Sure enough, the moment he approached.

The system panel pops up with a whole bunch of dense words.

When he saw the above introduction, Fang Yang was shocked!

【Dragon Sword】

[The total length of the sword body is 7.5 meters, the total weight is 3080 jin]

[Made of fine iron, in the summer of the 51st year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the flood of the West River soared, breaking through the three bridge holes in the middle of the bridge, and the county shou Jin Yifeng donated funds to repair and strengthen the bridge, and cast three iron swords to the town…]

After reading the introduction of the big sword, Fang Yang was a little confused! This turned out to be a sword!

Who would have thought that there was such a big sword in the world.

In his impression, the sword is at most more than a meter long.

This one in front of him turned out to be more than seven meters, this is really a real big sword!

The photographer saw the corner of Fang Yang’s mouth chuckle and immediately asked, “Brother, what is this?” ”

Not only did he want to know, but the passers-by on the shore also cast curious eyes.

Fang Yang was just about to get up and answer.

Stumble upon a small rock next to it.

The face frame of the system suddenly popped up again.

【Stone iron meteorite】


【Value:1.01 million】

[The content of silicate and nickel-iron alloy in stone iron meteorite accounts for 50% each, there is a molten hole pit on the surface, and the good quality can see the obvious gas imprint with a magnifying glass, and its magnetism is strong, the specific gravity is high, the density is large, extremely rare, because the stone iron meteorite landed less than 10,000 square kilometers for less than 10,000 years, and because his shape resembles a stone, it is difficult to find. 】

[Huaxia is the country with the most stone iron meteorites, with a total of no more than 2,000. 】


This is completely stunned!

What the hell, another meteorite?

When did meteorites become cabbage? I picked up two of them.

The main thing is to look at the introduction of the system, they seem to be very rare meteorites.

Looking at the small black stone in the mud, Fang Yang picked it up smoothly.

Turn around and answer the photographer’s question.

“If I’m not mistaken, this should be a sword!”

As soon as these words came out, the people around were stunned.

“Sword? You’re a three-year-old! ”

“You say it’s a golden hoop rod, I still have a little bit of might believe it, isn’t it to say it’s a sword!”

“I have a Han sword at home, if this sword is I will swallow it directly.”


Although the photographer was puzzled, he believed in Fang Yang.

And if you look closely, this shape does resemble a sword.

It’s just that most people have formed a subconscious mind, and the sword is not so big.

“Brother, you said it was a sword, there must be your reason, right?”

Fang Yang nodded confidently: “I’ll make a call first!” ”

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called Qin Lao.

I specially left my contact information before leaving last time, so that I could contact him when I went back to visit the school.

Soon the call was connected.

“Hey! Small square? Are you coming to our school? ”

“No, Elder Qin, I called to tell you that I dug up a treasure and called you to come and take a look!”

“Really? Where, I’ll go right away! ”

“I’ll send you the address!”

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yang sent the address, and then called Chen Feng.

After all, this thing still had to be taken away by the Cultural Relics Bureau in the end, of course, his main purpose was to let Chen Feng help him bring two meals.

It was already half past eleven, and he couldn’t walk away.


[I rub le, is it really a sword, otherwise Fang Yang would not have called the expert so confidently and called the Cultural Relics Bureau. ] 】

[If this is a sword, who can move it?] Who has nothing to do to make such a big sword, and such a big sword, really had this technology in ancient times? 】

[To be honest, in terms of appearance, it does look like a sword, but I think it is unlikely, but this is what Fang Yang said, I am so contradictory, I don’t know whether to believe it or not. ] 】

[Didn’t you find that Fang Yang had been holding a small stone in his hand, so much mud still smelly, he just grabbed it like this, did he plan to turn back to make a smelly stone laurel fish? ] 】

[This meeting of black powder is gone, the live broadcast room looks much more comfortable, I am afraid that it will be identified in a while that it is not a sword, then I estimate that they can jump up and press the keyboard out of the spark. ] 】

[I feel like watching a suspense drama, even if it is a sword, who would stick such a big sword at the bottom of the river, and what is the meaning of doing so?] 】


At this time, the bank of the river was already full of onlookers.

After all, there is such a big iron pimple in the river, who will be curious to take a look.

The main thing was that when they found out that it was Fang Yang who drove the excavator, they were all excited.

“Groove! It’s really better to be famous than to meet, it’s really such an evil door, you can dig things up wherever you go.”

“You guys are late, he has also dug up a first-class protected animal before, what is it called, it is very similar to Wang Ba, it is very big!”

“I didn’t dig anymore this time, what videos did you record one by one?”

“You know a yarn, many people on the Internet have made a fortune by recording Fang Yang’s video, let’s record it live, it looks good, and I will send it to the comma when I turn back.”


Listen to the chatter on the shore.

Fang Yang smiled lightly and looked at passers-by: “I’ll tell you a story!” ”

As soon as these words came out, passers-by looked at him curiously.

Almost everyone unconsciously pulls out their mobile phones, they always feel that there will be wonderful pictures next.

Fang Yang sorted out his thoughts and slowly spoke.

“During the Kangxi Dynasty, there was a bridge here in Sihe, called Nanda Bridge.”

“In the summer of ’12, there was continuous heavy rain that year, and the West River flooded, directly washing down the South Bridge!”

“At that time, farmers were farming for a living, and this flood directly destroyed all the farmland on both sides of the West River, which led to a great famine at that time.”

“It is a compliment to describe hunger, and starving people to death is also a common thing.”

“At that time, people were more superstitious, and when this file happened, there were rumors that there was a dragon in the West River.”

“As soon as this news came out, the entire people living along the West River were panicked.”

“At that time, the prefect of Xihai, whose name was Jin Yifeng, was a good official, a Ming official, and a Qing official, and when he learned of the people’s situation here, he immediately sent someone to fund the reconstruction of the South Bridge.”

“But sadly, the torrential rain that year was too great, and the newly repaired South Bridge was swept away by the flood not long after, and the people were even more afraid.”

“The folk rumors that the legend of the dragon is also getting stronger and stronger.”

“So Jin Yifeng spent another five years, collected a large amount of refined iron, gathered local famous blacksmiths, and thought of countless ways to finally forge a giant iron sword, which is the sword you see in front of your eyes!”

“On the day the giant sword was cast, Jin Yifeng let people carry the giant sword, beat the gong and beat the drum, and almost all the people of the entire West Sea came to visit this grand event! After all, we have never seen such a big sword, let alone them at that time.”

“After Jin Yifeng came to the West River, he let people insert the giant sword into the river and named it the Dragon Sword, which means to kill the dragon in the river to settle the people’s hearts.”

“At the same time, the hilt of this sword leaks out, and the water level can also be measured, so this sword also has a name called the Water Measuring Sword!”

After the story was told, the scene was silent.

Everyone is still reminiscing about the story just now.



[I wipe, this story is too complete, it doesn’t feel like it’s made up! ] 】

[Before the experts were sure, I was still skeptical, mainly because this sword was very difficult to build with the craftsmanship of the time, and even now it is not so easy. 】

[I checked on the Internet, but I didn’t find the relevant information, how did he know?] To say that it is impossible for me to imagine it, this story sounds very real. 】

[Well, in addition to being able to drive an excavator, you can also know martial arts,…… I’m sorry, I forgot what he would do, and I always felt that there was nothing he didn’t understand. 】

[I seriously doubt that his IQ is more than 200, and it is simply a miracle that he can master so much knowledge at this age, the main thing is that this knowledge has nothing to do with it at all. ] 】

[I said to let the relevant parts set up an alien investigation team, but they didn’t listen, this is good, our Blue Star will soon be invaded. ] 】


After a while, there was a burst of discussion in the crowd.

Most people after hearing this story believe that the following one is a sword.

The photographer was also stunned for a long time, and suddenly saw that Fang Yang was still holding the small stone in his hand.

“Brother, what are you holding that stone for?”

Fang Yang smiled: “Do you believe me when I say it’s a meteorite?” ”

“Again! Meteorites are not cabbage, nor are they dung pit stones! ”

“I know that you don’t believe it, I don’t even bother to tell you, to tell you the truth, it’s just such a gadget, more expensive than gold, worth millions!”

The photographer froze!

Not excitement.

Instead, he was frightened by Fang Yang’s remarks, and he was a million at every turn.

There are millions of gems in this world that are so good to pick up, don’t everyone have to get rich.

The photographer pouted: “Why don’t you say that the older one before you can be worth 2 million!” ”

“Huh~ you guessed this?”


The people on the shore laughed.

“Fang Yang, if you like smelly stones, there are still a lot of them in my septic tank, you can fish them casually.”

“You’re too much~ people take it back to make stinky tofu, how do you eat that?”

“Fang Yang, I’m going to give you a monkey~”

“Groove! Social terrorists are coming! A man also shouted out! ”


Fang Yang listened to their chat and smiled faintly.

And didn’t take it seriously, they just teased it.

Anyway, I am destined to get rich today.

After a while, Elder Qin rushed over first, followed by the students who had come with him before.

“Fang Yang! I really didn’t expect that so soon, we met again! ”

“Elder Qin, hello wow, I see that big treasure in the river is not, this is a giant sword!”

“Sword? You say that’s a sword? I’ll take a look! ”

Elder Qin saw the giant sword in the river as soon as he first came, but he didn’t think about the sword either.

So when Fang Yang said it was a sword, he was stunned.

I didn’t care about any image anymore, and I just stepped on the mud and walked over.

The two students behind him quickly followed.

Elder Qin took out the gloves from the student, and then took out a magnifying glass to observe the sword body continuously.

From time to time, I will take out a small shovel and knock on it.

It is mainly rust and silt that completely cover the body of the sword and it is difficult to observe the inside.

Plus this thing is too big, and it can’t be stacked, you can only watch.

After watching for a while, Elder Qin instructed the student next to him: “Take a towel and wipe all the mud on it, and then wash it with clean water, be careful.”

“Got it, teacher!”

Five minutes later.

The entire sword holder’s sword grid, hilt, and sword capital were wiped clean, leaving only rust.

Elder Qin exclaimed!

Everyone looked over curiously.

I saw him holding a magnifying glass against the handle of the sword, and there was a row of inscriptions on it.

Elder Qin unconsciously read it out loud.

“Kangxi Ding You February, know the West Sea Fushan, Yin, Jin Yifeng!”

After these words reached everyone’s ears, the scene was directly fried.

“Groove! The story he told is true! That’s awesome! ”

“This is really an ancient giant sword, thanks to the fact that I didn’t leave today, I really didn’t wait until now.”

“Excited, I saw such a great cultural relic unearthed with my own eyes, and went back to tell my friends to drink two more bottles of wine.”

“This Fang Yang is really as evil as the legend, not only is the things dug up exaggerated, he even understands what he has dug! He seems to have watched it for a while just now? ”


The netizens in the live broadcast room are also cracked!

[Capitalized, this will be my true belief, the story he told is exactly the same as the words engraved on the sword. ] 】

[I also believe it, this Qin Lao is a very prestigious professor, he can’t make it up, so I want to say, Fang Yang is awesome! ] 】

[What about black powder?] Where’s it going? Stop talking? Does the face hurt? Know the gap between you and him? Is it that hard to admit that others are good? 】

[I feel that the pores all over my body are erected, it’s so shocking, how did he know?] It’s hard to imagine why such a young person knows so much. 】

[I feel that with his knowledge, it should not be much problem to go to a university to be a professor, including all walks of life, I don’t believe he happens to know by chance every time. ] 】

[Anyway, I can’t do it, I can’t do it in my life, I don’t know how he lived in the past 20 years, how much of a great teacher can teach such a student. ] 】


After Qin Lao finished reading, he heard the exclamation on the scene and looked puzzled.

Turning his head to look at Fang Yang: “What are they doing?” ”

Fang Yang smiled awkwardly: “It’s nothing, it’s that you read these words, they are more shocking!” ”

“Wow~ But I’m also quite shocked! I haven’t seen it as a sword until now, how do you see it? ”

“Ahhh… This…”

Fang Yang didn’t want to be too showy in front of the old-timers, and it was not good to tell the story again.

However, passers-by do not think so.

They had heard Fang Yang’s story with their own ears, and it had now been confirmed.

Coupled with so many days of dizziness, he unconsciously became one of Fang Yang’s fans.

“He just told us a story! We didn’t believe it was a sword, but after you read that paragraph, we all believed it, and it was indeed a sword! ”

“Huh? Even you know it’s a sword? ”

Elder Qin was stunned, he had been archerecting for so many years, was he not as good as a passerby?

“Can you tell me why this is a sword?”

Fang Yang didn’t speak the whole time, feeling like he was a bystander.

But passers-by immediately spoke: “Because of the story he said, he said that there was a big water here, saying that there was a dragon, and later Jin Yifeng, the prefect of Xihai City, created a big sword inserted here to kill the dragon, so it is called the dragon sword, and by the way, the energy water level is also called the water sword!” ”

Another passerby quickly answered: “Yes, we didn’t believe it at first, but when you read the name Jin Yifeng, we were all stunned, it can’t be so coincidental, the words on the sword are the same as the story he said!” ”

Elder Qin was really scared at this time.

It’s not as simple as shock.

He looked at Fang Yang in horror.

My lips couldn’t help but snort.

“Little square!! Is everything they say true? ”

Fang Yang saw him like this and hurriedly appeased: “Elder Qin, don’t get excited, I just happened to have read the county record of the West Sea, and this matter was recorded on it!” ”

Photographer: “??? You fool the ghost, obviously this is the first time to come to the West Sea, I am with you every day, and I have never seen you read a book! ”

The photographer until Fang Yang was ripping it off, but he definitely wouldn’t expose it, but he was also curious.

Why does Fang Yang understand so many things.

At this time, it is inevitable that I am a little lucky that my luck is so good that I have been assigned such a great god.

Safe to forget how he looked at Fang Yang on the first day.

Elder Qin just stared at Fang Yang for more than ten seconds.

Finally sighed: “Can you tell me this story?” I want to hear it too! ”

“Ahhh… This…… Is it suitable? I’m afraid of you…”

“Don’t care, it’s good that young people have skills, there is no need to hide too deeply, I really don’t know it’s a sword, you should satisfy the curiosity of an old man!”

After saying this, the two students next to them were stunned!.

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