Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 71: Strategic Meeting! Electromagnetic Rifle! Candle Dragon Project!

"After this cooperation with Germany! We will face two problems!"

"The first one is the spy infiltration of Eagle Sauce. Some problems will be discovered sooner or later! So we need to prepare countermeasures!"

"The second one is more orders for power plants. We must keep up with the infrastructure construction. The No. 0 Research Institute will be under a lot of pressure. I also hope to send personnel to guide them as soon as possible, and strive to understand the controllable nuclear fusion technology as soon as possible!"

"The think tank predicts that the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion will completely change the world pattern. War may break out at any time. We want to curb the emergence of war! We need to show stronger muscles! Let the world dare not go to war!"

"Military reform is imperative! It mainly involves two aspects, one is the army, and the other is the new modern combat force!"

"For the army, the three major army military factories have fully grasped Lin Yuan's super alloy technology and high-density hydrogen battery technology, and have derived more excellent and more suitable technologies!"

"With the exoskeleton technology provided by the No. 0 Research Institute, we intend to build a demonstration heavy army with 10,000 people equipped with exoskeleton armor!"

"Currently, this army still needs a decent weapon. This task will be delegated to major military factories and research institutes, and it will also become an important indicator for the new round of resource allocation.

"The new modernized combat force will be the mainstream direction in the future. With cutting-edge information technology, drone technology and the best combat equipment, we will build a force that can kill ten enemy shields per capita!"

"Currently, it is planned to focus on tiger war machines and optical camouflage special warfare units, and other combat equipment needs to be adapted. It requires everyone to brainstorm!"

"Both troops will participate in the recruitment promotion in the middle of the year, and will participate in this year's International Auto Show!"

"Of course, the most important thing is that we hope to have a dominant deterrent equipment, so as to consolidate the strength of the Dragon Kingdom, and strive to fully operate the controllable nuclear fusion program within five years, and enter the era of free electricity for all people!"

Inside the compound.

An old man talked eloquently at the long table, throwing out specific plans and problems that needed to be solved.

Even, put forward the future development strategy.

Soon, the meeting discussion began.

Among them, many discussions have been conducted on the discovery of controllable nuclear fusion power plants.

After testing, there is no need to worry about the real discovery of the problem at present, but suspicion, suspicion, and various temptations will always let foreign experts slowly find the truth.

However, in the short term it is absolutely manageable.

This question will be concluded soon.

Then came the issue of research on controllable nuclear fusion technology, on which Jian Dingwan delivered a speech.

He promised: "Currently, researcher Chu Yurong and I have already passed the initial entry, and we will try to thoroughly understand the technology within half a year. At the same time, I will also choose personnel from Longxing and Tenglong 1 to learn! Organization disappointed!"

Lin Yuan, sitting in the farthest corner, watched Professor Chu beside him speak, and sighed in his heart. He didn't understand, but all kinds of preparations had been made long ago.

But this is also good, I am responsible for technical research, and other things will be taken care of by the higher-ups.

Soon, the discussion came to the discussion of the exemplary remodeling house.

At present, the plan of the exoskeleton armor, through various military factories, plus the technology provided by No. 0, already has a preliminary direction. Basically, all parties are negotiating and it can be finalized.

The main problem is still focused on weapons.

Several army generals, as well as Lei Qiangjun, had a heated discussion about this.

But the discussions came and went, and they still stayed on the guns, and there was no best idea.

At this time, a wise man said: "Researcher Xiaolin, do you have any ideas?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Yuan, and everyone had high hopes for this researcher.

If it wasn't for his appearance, everyone wouldn't be gathering here today to discuss future strategic issues, but would still be developing steadily.

Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback, how could he find himself, but he really has something, but he doesn't know if they can accept it.

An army general said: "Lin Tongzhi, don't be afraid, just speak up if you have any ideas."

Lin Yuan said slowly: "Everyone should have heard of magic tools, right?"

Everyone: ???

No, we're talking about new weapons for the Army, what are you talking to us about here?

However, this time it seems that there is no such a hell, and it seems to be a good thing, at least there has been a change.

However, at the next moment, Lin Yuan said: "Just like magical weapons, Yin soldiers and ghost generals can actually use ghost weapons, such as Hei Wuchang's Haunting Lock, which is a kind of ghost tool, but the Hooking Lock belongs to the category of functional ghost tools .”

"As for some offensive ghost weapons, I think they can be used as weapons for the heavy army!"

Everyone heard the words and began to think seriously.

They are very clear about the ability of the soul lock, it can only be said that it is very explosive!

If all ghost weapons are of this level, what about attacking ghost weapons?

Lin Yuan said: "It's just that the prototypes of offensive weapons that I can find so far, such as Zhong Kui's sword, are too difficult to make, and the energy needed to drive this ghost weapon is at least controllable ( cged) change!"

In the records that Lin Yuan found so far, there are very few stories about Yin soldiers and ghost generals, all of which are just a few words, and cannot form a specific scientific research model.

Everyone's expression changed.

Lei Qiangjun said: "Then can't you lower your requirements?"

Lin Yuan was helpless, he also wanted to lower it, but this was what the system analyzed.

He shook his head and said, "Then I have no design inspiration."

Everyone was dumbfounded, lowering the difficulty of research, and even making the research and development inspiration disappear, what is the reason?

Chu Dingyuan said: "Then are there any related technologies that can be derived into weapons?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's true. For example, the ghost pattern technology has many types. According to the electromagnetic technology of the ecstasy lock, I can make an electromagnetic ghost pattern. It should be possible to create an electromagnetic enchantment, so that the weapon has the ability to emit electromagnetic waves." ability!"

Chu Dingyuan half-knowledged: "You mean, you can make electromagnetic weapons?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Hearing this, everyone showed smiling faces, the mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is another village!

Electromagnetic weapons are also the focus of research in various countries at present, compared with thermal weapons based on gunpowder substrates.

Electromagnetic weapons have an absolute advantage, that is, the advantage in launching. Thermal weapons must use gunpowder base.

Electromagnetic weapons do not require a gunpowder base, which means that the bullets of electromagnetic weapons can be anything.

In addition, the kinetic energy of electromagnetic weapons is also much higher than that of thermal weapons. In theory, the kinetic energy of an electromagnetic pistol can even exceed some large anti-material weapons.

However, these are theoretical studies, and the electromagnetic weapon technology of various countries is still in its infancy.

Lei Qiangjun asked curiously: "Then after the ghost pattern is enchanted, how powerful can the weapon reach?"

Lin Yuan shook his head: "I haven't tested this, but it will definitely not be lower than the theoretical value!"

When Lei Qiangjun heard the words, he looked forward to it for a while. If it is so powerful, there will be more tanks per capita in the future!

An army general hesitated: "What about the cost? The cost is too high, we may not be able to afford it!"

At this time, Chu Dingyuan said, "The cost of the ghost pattern is very low. In the calculation of the research and development cost of the black impermanence of technology, the cost of the ghost pattern is even less than 10,000 yuan!"

For less than 10,000 yuan, it is within the acceptable range to build an electromagnetic gun.

At this moment, Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "Actually, it can be even lower."

Everyone was overjoyed again, how could it be lower?

The old man sitting at the front of the long table also asked at this time: "How much lower can it be?"

Lin Yun said earnestly: "Heiwuchang's ghost pattern can launch ghost fires and create ghost formations, and the technology content is very high!"

"And the technology of electromagnetic enchanting is relatively simple, it just makes the material able to withstand the effect of electromagnetic induction, and at the same time conduct energy flow."

"The cost required is about one-tenth of the Heiwuchang ghost pattern. If it is mass-produced, it is estimated to be less than a hundred yuan."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and the old man at the front of the long table was a little moved.

It costs less than a hundred dollars!

What is this concept?

The official purchase price of Type 95 is 4,000 yuan, and the minimum cost can be reduced to about 2,500 yuan.

And the cost of the electromagnetic ghost pattern is only 100 yuan, even if the cost of making the weapon is 2000, it is not as high as the 95 style!

The most important thing is that the bullets produced by the electromagnetic gun do not require a gunpowder base, which can save a lot of expenses.

Hot weapon bullets have always been a huge expense. Longguo was short of copper, so they had to change them to steel. Fortunately, the technology is good, and the power is no different.

However, as a self-lubricating metal, copper has a good ejection efficiency, and steel bullets have a greater chance of jamming.

For this reason, Longguo invented the copper-plated cartridge case, which added another process and cost.

If you use an electromagnetic gun, then everything will be solved.

Longguo's steel bullet technology is a huge advantage.

For a moment, everyone had smiles on their faces.

Tuk tuk.

The old man knocked on the table, and the room fell silent immediately.

The old man asked: "Lin Yuan, how long will it take for you to successfully develop this electromagnetic ghost pattern?"

Lin Yuan said without hesitation: "If necessary, I can fix the theoretical technology tomorrow, and the finished product in three days.

Everyone was a little surprised, it seems that there are still many things to try.

The old man said: "Don't worry about this, your primary purpose now is to hand over the controllable nuclear fusion technology to Professor Chu and the others."

"As for the electromagnetic ghost pattern, what I mean is that you can hand over the theoretical technology to other researchers in your institute and let them carry out research and development."

Others also very much agree.

Obviously, everyone felt that Lin Yuan should not be affected by such a small problem, and Lin Yuan was also very happy about it.

He doesn't have much interest in developing such a small technology.

Lin Yuan nodded: "Understood."

After the weapons of the reloaded army were finalized, everyone started discussions on the construction of a new generation of modern troops.

At present, in the military industry assessment, the excellent optical camouflage technology and the silent stealth war machine Ghost Tiger have been successfully selected.

An army general said: "I propose that the consciousness bomb developed by Academician Lin Yaoguang and his team can be deployed."

After speaking, he sent out the materials.

After watching it, everyone has no opinion on it.

Lin Yuan was a little surprised when he looked at the relevant information.

The consciousness bomb developed by Lin Yaoguang can be said to be an excellent work in the field of existing technology.

Equivalent to the size of the helmet, the effective blasting range with a radius of 5 meters will cause collective fainting within the range, while enemies within a radius of 10 meters will experience confusion of varying intensities.

The cost is also controlled at about 30,000 yuan, which is considered a good blasting weapon.

In addition, Lin Yaoguang also developed a projectile consciousness bomb warhead.

Looking at Lin Yaoguang's project summary, Lin Yuan sighed: "This

It is military research and development.

Chu Dingyuan on the side couldn't laugh or cry, you kid still knows.

If it weren't for your awesome stuff, no one would be able to accept that underworld idea.

Following the suggestion of the army general, the others also put forward their own ideas.

For example, hook-lock guns, fully automatic retractable parachutes, and other works that appeared in this military industry reform.

Some have passed, some are still open to discussion, and they have been pieced together to produce a decent army.

However, this presents a huge problem, there does not seem to be a command platform to match it.

This new modern force has too many capabilities and a lot of drone technology, which is very different from the traditional command by everyone, and requires a more high-end intelligent system.

At this time, Lei Qiangjun thought: "I remember Lin Yuan's black impermanence, he seems to be quite smart! Why don't you ask him?"

Everyone was stunned.

As Lei Qiangjun said, Lin Yuan's technology is impermanent, and in the video performance, the degree of intelligence displayed is very high.

Even when fighting against Ghost Tiger Tiger, there were dialogues that were very humane.

Before, everyone was attracted by controllable nuclear fusion and forgot this important point.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Yuan again.

Lin Yuan said: "Technology Heiwuchang does have a certain degree of intelligence. The system he is equipped with is probably comparable to strong artificial intelligence, but I have not turned on the deep learning function.

His IQ will only be about ten years old!"


At this moment, Cuo Dingyuan on the side gasped.

How intelligent is the black impermanence of science and technology, so high? No one expected this.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan said again: "In addition, the black impermanence's camouflage ghost pattern uses virtual reality technology. I think this technology can be used to command

!It can even be mounted on a soldier's helmet, and the XYZ axis can be visualized in all directions, which greatly improves the efficiency of communication and reduces errors.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in approval again.

AR reality augmentation technology has been researched all the time, and the military also thought about it in the early days, and it can be used as an open command.

However, the effect is very good, but it is very inconvenient to use, and it will cause the problem of delaying the fighter.

However, the technology of virtual reality is different, there is almost no delay, and the real ones can be projected instantly.

Lin Yuan said again: "Moreover, this technology should be able to be combined with AI technology to create a helmet with real-time computing functions, so that the commander's order can be executed in the first place."

The time is effective, and the most reasonable optimization is carried out according to the type of work!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and looked at Lin Yuan in surprise.

You kid, when did you get on the right track, and you actually proposed such a good research and development plan?

Lei Qiangjun wondered: "Lin Yuan, the technology you mentioned doesn't sound like it was invented by the underworld! Did you come up with it yourself?"

Lin Yuan nodded in embarrassment: "I feel it."

Everyone laughed, and the old man at the front of the long table also laughed and said, "Then you should post more of this kind of feeling! We like it very much!"

The atmosphere relaxed a lot in an instant, but it soon entered into a serious discussion, because the next topic was the heaviest topic.


There are things that never change in this world, and war is one of them.

Any Dragon Country person is well aware of the cruelty of war and the hard-won peace.

This is why, many times, I would rather be wronged than have conflicts.

However, it is different now. Longguo has mastered many advanced technologies, and sooner or later it will become the target of public criticism.

At this time, showing weakness will only become the target of the great powers.

Only fists can make people terrified, and the Dragon Kingdom must come up with a real great sword.

Listening to the old man's pronunciation, Lin Yuan also felt his blood boil, and he searched for all the techniques in his hands.

The two words suddenly came into his eyes, and he was still very familiar with it, because he had tasted the blood of this thing.

It's called [Candle Dragon]!.

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