Chapter 177 The big ambergris of football, the smell is fragrant to the extreme! 【Subscription requested】.

Fang Yang also saw an irregular stone-like thing in the sand, about the size of a football. It was covered with grains of sand, and it also emitted a fishy smell.

If it weren’t for its relatively large size, I even thought it was a dumpling pulled by a person in a bunker. Fang Yang jumped down from the car and walked to see it, and the system panel suddenly popped up.


【Year: 16 years】

【Spec.: Weight 4.8kg】

【Value: 3.8 million】

After reading the introduction of the system, he smiled, directly picked it up from the sand, and washed it in the sea water next to it by the way. After washing, the stench became stronger.

The spectators watching the excitement next to them unconsciously stepped back.

“I’ll go, Fang Yang won’t have any special proclivities, right?”

“Can’t it, could this be a good thing?”

“It’s so smelly, what a good thing it can be!”

The photographer also forced the smell to come up and cover his nose and asked: “Brother, what is this?” Is it a meteorite again? ”

Fang Yang smiled and shook his head: “How can a meteorite be so light, na… You can see if you take it, this is not a meteorite, it is worth more than a meteorite! ”

“Don’t, don’t… This tastes, I’d better forget it. ”

Xiao Fang next to him also asked in surprise: “More valuable than a meteorite?” What the hell is this? ”

Looking at the appearance of everyone, Fang Yang couldn’t help but want to laugh, raised the dark gray stone in his hand and shook it: “This is the legendary ambergris!” ”


There was a commotion all around.

Almost every Chinese person has heard of the great name of this thing, but few have actually seen it.


–[Do you want to exaggerate so much?] Get a soccer-sized ambergris as big as a football as soon as you come up, and get rich just after starting work? But how do I feel that this thing is very smelly, can it be said that the smell is fragrant? Does anyone know how much this big one is worth? 】

–[It’s hard to say, look at the quality, poor quality more than 300 fast money a gram, good quality more than 2000 a gram 220. This one in Fang Yang’s hand doesn’t look like ambergris, first of all, this is too big, and secondly, the ambergris in the exhibition I see is white, and his color is too dark. 】

–[It’s better to watch Fang Yang’s live broadcast or throw away your brain, what he says is what, don’t be smart to question, the facts have proven him right too many times. ] I firmly believe that what he has in his hand is ambergris, hey, he is not envious of me, but this collection of money, I really blush. 】

–[If I can die unbearably at the scene, I didn’t find the opportunity to get rich under my nose, and as a result, Fang Yang just came over and dug it out. It’s like money thrown in front of you you you can’t see, people come over and pick it up, and it’s still such a valuable thing, I am afraid that I want to die. 】


The photographer was confused: “Really fake, isn’t ambergris used to make perfume?” How can it be so smelly? How to make perfume with this thing. ”

Others nodded in agreement.

“Look closely, this shape is a bit similar, but this one is also too big, and I have also seen ambergris, it is indeed fragrant, not so smelly?”

“I used to watch videos saying that if you take ambergris directly from the belly of a sperm whale, it is stinky, strangely smelly, but the problem is that it is not taken from its belly.”

“This should be some kind of animal feces, say it’s ambergris, I don’t believe it!”

Facing the surrounding questions, Fang Yang did not care, but explained with a smile: “Everyone knows that ambergris is fragrant, so do you know how ambergris was originally formed?” ”

“Sperm whale droppings!”

Many people have given the same answer.

“Yes, it is indeed sperm whale droppings, how did it form?” Know not? ”

It was suddenly quiet, and they had only heard of ambergris, and they had never used it, let alone understand how it was formed.

Fang Yang explained with a smile: “Ambergris, it is essentially a dry product of sperm cetacean sperm whale intestinal secretions, is a solid wax-like combustible substance in the shade gray or black, who has a lighter, I will burn it to you will know.” ”

Xiao Fang next to him immediately handed over a lighter.

Fang Yang put ambergris on his body to dry the moisture on the surface, picked up the lighter and aimed it and lit it. Snap.

Soon a small flame appeared.

“Groove! Really lit? ”

“Nima, isn’t it, such a big ambergris? I often come here to play, why didn’t I dig it! ”

“This is outrageous, isn’t it, but it stinks, shouldn’t ambergris be very fragrant?”

Fang Yang threw it into the water to extinguish the fire and picked it up and continued to explain: “The reason why ambergris is expensive is related to its formation conditions, sperm whales like to eat big squid and octopus very much, but big squid and octopus have tough jaws and tongue teeth, which are very difficult to digest. ”

“After sperm whales put them late into their stomachs, the jaws and tongue teeth of these mollusks accumulate more and more in the stomach. We all know that if you don’t digest after eating, the stomach will secrete a lot of stomach acid. ”

“These undigested things in the belly of the sperm whale, stimulating its intestines, it will secrete a special wax to wrap these indigestible things, and fuse with feces to form a semi-solid state, ambergris is initially formed!”

“Some of these excrements are vomited out by sperm whales and some are excreted from the intestines. But not every sperm whale will produce ambergris, only one in about 100 will have, plus it cannot be artificially bred, you can imagine how rare it is. ”

The photographer seemed to understand, but still had doubts: “Then why is this smelly?” Shouldn’t ambergris be fragrant? ”

Fang Yang gave him a blank look: “Who told you that ambergris is fragrant?” Didn’t you hear that buddy just now say that the strange smell taken from the sperm whale’s body is incomparable? It’s not that it’s not fragrant, but it takes a long time to become fragrant. ”

“First of all, the density of ambergris, it is less than seawater, so it will float on the sea for a long time after being discharged by sperm whales, the initial color is light black, it needs to undergo a long period of exposure, under the action of sea water and sunlight, slowly turn gray.”

“It eventually changes from dark gray to light gray, and then to a whitish wax color, and that’s when ambergris really takes shape.”

“A piece of high-grade ambergris must be precipitated at least a hundred years at sea, at which time the impurities inside it have been completely eliminated, and the value is far more than ten times more than gold.”

“But this piece in my hand, just look at the color, it is still dark gray, in other words, it should not be long before it was pulled out by sperm whales, so it stinks!” Then one day it was washed up on the beach, and then beaten by the waves, and gradually buried by the sand. ”

“Without sun exposure, to exaggerate, it is still a lump of feces!”

Now everyone understood.

Now looking at the things in Fang Yang’s hand, his eyes changed.

No one hates it anymore, and if someone else picks it up, he can even lick a few bites. This is not feces, this is money, perfume, banknotes!

Someone patted their thigh on the spot to their chagrin.

“I’m Nima, I’ve dug bunkers in this place before, why don’t I dig a little deeper!” Unbearable! ”

“I’ve been sitting in this place for a long time, and the devil knows there’s a baby buried under my ass.”

“Don’t say it, I’ve been here for several trips and haven’t found it.”

“Hush, look at the person in charge of that island, his face is almost green, and besides, people are afraid that they will jump into the sea!”


Fang Yang heard their discussion and put ambergris into the cab with a smile. This kind of thing does not need to be handed over, and it is another windfall for him.

Moreover, this small island does not belong to any private property, even the small party is just a worker, helping the government to manage it. So for him, he dug it himself, of course, it belongs to himself, and at most he sold it back and paid the tax.

Although he does not lack these more than 3 million now, if he can pick up such a thing every day, his mood is also very popular. In this way, in the envious eyes of everyone, Fang Yang began to dig the soil again.

But as time went on, more and more tourists came to watch on the beach. The area without water becomes very small, and if you continue to dig, it is easy to accidentally injure people.

There is no way but to drive the excavator to the dive, first dig the sand in the water, and then pile it up to the shore.

In this way, the space for the crowd of onlookers immediately became much larger, except for the place where the sand was to be piled, and the shore was already full of people. This was the first time that Fang Yang had dug sand in the water, which could also be understood as digging in the sea.

It is surrounded by water, and the waves will lap on the fence next to it from time to time. Until this time, Fang Yang completely understood why he wanted this thing.

He found that today’s waves were a little strange, obviously there was not much wind, but since the beginning to now, he could clearly feel that the waves had become bigger.

If it weren’t for the cab door being closed, the sea would have been able to shoot him. Excavators dig sand in the sea, a scene that many people will never see in their lifetimes.

The photographer looked at the bucket and suddenly remembered what Xiao Fang said before.

“By the way, you said before that this island only appeared in recent decades? Why? ”

When Fang Yang heard these words, he listened without pricking up his ears.

Xiao Fang replied with a smile: “There should be a volcano under this island, many years ago, because of the continuous eruption of the volcano, coupled with the cooling of the seawater, let it accumulate little by little, higher and higher, so you see that the main body of this island is very rugged.” ”

“But more than 100 years ago, he was still under the surface of the water, until then there was a big earthquake, and the crust had relative upward and sinking movements due to crustal movement, plate movement, etc. The island was gradually lifted out of the water. ”

“In fact, even if there is no movement of underground plates, this small island will be exposed sooner or later, and although the island first had a beach, it is estimated that it was sandstone deposited on the seabed before. But it’s very dangerous, and it doesn’t smell good, and no one comes here at all. ”

“It wasn’t until decades later, when it was found that its ecological environment had become very good in recent years, that it was developed into a tourist attraction, so there were more tourists coming to the island.”


–[So is this island a volcanic island?] Aren’t they afraid of volcanic eruptions? I just sprayed one the day before yesterday, and this place is not in front of the village and behind the store, and it is too late to run when there is an accident. How do I feel that Fang Yang’s live broadcast has been watched too much recently, I feel very dangerous wherever I go, this is not an end, nestled at home I am afraid that the house will collapse. 】

–[Nonsense, this is obviously a piece of flesh scattered in the world by the ancient giant god, after the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it has gradually awakened, when the time comes, these bodies will fly to space, and then fuse and resurrect! ] 】

–[Whenever I encounter this magical phenomenon, I will have an idea, if Blue Star really discovers alien creatures, is it possible that it is the past or the future, or someone who traveled through parallel worlds?] Do you think Fang Yang doesn’t look like a traverser? 】

–[We are just a speck of dust in the universe, but formed a colorful world, I often watch the universe explanation, Du Tebi sighed the magic of the blue star, there are too many coincidences to make it a planet where human beings can live, but there will be no human beings without one, no wonder the ancients felt that it was a human created by God. 】

The photographer was amazed after hearing this.

Most locals know about the island. But he and Fang Yang didn’t know.

So even Fang Yang was amazed.

An island that has only appeared in recent decades, one cannot but feel the magic of nature. At the same time, you can also understand why ambergris is not picked up here.

At that time, no one was here at all when it floated to the beach, and with its stench, even if someone saw it, it was estimated that it would be regarded as a dead thing and would not be dug up for study.

That’s how I picked up a leak.

With the bucket constantly pumping sand into the sea.

Just when he looked comfortable, he suddenly heard a muffled sound under the water. Fangyang was stunned, and it didn’t take long to dig something out again!

And listening to the sound should be a metal substance. And big!

In the sea, metal substances, could it be shipwrecks?

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