“People at the bottom of society can obtain knighthoods through military merits, and use knighthoods to change the economic base and social status of the family. In order to change their lives, many people not only go to war at their own expense, but also risk their lives to make military merits.”

“Third, the Qin State attaches great importance to the development of postal business, so that the family letters of Hefu and Shocking can be smoothly mailed to their homes during the war years, which is also the national policy of the Qin Dynasty that later implemented the same track and the same text.”

“You know, this war is a war to destroy the country, and Hefu and Shuo fought against the Chu army in Huaiyang, more than 400 miles away from their hometown, and the last hundreds of thousands of Qin Chu soldiers and the joys and sorrows of the people were condensed in the historical record, but in 21 short words: Later, Wang Chu, Mengwu attacked Jing, broke the Jing army, Changping Jun died, Xiang Yan committed suicide, Chu died!”

After listening to the story told by Fang Yang, everyone had the feeling of dreaming back to the battlefield.

Experiencing the psychology and state of the low-level soldiers at that time in the face of war is embarrassing. The two family letters, simple and simple, depict the war environment of that year.

This battle may be a big deal in history, but they will only be drowned out by history.

If these two bamboo tablets had not been dug up today, who would have known that more than 2,000 years ago there was one named Hefu and the other called Shock!

It also makes people can’t help but think of why the Qin State was able to unify in those years. Other countries have no choice but to go to war when they go to war.

Qin Guo is different, everyone goes for meritorious service, there is money and status if they win, and there is a pension if they lose, and they will not suffer a loss no matter how they are calculated.

Netizens were also moved when they heard such a story.


[Why is it that it is obviously just two simple family letters, but I feel the magnificent process of Qin’s annihilation of the Six Kingdoms from the inside, and the sadness and sorrow of a low-level soldier are buried over time. ] Also today, with Fang Yang’s excavation, an era that has passed, a dead person gives the temperature again, so that we can feel it with our hearts.

[I really didn’t expect that the ancient Qin State participated in the war at its own expense, doesn’t this mean that everyone wants to be a soldier? ] No wonder the Qin State fought so fiercely back then, this is the same in modern times. If the soldiers who starved the war had these realizations, I estimate that the war would have ended long ago! 】

[I have to say that Qin Guo is really attractive, and we can all know the words written at that time. ] Although the State of Qin is short, his influence on the entire history of China is too great, and the later Han Dynasty also continued the management system of Qin, and if there is no unification of the State of Qin, our Huaxia may be hundreds of years behind]

[It turns out that the ancients were also: Mom! ] Hit the money!…… Fang Yang, you have to keep this family book, don’t be discovered by the Kimchi Country, when the time comes, they will have to say that the Qin Kingdom is their ancestor, and this thing is also theirs]

[Take your life to others, and ask your mother for money. ] Don’t dare to think! And look at Fang Yang’s explanation, ancient people may die if they don’t pay back, and then look at our modern times, it is the uncle who borrows money, and it is the grandson who asks for money]

[In March, the family letter reached 10,000 gold. Mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, Hongshu proves this heart! 】

[Seeing this reminds me of a sentence: your name is unknown, but your brilliance lives on]


The other side. Nanxiang Technical School Conference Center.

President Ma is in a meeting with the board members.

“I call you here today, mainly because there are several major resolutions to discuss with you, which is also the result of my careful consideration, if you have opinions, you can talk about it.”

“Recently, there is a person named Fang Yang on the Internet, he has become very popular, I believe you should have heard of it, he drove an excavator to dig up a lot of strange things, and he also made a fortune.”

“So now many people have to learn to drive excavators, and because of this, the number of students enrolled in the next quarter has long exceeded the capacity of the school, and the school is considering preparing to expand to accommodate more students!”

“According to online statistics, the hottest industry in the country this year is to drive excavators, and schools like ours bear the brunt and make profits first, but I personally feel that in such an environment, if you just passively make money, this is a wrong decision!”

“So I made the following decisions for everyone’s reference!”

“First, I decided to invest 100 million and invite Fang Yang to speak for our school!”

“Second, establish the latest Nanxiang Technical School in Xihai City, move the headquarters there, and this side will be counted as a branch school in the future!”

“Third, develop more business, as far as I know, in recent times, the national excavators have been in short supply, and our students are driving excavators, coupled with the current market environment, I think there is a complete way to sell excavators!”

“Fourth, business one-stop service, many people drive excavators not to work, but to hunt for treasure, we can find some feng shui masters to teach classes, tell students how to go treasure hunting, can also sell some related things, expand the scope of business!”

“Fifth… I haven’t thought about it yet, my words have been spoken, who is in favor and who is against? ”

The board members at the conference table were all brain-haired at this time, and they had not yet returned to their senses. Ten seconds later, someone was standing and slapped on the table! journey

“I object! That Fang Yang is not a star, nor is he a person with any background, why give him 100 million advertising fees, do you want to steal it! ”

“I am also against it! I support the expansion of the school, but I support the construction of the school in Xihai City, it is too unjust for us, as for the headquarters relocation, I firmly oppose it! ”

“The principal’s starting point is good, we all understand, whether it is to expand the business, or sell excavators, I support it, but are your previous two points a little too high!”

The following dozen board members nodded in reconsideration.

The principal stood up on the spot when he saw the objections of these people. Slap the file on the table!

“I didn’t call you here today to discuss with you, it’s a notice, understand?”

“Well, you didn’t say 100 million expensive, did you?”

“Come, I’ll let you see a set of data, Xiao Wang, open the PPT!”

“Got it, Headmaster!”

The principal walked to the computer to control the mouse, and rows of data charts suddenly appeared on the big screen.

“This is our enrollment data for last year, and the appointment data for next quarter. Quarterly bookings alone have doubled last year’s number, do you know why? ”

Then switch to the next chapter PPT.

“Looking at this set of data, according to the national statistics, all schools like us, the worst booking students in the next quarter also exceeded the students in the whole of last year, do you think these are coincidences?”

“Looking at this again, the sales of excavators in the country in the past week have exceeded half of last year’s total, do you think this is still a coincidence?”

“Look at this again, I have investigated privately, at least half of the country’s counterparts are ready to establish an excavator school in Xihai City, you and they are all fools? When you react, you don’t even have to drink the soup! ”

“Have you seen Fang Yang’s traffic data? This is still the data of the investigation department that I entrusted people to spend a lot of effort on, his live broadcast room once opened through dozens of minutes of tipping function, just tens of minutes, there are more than 10 million tips, what if a day? Do you think Fang Yang can see this hundred million? I tell you, 100 million is my minimum budget! ”

“This is the latest TV recording program, and the number of viewers of Xihai City TV has exceeded the previous most popular TV station by 30%! What is this concept, you know? You must know that Xihai City is only a city-level TV station, which has so many viewers than other provincial TV stations, because they broadcast Fang Yang’s recorded program! ”

“This last one, it’s all Fang Yang-related news, you open your eyes to see who is appearing next to him, we can’t see these big people, we all have to be like grandfathers, and now you still look down on him?” Funny guys, who the hell looks down on whom! ”

“Fang Yang Museum will soon be established in Xihai City, he is also a visiting professor of the university, a special expert of the Archaeology Department of the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, he has so many auras that you can’t imagine, you may think that his aura is useless, sorry, people have earned more than 40 million in more than a week, now do you still think 100 million is expensive?”

The principal said a lot of indignation, and after speaking, the assistant specially handed over a glass of water, which he drank in one gulp. It took a full minute in the conference room for someone to speak.

“This… According to your words, we may not be able to afford people! ”

“I feel that he may not agree to 100 million!”

“What about the other schools, why don’t they go to Fang Yang to endorse?”

The headmaster put down his cup and took a deep breath.

“Other schools don’t want to, they can’t afford it!! But I think if we can move him, it will be worth the cost, the problem is that we don’t have such a big plate to receive so many students.”

“And Xihai City is Fang Yang’s base, and the reason why I built my headquarters in Xihai City is also to prove Fang Yang’s attitude of showing our academy, in fact, to put it bluntly, we are begging people, not inviting him!” Do you understand, for him, it makes no difference whether he agrees to endorse or not, but for us it is an opportunity to ascend to heaven in one step! ”

“So, I will spare no effort to make him feel the sincerity of the school, of course this process may be difficult, because my intuition tells me that he will not say yes!”

At this point, one of the board members below immediately took possession. The table slammed.


“Let it go, I support you!”

“It’s the same!”


Everyone below has the same opinion, unconditionally supports the principal to attract Fang Yang to speak for him, and at the same time will go to Xihai tomorrow to choose a site to build a school! The principal looked at the expressions of everyone’s eyes shining one by one, quite satisfied!

The idea of finding Fang Yang to speak for him had long been in his mind. At that time, Fang Yang had just become famous, and he was not in a hurry.

But gradually he found that his budget was constantly increasing.

As Fang Yang’s heat became hot, he found that things had become uncontrollable.

He no longer had the ability to find Fang Yang to speak for him. That’s why today’s board of directors scene.


Back to Fang Yang’s side, after the archaeologists packed up the family books, Fang Yang began to work again. It was around eleven o’clock in the morning.

Fang Yang thought about digging a little longer, and he was almost going to eat. The previous position has been turned over a lot.

Now I have to dig somewhere else.

As the bucket went deeper, there was less and less dirt in the pit, and it was about to dig to a depth of more than a meter. And yet, right now.

A crisp sound of the bell woke everyone up.

When you hear it, you know what huge iron tools are underneath. The sound is crisp and loud.

Everyone at the scene couldn’t help but get nervous.

Fang Yang also immediately picked up his spirits and dug carefully.

However, he accidentally bumped into something underneath again and made a bell sound again. Everyone realizes that this thing is definitely not small!

Sure enough, as the pit became deeper and deeper, a huge barrel-like thing was dug out when it was close to two meters.

Except for the mud, it is cyan rust.

Everyone mentioned the throat eye in their hearts at this moment, because this color looks like bronze! Fang Yang jumped out of the cab without hesitation, jumping into the pit, observing what was below.

The system panel arrives as promised.

【Curse Scene Copper Shell Storage】

【Era: Western Han Dynasty】

【Affiliation: Dian Kingdom】

[The height is 51 cm, the lid diameter is 32 cm, the bottom diameter is 29.7 cm; more than 300 shells can be stored in the vessel, and 127 three-dimensional figures are cast on the circle, centering on the activities of the characters on the dry-column building, showing the ceremony scene of the Dian King killing the sacrifice and cursing the alliance]

[The platform above the bronze ware records the following scene: a high stool is placed on the platform of the house, and one person sits with his feet down, as if he is the main sacrificer; The main priest sits in a column on either side, five on the left and three on the right; Around the two giant pots and drums and at the staircase, there were 15 women, running with their hands on their knees…】


After reading the introduction of this thing, Fang Yang was stunned.

Chen Feng hurriedly walked over and asked, “Fang Yang, what kind of treasure is this?” ”

“Human sacrifice!”

When everyone present heard this, they immediately got goosebumps.

Human sacrifice, this is only heard of in books, even TV series do not dare to film.

Fang Yang said lightly: “Everyone help carry this up first, it’s a little heavy, a few more people!” ”

Ten minutes later, the shell reservoir was lifted to the ground, and archaeologists were tasked with cleaning the dirt on it.

Everyone gathered around.

I saw that the low end of this shell storage vessel had 3 beast claws and feet, tiger-shaped ears on both sides, and the lid on it was the scene of sacrifice, and hundreds of small bronze people were cast vividly.


[If it weren’t for Fang Yang telling me that there was a sacrifice on this, I thought it was fun to pinch the villain on it. ] Now that I look at it again, I suddenly feel that these villains are not cute at all, aren’t they afraid? 】

[I have to say that this process technology is also too good, there seem to be more than 100 small copper people on it, how much area is this, how is it done, bronzes are generally used more before the Han Dynasty, which shows that there should be a lot of back at that time, recently watched more live broadcasts, I really feel that I am not as good as the ancients]

[Our ancestor of Huaxia casting bronze is really a must, especially Ding, I just saw a news last time, saying that Simu Maoding was exhibited somewhere, and specially allowed an old man to touch him. ] I was still curious at the time, and then I looked at the information, good guy, Simu Maoding is this old man’s own ancestral grave dug up and voluntarily handed over to the state, but now it is an honor to touch it, you say it’s not funny! 】

[It’s really the first time I’ve seen this kind of bronze, but the scene is too bloody, I don’t know what the people thought at that time, aren’t they afraid?] I see that there are still people killing cows over there, and I feel that they are numb to this kind of thing, and it doesn’t matter.]

Elder Qin stared at the bronze left and right, and looked at it for a long time:…

“This bronze should be from the Han Dynasty! It’s just that this is really the first time I’ve seen this look. In my impression, there was no such custom of human sacrifice in the Han Dynasty! Wasn’t there a law prohibiting human sacrifice at that time? ”

Principal Kong also nodded: “And this cultural relic does not look like the style of the Han Dynasty, but there is a unique famous family style on it, I don’t know what it is!” ”

Chen Feng looked at Fang Yang and smiled: “Since you know that it is a human sacrifice, then you should know what this is for, right?” ”

Fang Yang smiled awkwardly: “I just happened to see this kind of record before, but I just studied it for half a day before I remembered it!” ”

When everyone heard this, they immediately pricked up their ears and waited for Fang Yang’s explanation.

Fang Yang didn’t say a word, but instead raised the lid in front of everyone.

Everyone froze and watched intently, expecting what would be inside. The moment the lid opens!

Reveal the variety of shells inside!


“I thought there were jewels!”

“Why are shells hidden in it?”

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