Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 84: Exoskeleton Armor Test! It Is Light And Has High Defense At The Same Time?

"This, is this the [Ghost Armor] you mentioned?"

Chu Dingyuan pointed to the exoskeleton armor of the room, and asked with a look of surprise.

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right, in Yangjian's words, it's called [Liquid Memory Metal]"

Chu Dingyuan was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "I understood it in an instant, so you have already done it, and you are just doing the test?

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right, the preliminary performance is excellent, and we can start detailed testing."

Chu Dingyuan nodded and immediately started the preparations.

That afternoon, Lei Qiangjun came to the No. 0 Research Institute in a hurry.

He is the No. 0 exoskeleton armor queen tester.

"what happened?"

Lin Yuan looked at Lei Qiangjun with a dirty face and asked.

Lei Qiangjun said: "It's okay, I got a few rats in southern Yunnan this morning."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Are you all right?"

Lei Qiangjun waved his hand: "Of course it's fine, no one saw us, so we just took it all away."

While chatting, the two walked towards the test site of the 802 next door

On the way, Lin Yuan made 28 calls to understand the situation.

During this period of time, as Longguo successively delivered clean fission power stations, researches in various countries were carried out in full swing.

With the deepening of the research, various countries have discovered that the level of nuclear technology of the Dragon Kingdom has surpassed that of other countries, and more and more spies have entered the Dragon Kingdom.

However, with the existence of soul locks and ghost clothes, these spies have nowhere to hide. They sneaked into the interrogation in one go, easily wiped out the dens, and achieved zero casualties in the true sense.

"According to what my old leader said, you are responsible for one-third of these people's arrest.

Lei Qiangjun sighed.

Lin Yuan waved his hand: "Without you fighting on the front line, the usefulness of things is useless.

While talking, the two came to the test site, and Chief Engineer Liu stepped forward to greet him and said, "You guys are here. If you don't come, Lao He and the others won't let us see the goods."

Chu Dingyuan scolded: "Why are you so anxious, besides, why are you here to join in the fun if you don't do research?"

Academician Duo, the chief designer of Type 95, said cheerfully: "Our research has been completed, and now we need to open the mold and mass-produce it.

He Kangguo looked surprised: "So fast?"

Chief Engineer Gu of the National Electromagnetic Gun Research Institute nodded and said: "The last time Major General Lin Yuan came, we have already completed the test and then optimized it, and the electromagnetic rifle has been completed.

He Kangguo and the others were speechless for a while. Is this the experience of being guided by someone?

However, if you think about it carefully, the difficulty of the electromagnetic rifle is nothing more than the miniaturization of the electromagnetic acceleration guide rail, electromagnetic acceleration technology and energy supply.

All three are perfectly solved by Lin Yuan's technology.

Whether it is the 208 Institute or Academician Duo, they are all leaders in Longguo in the design of rifles. Coupled with the consideration of Chief Engineer Gu, it is not too simple to design an electromagnetic rifle.

Lei Qiangjun said: "Do you have any finished products here? Give me two to try later."

Mr. Liu said: "If you don't tell me, we will let you use it. The experience of frontline soldiers is also very important."

Although the electromagnetic rifle has been designed, there are still many places that need to be optimized and polished.

Anyway, there is still some time before the new era military exhibition, he polished the electromagnetic rifle to the best.

Lin Yuan said at this time: "Okay! Start the test quickly, I will go back tomorrow."

After everyone heard the words, they didn't dare to be negligent. They all knew that the project that Lin Yuan was in charge of was the important cornerstone for the Dragon Kingdom to stand on top of the world in the future.

Immediately, He Kangguo shouted: "Unload the truck!"

The logistics personnel from the No. 0 Research Institute immediately started to move, lifting the exoskeleton armor out of the large armored transport vehicle.

It wasn't until Wu Yehua lifted the black cloth that everyone saw the full appearance of the exoskeleton armor.


Lei Qiangjun took a deep breath.

I don't know why, he has tried so many exoskeleton armors, and the exoskeleton armors in front of him give him a very subtle feeling.

There is a dependable, tough feel to it.

"What's wrong?"

Wu Yehua asked nervously.

Lei Qiangjun said in a deep voice: "This guy should be very fierce!"

Wu Yehua breathed a sigh of relief, he nodded and said: "That's for sure! The solid-state hydrogen battery provided by Major General Lin Yuan can provide powerful kinetic energy, which is at least three times more powerful than the previous exoskeletons!"

Lei Qiangjun was slightly taken aback.

Triple is no small feat!

Before this, the exoskeleton technology of No. 0 Research Institute was actually very perfect, very flexible, and could provide soldiers with 300 catties of extra strength. The only fly in the ointment was that the power supply accounted for 150 catties.

If it is three times, then the power is close to 1 ton! The proportion of power supply can be ignored.

Wearing this set of exoskeleton armor, isn't it a humanoid beast?

Wu Yehua also said: "Not only that, the weight of the power supply is also much smaller, and it can already be controlled within 100 catties. In the future, if Longxing and Tenglong can make miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion, it will be even better. fierce!"

When Lei Qiangjun heard the words, he looked forward to it even more, and he couldn't wait any longer.

He shook his body and said excitedly: "Then I can try it out later!"

Soon, with the help of the staff, Lei Qiangjun put on the exoskeleton armor, first operated it habitually, and then 503 was a little surprised: "Why is it so light?"

A dull voice came from inside the helmet.

Wu Yehua said: "I have to ask Major General Lin Yuan about that."

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan explained: "Based on [Ghost Armor] technology, the armor of the exoskeleton uses liquid memory metal, which belongs to the category of light metal, so it is not as heavy as ordinary armor. "

Lei Qiangjun was worried: "In this case, can the defense be done well?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said: "There is no problem at all, I tested it in the laboratory this morning, and there is no problem with resisting ordinary heat weapons.

Lei Qiangjun was skeptical. In his perception, the heavier and thicker the armor, the more secure it would be.

When the Shadow Wolves go out on missions, the 5-jin bulletproof inserts are placed directly on the front and back, three pieces each.

Now, this liquid memory metal is so light that he doesn't feel safe.

However, since Lin Yuan spoke up, let's check the situation later in the defensive test.

"Okay! Now let's do a speed test! Please run with all your strength, Chief!"

Here it is, the testers yelled.

Lei Qiangjun is very experienced in this and quickly completed a series of functional tests.

Everyone looked at the data feedback, and they were all happy, and the effect was very good!.

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