Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 93 Surprisingly Changing The Experimental Subjects Into Large Animals

Early the next morning, when dawn fell.

Some of the people are fully dressed and come to their posts. What they have to do every day is to routinely open their emails and check emails from various departments, including the progress of their experiments.

But one of the men wearing glasses, after opening the email from Lin Yuan.

He was still bleary-eyed at first.

But I don't want to, after reading the content of the email.

He watched it carefully twice, and then his eyes suddenly widened, and his face was almost pressed into the screen.

The man was taken aback, and the colleagues beside him couldn't help but stop when they saw how shocked he was, and then put the coffee on his table and said.

"What's your expression?"

He tapped lightly on the table.

The man glanced back at his colleague, then pointed to the mail in front of him and said.

"Come and take a look." "One Five Three"

Colleagues came over reluctantly, but they didn't want to see it.

He was also stunned, and even watched it several times.

"Is this kind of document report human-made?"

The man thought for a while, then hurriedly looked at the contact person who sent the email.

"The inscribed name is Lin Yuan, why is it him again?!"

The result was after Lin Yuan's name was pronounced.

He seems to have thought of something. During this period of time, he has been receiving and checking Lin Yuan's emails, but the person who checked it first was not him.

But now, he was the first person to check. For a moment, he couldn't accept Lin Yuan's experiments in the underworld. Looking at his companion beside him, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"This guy's methods are too abominable!"

"I feel so too."

The companion nodded slightly, agreeing with his statement.

"But what he said seems to be reasonable. After all, they are all for military technology. After all, we want to maximize the development and practice of an experimental item, otherwise

No matter what to do next, being soft-hearted is a kind of regret. "

The two looked at each other, and finally they could only approve the document.

Afterwards, they took the documents to the people above.

The people above are still busy with other official documents, and they don't have time to deal with them.

But after seeing this document, he was also stunned.

"Who gave this to me?"

Hearing the director's question, everyone hurriedly stood up and explained.

After hearing the two names of Lin Yuan, the director bowed his head and flipped through the documents in his hand, thought for a while, and hurriedly waved his hand and said.

"It's this kid again, I know."

After speaking, the director returned to the office, picked up the phone and called Lin Yuan.

"What's the matter with your Guilongyuan experiment? Why did you conduct so many bloody experiments? Wouldn't it be too cruel to conduct experiments like this?"

Regardless of ∈, or broken belly, take it out.

Lin Yuan is a real talent, and his experiments are like a man from the underworld.

He couldn't stand it anymore, so he called to inquire.

You know, almost without exception, the experimental reports that were brought up before, all started step by step. The most important thing is that even if mice are used, they are not so fishy.

Their experimental process may be simple and rough, but it will definitely not be like Lin Yuan's, hanging the lives of those mice, tortured forcibly, without even anesthetics, just to test the most primitive practice.

This is really too much.

However, Lin Yuan's explanation was exceptionally calm.

"Have you ever thought that our experiments are cruel and bloody, but compared with the casualties on the battlefield, we can't even reach a fraction of theirs.

After saying these words, Lin Yuan had a calm expression on his face.

"Nowadays, you should be able to see the effect of Guilongyuan through the experimental report. If we can't seize this opportunity to maximize his effect, but feel pity that these methods are too cruel, then it is better to use this Put this concept on the battlefield, hoping that the enemy will be merciful."

Casualties on the battlefield are often more terrifying than they think.

The director on the other side of the phone was also silent when he heard it.

What he couldn't deny was that what Lin Yuan said was all true.

Compared with the casualties on the battlefield and what he saw at the moment, it is indeed a world of difference.

In the end, the director hung up the phone, stamped a seal, and approved Lin Yuan's application.

When the application is approved.

Lin Yuan quickly came to the research institute with official documents.

Looking at the researchers inside, he said decisively.

"Are you ready? We are going to do some more brutal experiments today, I hope you can cooperate with my command......

Hearing his words, the experimenters' legs trembled and their hearts trembled. They all raised their heads to look at Lin Yuan. Although there was panic in their eyes, it was more complex.

This brother is obviously not a person!

It should come from hell, otherwise how could it be so poisonous?!

While everyone was thinking, they finally gritted their teeth and answered directly with a firm heart.

Seeing their response to him, Lin Yuan just smiled lightly, then directly held the official document and said calmly.

"The approval has come down, take a look for yourself, if there is no problem, do as I said now.

After speaking, Lin Yuan led them to the experiment site.

There are large animals prepared there.

It is not the same as the small animals in yesterday's experiment, and Lin Xuan conducted a timeliness test in the experiment.

That is to say, in the same day, they can only do some small experiments.

And in those long-term experiments, countless monsters howled in pain, and some animals hiccupped because they lost their brains, but they used other technologies to maintain their lives.

Some are because the heart needs to be removed to see if it can be restored through the ghost dragon source.

If it works, that's naturally the best.

It's just that in everyone's perception, the heart has been taken out.

I still put 4.4 there for two or three days, even if I put Guilongyuan on it, it's not scientific, it's just that Lin Yuan's orders have been issued, and they can only follow them.

Even if this behavior is too hellish.

It's just when it comes to those big animals.

When they saw Lin Yuan holding a chainsaw in his hand, they froze in place for a while.

The limbs of the big yellow ox in front of him were all fixed.

At this time, the big ox, who didn't know what happened, flicked its tail at the crowd, and let out a cute mooing sound. Those big clear eyes made it hard for everyone to calm down.

Lin Yuan glanced at them, as if guessing their thoughts, he handed the telegram to one of them.

"We are doing experiments now, not joking, nor persecuting their lives, if you don't want your existence to be like a joke, then do it quickly, don't hesitate."

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