
In the puzzled gaze of many metaverse users.

Lin Qi once again uploaded a lot of conceptual magic.

A jewel sword that transmits power in the multiverse!

Crazy Tokisaki who briefly stopped for a time.

The alchemist of human body reconstruction.

Even a magical family that makes soul dolls out of thin air.

The magic that ranked lower on the list did not receive the approval of those advanced civilizations.

In a moment, a rather tall beast appeared in the post.


"What creature created the whole world he was in?"

A user of an advanced civilization universe looked at the figure in the projection in shock.

In projection.

In the silver-gray energy vortex, Arceus slowly opened his eyes.

It is white and has four legs.

On the torso of the abdomen, a strange wheel is surrounded.

As it woke up, countless terrifying lights lit up from around it.

Suddenly, a whole new world appeared in the projection.

From scratch.

A creature named Arceus instantly created a rudimentary civilization universe.

Seeing this, countless users of the multiverse network were silent.

Whether they believed it or not, the creature named Arceus created a new universe before their eyes.

Even those civilized universes that have space travel and time is suspended are silent!

They were eager to try to analyze what power the creature named Arceus used in the projection.

But they couldn't understand it!

Build an island or planet, and many advanced civilizations can do it.

Projectable creatures create a universe!

A real universe with life!

This is in the field of science and technology, no matter which civilization is difficult to use science and technology to reach the same level!

Even the eleven-dimensional zeroer civilization is difficult to do.

Quick as a wink.

Users of the Multiverse Network were stunned.

The comments that preceded that post seemed to mock them for not seeing the world.

"Could it be... Is technology really inferior to magic? "

For a long time, a website user who could not bear the doubt raised this question.

But it took a long time for several users to reply under his post.

"The multiverse is so vast, who told you that technology is not as good as magic? The universe is not black and white! Nothing too absolute! - Rick Sanchez.

"Only time will tell. The original intention of the post is not to distinguish who is high and who is low in technological magic, right? It's just that the current level of technology is not enough to analyze those magic. - Tony Stark.

"The power of cause and effect is also unimaginable power." - Emperor of the Wasted Heavens.

"The existence of the multiverse is far broader than we think." - Moregan, Queen of Blades.

"Only by being beyond time can we truly peek into the essence of the universe. Technology is not inferior to magic, and magic is not necessarily stronger than technology. - Lucy, the superbody universe.


Lin Qi sat on the chair and glanced at the comment area under the post.

"What they see is also too one-sided."

Just after reading a few, Lin Qi couldn't help but want to complain.

The multiverse is so big.

Not everything can be measured with technology.

Follow the opinion of those users in the comments.

Should all multiverses be analyzed by technology?

"Isn't the boundary between magic and technology quite obvious."

There were too many irrational comments, and Lin Qi couldn't help but want to complain.

The cube universe he introduced.

The simplest difference between magic and technology has been explained very simply.

In that block world.

Perhaps any sane creature could use the rules of that world to provide them with convenient tools or machines.

Isn't that what technology is all about?

From a variety of powerful weapons to ships that can travel between stars.

Even using the power of two-way foil for dimensional strikes.

The significance of the emergence of those 'tools' is to bring convenience to the civilization that created the 'tools'.

Magic is quite different.

Whether it's the simplest fireball technique or the powerful lightning strike.

They all have restrictions that technology won't be useful.

That's the individual!

In Lin Qi's opinion.

Those creatures with magic can even be called talents.

Only a small number of creatures can possess those talents.

And the spread and inheritance of talents is far less convenient than technology.

In the vast multiverse, there are not many universes with magic.

And those universes with technology are everywhere!

As for the end of the evolution of civilization....

Lin Qi smiled faintly.

A brand new title appeared in the forum.

[Weak, but extremely powerful civilization! ] Demon Eye Civilization! 】

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