Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 69: The Shouting Dr. Karen! The Face-Slap Action That Everyone Is Looking Forward To!

News of Bach Karen's visit to Dragon Kingdom.

It was quickly spread, which is not surprising to the international community.

Now the war between Lao Mao and Er Mao cannot be resolved for a long time, and the energy crisis in Europa has already appeared.

In some countries, the problem of energy shortage has already appeared, and even the manufacturers of electric blankets in Longguo have made a lot of money because of this.

Germany, even as early as three months ago, announced that if the energy crisis is still not resolved before the cold wave comes, it will restart the nuclear power project to deal with the bitter cold.

Right now, it is already the day when the cold wave is approaching.

Bach Karen, a prestigious nuclear energy scientist in Germany, suddenly visited the Dragon Kingdom, which also means that Germany can't sit still!

Before he got on the plane, Bach Karen was surrounded by a crowd of reporters. Countless microphones were placed in front of him, and the reporters asked sharp questions one after another.

"Dr. Karen! Why did you choose to cooperate with Longguo! Is our country's nuclear energy technology not developed enough?"

"Dr. Karen! Is there any danger of nuclear pollution by restarting the nuclear power plant!"

"Doctor! What is your purpose for visiting Longguo this time?"

"Doctor, do you know about Eagle Sauce's secret sabotage of energy transportation?"

"Dr. Karen! Are you really a copper addict?"

Western journalists, like journalists all over the world, have no bottom line. They will do anything for the sake of gimmicks.

Bach Karen has already had his own words to deal with, but this time, he answered very honestly.

"Our diplomat told me that Longguo has created a fission nuclear power plant without nuclear pollution. This is simply absurd!"

"People all over the world know that there is only controllable nuclear fusion, and there is no nuclear pollution, but the fission power station in Longguo also has no nuclear pollution? Isn't this funny!"

"In the past this time, I want to tell 26 Longguo's scientific research staff that if they want to cooperate with Germany, the method of cheating big oil companies is not feasible!"

"I will let the world know! Our German nuclear energy technology is at the forefront of the world!"

Bach Karen raised his arms.

The fans who came to see off the plane cheered one after another, looking at all kinds of mouths.

The reporters were frantically recording this conversation. No one expected that such a big news could be picked up today.

This material is too fierce!

As for Longguo really developing fission power station technology without nuclear pollution, no one cares at all.

I heard that people over there say they have a history of five thousand years. How is this possible?

The great Yingjiang is only 246 years old, while his father, Daying, has a history of more than 4,000 years.

Dragon country, how could it be possible to surpass them?


The interview with Bach Karen spread on the Internet, and many netizens didn't know how to respond to the sudden questioning.

After all, they also looked confused.

A fission power station without nuclear pollution, isn't this a fool? When will our Dragon Kingdom do this kind of thing.

The oil giants who were also shot while lying down were even more confused. Could it be that they were really deceived by Longguo?

No one has an answer, they don't know the whole picture, and they don't comment. They just focus all their eyes on Bach Karen.

Sitting on the plane, Bach Karen looked at his soaring fans on social media and smiled. After this wave, his company's stock price can soar a lot again!

With more funds, he can do his research on controllable nuclear fusion!

at the same time.

In Research Institute Zero.

The researchers all saw today's hot search headlines, and they all looked confused.

"A fission power station without nuclear pollution? Is this really what our people said?"

"Isn't this funny?"

"Damn it, the German side must have deliberately discredited us for their own sake. Not to mention the popularity, they can still restart the nuclear power plant by themselves!"

"It's really reasonable for you to say that, but can't they use ours? If something goes wrong, they can shirk responsibility at that time!"

"You don't understand this. With Germany's status in Europa, will Eagle Sauce allow them to use our technology?"

"It's true, hey, these people don't dare to do anything, they just know how to plot and trick! They are so positive!"

"Don't worry, sooner or later they will buy at a lower price!"

The researchers chatted indignantly.

In the nuclear laboratory, Lin Yuan and others worked non-stop. Fortunately, there was a production experience, and the production of "Tianxia Taiping" went very smoothly this time.

Chu Yurong wiped off her sweat and said, "Lin Yuan, can you finish the work?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "It will be finished the morning after tomorrow!"

Chu Dingyuan patted his face, cheered up and said: "Okay! Don't chat! Work harder! Try to get it out as soon as possible!"

The three of them devoted themselves to their work again.

two days later.

【Tianxia Taiping】After the production was completed, Lin Yuan linked it with the black body of technology, and Fan Wujiu came back to life again.

After a series of inspections and no problems were found, everyone boarded an armed transport vehicle and rushed to Base 902.

Even if Bach Karen visits the Dragon Kingdom, they will not allow him to visit No. 0. The one closest to No. 0 is naturally the most suitable base 902.

After they arrived at Base 902 and completed a series of camouflage projects, it was already noon the next day, and Bach Karen also came to Base 902.

In the past three days, Bach Karen did not go to Dragon Country immediately, but visited several countries successively to build momentum for himself.

The news about him coming to Longguo to slap his face has also soared in popularity, and has become the hottest topic nowadays.

Even, some markets have already started betting.

It can be said that this visit has attracted much attention.

Bach Karen and his team, who just arrived in Longguo last night, came to base 902 under the leadership of diplomats.

As soon as he entered the door, all kinds of cutting-edge equipment did not make him feel the slightest disturbance.

Although he doesn't believe that Longguo can build a fission power station without nuclear pollution, it doesn't mean he doesn't know about Longguo's nuclear technology.

In fact, he is very clear that the nuclear energy technology of Longguo ranks among the top in the world.

This is also the reason why Germany is willing to cooperate with Longguo. There are various restrictions on cooperating with Yingjiang. Lao Mao is currently at a loss and is the chief culprit of the energy crisis. Longguo is actually the best partner.

Originally, he thought that it would be fine to cooperate normally and let Long Guo take the blame when something goes wrong.

In addition, there are many benefits to being able to study Longguo's technology with Yingjiang's people.

But he didn't expect that Long Guo jumped out by himself and slapped himself in the face, and he didn't know which nerve was wrong.

Could it be that they discovered the conspiracy between Germany and Eagle Sauce?

The cunning rabbit really has this wisdom, but there is no need to bear such infamy?

Karen hasn't figured this out until now.

"Dr. Karen, it's here!"

The person in charge of 902, Yu Han said.

Karen was taken aback for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she found that she had come outside a huge laboratory.

He wondered: "Is this the destination?"

Yu Han nodded.

Karen said: "What about the radiation protection suit? You won't let me go in like this?"

Yu Han nodded again, and he took out a Geiger counter, you can look at it.

Karen took the counter and found that the number displayed on it was zero.

He was suspicious for a while, and knocked on the material of the outer wall of the laboratory, making a bang, bang, like a temporary metal house.

This material should not be radiation-proof!

Could it be that Longguo really created a fission power station without nuclear pollution?

However, this is impossible!

"Aren't you going in? Didn't you say you were coming to uncover our old background?"

Yu Han said with a playful face.

Bach Karen couldn't stand this kind of excitement, he raised the Geiger counter in his hand and said, "If there is a change in the number on it, I request to put on a radiation protection suit immediately!"

Yu Han sighed: "Forget it, I'll get someone to bring it to you now!"

He didn't want this man to do anything wrong later.

Karen was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart, hum, she really showed her feet!

After he and his team had put on the anti-radiation suits, Yu Han opened the iron door and walked in first, and then said: "Please come in! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Karen suddenly had some uneasy premonition in his heart, he looked at one of the team and said: "Joey, you wait outside, check my news anytime!"

Yu Han smiled: "Dr. Karen, our Dragon Kingdom is a friendly country, not some Angsa robbers."

Karen laughed: "Then I'm scared too!"

Yu Han didn't say anything, but murmured in his heart: You will be even more afraid later!

Joey stayed behind, and after Karen explained something, she led the people into the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a strong smell, which is the smell of new houses.

He wondered 783: "Mr. Yu, did you just build this place?"

Yu Han nodded: "Yes, it was specially built for you!"

"What's the meaning?"

Karen asked nervously.

Yu Han said: "Didn't you, the German side, want to cooperate with us? We have specially built a laboratory to study clean nuclear energy!"

Karen nodded: "I see."

He looked around and found that it was indeed the same as a normal fission power station. The only difference was that the Geiger counter in his hand kept showing zero.

What's more, he still felt a little cold. This Dragon Country is really rich. The air conditioner in the nuclear power plant is turned on so loudly that he can't even feel the heat energy generated by the fission reaction.

Soon, under the leadership of Yu Han, a group of people came to the interior of the laboratory, above the fence where the pulse reactor was located.

Through the glass, Karen saw the Pulse Reactor lying quietly in the water, emitting an azure light.

Everything is exactly the same as their nuclear power plant, the only problem is that the Geiger counter in his hand still shows zero.

At this time, he realized that something was wrong.

"Mr. Lin! Professor Chu! Dr. Karen is here!"

"Dr. Karen, this is Professor Chu, and this is Professor Chu's assistant.

At this time, Tian Han started to introduce.

Before Karen had time to think too much, she also greeted Chu Dingyuan and Lin Yuan.

Chu Dingyuan took the initiative to exchange greetings: "Karen, the last time we met was ten years ago! It's just that you have gone too far for this visit!"

Karen was also unambiguous, and said bluntly: "Professor Chu, don't you know how outrageous the fission power station you are talking about without nuclear pollution is? What do we mean by going too far?"

Professor Chu said: "What if we make it?"

Karen shook her head: "It's absolutely impossible!"

The team behind him had smiles in their eyes, why are they still talking hard?

Professor Chu asked: "Then explain why the pulse reactor in front of you has no nuclear radiation!"

Karen couldn't answer, so he said, "I suspect yours is a fake, show me if you have a clue!"

Chu Dingyuan nodded: "Okay! Then as you wish! Activate the energy!".

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