In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The time is also approaching New Year's Day. Three days ago, there was news from Bao Hai that the launch test of the No. 5 aircraft carrier was very successful.

This is also expected by everyone, after all, this is not the first aircraft carrier.

Subsequently, the news of the military exercise was also completely confirmed.

The No. 5 aircraft carrier formation will conduct an infiltration and decapitation military exercise with the ten-member tactical combat team of Shadow Wolf.

Tomorrow is the start of the military exercise.

Three days ago, the research and development of ghost clothes was completely over.

On Lei Qiangjun's side, he brought ten ghost clothes, a finished ecstasy lock and nine ecstasy sickles to his heart's content, and returned to Shadow Wolf to start the final training camp.

Early this morning, Lin Yuan received news from Lei Qiangjun that the results of the training camp over there were very gratifying, and they were 80% sure of winning the military exercise.

This morning.

A team of armed transport vehicles arrived outside the No. 0 Research Institute.

"Military exercise? I won't go, I won't go!"

Lin Yuan came to Lin Yaoguang's dormitory and knocked on the door, explaining the situation.

However, Lin Yaoguang, who was unshaven and bloodshot, immediately rejected the invitation.

These days, he and his team have devoted all their time to learning the technology of consciousness transcoding.

They don't even go out, and they don't even know the news that Lin Yuan made [Ghost Clothes].

Lin Yuan had no choice but to say, "No, the director has ordered you to go out and take a walk."

Lin Yaoguang shook his head: "A one-sided military exercise is nothing to see. I can exercise and relax in the research institute. There is no need to go out for a walk."

Lin Yuan said: "That's not necessarily true. Chief Lei took two of my inventions, maybe he can win!"

Lin Yaoguang was taken aback for a moment: "Two inventions? Besides the ecstasy lock, what else did you come up with?"

Lin Yuan said, "You'll know when you get old."

No way, Lin Yaoguang agreed.

Lin Yuan, Lin Yaoguang, Chu Dingyuan, and He Kangguo boarded a transport vehicle and arrived at the local military airport.

A huge Kunpeng - Yun 20, parked quietly on the tarmac.

Lin Yuan's heart skipped a beat: "This is my first time on a plane, and it's at this level."

Lin Yaoguang said: "Then thank you, Professor Chu, everyone is under his credit."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Chu Dingyuan is a treasure among scientific researchers in Longguo, so it is normal to have this kind of treatment.

Chu Dingyuan said: "Hey, old man, I seldom go out. This time I participated in the military exercise because of Lin Yuan's invention. Otherwise, I wouldn't be bothered to go out."

He Kangguo jokingly said, "Then we are under the influence of Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan was at a loss, the hat was too big.

Chu Dingyuan smiled and said, "Xiao Lin, are you confident in this military exercise? Speaking of which, do you know what kind of navy Lei Qiangjun and the others are going to face?"

Lin Yuan shook his head: "I don't know, but I am confident that my invention will be a blow to dimensionality reduction!"

Everyone looked sideways.

Chu Dingyuan clapped his hands and said, "Okay! I just want this confidence! I believe in you too!"

He Kangguo didn't say anything. The outcome of the military exercise is not only determined by two inventions, but also depends on the right time, place and people.

Lin Yaoguang was even more puzzled, Lin Yuan was so young, he was stunned.

What is the concept of the establishment of the aircraft carrier fleet? No matter how powerful Lei Qiangjun's ten people are, if they can see the aircraft carrier, it will be considered a success!

However, now in a sense, Lin Yuan is also his half-teacher, so naturally he won't try to defeat his own arrogance.

While speaking, Kunpeng set sail.

After a slight weightlessness, the fuselage stabilized. Lin Yuan looked at the white clouds outside through the window, and suddenly remembered the chief engineer surnamed Lin.

What is the Nantianmen Project?

At this time, He Kangguo said: "This joint military exercise seems to be taken very seriously by the higher authorities, and they even sent two wise men from the courtyard. If Lin Yuan's invention can achieve good results, it will be in the sight of the wise men. His future development will be much better."

Chu Dingyuan said: "Oh? It seems that I am right this time."

Lin Yuan looked curious.

Lin Yaoguang reminded in a low voice: "It is the person who decides the long-term development direction of the motherland."

Lin Yuan suddenly realized that it turned out to be from the think tank.

However, he was curious: "Why did they participate in this military exercise?"

He Kangguo said helplessly: "In terms of military expenditures, research institutes like No. 0 are spending more and more, but in terms of overall military strength, the effect is mediocre."

"Some military regions also have a lot of grievances about this. They believe that the existence of cutting-edge combat teams is necessary, but they take up too many resources and need to be balanced."

"The country hopes to take this opportunity to find an opportunity to strike a balance that is acceptable to both parties."

Lin Yuan Ming Wu.

During this period of contact, Lei Qiangjun revealed that the cost of the Shadow Wolf Brigade is already comparable to an aircraft carrier.

And the resources the country spent on him exceeded 100 million soft sister coins. If ordinary soldiers knew about this, no matter how great Lei Qiangjun's contribution was, there would be unbalanced voices.

However, Lin Yuan is very clear that cutting-edge technology has absolute dominance, just like the eagle sauce that pulled out nuclear weapons in the last century, thus establishing its dominance.

This time, Lei Qiangjun had to win, without the resources, how could he create [World Peace]? Not to mention [Black Impermanence].

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