
——[These two brothers are really a gathering of things, and the Wolong and Phoenix chicks have all come together. ] 】

——[Laughing is not alive, I feel that the two of them can perform stand-up comedy, which is absolutely popular in the audience. 】

——[I felt an awkward atmosphere across the screen, as if a bunker could be cut out of the ground. 】

——[It’s really a pair of living treasures, I laugh out of the lunch meal, just this fan?] I see you’re drawing powder. 】

——[Brothers still remember what it was like here in the morning, there were only a few people in the cold and deserted, and as a result, as soon as lunch was over, it became a construction unit. 】

——[At least people have seen Fang Yang, I also want to meet offline, ask for an autograph or take a photo, and have a meal.] 】

Fang Yang looked at the stunned two and took the initiative to say hello: “Hello brother!” ”

“Groove! I actually saw Fang Yang Zhenren, and I want to take a photo to commemorate what I say today. ”

“No problem, shoot!”

The two buddies quickly turned on the mobile phone photo function and clicked to shoot.

I thought this was over.

Suddenly, I don’t know who shouted: “Look! Fang Yang is there, he is taking a picture with someone, let’s hurry up and take pictures! ”

The crowd suddenly rushed to this side like a floodgate.

Fang Yang was stunned!

Turned his head to look at Wu Ming: “Am I so hot?” ”

Wu Ming smiled and nodded: “Your current location is too remote, if you are placed in the urban area, I am really afraid that you will not be able to escape!” ”

“Really fake?” The photographer was also stunned: “Brother, we are all hot to this extent?” ”

While they were chatting, the group photo army rushed over.

This time, there was no one to help Fang Yang block the gun.

A group photo was taken alive for an hour.

At this time, he can finally feel the pain of being a star, obviously he doesn’t want to shoot in the end, but for the sake of other people’s enthusiasm, he is embarrassed to refuse.

Fortunately, Yang Feng was really impatient in the end, and forced Fang Yang away.

Otherwise, according to the situation of the people who came to the scene one after another.

Fang Yang walked to the construction site and looked at the scene in front of him, feeling like a large archaeological site.

Zhao Hua saw Fang Yang coming, and quickly came over to say hello: “Fang Yang, I really admire you too much, no wonder you can be so hot, three broken houses have been excavated on our side.” And five fossils were found on the mudstone slab! It’s incredible, it’s a feast for paleontology! ”

Fang Yang smiled politely: “You guys dig directly with an excavator, aren’t you afraid of damaging the fossils?” ”

“This is also no way, this place is too big, if manual digging is the same as headless flies, but don’t worry, as long as you find a house related, you will immediately arrange manual digging.”

Fang Yang nodded.

Zhao Hua spoke again: 083: “By the way, our pavilion owner is also directing over there, do you want to go over with me to meet him.” ”

“No, I still have to work!”

“Forehead: All right! ”

Fang Yang was too lazy to see any pavilion owner, and he had a half-dime relationship, besides, Yang Feng’s work was not finished yet.

Just now, he glanced at it, and the ancient house he had dug up before had been dug up, leaving a large area of dirt land.

It also saved him a lot of work.

Next, just dig the foundation a little deeper and it will be basically completed.

This will be the first time in the days since he started work that he has successfully completed his work.

I dug like this for more than 20 minutes in a row, and it was very calm all the time.

Yang Feng, they were all a little unaccustomed.

Just when he was working, there was another fryer on the Internet!

Previously, it was only suspected that the fossil village was dug up on the Internet, which had already brought high heat, and at this time it has been thoroughly confirmed.

The related short video was posted to the Internet by netizens in the live broadcast room at the fastest speed, and it became popular in an instant!

Hot words such as Fang Yang, fossil, fossil village, dinosaur egg and so on have attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

——[I thought that digging dinosaur eggs was already his limit operation, who thought that people would directly make a fossil village! ] 】

——[Huh… Now seeing his news I have calmed down, nothing is impossible, I believe that he will dig up the aircraft carrier one day! 】

——[Where is this, tell you a secret, Fang Yang dug it again, everyone guess what he can make in the afternoon.] 】

——[I was on the scene, I took a photo with him just now, and the real person looks more handsome than on the video! ] 】

——[I suggest transferring Fang Yang to the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang to dig, doesn’t it mean that it can’t be dug?] Maybe he’ll be able to dig it up! 】

——[I don’t agree, I should get him a space mining machine and let him dig in space, and then the resources of our planet will probably not be used up anymore.] 】

——[Are you really afraid of death upstairs?] Believe it or not, he dug you a star explosion on the first day he came up! 】

Netizens were already shocked when they saw Fang Yang’s analysis.

At this time, his analysis was completely true, and he immediately absorbed a large number of fans.

You know, he was only able to analyze that there were houses underneath when he dug up some scattered things.

That’s it, he said there are villages.

When the other houses were dug up, everyone’s jaws dropped in shock!

Most outrageously, he said the walls of the village may have been heavily fossilized.

When the fossils were found, netizens had gone from shock to numbness.

To say that the most excited is the owner of the Paleontology Museum in Xihai City, after today, his museum will have one more treasure of the town hall, and there will be a large number of fossil exhibits.

Those museum owners who were still on the road saw the relevant video and urged the driver to drive faster.

Because they knew that not only themselves, but also other pavilion owners must be on their way, and when the time came, they were afraid to go directly to the house.

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw that Fang Yang was about to dig up the base.

One by one, I was extremely disappointed.

The audience at the scene was also a little depressed, feeling that they had run for nothing.

You must know that most of them did not come to dig fossils, but to see Fang Yang digging rare things.

At this time, the vicinity of the excavator can be said to be impassable.

Everyone is looking forward to digging up something.

It stands to reason that as long as Fang Yang excavates, it is impossible to end it so peacefully.

Is this spell going to be broken today?

Yang Feng was also a little proud at this time.

Others believe in evil, he does not believe, and as a result, he has no.

However, unsurprisingly, the unexpected happened.

Just when Fang Yang went down with a shovel and brought up a large piece of dirt.

Everyone present exclaimed!

“Look! What is that! ”

Yang Feng’s cheeks twitched and he gasped: “Cave in the ground!” ”

What appeared in front of everyone was a dark cave.

The photographer took half a slow shot this time, and the lines were snatched away by the audience, and he could only look at Fang Yang curiously: “Brother, you dug another hole, but this time it seems to be a hole in the ground!” ”

Fang Yang only felt that his head was big for a while.

I thought I could finally do a job safely today.

As a result, the chain was dropped at the last minute.

Looking at the dark hole not far away, Fang Yang could only jump out of the car and walk over to observe.

The diameter of the cave entrance is more than one meter, and the inside of the cave is slightly wider, and the slope is sloped, and the bottom cannot be seen at all.


——[It’s coming, it’s coming, the brothers are ready to record a video, and they rely on this bola to get rich, rush the duck! ] 】

——[This hole looks so deep, is there a super python living in it?] 】

——[I’m most afraid of this deep hole, I always feel that something in it directly sucks me in. 】

– [Why is there a hole under this kind of house?] Looking at this cave entrance, it doesn’t look like there is a cellar, what is in it, I am really curious. 】

——[Is there any warrior on the scene who dares to go down and take a look, I sponsor 100 yuan lucky fee.] 】

——[Rest assured, what Fang Yang dug up will not be a hollow, there are either treasures or deadly things in it. 】

… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There were many people at the scene who wanted to enter the cave to take a look, but they were afraid that something would suddenly appear inside.

Fang Yang looked at Yang Feng: “Buddy, what do you say?” Do you want to dig it up? ”

“Dig!” Yang Feng was mentally clear, if this hole was not figured out and a house was built on it, it was estimated that he would not be at ease living there.

Fang Yang asked for his consent and controlled the bucket to excavate again.

The bucket kept digging down the hole.

Gradually, the space inside the cave became larger and larger, and it felt like an adult could walk inside.

And even if the hole has been buried for so many years, looking at the ground and walls, it is still relatively flat.

After about twenty minutes of continuous digging, a large hole was completed.

But the problem is that there is still no end in sight of the cave, and from above, it is completely unknown where it leads.

In the end, Fang Yang could only choose to stop and jump directly into the pit to stand at the entrance of the cave to observe. …

Even if you take out your mobile phone and illuminate it inside, there is still no end in sight.

Fang Yang thought for a moment and frowned: “I’ll go down and take a look!” ”

When the photographer heard this sentence, his scalp suddenly felt numb: “Brother… Elder brother.. You calm down, in case there is something underneath, let’s call the police! “(bdea)

Yang Feng also quickly nodded: “Yes, it’s too dangerous to go down directly like this, let’s not wait for the police to come!” ”

People around them also persuaded that this hole looked too weird, and it was really unwise to go straight down.

Fang Yang hesitated for a moment, could only nod and agree, and waited here for the arrival of the police.

After all, he didn’t know what was in the cave, and he couldn’t run away in case of danger.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, a police car drove up.

I thought it would be the police in the morning, but the people in the car came at once.

An embarrassed smile appeared at the corner of Fang Yang’s mouth.

“Brother Wang, why did you come to the police?”

The moment Captain Wang saw Fang Yang, it was like seeing a ghost: “It’s you again!” You’re here to increase the workload of our police department, aren’t you? Say, what did you dig up again today? Mines or corpses? Or cannons? ”

Fang Yang spared his head: “It’s not, a hole was dug today!” It looked quite deep inside, and everyone didn’t dare to go down, so they had to ask the police uncle to help! ”

Team Wang looked at the hole in the ground and fell into deep thought!

It’s not that I’m afraid to go in, but I’m thinking about whether I know Fang Yang is good luck or bad luck!

To say that it is completely uncomfortable, after solving such a big case before, the main thing is that you can be promoted quickly.

But well, it’s a hard time to worry about it.

If it goes on like this, will you die one day without knowing how to die!

But in any case, he is a police officer, and these jobs are his job.

In the end, it can only be a sigh!

“Hey! Xiao Li, you go down with me and take a look! ”

“Okay, Team Wang!”

Fang Yang hurriedly stepped forward: “That… Brother Wang, I dug this hole, and I also want to go down and see if it’s okay! ”

Team Wang frowned, although this hole is not vertical, there is no end in sight from above.

And after what I just understood, this hole should have existed many years ago.

If only the inside was blocked.

I’m afraid I don’t know where it leads, and in case of a collapse, it is very likely that people will not be able to get out buried inside.

Although there are many excavators outside that can save people in time, there will be something terrible underneath.

This made him very entangled in whether Fang Yang wanted Fang Yang to follow him.

Fang Yang looked at his attitude a little anxiously: “Brother Wang, I’m live broadcasting, dig a hole out and don’t go in to take a look, I’m afraid that netizens won’t agree!” ”

Team Wang glanced at the photographer and thought of Fang Yang’s force value: “Okay, if there is any danger, exit as soon as possible!” ”


The photographer stood back frowning and entering the hole? He was ten thousand reluctant, but Fang Yang wanted to go in, he could only bite the bullet and follow.

The Wang team found a mining lamp, and the four of them went down the passage in the cave.

From above, the entrance to the cave is not large, but when you actually walk in, you find that an adult can stand up in the cave.

The height of the cave is close to two meters, and the width is also more than one meter.

It doesn’t look like an animal cave.

To a hole that is a bit like an artificial.

Team Wang walked in the front and held the mine cave to illuminate the road, the light shone tens of meters away, and still could not see the end of the cave.

Xiao Li, who followed closely behind him, asked suspiciously: “Is it possible that there is a tomb here, this is actually a robbery hole?” ”

Team Wang nodded: “It’s possible!” ”

“Not likely!” Fang Yang behind suddenly spoke.


“The robbery hole will not be so big, the thief wants to finish the work quickly, how can he make such a big hole, and you look at the wall of the hole, after so many years, it still looks very flat, which shows that this hole used to be often returned and forth, how dare the tomb robbers go so blatantly every day!”

As soon as these words came out, several people next to them agreed.

But netizens in the live broadcast room thought of a level.

——[Lying groove! Hammer, this guy used to rob tombs, otherwise he wouldn’t understand it so well! 】

——[Check it, if nothing else, there are definitely not a few tombs that Fang Yang has stolen. 】

– [You people… Don’t be good or not, what grave thief, it is so ugly, it should be called a professional household digging the ancestral grave! 】

——[I found that this year’s netizens are more curious, shouldn’t your focus be what is in the hole?] 】

——[You don’t understand, watching Fang Yang be ugly, ridiculing him is also a pleasure, and we firmly believe that there must be something in the hole, because Fang Yang will not dig a hole for no reason! ] 】

——[Brothers, rumor-mongering is illegal, rumor-mongering for a while is cool for a while, rumor-mongering has always been cool, I bet he must not be human! ] 】

Fang Yang and the others continued to walk down the cave.

After walking for about ten minutes, I suddenly saw a separate hole in the wall.

Team Wang held the miner’s lamp and kept observing the situation inside.

It’s just a hole of about a cubic cube, without any special condition.

It looks like the walls in the cave, except that the walls inside are pitted, and it is obvious that they were discarded after temporary digging.

Just as Team Wang was about to take back the miner’s lamp and continue to walk down.

Fang Yang immediately stopped: “Brother Wang, don’t worry!” I seem to see something! ”

Just as I saw a small inconspicuous stone inlaid on the wall, the panel of the system suddenly popped out.


[Red stalactite skin with red clay on the outside, white and transparent]

【In the mountains, in the cracks in the volcanic rocks, it has crystallized for many years. It is close to the characteristics described in ancient Heshi Bi, and can imitate the jade seal of the country. 】

Team Wang looked at Fang Yang in amazement: “Did you find anything?” ”

I saw Fang Yang squatting down and reaching out to pull out an egg-sized irregular stone from the wall.

At this time, he gradually had a conjecture in his mind.

“Brother Wang, do you know what this is?”

The photographer was the first to come up and observe: “It looks a bit like a white pebble!” ”

“You know the pebbles all day long!”

Xiao Li: “Is it quartz?” ”

Fang Yang looked at several people and said with a smile: “It’s normal that you can’t guess, this thing is called opal, and it is considered a rare mineral in Huaxia!” ”

Team Wang took a closer look: “Just now you said that this passage is not the tomb thief’s, can it be said that there is an opal mine underneath?” Is this a mine? ”

“It’s not certain yet, but if you do, Brother Wang, this is not just an opal mine!”

“What do you mean?” Several people present looked at him curiously.

Fang Yang smiled: “Now is not the time, continue to go down first!” “。

Người mua: Lê Naaaa, 13/03/2023 17:46

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