the ecstasy lock in front of you.

This is outrageous!

At this moment, no one can tell what is happening in front of them.

Chu Dingyuan closed the coffin and concluded: "My suggestion is..."

As he spoke, he pulled the handle and asked a few people to come over. He whispered again: "First understand the other four techniques thoroughly, and then Lin Yuan said earlier that this ecstasy lock is still a semi-finished product, and he will make a finished product."

"We set up a project for him, give him money, plug in people, learn, and he may come up with new technologies. These things are enough for us!"

The rest of them looked at each other and nodded.

As Chu Dingyuan said, except for the four technologies of consciousness transcoding in the soul lock, all of them are digested by Longguo's researchers.

Although there is no parameter data, they can be sure that the maturity of these four technologies and the products produced are absolutely epoch-making.

What's more, there is still the finished product of the soul lock, and what technology will be used, they can't help but look forward to it.

After finalizing their ideas, everyone quickly browsed the product introduction and operation guide on the last few pages.

He Kangguo put away the USB flash drive, handed it to Lin Yuan and said, "I've finished reading the project summary report, and the marks given to you by the chief engineers are full marks."

Lin Yuan said: "Thank you, chief engineer."

"You're welcome. If you have time, come to our factory 80 to have a look. It's not worse than your number zero."

"That's right, the supercomputer on Zero's side won't work, you can come to me directly in the future, the best supercomputer in Dragon Country, use it as you like."

"Xiaolin, I think you're still young, don't stay at home every day, the No. 5 aircraft carrier is about to launch, why don't you let me take you to see it and feel something new."

"Well, yes, there is an opportunity to cooperate."

The four chief engineers said their own things. Chief engineer Lin wanted to extend an olive branch due to the confidentiality of his work, but he still didn't speak.

This made Lin Yuan a little disappointed.

When Bao Hai was seduced just now, as I said, Chief Engineer Lin was in charge of the "Nantianmen Project", which is a legendary project.

Unexpectedly, the country is really doing it secretly, if it can be accessed.

There should be no problem with the Yin soldiers and ghost generals, who are used to replace the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Nantianmen, right?

"Back back, back, back, step aside for me! You're fighting with me, right? Lin Yuan is number zero, I mean, understand?"

Chu Dingyuan shook his hands impatiently.

Bao Hai muttered dissatisfiedly: "Old Chu, although you are senior, I have to talk to you today! Lin Yuan's ability must be generous and glorious, why can it only be your number zero?"

He Kangguo smiled: "That's why we are leading the project."

Lin Yaoguang said: "Why don't you ask Lin Yuan what he thinks, right, my boy?"

The faces of the rest of the people changed. Lin Yaoguang, who is so ugly, actually started to get involved?

However, everyone turned to Lin Yuan.

The big guy's staring gaze put tremendous pressure on Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan:  …

He shook his head and said: "I just want to make the finished product of the hook lock first, and then talk about it later?"

He Kangguo made a decision: "Okay! Money, resources, talents, just tell me what you want. Before the project is approved, you try to work out the four technical principles except consciousness transcoding in detail."

"it is good."

Lin Yuan nodded, his eyes glowed with hot light, and he rubbed his hands secretly.

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