Fang Yang brought Brigade Commander Cui to the cannon.

Brigadier Cui’s eyes immediately lit up: “Good thing, it’s a pity, there were too few such weapons in our country back then!” ”

Even Pavilion Shen next to him leaned over and said: “Indeed, at that time, the state did not have the ability to manufacture it, and could only buy it in the hands of others!” ”

The brigade commander was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Curator Shen uncertainly.

Fang Yang said with a smile: “He is the director of the Provincial Revolutionary Museum!” ”


Director Shen also smiled awkwardly: “Hello!” ”

Brigadier Cui looked at it for a while, turned his head and asked with a smile: “Fang Yang, do you know what model these cannons are?” ”

“I know!”

Fang Yang smiled: “Thirty-two times fifteen grenades!” ”

“Huh!! You even know this! Then do you know what model that tank is? ”

“Oh… If I’m not mistaken, it should be the BT-5 fast tank! ”

As soon as these words came out, the brigade commander was shocked!

Even Curator Shen next to him was very surprised.

“It seems that my previous vision is correct, you are indeed suitable for being a soldier, and it is really surprising that you know all the old tanks from nearly a hundred years ago!”

Fang Yang smiled lightly, “I’ve read related books before!” A little bit understood! ”

At this time, Director Shen next to him asked suspiciously: “There were so few such heavy weapons in our country back then, why were so many buried in this place!” ”

Brigadier Cui shook his head in thought.

“I can probably guess a little!”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two were no longer surprised, but expectant curiosity, and a little shocked!

Fang Yang thought for a while: “I have read the history books before, this cannon and tank were originally bought by the National Army in Germany and the Soviet Union, if memory serves, the cannon only bought a total of 24 guns, but at that time the small days blocked from it, coupled with Germany’s own care, the subsequent transaction was canceled, but it is a pity that the combat quality of the National Army at that time was too low, and it was defeated in a fight, and the cannon was lost seven just after use!” ”

“Finally captured by the enemy, passed by here when transporting, because this was a swamp back then, accidentally fell into it during transportation, and it was impossible to salvage, and the tanks were the same!”

It wasn’t just the two of them who were shocked. Everyone who heard it was stunned. It turns out that there is such a secret history.

Even Brigadier Cui does not know such a history. No wonder there will be artillery here, there will be tanks.

Under normal circumstances, no army would be willing to leave such heavy arms here.

Brigadier Cui looked at Fang Yang with light in his eyes, and his smile widened: “To be honest, maybe one day I will find someone to tie you up and send you to my army to forcibly perform military service!” It’s a waste for people like you to run to drive an excavator! ”


Fang Yang was stunned: “Leader, this joke is big!” ”

Who would have thought that there were many people around nodding.

Fang Yang’s scalp was numb when he saw this scene. Is it wrong to be too good yourself!

Brigadier Cui looked at him so seriously: “I have seen your video, with your insight, your mind, and your courage, follow me, or in a few years you can mix to the height that others may not necessarily reach in a lifetime, maybe you can climb to my position in the future!” ”

Xia Yang panicked, and he could clearly feel that the brigade commander’s attitude was different. This made him do this, he gave face so much!

Refuse, it’s really a bit faceless.

As for going to the army, right? That’s what he didn’t want to kill. In this way, Fang Yang was silent for more than ten seconds, stunned but did not speak.

But this scene was already full of shock in the eyes of the surrounding crowd! The brigade commander personally invited in front of everyone, he even hesitated?

You can even feel that he doesn’t want to go!

This, this, this… Go back and tell people, it is estimated that no one will believe it. Even if he believes in it, he will call him a fool, and he will definitely regret it afterwards! However, at this moment, a taxi stopped at the intersection.

Then an old man and a young woman came from above.

The old man looked to be in his sixties, but he walked fiercely, and did not look like an old man at all. Everyone watched the old man walk straight to the side of the cannon, and even directly through the cordon.

The police officer next to him immediately stepped up to intercept: “Teacher, don’t come in here now, trouble you to cooperate with our work, who knows that the old man asked: Who is Fang Yang?” Where are the people who dug up the mountains and jade seas today? ”

This inquiry sounded inexplicable to everyone. Is there something wrong with this old man’s brain!

Everyone’s eyes were also attracted by him.

Seeing that the police officer could not persuade, Captain Feng personally walked up to persuade: “Old sir, this side is to protect the scene, trouble you to go out first, Fang Yang is inside, wait for a while when things are over, he will come out!” ”

The assistant next to him hurriedly took out the curator’s certificate from his briefcase: “Excuse me, introduce, this old gentleman is Dean He of the Palace Museum, today I saw a huge cultural relic dug up here on the Internet, and specially flew over to personally identify, trouble you to take him to find a Yang!” ”

As soon as the assistant’s words came out, everyone present instantly exploded! Even if it’s Curator Shen, even if it’s Brigadier Cui!

Who is this person?

The director of the Palace Museum!

You must know that in a province, there are not many such people among tens of millions of people! Captain Feng took the certificate and glanced at it, ready to call to verify it.

However, the police officer next to him suddenly exclaimed and handed over his mobile phone: “Team Feng, look, the director of the Palace Museum on the Internet seems to be him.”


[Groove! ] I checked on the Internet, the president of the Palace Museum is this old man, he actually came in person, it seems that the big pickle jar that Fang Yang dug today may really be the treasure of the town country, if the ordinary national treasure dean cannot come in person! 】

[It’s really eye-opening, one is more awesome than one, just such a fart in a bigger place came a curator, a brigade commander, and a dean, Fang Yang’s fluctuations are a little too big, it’s hard to imagine whether there will be more awesome bigwigs later]

[This is the highest level museum in our entire Huaxia, the things in it are all national treasures, this bath tub is amazing, I can also blow with others in the future, I didn’t say that I have seen the treasure of Zhenguo unearthed live! ] 】

[All calm, for Fang Yang, this is nothing, this is only seven days? ] If I come for another seven days, I am afraid that by then, the treasures of our Huaxia legends will be dug up by him. I don’t think it’s strange that one day he dug up noodles from 4,000 years ago!

[Usually I don’t feel anything when I see these big leaders on TV, but now I watch it live, and it feels completely different, as if I am also on the spot. ] Look at the eyes of those people, it is estimated that they are all frightened by today’s battle, not surprisingly, today’s scene will soon become a hot search headline again]


After Team Feng looked at his phone, he took a deep breath.

At this point, the mentality is already about to explode. He is just a small captain, but today he has to face so many big guys. The psychology couldn’t help but secretly scold the director for not yet.

“It turned out to be Dean He, the young man you were looking for Fang Yang next to the excavator!”

After speaking, he quickly returned the certificate to the assistant.

At a glance, the dean saw Fang Yang seen before in the video, and also saw the colonel next to him. The eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

After all, the appearance of the military is not a trivial matter.

But he didn’t care about anything else, and hurriedly walked over: “You are Fang Yang, what about the big jade sea that you dug up today?” ”

Fang Yang looked at the old man with a look of excitement, and returned faintly: “I was dragged away!” ”

“Dragged away? Antiquities Bureau? I saw you interpreting the Great Jade Sea in the video, but I didn’t expect you to be able to see its specialness at such a young age, even if you are an archaeology major, what are you doing? ”

Chen Feng hurriedly came over to answer: “Hello Dean He, he is a guest expert of the archaeology department of our provincial cultural relics bureau, and his main business is to drive excavators!” ”

Dean He was stunned: “Excavator? ”

He had never heard of an expert from the archaeology department going to drive an excavator, was life so difficult?

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and nodded: “Yes, but his professional knowledge is recognized by the directors of our city bureau and provincial bureau!” ”

Dean He couldn’t help but look at Fang Yang and said with satisfaction: “Not bad, young people can have such achievements, it is also a gospel for our archaeological community!” ”

As soon as the words fell, the photographer behind him said to himself: “How can this old man listen to the last time that what Huaxia Paleontological Museum spoke in a tone, is it a brother?” ”

This sentence is not loud, but everyone next to him can hear it. Fang Yang burst out laughing directly.

But hearing it in other people’s ears is another matter! Dean He was stunned and asked, “Which old man?” ”

The photographer didn’t think much about answering directly: “It’s just a few nights ago that a curator who said what kind of Chinese ancient biology museum he was, he had to go to my brother’s room to sit, we slept in the middle of the night, people were confused, my brother didn’t let him in, and finally the old man gave 2 million and left, and the tone of voice was exactly the same as you!” ”

Hiss, it’s really not shocking!

After the photographer said this, he didn’t feel that he said anything, just told the truth. But when I heard it in everyone’s ears, it was an explosion!

What kind of stuff?

The director of the Huaxia Paleontological Museum wanted to go to your room in the middle of the night, and you not only did not welcome him warmly, but also blocked him from the door. The strangest thing is that he actually gave back 2 million.

Is this helping his family repair the ancestral tomb? Such a big face?

Suddenly, Chen Feng seemed to think of something: “Wouldn’t it be the last time I dug up a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil?” ”

The photographer quickly nodded: “Yes, yes, that’s the time!” My brother scolded him at the time! ”

Everyone: “…”

If this secret had not been told by the photographer today, no one would have imagined that this would happen! That’s awesome!

Fang Yang kept laughing when he heard this.

At that time, he was too sleepy and woke him up, even the king of heaven, Laozi, he also wanted to curse. But it’s still a little hairy to think about the next day.

Brigadier Cui shook his head while laughing at this time: “Fang Yang, Fang Yang!” You really are… Now my heart is much better, at least you didn’t scold me! ”

Fang Yang hurriedly waved his hand: “I was too sleepy, I didn’t think so much, how dare I scold you, when the time comes, catch me and give me a sudden break”


The atmosphere at the scene was completely embarrassing, and they didn’t know what to say.

Fortunately, Dean He was in a high position after all, and he quickly returned to his senses: “I want to go and see the mountains and jade sea you dug, by the way, please go over and help interpret it, I don’t know if you want to or not.”

Fang Yang looked at Brigadier Cui, a little embarrassed.

Brigadier Cui waved his hand: “Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations, rest assured, I’m joking, I won’t really tie you up!” ”

“Hey, hey!! I’m sorry, I’m just a lazy person and not fit to be a soldier! ”

At this moment, a siren sounded. Tick Tick Tick, Woo Woo, followed by a dozen police cars parked in rows at the intersection!

Director Cao immediately rushed down from the car, and at a glance he saw Brigadier Cui not far away and two three-star poles on his shoulder. Suddenly, his expression froze, and he didn’t expect that a colonel had come.

Hurriedly came over and greeted: “Colonel, Director Shen, hello, if there is anything you need to order, I specially brought someone to help, but just after he said this, he found that everyone at the scene looked at him stunned.”

It’s like looking at a fool.

These eyes looked at him, and he quickly turned his head to look at Team Feng, wanting to get an answer.

Team Feng made a gesture of invitation and pointed to Dean He: “This is Dean He of the Palace Museum!” ”


At this time, Director Cao couldn’t help but burst into foul language, like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Originally, it was very exaggerated to come to a provincial curator, but as a result, the army came, and now there is a big guy who he dares not think of! No wonder these people looked at him so strangely just now.

At this time, I can’t wait to find a seam to drill into.

He quickly smiled respectfully, “Dean He, why did you come here!” This this… No one informed me beforehand… I’ll arrange someone to accompany you! ”

“It’s okay, I just came to find Fang Yang, I’ll leave later, you’re busy!”

Director Cao glanced at Fang Yang blankly, and at this time he was like the stars holding the moon. The curator, brigade commander, and dean all gathered around him.

In the eyes of others, Fang Yang became an existence that they envied.

In the eyes of Director Cao, this is a super plague, this is only one day, he has such a big thing here, and it is both artillery and tank.

Now there was a group of big guys around him, and he didn’t even know how Director Chen had persisted for so long!……

[Today Fang Yang finally changed someone to torture, this bureau chief is afraid that he has not yet experienced Fang Yang’s terrible, I believe it will not be long before he will understand that pleasing no one is better than currying favor with Fang Yang, beware of him going down with a shovel and directly digging out your ancestral grave! ] 】

[Hey… If I can have such achievements as him in this life, even if I die, I will be content, the most outrageous thing is that he himself is nothing, neither the second generation of officials, nor the rich second generation, nor a government worker, or an ordinary people, but the result can attract so many bigwigs around to give him face]

[If you have his ability, people will also revolve around you, after all, almost everyone who deals with him benefits from him, can people have a bad attitude. ] Believe it or not, if Fang Yang wants to dig abroad one day, I estimate that that country can match him with an army to protect him!” 】

[I just want to know what else he can dig?] Now that the tanks have been dug up, what else can be dug up later? You can’t dig up people’s military bases! Then I guess he was taken away before he dug it! 】


After a while, Brigadier Cui said hello to Fang Yang and left. What is here is worthless to him.

But for Director Shen, today can be regarded as a fortune.

With so many things brought back, the Revolutionary Museum in Jiangning Province can stand out among many museums.

After all, there are two such cannons in the country, and his family has two. There is also an even rarer tank.

It is estimated that other museums can drool when they know it.

For this reason, he specially thanked Fang Yang for his contribution, and specially invited Fang Yang to visit their museum when he was free, and he would definitely be invited to dinner when the time came.

Fang Yang nodded and smiled, responding politely.

After that, Director Cao immediately arranged a police car to send Fang Yang and Dean He to the Cultural Relics Bureau. At this time, the Cultural Relics Bureau was in the cultural relics hall.

A huge pickle jar sits on the platform.

There are at least hundreds of archaeological experts around the site, all of whom want to see the true face of the country’s treasure!

“Oh my God! So big! It is said that it is carved out of Dushan jade! ”

“This carver, it’s hard to imagine, there was such a superb skill in the Yuan Dynasty!”

“I heard Fang Yang say that this thing used to be filled with wine, and then it was pickled, I wonder if there is any residual taste in it?”

“I really envy Xihai City, it’s all treasures!”

“You’re wrong, you should envy them for having a big baby, Fang Yang!”

Half an hour later, Dean He and Fang Yang walked towards the Cultural Relics Bureau building together.

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