At this time, Fang Yang was wiping the tiger twisting gold seal with the grass pulled out by the roadside.

After wiping clean, it shines even more in the sunlight.

The onlookers couldn’t help but come up to take a look, after all, this rare thing was the first time they had seen it.

Some of them saw that the lower ~ side of the gold seal was engraved with a seal.

“Fang Yang, what words are engraved under this?”

Fang Yang smiled faintly: “Generalissimo Yongchang seal!” ”

“How do you know? These words don’t look like modern Chinese at all! ”

“This kind of text is called the nine-stack seal, it’s normal if you don’t know, just go back and check it on the Internet!”

Just after a few small talk.

Elder Qin and Chen Feng arrived at the scene at almost the same time.

What made Fang Yang strange was that this time they didn’t bring assistants, but instead followed an old man next to them.

Elder Qin took the lead and introduced: “Fang Yang, this is the principal of our Xihai City Institute of Archaeology and Literature, Principal Kong!” ”

Fang Yang smiled: “Hello principal!” ”

The principal stood in place, nodded without smiling, and did not speak.

Elder Qin frowned unconsciously.

Fang Yang didn’t take it seriously, if it weren’t for Elder Qin, he wouldn’t be too lazy to take care of any principal, and he had a fart relationship with him.

Chen Feng next to him also took the initiative to introduce it.

“Fang Yang, this is Director Xu of the Cultural Relics Bureau of Menxihai City! Come with me today! ”

Fang Yang also greeted with a smile: “Hello director!” ”

Xu Fang was more or less grateful to Fang Yang and quickly took the initiative to shake hands: “Fang Yang, the famous person who has been heard for a long time, a celebrity in our Xihai City!” Thank you very much for bringing some precious cultural relics to our Cultural Relics Bureau recently, you can come to us to play when you have time, I asked Chen Feng to accompany you to see our collection here! ”

“Okay, no problem!”

When others were polite to him, he naturally did not lose his courtesy and shook hands with the director.

Seeing the director’s attitude, Chen Feng’s smile could not be concealed, and he hurriedly asked: “Fang Yang, you called and said that you dug up a treasure, what kind of treasure is it, why didn’t I see it!” ”

Fang Yang: “…”

“Could it be that in your impression, the things I dug up are all big things!”

Chen Feng immediately reacted and smiled awkwardly: “No, no!” ”

Fang Yang also did not ink, and directly took out the gold seal from the excavator cab.

The eyes of the four archaeological experts present straightened when they saw the gold seal.

Immediately unconsciously came over to pick it up.

As a result, eight hands stretched out, Fang Yang was embarrassed, who is this for.

However, there was a pair of hands closest to him, that is, the principal’s hand, which was smiling awkwardly at Fang Yang.

Fang Yang also smiled at him, and then threw it to Chen Feng next to him.

Elder Qin suddenly froze and glanced at the principal next to him.

At this time, he still maintained his previous action, but the embarrassed smile on his face gradually disappeared, leaving only embarrassment.

After Chen Feng got it, he consciously handed it to the director and asked him to look at it first.

The two looked left and right, and they didn’t finish watching it for ten minutes.

It made Elder Qin and the principal next to him anxious to die.

Any expert in the archaeological community who sees one of these treasures will itch to find out.

The result is in front of you, not letting you see, that kind of mood, I am afraid that only the principal himself understands.

[Brother in society, people don’t talk much, it’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, Fang Yang is a gentleman to take revenge, immediately immediately! ] 】

[How dragged the principal just now, how embarrassing it is at this time, don’t be too arrogant, maybe one day it’s your turn to ask for someone. ] 】

[Nice job, I was not happy to see the principal dragging and forcing just now, I thought Fang Yang had no temper, it seems that I underestimated him, this guy has a vendetta and will report it on the spot. ] 】

[A bureau chief, a principal, it seems that they still attach great importance to this cultural relics, it should be a very valuable thing. ] 】

[Upstairs, why don’t you think about it from another angle, maybe they came because of Fang Yang, after all, Fang Yang just said that he had dug up a treasure, but he didn’t say what it was. ] 】

[I haven’t said what this thing is until now, it’s really been hanging people’s appetites, it’s so uncomfortable. ] 】


Fang Yang stood quietly like this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

If you want to ask him if he did it on purpose just now, then do you need to say it!

If it weren’t for the sake of taking care of Elder Qin’s face, he wouldn’t have shown it to this principal.

Why should I show him what I dug myself.

And Chen Feng and the director seem to understand Fang Yang, just look at me there, and I have been seeing it for more than twenty minutes.

Elder Qin finally couldn’t stand it.

“I said Xiao Xu, your Uncle Qin is this age, you let me stand here and wait, do you have a conscience!”

Xu Fang finally couldn’t hold back, smiled awkwardly, and returned the golden seal to Fang Yang: “What Elder Qin said is that I was negligent, I can’t help it!” ”

Looking at the golden seal in Fang Yang’s hand, the corner of the principal’s eyes twitched unconsciously.

He can also see that even this bureau chief has to sell Yang face, otherwise he will not return it to Fang Yang.

This made him feel psychologically aggrieved, and he was a hall-level principal who was actually ignored!

However, Fang Yang still took care of Elder Qin, and took the initiative to hand it to him: “Elder Qin, take a look too!” ”

Elder Qin’s eyes lit up, and his hands nervously took the Tiger Twist Golden Seal.

Now the principal no longer pretended and went straight to see it.

The two also watched for ten minutes.

In the end, it was returned to Fang Yang first.

In order to win over Fang Yang, Chen Feng took the initiative to create an opportunity: “Fang Yang, this golden seal, you should be able to see what it is, right?” ”

Fang Yang smiled and nodded.

Director Xu and the principal both showed a look of surprise.

They had never seen Fang Yang, although they had heard of his awesomeness.

But a 20-year-old young guy can see the origin of this thing, which is very difficult.

Only Elder Qin and Chen Feng knew that Fang Yang not only understood, but even understood better than anyone present.

In order to save his face, the principal took the initiative to speak: “Ahem~ If I’m not mistaken, this should be printed with a few words of Generalissimo Yongchang engraved with nine stacks of seals!” ”

I thought that after loading this wave, I would gain some face.

However, passers-by on the shore exclaimed.

“I’m rubbing, it’s really a nine-stacked seal, Fang Yang didn’t say anything nonsense!”

“He seems to have said just now that it is the Yongchang Generalissimo Seal!”

“Yes, yes, I remember them all!”


Principal Kong was stunned, what kind of situation, he couldn’t pretend to be forced by himself, but it became a background board! The surprise on Director Xu’s face also grew stronger.

Elder Qin just shook his head, he had already guessed that this would be the case.

Chen Feng smiled and spoke again: “Fang Yang, then do you know whose seal this is?” ”

“I know!”

Fang Yang waved his hand indifferently: “Zhang Xianzhong’s!” ”


The four people present exclaimed!

Especially the principal frowned, he didn’t intend to make trouble with Fang Yang, but he kind of felt that Fang Yang was in name and not as good as he thought.

If only at this level!

Then there is really no need to recruit him to a visiting professor, this will only make the school joke.

Director Xu was also a little hesitant, originally he was ready, and at this time he also retreated.

Elder Qin asked a little unconfidently, “Fang Yang, you said this is Zhang Xianzhong’s seal?” ”

“Yes! What’s wrong, is there a problem? ”

Chen Feng was also anxious: “No, didn’t you see that it said Yongchang on it?” In history, only Li Zicheng changed the year name to Yongchang! ”


[Haha, Fang Yang overturned, let you dog licking fans bark, don’t bark now? ] I’m just a black fan, bite me? 】

[Happy to see, I have recorded this paragraph just now, back to the Internet, when the time comes, I will see that you will still blow Fang Yang all day long. ] 】

[Fang Lao dog, you also have today, God opened my eyes thanks to me from the morning to now, finally waited! ] 】

[I really took these black powders, as soon as I seized the opportunity, they all jumped out, and once Fang Yang stood up, they retracted like dogs one by one. ] 】

[What do they do, I believe Fang Yang, he said that it was Zhang Xianzhong, it should be Zhang Xianzhong! ] 】

[Although I don’t know these histories, I believe Fang Yang, sit and wait for Fang Yang to hit the black powder face! ] 】


Fang Yang nodded: “I know, and then!” ”

Chen Feng was speechless, he didn’t know if Fang Yang was pretending to be a fool or if he was wrong.

Can only be speechless.

Only Elder Qin was a little surprised, because he trusted Fang Yang, even more than he trusted his own judgment.

“Fang Yang, can you tell me why you said this is Zhang Xianzhong’s seal?”

Fang Yang smiled and nodded: “Yes!” ”

“First of all, the words engraved on this tiger twist gold seal are called Marshal Yongchang’s seal, yes, it was indeed cast by Li Zicheng!”


Elder Qin was puzzled, Fang Yang’s words made him unable to understand.

Fang Yang continued: “He created it, but he gave it away later!” ”

At this time, Elder Qin and the others were stunned!

The principal exclaimed: “You know this? ”

Elder Qin’s eyes lit up: “Fang Yang, you go on!” ”

Fang Yang thought for a while: “First of all, the casting time of this gold seal, the words engraved next to it, made in the middle of winter in the year of Lu Wei Nian (1643), that is, in the sixteenth year of Ming Chongzhen [1643], at this time, Li Zicheng had not yet declared himself emperor, and he gave it to him at that time in order to win over Zhang Xianzhong.”

“Is there a basis?”

“It’s very simple, because in the winter month of the sixteenth year of Chongzhen [November 1643], Li Zicheng had already occupied most of Shaanxi, and in addition to the Ming army, the main opponent was Zhang Xianzhong’s Great Western Army.”

“Li Zicheng wants to be declared emperor, and he absolutely cannot face two strong enemies at the same time, so he can only appease Zhang Xianzhong.”

“On the other hand, Zhang Xianzhong at that time led the Great Western Army to victory in the Huguang area and encountered setbacks after successive victories, and at this time Li Zicheng’s strength had surpassed Zhang Xianzhong.”

“Under the circumstance that the enemy is strong and I am weak, Zhang Xianzhong chose to accept Li Zicheng’s official seal, naturally to make Li Zicheng feel at ease, in order to achieve the purpose of self-preservation.”

The principal frowned: “Although what you said has some truth, it always feels a bit far-fetched!” ”

Everyone else nodded unconsciously.

Fang Yang smiled lightly and did not continue to explain.

At that time, the system already gave the answer.

But he really has no actual evidence that this is Zhang Xianzhong’s thing.

They don’t believe what they can do.

If you don’t believe it, you don’t believe it, and you have nothing to do with yourself.

And he didn’t know that what he just said detonated the entire archaeological community.

Those archaeology professionals who were watching the live broadcast, some people ran to the group to brag after hearing the news.


“Tell everyone a big secret, Zhang Xianzhong’s treasure has been discovered!”

“Really fake? Where is it? ”

“Tongqiu, it is said that he plundered countless riches back then!”



“The West River in Xihai City is now being excavated and developed!”

“Lying groove, I’m not far away, I’ll go over right away!”

“Hurry up, give an accurate address, and go immediately!”


Zhang Xianzhong’s treasure was discovered, and I don’t know who spread the news first.

The result is like ten, ten and hundred.

The archaeological world has a big earthquake!

You must know that Zhang Xianzhong was once called an emperor, and he was a very good person and had plundered countless wealth.

To the death, no one knows where the money he robbed went.

I haven’t found it for so many years.

There are rumors that his wealth was buried deep underground and never found again.

Who would have thought that someone would find out today.

At this time, on Fang Yang’s side, several people were a little unsure whether it was Li Zicheng’s or Zhang Xianzhong’s.

There is no accurate statement.

Fang Yang didn’t bother to continue talking, and directly handed the handsome seal to Chen Feng.

Get on the excavator again and get to work.

Just now because of this handsome seal has been delayed a lot of time.

At this moment, Elder Qin suddenly saw the big stone on the right.

Several people all ran over curiously to observe.

When they saw the text on it, they were all shocked!

“Is there really a treasure underneath?”

“Most likely, yes, don’t you have one on hand now?”

“Fang Yang is so amazing? One dig a quasi? ”

“If I want to say, let’s wait here for a while, with what I know about him, he should still be able to dig things up!”


Several people just stood behind Fang Yang and watched him drive the excavator.

In particular, the dress and standing posture of the principal and the director look like leaders.

If I don’t know, I thought that the leader came to inspect the construction site.

Fang Yang dug for a while and there was nothing.

It was around three o’clock in the afternoon and the sun was still relatively big.

Several people gradually lost patience.


The photographer exclaimed: “Brother, what do you think it is?” Coins! ”

Everyone was captivated by this phrase.

In the muddy ground, you can’t see anything.

But Fang Yang believed the photographer’s eyes and immediately walked over to check.


As soon as you get to the near eye immediately pop up the face frame of the system.

【Xiwang Merit【Coin】

【Material: Gold】

【Value: 2.7 million】

[The reward coin minted by King Zhang Xianzhong of the West, divided into gold, silver, and copper…]


After reading the introduction, Fang Yang suddenly found that there were many such copper coins scattered next to him, all of different colors.

After a handful of it, the system also pops up the face frame.

In addition to gold coins, there are also copper coins, as well as silver coins!

Fang Yang smiled, just now he said that there was no evidence to prove that this was Zhang Xianzhong’s Great Seal, and now the evidence came.

Chen Feng took the lead and ran over: “Fang Yang, what kind of copper money is this?” ”

“Yes and no!”

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

Fang Yang handed over a copper coin: “See what it is?” ”

Chen Feng wiped the silt on it, which was already covered with cyan patina: “It’s just an ordinary copper coin, is there anything special?” ”

Fang Yang brought up another gold coin: “Then you are looking at this!” ”

“Hiss~ this material, don’t tell me it’s gold?”

“That’s right, there’s another one here!”

“Black! Made of silver? ”

Fang Yang smiled and nodded: “Now you understand, it’s a copper coin and not a copper coin!” ”

Chen Feng’s cheeks twitched.

Skin, you’re happy, aren’t you?

The other three also walked over curiously, each picking up the copper coin on the ground and admiring it.

Chen Feng looked at the gold coin in his hand, and there was a word engraved on the left and right of the upper center: “The king of the West rewards merit!” King of the West? Hiss~ West King? Isn’t this Zhang Xianzhong! ”

As soon as these words came out, the whole field fryer.


[Call black fan, your dad is here, get out and talk! ] 】

[What a relief, I know that Fang Yang will definitely not disappoint! ] 】

[Fang Yang is bullish, YYDS, this horse can be seen to be Zhang Xianzhong, he is a divine horse? ] 】

[This reversal is too exciting, and I feel that the faces of the archaeologists who questioned Fang Yang just now were all beaten. ] 】

[No, didn’t you find that the black powder was missing again?] 】

[Lao Tzu is still there, digging up a copper coin can prove that it is Zhang Xianzhong? ] Can you make a face? 】


Elder Qin quickly took Chen Feng’s gold coin and looked at it: “It’s really the King of the West, can it be said that the big seal is really Zhang Xianzhong?” ”

Even the principal was stunned at this moment, and he had to admit that he underestimated Fang Yang too much.

Is this still human!

It could be seen that the golden seal was Zhang Xianzhong’s!

No one can do this, how the hell is this done.

At this time, he finally understood why Elder Qin valued him so much, and it was also the first time he felt a trace of admiration and shock at Fang Yang.

As for Director Xu, not to mention, his eyes have already shone, this can no longer be described as a talent, it should be called a ghost! Beg.

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