This is....


Seeing the strange gem floating in the air in front of him, Lin Qi couldn't stop being surprised.

Even though he was sorting through all kinds of bizarre scenes these days.

But when such a treasure jade exuding a strange aura appeared in front of his eyes.

It even has such a terrifying effect!

Lin Qi was also completely stunned.

The Soul Gem is the crystallization of the power condensed by magical girls who are extracted from their souls, and it is a proof of their existence.

As long as there are no problems with the soul gem, the magical girl's body can even continue to regenerate!

And Xiao Meiyan was able to strip off a part!

In the air of the room, the mysterious jade rotated quietly.

The soft light on the ceiling, as soon as it touched the surroundings of Baoyu, was absorbed by the strange power on Baoyu!

It's just that.

Lin Qi did not dare to touch it directly.

Such a tip came too suddenly!

Looking at the quiet strange light of the dark treasure jade, Lin Qi's palm flew out a round item.

Cosmic singularity!

Under Lin Qi's somewhat nervous gaze, the cosmic oddity clicked Lin Qi's consciousness and slowly approached the dark jade.


The dark glow touched the singularity!

One breath!

Two breaths!

The room was unusually quiet.

Lin Qi could even hear his heavy breathing.

Under his gaze.

That cosmic singularity slowly wrapped around that dark jade.


The Dark Jade disappears.

The whole room seemed to light up a lot, and Lin Qi was relieved.

He wasn't sure how effective that dark jade was.

Just for now.

Not using him is the most sensible solution.

As the cosmic singularity swallowed the treasure jade that emitted a ghostly light, several lines of prompts also appeared in front of Lin Qi's eyes.

【Ding! The cosmic singularity absorbs some of the power of the Dark Jade. 】

【Ding! The detection of the cosmic singularity has greatly improved the internal range! Check it out? 】


As Lin Qi's voice fell.

The cosmic singularity floating in the air suddenly fully unfolded!

The fist-sized singularity instantly skyrocketed to a full two meters high!

In front of Lin Qi's eyes, it was suddenly pitch black.

The warm furniture in the bedroom has disappeared.

Lin Qi looked around him curiously.

The interior of the cosmic singularity stays in the three-dimensional space that Lin Qi can currently accept.

A soft shimmer shimmered around him.

Under the action of that shimmer, Lin Qi can also be intact in this universe.

As for his impression, the beautiful nebula in space.

This universe did not appear.


This cosmic singularity that belonged to Lin Qi was only a silent piece of cosmic space.

There is no other substance present!

"This is..."

"My universe!"

Lin Qi stared at the boundless deep space in front of him.

In my heart, an indescribable excitement surged up!

If it is said that opening Gundam is a man's romance.

What is more romantic than driving Gundam is to start from scratch and build your own universe step by step!

Everything matter!


Fixed star!

Even after creating intelligent civilization, maintaining the order of their existence!

As the beginning of it all.

The owner of Lin Qi's singularity can be completely formulated.


In this universe!

He is the supreme being!

It is the definition of 'God' in the universe!

"That dark jade can actually be used to expand this universe..."

Looking at the slowly rotating dark jade around him, Lin Qi's eyes became much hotder!


Even after confirming that the Demon Flame was not hostile.

Lin Qi was still a little jealous of that dark jade.

After all, he is not Shikamu Yuan...

But after entering this universe, everything will be different!

A trace of solemnity flashed on Lin Qi's face.

"Cut off all communication with the outside world."

"All matter shall not enter or escape."

For the first time, he gave the first command to the universe that belonged to him!

【Ding! Are you sure of this? 】

[After cutting off all communication with the outside world, the cosmic singularity will completely lose its characteristics that can be observed by the outside world! ] 】

[After banning the entry and exit of matter, the slow development of the cosmic singularity will be completely stagnant.] 】


Lin Qi's eyes were calm, those two negative effects, he seemed to have not heard them at all!

Are you kidding?

The cosmic singularity was observed by advanced civilizations?

Also expand the cosmic singularity?

Other tips will come slowly, and there is only one life!

Everything that has potential safety hazards, he will definitely not stay!

Instead of keeping that dark jade that can't be used directly, Lin Qi might as well use it to expand this universe!

PS: Ladies and gentlemen! Vote for a review! Drop some free flowers! The wind on the rooftop is so strong, the author is really scared.

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