Lin Yuan walked into a huge petri dish, filled with light blue chemical reagents, and there was nothing inside.

Lin Yuan took the tweezers, pinched it in, and then slowly pulled it up.

Seeing this, the three of Wang Liang were amazed. They still don't understand how they made this thing.

Lei Qiangjun looked confused, and asked curiously: "Lin Yuan, what are you doing? Are you doing a non-physical show?"

Lin Yuan shook his head: "Chief, look carefully at the tweezers in my hand."

Lei Qiangjun looked intently, his face changed slightly, and he found a huge blind spot.

A corner of the tweezers in Lin Yuan's hand was missing out of thin air, and the end that was holding things was missing.

He pointed in surprise, "Why is this missing?"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, and with a flick of his wrist, he flipped up the membrane held by the tweezers, and then covered his arm.


Lin Yuan's arm also disappeared.

"Damn! Why are your hands gone! No! This is invisible!"

Lei Qiangjun exclaimed, and after a while he realized that it was optical camouflage!

However, the optical camouflage made by Lin Yuan seems to be much more advanced than the technology he has come into contact with.

Not a single bit of light distortion can be seen.

"What kind of technology do you have?"

Lei Qiangjun asked.

Lin Yuan replied: "Light-absorbing biofilm technology! This is one of the basic technologies of [Ghost Clothes], which can achieve 99% optical invisibility effect."

Lei Qiangjun's face froze, he didn't understand the technique, but he knew 99% of the invisibility.

He asked curiously, "Can you give me a try?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "This thing is relatively fragile, so be careful."

As he said that, he sent the tweezers over. In Lei Qiangjun's vision, his clearly existing palm disappeared, but he also felt a slippery touch.

He squeezed it subconsciously, and he caught something. It seems that this is the biofilm in Lin Yuan's mouth.

"Any precautions?"

Lei Qiangjun said cautiously.

Lin Yuan shook his head: "Except for not using too much force, there are no other precautions."

Lei Qiangjun nodded, and immediately began to test it.

He put it on the hand, the arm disappeared, put it on the body, the whole body was divided into two halves, and put it on the head...

"Lin Yuan, the director shouted... what the hell! There is a ghost!!!!!!"

At this moment, Li Guangrong suddenly walked into the laboratory. When he saw Lei Qiangjun who had turned into a "headless corpse", he shook and sat on the ground, pointing at Lei Qiangjun and shouting.

Lei Qiangjun turned his head to look, wondering: "Lao Li, I am Lao Lei, not a ghost!"

"Do not!"

"You are a ghost!"

"You have lost your head and you can still talk. You are not a ghost. Who is a ghost?"

Li Guoqiang's seven souls and six souls were frightened away. Three souls and four souls were scared away. He completely lost the ability to think and relied on instinct to output.

Lei Qiangjun was taken aback, removed the biofilm covering his head, grinned and said, "I told you I'm not a ghost, this is Lin Yuan's new technology."

Seeing this, Li Guangrong breathed a sigh of relief. He complained, "What kind of underworld thing is it? It took your head off!"

At this time, after hearing Li Guangrong's shout, a researcher from the optical camouflage team next door came to the laboratory.

Hearing Li Guangrong's words, everyone, you look at me, and I look at you.

Lost your head?

Fuck, Lin Yuan's experiment is too big, isn't he studying the 18th floor of hell?

"His stuff is indeed hell!"

"No wonder the deputy office was frightened."

"Let's go, so as not to suffer."

Everyone was about to leave when they heard Lei Qiangjun's words in the room.

"This is some kind of light-absorbing biofilm made by Lin Yuan, which can achieve 99% optical camouflage! I was invisible just now, so you can't see it!"

Hearing this, the faces of the researchers of the optical camouflage team changed drastically.

Ninety-nine percent optical camouflage?

Light Absorbing Biofilms!

This thing was actually made?

However, isn't Lin Yuan telling the truth? How can he know the technology of optical camouflage?

Could it be that Wang Liang, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, came to our place every day before to steal his teacher?

However, when did our technology become so powerful that it can also generate light-absorbing biofilms?

"What's going on? Lin Yuan, explain it to me!"

Li Guangrong's voice came again.

Everyone didn't have time to think, their ears were pressed against the door, wanting to hear why.

Not only them, Wang Liang and the other three were also very curious. So far, apart from making this biofilm by hand, they don't know how Lin Yuan researched it.

Inside the room, Lin Yuan spread his hands and said, "Deputy officer, didn't the chief say that he would have a military exercise. I was thinking that if ten people were to infiltrate and decapitate, the ecstasy lock alone would not be enough. There is still a great possibility of being discovered."

"In the folk tales, ghost soldiers, bull-headed horse faces, and black and white are impermanent. Even the most common ghosts are invisible to ordinary people, so they must have the ability to be invisible."

"I started to study, and then based on the combination of science and stories, I thought that ghosts should have something like a biological protective film."

"This protective film has a special kind of mitochondria, which can completely absorb the light source, and reflect transparent light, and then achieve the effect of stealth."

"Then, I got it out!"

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