this day.

Luo Shengli came to Chu Dingyuan's office, and when Chu Dingyuan looked up, he was almost taken aback.

He wondered: "Lao Luo, what's going on with you?"

Luo Shengli, who stared at the two big dark circles, sighed: "It's hard to say, Teacher Lin is too outrageous, he doesn't even want to rest! I have done the experiment for five days! Yu Rong has fallen down, and I can't hold it anymore Living!"

Chu Dingyuan was taken aback: "What's wrong with Yu Rong?"

Luo Shengli said: "Oh, it's okay, Yu Rong just fainted, and then went back to rest."

Chu Dingyuan nodded: "What's going on, isn't it that Lin Yuan's work and rest are a little bit in the underworld, why is it like a war?"

Luo Shengli looked bewildered: "Professor, Lin Yuan's work and rest is not a hell, he doesn't even sleep! He only sleeps less than 3 hours a day for five days, and he looks like a normal person!"

Chu Dingyuan was taken aback. Didn't Wang Liang and the others say, Lin Yuan just works and rests in the underworld, why doesn't he sleep?


He exclaimed: "What? Only sleep for 3 hours a day? Such an important matter! Why didn't you say it earlier! Hurry up! Let him go to rest! Something happened, what should we do?"

Luo Shengli said, "He just went to bed."

Chu Dingyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

He scolded again: "It's really worrying. Every time I do a scientific research, I work hard. Young people don't waste like this!"

Luo Shengli agreed.

If Lin Yuan hadn't had to take a rest, he would have passed out.

"What kind of experiment are you doing these five days? Why are you suffering like this?" Chu Dingyuan asked.

For the past five days, he has been in charge of meeting the "Dawn Project" with the higher authorities, and as the military industry assessment is approaching, he will also start leading the team to make artillery with all his strength.

Chu Dingyuan has not joined Lin Yuan's experimental group yet.

Luo Shengli explained: "Lin Yuan said he was making some kind of coolant, he was making cold nuclear fusion."

Cold fusion?

Chu Dingyuan didn't expect it, but he felt quite reliable.

The temperature and pressure conditions required for nuclear fusion are too high, more than 100 million degrees. At present, except for nuclear explosions, this requirement cannot be met.

This is also the reason why hydrogen bombs also have nuclear pollution. In fact, it is the nuclear radiation brought by small nuclear bombs used for internal detonation.

The requirements for cold nuclear fusion are relatively much lower, but they are still in the theoretical stage, and even uncontrollable cold nuclear fusion has not been made.

But since Lin Yuan started to do it, he must have his own ideas.

"How are you studying?"

Chu Dingyuan is more concerned about this. There is only one Lin Yuan. His path will always be research and development, and he will not only stay in the nuclear field.

Just like the consciousness transcoding technology, Lin Yuan is only responsible for the research and development, and Lin Yaoguang is the one who expands it.

Therefore, Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli must lay the foundation during this period.

However, Luo Shengli shook his head and said: "I haven't learned much. He is all about theory during the day, and we can't understand it. We can understand it at the beginning when we do experiments at night."

"I can't stand it anymore, I always doze off, and I can't keep up with it."

Chu Dingyuan:...

Co-authoring these five days is equivalent to wasting effort.

Luo Shengli said seriously: "Professor, you need someone! If Lin Yuan does this, Yu Rong and I will die here sooner or later! Or do you have medicine for number zero? Give us some too, he Lin Yuan can survive so well, it's not normal man!"

Chu Dingyuan scolded: "Don't talk nonsense."

Luo Shengli was dumbfounded.

Chu Dingyuan pondered.

I have tasks and responsibilities

The above is still conducting political review, and no new researchers have come over in a short time.

On the side of Longxing, it is impossible to stop the suspension directly, and it will be easily discovered by the international level, and it will be troublesome at that time.

There is no other way, so I can only put it on.

Chu Dingyuan said: "How about this, you and Yu Rong work in two shifts and don't seek to learn anything, but you must record it and learn slowly when you go back."

Luo Shengli nodded: "That's the only way."


Another half month passed.

In the dormitory, Lin Yuan carefully placed the top hat with the four big characters [天下平平] in an inconspicuous corner.

After being abducted by Twenty Tiankeng, he finally finished [Tianxia Taiping] secretly. Chu Yurong and Chu Yurong were naive, but they thought they were still studying coolant.

In the past 20 days, the research progress of [Ghost Body] was also completed, and Lin Yuan even got all the materials into the dormitory.

"One night, it should be done! Try to make it one time, and make the research and development progress of [Ghost Pattern] and [Soul Body] full!"

Lin Yuan counted the time and started working.

The next day, in the morning, Chu Yurong opened her sleepy eyes, and her drowsy head gradually became clear.


A familiar voice sounded from beside her ears, and Chu Yurong wondered why Lin Yuan was in the house.

She got up and turned her head to look, and saw a figure that combined reality and reality, and that figure was Lin Yuan.

However, Lin Yuan's body passed through the table, like a ghost, without interfering with the real thing.

"What kind of dream is this?"

Chu Yurong looked puzzled.

Lin Yuan said: "This is not a dream! If you don't believe me, pinch yourself."

Chu Yurong pinched her thigh suspiciously, a sharp pain came, and then her mind went down immediately!

"There are ghosts!!!!!!"

The woman's scream pierced the morning of the institute.

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