Fang Yang didn’t know what it was, so he had to jump down and walk over to take a look.

The silt on the ground can be dented for several centimeters in one step, so that there is no water seeping out, so that the shoes will not get wet.

When I walked to it, I found that the thing on the ground was still motionless, and I could be sure that it was a dead thing.

Yet in the next second.

Fang Yang’s eyes popped up the system face frame.

【Martian meteorite】


【Price:2.58 million】

[Although humans can now detect Mars, they cannot bring back meteorites on Mars, because the gravity of Mars is much greater and farther than that of the Moon, unless Mars experiences a violent impact, and the huge energy makes the meteorite out of Mars gravity. 】

[But the formation conditions are very harsh, first of all, it must be a large planet collision, so that there is enough impact force, and secondly, the meteorite must just be captured by the gravity of the blue star, to know that Mars is 55 million kilometers away from the blue star, so far away has to go through the friction of the atmosphere, so 4.6 billion years, the blue star is only 300 Martian meteorites…]

Fang Yang was stunned.

Meteorite? Or a Martian meteorite?

Looking at the introduction of the system, this thing should be considered an extremely rare thing.

The main thing is that meteorites can be bought and sold privately, and they do not need to be handed over, as long as they pay taxes.

Today this just started work and got rich?

But Fang Yang suddenly discovered something strange.

The meteorite was not a humanoid creature just now, but a mud stone next to it.

If you don’t look closely, you won’t know there’s a stone there.

Fang Yang directly picked up the phone and observed it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, in addition to mud, or mud, there is no water to clean nearby, so I can only bring it back to the excavator first.

The photographer looked at Fang Yang’s operation and was completely stunned.

“Brother, what are you doing? You don’t look at that thing, what are you picking up a mud stone and coming back? ”

Fang Yang grinned: “Tell you, we are going to get rich again today!” ”

“Huh? Rich? Are you saying that water monkey is a baby? ”

“It’s not that thing!”

“What’s that?”

“Far away, close at hand!”

After speaking, he also put the stone in front of the photographer’s eyes and shook it.

The smell of a smelly puddle came to the surface.

“Hmm~brother… Do you have any special fetishes, this thing is not stinky tofu! ”

Fang Yang was stunned when he heard this: “You know a fart, this is a baby!” Have you ever heard of meteorites? ”

“Brother, last time that stone was my bad eyes, but at least he looks quite beautiful, you casually pick up a dung pit stone in the mud and tell me it’s a meteorite, this… You can’t let me praise you with my conscience! ”

“Don’t believe in pulling down!”

Fang Yang put it on the excavator and directly ignored him.

The foreman next to him also looked disgusted: “There are many such stones in my dung pit, if it is a meteorite, what else will I do!” ”

The photographer also nodded vigorously in agreement.



[It’s coming, it’s starting again, this time I won’t draw conclusions anymore, my face has long been don’t crackle, then again, has anyone bet on whether this is a meteorite or not?] 】

[So much mud wrapped, I can’t see it at all, I don’t believe he can see it, to say that I am probably still an ordinary stone. ] 】

[Haha, you stupid white sweet fans, people are casually digging fast dung pit stones to make you stunned, one by one without brains to watch the live broadcast. ] 】

[If he is a meteorite, I will eat dung pit stones live! ] Just what I said! 】

[These fools are estimated to have only recently entered the live broadcast room, I remember your ID upstairs, if it is a meteorite at that time, I will @ you! ] 】

[Although I also support Fang Yang, but this casually pick up a meteorite, is it really a Chinese cabbage? ] 】


Compared with before, now the netizens are much more shrewd, and they no longer dare to arbitrarily deny what Fang Yang said.

Every time they disagreed before, they finally found that Fang Yang was right.

But today this stone, even if they are not there, they can feel the smell of the stench.

Otherwise, the photographer and foreman would not cover their noses and talk to Fang Yang.

Fang Yang felt good in his heart at this time, no matter what others thought.

Walk up again to the humanoid creature from before.

The system still doesn’t have any prompts.

Fang Yang looked left and looked, and finally couldn’t help but stretch out his hand with common sense and pull it out.

When his hand grabbed the moment.

The first feeling is a little hard, a little brittle.

It seems to be empty inside, and very light!

Until the moment it was completely pulled out, Fang Yang was dumbfounded.

The photographer and foreman in the rear also laughed and had a stomachache.

“No wonder the eyes are so big!”

“That strange pestle is motionless there!”

Fang Yang smiled helplessly and threw it to the shore.

If you look closely, you will see that this is an Ultraman!……

[Good news, good news, Fang Yang has dug up a wild Ultraman! ] 】

[Major news, Fang Yang found a dead Ultraman in the river, is there really a giant of light? ] 】

[Laugh is not alive, how careful I was when I dragged it just now, how disgusted I am when I throw it now! ] 】

[Although I haven’t dug anything unusual so far today, this really pokes my laughter, I feel that there should already be a short video on the Internet at this time. ] 】

[So to say that what Fang Yang dug up just now is really a meteorite, a meteorite with Ultraman, isn’t it just right! ] 】

[Listening to you say that, it really makes sense to fuck. 】


Fang Yang smiled helplessly, found a place to wipe his hands, and continued to work.

However, it didn’t take long to dig into something hard.

Not a stone, but a flat, round hard object.

Looks like it’s the size of a washbasin.

If you look closely, you will see that it is actually moving.

The foreman was the first to see it and quickly shouted: “Then what? Old turtle? My God, such a big turtle? ”

The photographer was also dumbfounded: “This is Wang Ba, right?” It looks like it is at least more than thirty pounds, how can there be such a big turtle! ”

“I don’t know, this river is so big, maybe it will become fine!”

Fang Yang also saw something moving in the soil.

Looks very much like a large turtle.

At this time, a few passers-by happened to pass by, and at a glance, they saw something in the silt and quickly exclaimed: “Such a big turtle? Sell it? ”

“You’re such a foodie, this thing shouldn’t be a turtle, I guess it’s probably a snapping turtle!”

“It’s not like it, the head of the snapping turtle is not so small!”

Listening to the people behind him talking about it, Fang Yang jumped out of the car curiously to check.

When he approached, the system immediately popped up the face box.


【Turtles, Nymphalidae】

【Weight: 16kg】

【Growth time: 68 years】

【National first-class protected animals】

【Shrew has always been a valuable food and medicinal herb, due to people’s long-term wanton hunting, the living environment continues to deteriorate, coupled with the pollution and destruction of its habitat, resulting in a sharp decrease in its number, almost on the verge of extinction. 】

It mainly inhabits inland, slow-flowing freshwater rivers and streams. 】

Infrequent migration and prefer to inhabit the water.

Low metabolism, strong hunger tolerance, high temperature, too low for dormancy.

[The biggest instinct of the ferret is that it can breathe not only with the lungs, but also with the skin; You can even draw oxygen through your throat…]


After reading this introduction, Fang Yang was dumbfounded.

This is neither a turtle nor a snapping turtle, nor Wang Ba! Shrew?

I haven’t heard of it, it’s still a national protected animal!

The most important thing is that the system interface just now said that the ferret is a social animal, does that mean that there may be below? At this time, the people on the shore shouted at Fang Yang: “Handsome man, is this turtle for sale?” I take home the stew to drink! ”

As soon as these words came out, the ferret seemed to understand, and his neck was directly retracted into it.

Fang Yang turned his head to look at passers-by: “Torture, you, do you want to go in and step on the sewing machine!” ”

“Huh? What do you mean! ”

Not only does he not understand, but others do not understand, what does this thing have to do with stepping on a sewing machine.

Fang Yang smiled and explained, “This thing is not the Turtle King Eight!” This thing is a weasel!! National first-class protected animals, do you dare to bring it back to stew? You’re afraid you’re not looking for death! ”

“Groove! Really fake, if you don’t want to sell it, forget it, scare people for! ”

The foreman also nodded: “What you dig is yours, no one robs you!” ”

“Really, don’t believe it?”

Everyone shook their heads, and even the photographer tilted his head with a puzzled look.

“I’ll make a call, you’ll find out later.”

After speaking, Fang Yang took out his mobile phone to find the previous call record and contacted the wildlife rescue center that called him last time.

Soon the call was connected.

“Hey, who?”

“Oh… Hello Auntie, I’m Fang Yang! ”

“Wow~ I remember you, what’s the matter?”

“That… I dug up a moose on this side of the West River and called you to come and get it away! ”

“Shrew? You even know about ferrets? You wait, I’ll be right here! ”

After hanging up the phone, everyone around was a little confused.

Is it really what he said?

Is it really not Wang Ba?

But this looks like a thousand-year-old king eight.

Fang Yang walked up to the moose and picked him up, put it in a safe place, and instructed the photographer to take care of it, so as not to run away.

If you run, you will run, and you are afraid that you will be seen when Wang Ba will catch it back and stew.

Whoever thought that the ferret just carried it over, it ran back like crazy.

Back to its original position.

And it doesn’t make holes, just where to stand.

This is amazing to the people around you, does this thing have spirituality? Fang Yang brought it over again in order to avoid hurting it.

However, the ferret still crawled back quickly.

By definition for most people, this creature crawls very slowly.

In fact, don’t forget that he has four feet, and if he really sprints, he is much faster than he thought! It was like this twice in a row, Fang Yang was a little puzzled.

I suddenly thought that I mentioned a little when the system introduced the ferret before.

Shrews are social animals, and their annual mating and laying eggs are spring and summer.

In particular, the moose is extremely sensitive to the fluctuation of river water during the flood season, and even seems to be able to predict the level of floods.

If the flood is large, it will lay its eggs high on the shore.

If there is a drought, they will lay their eggs in a lower position.


At this time, the river is in the dry period, and it is the season of mating.

What makes it desperate to get back to its previous position.

Fang Yang’s psychology probably had a guess.

But just in case, he decided not to dig and wait for the people from the wildlife rescue center to come.

After all, this thing is a first-class protected animal, in case you don’t bother to kill it, if you don’t get it right, you will step on the sewing machine.

Then he died too unjustly.

Passers-by on the shore looked at the moose on the ground and asked curiously: “What is it doing?” ”

No one answered him.

They don’t even know what this thing is called, let alone what it’s doing! Fang Yang smiled: “If I’m not mistaken, there should be its egg underneath!” ”

“Huh? Really fake! ”

The foreman frowned: “Put the egg in water, without oxygen, won’t it die?” ”

“Yes, you’re right!”

Fang Yang nodded: “But what if they know that this place is going to enter the dry period?” ”

Passers-by exclaimed: “Is this okay?” Can it still know this? ”

“What do you think, don’t look at him so big, this thing has lived for more than 60 years, it is a grandfather!”

“Shhh! It is said that Wang Ba has a long life, and it is really different! ”

The photographer couldn’t help but speak: “Brother, you haven’t said why there are eggs underneath!” ”

Fang Yang didn’t even think about it: “Now this season is the mating stage of the ferrets, as I just said, they will predict the water level, if the water rises, they will put their eggs on the high shore, and if it falls, they will put the eggs on the river.”

“Now that the river has dried through, its eggs can only be in the silt, otherwise it will bask in the sun every day, and sooner or later it will die!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded.

“Makes sense! Dude, you are quite bullish, I am afraid that its last identification is a Wang Ba, then I really doubt that you have been bragging! ”

Fang Yang smiled confidently: “Secretly tell you, I suspect that there is not only an egg below, there may also be a ferry!” ”

“Groove! Can you know this? Why! ”

“It’s very simple, the ferret is a social animal, it has to mate when it lays eggs, then it is now in the hatching period, the river is dry again, and the two ferrets take care of each other together!”

[How do those who say that he is engaged in tomb robbery, this is even so proficient in creatures, can it be that he robbed tombs and studied corpses by the way! ] 】

[I just checked on the Internet, it’s really a ferrets, exactly the same, and the living habits are all right, I now also think that there are likely to be eggs below, and even a ferrets. ] 】

[This guy is also too knowledgeable, as if there is nothing he doesn’t understand, who is in Xihai City, go and help me ask if he will have children, or ask men how to have children, and the bachelors who can’t find a girlfriend in the future can solve it by themselves. ] 】

[Listen to his ghostly bullshit, I don’t believe it, take a big king eight in this burst of boasting, wait for the expert to come, find that there is nothing below, I see he is still embarrassed to pretend, when the time comes, I will record a video and send it to my object, let her know that Fang Yang is a liar! ] 】

[I don’t know why, seeing this guy’s head, I suddenly thought of the yellow eel gate, I suggested that he try this with this, it seems that the size is just right. ] 】

[Black fans, today has just begun, I will sit and wait for you people to be slapped in the face. ] 】

Passers-by were stunned when they heard Fang Yang’s analysis!

“Dude, did you graduate in biology? How to understand so much! Looks younger than me! ”

The photographer suddenly rushed to say: “He drives an excavator!” ”

Passers-by quickly shook their heads: “Don’t believe it!” ”

The foreman also coaxed next to him: “Fang Yang really drives an excavator!” ”

A sentence that was originally unintentional, hearing the ears of passers-by, suddenly opened his mouth wide.

“What did you say? He is Fang Yang? I can hear the name Fang Yang everywhere I go these days, buddy, you are awesome! ”

Fang Yang was particularly uncomfortable being praised, and smiled awkwardly: “Where there is, I don’t know that others are discussing me!” ”

“You don’t even know? I tell you that you are now in our Xihai City, just pull a dog and tell him the name Fang Yang, he can blow with you for an hour!” ”

Fang Yang: “…”

Does this praise me or hurt me!

Fang Yang was a little surprised: “Is it such an exaggeration?” ”

“Just like I put it, before I see it, I smell the name first, like thunder!”

The photographer was also a little confused, he knew that Fang Yang was hot.

But didn’t know the fire to this extent.

At this pace, it can be said that they have great hope of winning the championship.

At that time, the bonus alone will be enough for him to eat for a lifetime.

In fact, he didn’t know that with Fang Yang’s popularity and assets now, he had already dumped other players into outer space.

Cash, now more than seven million in my pocket!

Normal people earn seven million by work, but they don’t eat or drink, and they can’t earn it after a lifetime of hard work, let alone half a year.

As for popularity, then not to mention, the popularity of “Ace Workplace Talent” has become the top variety show in the country, rolling the same type of program…

Countless advertising partners strongly require the program group to open advertising sponsorship in the live broadcast room.

The program team was quite a headache, and they didn’t plan to advertise in the live broadcast room, but now they really shake the mountain.

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