One place in the multiverse, the universe of interstellar warfare.

The tired Kerrigan looked at Lin Qi's post boredly.

"The Law of the Dark Forest?"

"Something interesting!"

"However, today's conflict between the Zerg and other races seems to be completely in line with such a law of survival."

Kerrigan sighed faintly.

She has been very tired lately.

The Unifying Swarm had exhausted her, and the fight between the other two races had exhausted her.

The interstellar universe here.

Humans, Zerg, and Spirit races, the three major races are the strongest races.

Interstellar wars between the three races are even more common.

And Kerrigan is the newest master of the Zerg, also known as the Blade Queen Kerrigan.

Recently looking at this strange multiverse network in his spare time is Kerrigan way to relax his mind.

Today's Kerrigan.

Although he has become the new Zerg leader.

Become the true Zerg master, the Queen of Blades!

But Kerrigan wasn't too pleased.

The Zerg she rules wants to survive and develop.

It is necessary to devour endlessly.

However, although this way of development is extremely fast, the disadvantages are also quite large.

This makes Kerrigan have a little more expectation for platforms like the multiverse network.

She wants to find a better way out for the Zerg on top of it!

"Thanks to the blogger for the reminder, it is the luck of the Zerg to get such information."

"If the blogger is interested, can you explain how civilization completes the leap, or introduce some advanced civilization."

After thinking for a moment, Kerrigan seriously left a comment under the post.

For Lin Qi's post, she has quite high expectations.

Kerrigan felt.

A blogger who can arbitrarily point out the survival laws of the universe civilization in this way, the cosmic civilization he himself is in, I am afraid it will be quite terrifying!

It would not hurt to be friendly to such an advanced cosmic civilization.

Perhaps, this blogger will also be interested in answering her questions someday.

At the same time.

In the multiverse, a country of cherry blossoms in a parallel world.

Doraemon and Nobita are looking at the post on the website.

Doraemon ate the tongyaki in her hand while carefully watching the content of the post.

"Hmm—the laws of the Black Forest!"

Doraemon's eyes widened, a little curious.

"Don't be the first civilization to light a torch...," Doraemon muttered.

"What does that mean?"

Nobita looked seriously beside him.

It's just that Nobita's small eyes are full of big doubts.

"Nobita, you're really stupid!" Doraemon swallowed the causeway.

He rarely saw Nobita look so serious, so he patiently explained to Nobita.

"Let's say you and Fat Tiger are walking in a dangerous forest."

"What would you do if the fat tiger suddenly started singing in the forest?"

"I..." Nobita looked at Doraemon, a little embarrassed to continue.

"If Fat Tiger didn't know where you were in the forest, you would have thrown stones at him, right?"

"But not only the singing fat tiger will be stoned by Nobita, but the moment Nobita throws the stone, the fat tiger will also know Nobita's location."

"Other hidden dangers in the forest will also know about Fat Tiger and Nobita, so that both of them will encounter dangers in the forest."

Doraemon said quietly.

Nobita on the side turned red.

"How so..."

"The various civilizations in the universe are similar to your relationship with the fat tiger!"

"The battle between civilizations is much more serious than between you and Fat Tiger."

"If you go on, you won't understand."

Doraemon looked at Nobita on the side who was puzzled and did not say any more.

"But this blogger is really powerful."

"I don't know which dimension of creatures would say the survival rules of primary civilization so bluntly."

Doraemon sighed, two round hands tapping two lines on the keyboard.

"What the blogger said is not wrong, these are indeed the survival rules of primary civilization."

"If the advanced civilization does not have a direct interest in those primary civilizations, the primary civilization should not reply to the signals sent by the advanced civilization!"

The increase in the number of comments under the post is terrifying!

The post published by Lin Qi is almost a daigo empowerment for the primary civilization on the website.


Just carefully analyze the laws in the post.

Those primary civilizations must have a sense of substitution!

Resources in the universe are finite!

Those civilizations that have developed to a certain height.

If you stumble upon those who are like a child, shouting 'I'm here!' I am here! What will happen to civilization?

Serious conditions.

The entire primary civilization will be destroyed or severely damaged by the tentative attacks of the advanced civilization.

And the lightest.

It will be similar to the previous top-of-the-list help post.

The scientific and technological progress of the entire primary civilization was intervened, becoming a reserve resource for the advanced civilization and becoming their colony.

The greatest goodwill between the vast universe, between civilizations and civilizations.

It means not actively attacking and destroying other civilizations!

Because, the more the initial stage of the development of primary civilization, the more vulnerable it is!

That's why.

Lin Qi put the article "survival is the first need for the development of civilization" in the first place!


Lin Qi's post is occupying the first place in the hottest headlines of the multiverse network with absolute traffic!

Below the post, there are already billions of comments!

The vast majority of them are those users from the primary civilization, thank Lin Qi.

Scanning those comments, Doraemon was also a little puzzled.

What kind of creature is the blogger of this post.

If you can clearly understand the laws of the dark forest, then the civilization where the blogger is located must also have a good development.

But those advanced civilizations have never looked at those primary civilizations.

And why send such a post to remind the junior civilization?

Doraemon was a little puzzled.

"Doraemon, let's go to the future world to find Doraemon and ask!"

"How can what he said in his post be true!"

Nobita on the side saw Doraemon's doubts and said deliberately.

He hadn't been to the future world for a long time, and he hadn't seen Doramy for a long time.

If you can, it's best to let Doraemon buy some more interesting items.

"You really haven't grown at all."

Doraemon looked at Nobita a little helplessly.

Although I saw what Nobita meant.

Doraemon also had to admit.

Nobita did get to the point!

The future world has technology that is infinitely close to five-dimensional, and it may be possible to track bloggers on websites.

Warning these unknown advanced civilizations on the website is also one of Doraemon's duties.


Doraemon responds to Nobita and drives a time machine to the future.

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