Back at No. 0 Institute, Lin Yuan had just put down his luggage when Chu Dingyuan called him to the office.

In the office, besides Chu Dingyuan, there is a man and a woman.

The woman was wearing a white study uniform, her ponytail was tied up high, her beautiful and glamorous face was facing the sky, her peach blossom eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses looked at Lin Yuan seriously, and her red lips beside her beauty spot slowly pursed.

The man is a middle-aged man from the Mediterranean, also wearing a white study uniform, with a smile in his eyes, like a Maitreya Buddha.

"Who are these two?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Chu Dingyuan said: "You guys introduce Lin Yuan."

The woman said coldly: "Chu Yurong, technical director of Tenglong No. 1!"

The middle-aged man said: "Luo Shengli, deputy chief engineer of Tenglong No. 1!"

When Lin Yuan heard this, he looked at Chu Dingyuan in a daze. What does this mean?

As a researcher, how could he not know the name of Tenglong No. 1.

Tenglong No. 1 is a nuclear power unit built by the two major nuclear power companies in Longguo for more than 30 years.

It embodies the wisdom and painstaking efforts of the builders of Longguo Nuclear Power. It is currently the most advanced, mature, unified, safest and most balanced nuclear power unit in Longguo.

Tenglong No. 1 is the third-generation nuclear power technology of Longguo with independent intellectual property rights. It has successfully achieved the goal of batch construction and is the business card of Longguo Nuclear Power going to the world.

In front of him, Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli, one is the technical director and the other is the deputy chief engineer, their weight is self-evident.

Just, why call them here?

Lin Yuan looked puzzled.

Chu Dingyuan naturally knew that Lin Yuan was confused. He explained: "Now the situation in Europa is getting more and more serious. It has just entered winter, and there is already a problem of power shortage."

"The German Astronomical and Meteorological Bureau has made a final judgment. This year they reached the lowest temperature in April."

"Three months later, that is, in February next year, they will enter the peak of the cold wave. They asked us to implement the nuclear power recovery plan in January, and strive to complete the project before February!"

"If our cleaning protocols are not up to scratch, they will ignore the protests of the masses and simply restart their own nuclear power plants."

"The higher authorities attach great importance to this nuclear power project. As long as it succeeds this time, Longguo's nuclear power will sell well! This will be of great help to the country's future strategy!"

Lin Yuan nodded, now he has figured it out.

On the German side, there is a lot of pressure to survive the winter. If Longguo is not willing to take the blame for "clean energy", they will also restart nuclear power.

He said, "So the two of you came here to do research and development with me?"

"It's not!"

Chu Yurong said: "Originally, Tenglong had a plan for this project, but Lord...Professor Chu said that you might have a better way, so don't worry, Professor Chu gave everyone's attention. You sit on the stage, Deputy Chief Engineer Luo and I are here to supervise your work!"

Luo Shengli also lost the smile of Maitreya Buddha, and said seriously: "We just came here, and you went home on the back foot, Xiao Tongzhi, your attitude is not very good, I hope you can complete the work seriously, and don't let Professor Chu down to you Newcomers and high hopes!"

Lin Yuan figured it out instantly, and he said seriously, "Don't worry, I will definitely finish the work seriously!"

Chu Dingyuan said: "In terms of nuclear power knowledge, you can ask Yu Rong and Lao Luo if you have any questions, and tell me if you have any ideas!"

Lin Yuan nodded, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

For others, it is good news to have two industry leaders to assist, but for Lin Yuan, it is bad news.

I thought I could carry out research and development freely, but now that someone is staring at me, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to do.

The three walked out of the office, and Chu Yurong said, "If Researcher Lin has nothing to do, start studying now. According to Professor Chu, you don't seem to have fully grasped the knowledge of nuclear energy?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, but I think it's okay to study alone in the dormitory? I'll ask you if I have any questions?"

Chu Yurong wanted to refuse, but Luo Shengli hurriedly said: "Okay, follow your instructions first, if not, let's adjust."

Lin Yuan nodded and left.

Looking at Lin Yuan's handsome back, Chu Yurong said angrily, "Uncle Luo, why did you let him go? How can we do it behind closed doors?"

Luo Shengli smiled indifferently: "Yu Rong, don't worry, just take a look and talk, trust your grandpa."

Chu Yurong said coldly: "I don't know what grandpa thinks. Can a person who doesn't even understand nuclear technology understand nuclear power? It will be difficult for him to get started in three months."

Luo Shengli said cheerfully: "Before your grandfather adopted you, we thought you were a little princess. Then, who knew that you were so talented that you could become Professor Chu's successor?"

Chu Yurong's glamorous face was slightly red, and she said confidently: "Because I am his granddaughter, I can't embarrass him!"

Luo Shengli said: "Then you should still trust Lin Yuan, he will not embarrass Professor Chu."


Chu Yurong was puzzled.

Luo Shengli: "The chief teacher entrusted his connections and asked many people about Lin Yuan's situation. Those who knew didn't tell, and those who didn't know didn't know. In the end, they were warned by the superiors!"

Chu Yurong was astonished. Is this Lin Yuan so mysterious?

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