The boss is stupid, why dig up a pangolin, this is not to work!

But he can only do it there in a hurry, listening to the small talk of the masses next to him from time to time.

As soon as the rescue team left, several media workers drove up at the door.

They did not dare to make a second attempt, but only dared to stop at the periphery to interview the audience.

– Hello, have you been watching live?


INTERVIEWER Can you please tell us exactly what happened?

“Eh… It was that young man who dug up the defense fiber optic cable, and just now dug out two pangolins! ”

– Huh? Again? Digging out pangolins?


The reporter was stunned, originally thinking that the version he heard was outrageous enough.

Now hearing the interviews of the onlookers, he wondered if his ears had misheard.

Digging national defense optical cables is a very rare thing, and it is very rare to be able to recruit military helicopters.

That’s not all, things have taken a turn, not only are people fine, but they are also invited by the troops to help dig the soil.

As a result, two national first-class protected animals were dug up!

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can tell anyone to tell a story.

Fang Yang was sitting in the cab at this time chatting with the photographer.

The photographer sighed with emotion: “It’s good that I didn’t run away just now, otherwise I really can’t tell anymore.” ”

“There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally be straight to the bridge.”

“I believe brother, this really makes sense!”


Today’s experience is arguably the best day of a photographer’s life.

The mood is like a roller coaster, switching between sadness and joy.

When I was surrounded by soldiers before, my legs were frightened.

I can’t say anything, let alone save myself.

He just watched Fang Yang run rampant alone, turning the death situation into the current situation little by little.

Unconsciously, a feeling of admiration arose.

At this time, he no longer felt that Fang Yang was unreliable, but inexplicably had an idea.

Fang Yang can win the championship!

This thought came suddenly, but it made him feel very natural.

More than an hour later, the maintenance troops climbed up from the pit.

“Report leader, the optical cable has been repaired!”

Regiment Leader Cui nodded: “You guys go back first!” ”


Then he turned around and walked towards Fang Yang and said with a smile: “Young man, I thank you on behalf of the troops, without your help, the troops may spend a lot of time and energy to repair.” ”

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand and took a handful of banknotes from the guard next to him, and continued before Fang Yang replied.

“This 500 is the labor fee promised to you before!”

“As for these 3,000, it is a thank you fee, you don’t have to shirk, if you hadn’t accidentally dug out the optical cable today, the troops would not have been able to find the problem so quickly, and the losses would have been far beyond imagination!”

Fang Yang grinned, did not expect an unexpected surprise, and immediately took the money with a smile: “Thank you leader, thank you leader!” ”

The regiment commander smiled and patted Fang Yang on the shoulder: “Young man, you are very bold, your brain is spinning fast, are you interested in coming to the army to be a soldier, and when the time comes, you will be my guard!” ”

“Huh?” Fang Yang was a little confused, he didn’t expect him to say such a thing at all: “That… Leader sorry ha! I’m used to it! ”

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding soldiers were shocked!

This is the regiment commander, two bars and three stars, the rank of colonel!

You must know that some colonels can even be brigade commanders and division commanders.

This is enough to prove that Regiment Commander Cui will soon be at the level of brigade commander.

Such a big man took the initiative to invite a young man to become a soldier to be his guard.

This is what many people dream of, and they can wake up laughing in their dreams.

However, he was rejected by Fang Yang without hesitation.

Is this brain in the water or really don’t care.

They can’t wait to rush up and bite Fang Yang to death now!

It’s really full and hungry.




——[Brothers, I broke my defense, I especially want to beat him along the network cable! ] Forced to let him finish pretending. 】

——[One wave earned 3500, if you let other contestants know, it is estimated that you can suspect cheating!] 】

——[How many people squeezed their heads without such a chance, he actually refused, beast!! If it were to change to my ancestral grave, it would have to smoke green. 】

——[This is probably the first cable digger in ancient times, digging the national defense optical cable, there is no fart matter, not only can you make money without anything, and the movie does not dare to act like this! ] 】

——[Seriously, I admire him, a bad hand has become a heavenly hu start, such a person can’t say it without winning the championship. 】

——[To tell you a funny thing, a few hours ago, the live broadcast room was full of people who said that the anchor would be eliminated soon, and I guess it is this group of people who say that he can win the championship now! ] 】


Netizens were amazed when they saw the final ending.

You know, a few hours ago, everyone in the comment section decided that he would be eliminated soon.

In just a few hours, it came directly to a shocking reversal.

Now not only will it not be eliminated, but there are faint signs of winning the championship.

This is only the first day, he exaggerated to earn 3500!

Many of the contestants are still hungry and have not eaten, so the gap is immediate.

As for popularity, then not to mention, such a big thing happened, the number of people watching online has long thrown off the second place by a notch!


Seeing Fang Yang’s clear refusal, Regiment Leader Cui only smiled and did not force it.

said lightly: “Everyone has their own aspirations!” ”

After speaking, he turned around and shouted at all the soldiers: “Collect the team!” ”


Two minutes later, a gust of wind came.

The construction site is like a sandstorm, and the wind and sand mix together and blow together that people’s eyes cannot be opened.

The helicopter took off slowly, kept going upward, and finally gradually disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

At this point, the digging of optical cables can be regarded as the end of the incident.

The bosses and reporters on the scene have long been impatient.

Before the dust cleared, it rushed over.

The boss looked at Fang Yang and shouted loudly: “Laozi was almost scared to death by you, but don’t take you to play like this, notify me as soon as possible next time something happens, I will prepare some antihypertensive medicine!” ”

Fang Yang smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry Boss Yang!” ”

“Forget it, it’s okay!”

Just as the two were chatting casually.

Countless reporters rushed over with microphones.

At the same time, at least dozens of microphones were handed to Fang Yang.

——Hello, can you elaborate on today’s events?

——Hello, I heard that you just dug up two pangolins, is it true?

——Hello, I heard that you dig the cable first and then the optical cable, I don’t know what kind of mood you were when you dug?

——Hello, what preparations are needed to dig optical cables, and how to dig so as not to be caught!

——Hello, netizens have commented that you are the first person to dig cables, what is your own opinion on this?

– Hello,……


It was the first time Fang Yang encountered so many reporters for interviews.

Be prepared to answer it politely.

But these dozens of microphones pointed at him, countless pairs of eyes stared at him, making him speechless, and he didn’t know who to answer.

Fortunately, Boss Yang’s eyes were quick, and he squeezed out a way for him with more meat and grabbed Fang Yang.

“Xiao Fang follow me!”

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Fang Yang kept arching forward behind Boss Yang.

The reporter behind him followed up and asked crazy questions, not caring whether he was able to stand it or not!

It took just twenty meters to squeeze into the car.

As the car ignited and gave oil, the tires spun in place, rolling up a large cloud of dust.

Take advantage of all the reporters to dodge and run!

Boss Yang said with a palpitation while driving: “Today Laozi almost booked a foreign plane ticket, you are really a grandpa, you stabbed me such a big basket on the first day!” ”

Fang Yang smiled awkwardly: “This is not a disaster.” ”

“My heart is beating so hard until now, I almost carried it in your hands in this life, I said ancestor, can you spend these seven days in peace, don’t scare me anymore.”

“No problem, boss!”

Because the program group had specially said hello before, Fang Yang could not provide help outside of work.

The boss took Fang Yang back to his office to rest for a while before driving them out.


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