In addition to the appearance of the angelic civilization, Lin Qi also recorded a short paragraph when the City of Angels managed the cosmic order.

The angel warrior in the picture wields a blade.

A silver light flashed by, and the demon warrior's head was like a fragile kohlrabi, and it was instantly split by the angel warrior.

The saved creatures on that planet also worshiped the angelic warrior, and even carved the figure of the angel warrior with their own hands, which will pass down the legend of saving the entire planet for a long time.

In the other verse, Divine Kesha rises above the throne and calmly gives her will.

Not far away, Angel Yan asked Divine Kesha with some puzzlement.

She did not understand the meaning of helping a weak civilization.

And Divine Kesha's face was calm, and there was not even a trace of emotional fluctuations.

"I don't like strong lives bullying weak lives. I don't feel comfortable hearing stories like that! "

So far in the video, Lin Qi also uploaded his brain to the multiverse network.


616 Marvel Universe.

Tony Stark and Pepper calmly read Lin Qi's post.

When he saw that Rick was directly annihilated by the terrifying power the moment he touched the Star Cup.

Tony couldn't help but want to scold his mother!

Those gods and spirits don't take those humans too seriously!

Rick's efforts, the efforts of all the machines, no matter what is missing, the war on that planet cannot end so quickly.

And in the wars organized by those god races, human beings don't even have the right to participate!

It's hard to imagine the despair Rick felt when he touched the Star Cup and saw his engagement ring with Hubie.

However, fortunately, the ending is also good....

Rick's wish: to end that war.

Indeed it did.

Just as Tony was about to browse the comment section, he was interrupted by a notification from the website.

"Generous gift crab!"

"Gift crab?"

A childish voice came, and Tony looked back anxiously.

He and Pepper's daughter, Morgan, were leaning against the living room door and looking at him with a smile.

"Come on! Come here! This is not something to learn! Tony looked at Morgan's figure and greeted her happily.

"What are you looking at?" Morgan asked softly.

"Uh... Children know to have nightmares. "

"Then I want to know a little."

"You ask me again, when you fall asleep, I will give your toy companions to other children, it's not early, go to sleep!"

Tony's eyes were soft, touching Morgan's head, and instructing Pepper to put Morgan to sleep.

For a moment, as Morgan and Pepper left, Tony had a smile on his face.

It wasn't just because of the efforts of Rick Hubie and the entire Jikai that ended the war.

Rick alone calculated that Tony, who watched those high-level races, felt a burst of joy in his heart.


It's so cool!

Those Mori Essence Species prided themselves on the high-level creation of God, and when they looked desperately at the full-scale war between the Mori Essence Species, the Goblin Species, and the Celestial Wing Species led by the God of War Artehu.

Tony knew it in his heart.

That 'game' was won by Rick and Hubie!

Even if the results are not particularly perfect.

But judging from the results, no matter what kind of high-level race, even the so-called God of War, it was defeated by Rick and Hubby's plan!


Tony was in a happy mood and clicked on the latest post with ease.

[Absolute just order? Angel civilization! 】


Tony saw the title and came interested.

On the blue star where he is, there are also records related to angels.

Those angels are said to be messengers from the kingdom of God and are God's most faithful believers.

The angels are pure spiritual beings, with tremendous powers unimaginable to the Blue Star people.

"What else can be the connection between the two?" Tony frowned and clicked into the post.

As the City of Angels came into view, Tony Stark looked at the projection in front of him in disbelief.

Genetically modified to achieve the eternity of life?!

How is this possible?!

As soon as he saw the beginning, Tony couldn't help but marvel.

The prerequisite for the realization of genetic modification is at least to completely decipher the genetic information of organisms.

Analyzing that kind of huge data flow is simply impossible to achieve in Tony's cognition!

Holding back the excitement, Tony continued to watch.

Eternal energy system at the highest level? Tony looked at the bright stars in the projection and suddenly fell silent.

Antimatter energy....

Dark energy research!!

There is even a Void Engine!

That is clearly the study of different spaces and even higher dimensions!

Tony stood up in shock, his eyes glued to the City of Angels in the projection.

A floating fortress that controls the energy of the nebula!!

The city of angels in the projection is particularly dazzling in the brilliant light and the endless energy of the nebula.

For a moment, Tony couldn't hold back any longer.

He once again turned on the tip function of the multiverse network.

This time, he chose the nanoparticle technology he mastered, and even attached a model of the Mark 50.

He wasn't sure if the so-called tips would be picked up by the creator of the post.

Even from a collector's point of view, the Mark 50 has good viewing value.

PS: Find data! Can be added!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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