Rick was speechless.

Because he found that no matter how he explained the principles of those things to Morty, Morty couldn't listen to them.

Over time, Rick didn't want to waste too much time on Morty.

In projection.

Even if the living environment there is ridiculously poor.

The creatures of the three-body civilization are still constantly rebuilding in destruction, slowly developing.

Until one day.

One of them received a signal from Blue Star.

Despite the constant emphasis of the kind correspondent.

[Don't reply! ] Don't reply! 】

Because he knows very well.

In the current situation of the three-body civilization.

Once found, the creature that sent the signal was in a better living environment than the three-body civilization.

What awaits them is doom!

However, even the kind correspondent warned the blue star in the solar system not to reply.

The three-body civilization still discovered the existence of the blue star.

After making a voyage plan, the three-body civilization wants to kill Blue Star's technology first!

Subsequently, Tomoko planned to be developed and implemented.

Turn a proton into a superintelligent computer!

This requires two-dimensionalizing a proton, etching a circuit on it, transforming it into a proton.

The three-body civilization conducts two-dimensional unfolding of microscopic protons through giant particle accelerators.

It's a pity.

The first proton is unfolded into one dimension.

And when the second proton was unfolded, something strange happened.

From that proton, many three-dimensional mirrors appeared.

Those mirrors have spheres, vertebrals, tetrahedra.

And on each mirror there is a huge eye!

The trisolarans were surprised to find that among those microscopic protons, there was a complete civilized universe!


After being reduced to two dimensions, the civilization in the proton also tried to kill those three-body people with the specular sunlight!

With the fall of the Trisolaran nuclear bomb.

The microscopic civilization in those protons also came to an end.

But as the video ended, countless users of the multiverse network were extremely shocked.

That's just a proton-sized universe!

Its mass is almost like a grain of sand that appears in countless multiverses compared to other universes!

Too small!

But even a proton-sized universe still poses a big threat to the three-body civilization.

If it weren't for the big difference in quality between the two, what would be the final fate of the three-body civilization?

Come to think of it.

Users of the multiverse network are terrified!

"No, there is no possibility? The universe we live in is as small as a grain of protons in the multiverse? "

"The mass of a proton even threatens the great cosmic civilization..."

"If I'm not mistaken. That demon eye civilization resisted the dimensionality reduction blow! "


Supergod universe.

Keisha and Hehee look at the picture in the projection together.

The two of them have developed a habit.

After the creator named Lin Qi posted the post, he would definitely watch it for the first time.

Angelic civilization has been exposed by one of the blogger's posts.


Keisha or Hexi both want to find a way to go further in the angelic civilization in that multiverse network.

And at the moment.

Keisha and Hexi both looked at the holographic projection with shocked faces.

"A planet surrounded by three stars!" Hexi's eyes were full of disbelief.

A star's energy is constantly spreading light and heat for the many planets that surround it.

And under three stars.

In Hexi's opinion, it is almost impossible to survive in that harsh environment.

It's just that after seeing the two completely different times of 'Heng Era' and 'Chaotic Era'.

Hexi was even more surprised.

She originally thought that those civilizations on the three-body planet would be destroyed under the terrifying energy of the three stars.

But those three-body civilizations actually took advantage of the short time of the Heng Era to continue to develop.

The Trisolarans have a way to survive against the 'Age of Chaos'!

They can strip the water from the body and turn it into a dry skin.

Under the extremely harsh conditions of the 'Age of Chaos', it was kept by a small number of trisolarans, waiting for the arrival of the 'Age of Heng', and then watered and resurrected.

After arriving.

The three-body civilization discovered the Blue Star civilization.

A fantasy planet that will always be the 'Eternal Era'!

See here.

Even Hexi couldn't help but want to complain.

No matter where the Blue Star people are, it seems that they will do something difficult to understand.

The reason why the blue stars in the projection are found is because some of those blue stars are constantly trying to contact alien civilizations.

In Hexi's view, this is completely an act of looking for death.

Without enough strength, any civilization that exposes its position is a self-defeating destination!

Even in the universe where the angelic civilization is located, such things often occur.

Fortunately, under the absolute justice enforced by Kesha, those weak civilizations were able to develop.

Angelic warriors, often on Kesha's orders, protect weak civilizations and destroy those that are judged to be cosmic threats.

But the universe in the projection is different.

Not all advanced civilizations maintain order in the universe like Kesha.

The projected screen continues to play.

In order to curb the progress of Blue Star technology, the three-body civilization is studying a supercomputer that can strangle human civilization - Chiko!

It was an engineering project to etch a circuit on a two-dimensional plane after a microscopic proton in the universe.

By transforming protons into the supercomputer of the three-body civilization, Chiko, it controls the progress of basic science at Blue Star.

First makeover.


In the serious gazes of Keisha and Hehee.

That proton became a filament.

Second makeover.

Strange things happen.

In that proton, countless three-dimensional mirrors with eyes appeared!

The microcosm existing in the proton launched an attack on the three-body civilization by changing the shape of the universe in which they were located!

Although the result is still defeated by the thermonuclear weapons of the three-body civilization.

But Hexi was shocked and almost speechless.

Keisha next to her also frowned and looked at the comment area under the post.

"Dimensionality reduction strike?"

Keisha smiled dismissively at the comment.

In Kesha's opinion.

It can change the shape of the universe at will.

The civilization in that proton definitely has the power of eleven dimensions!


The microscopic civilization in the proton is even stronger than the zero-returning civilization that restarted the universe!

Looking at the comments under the post, Keisha could not remain indifferent either.

For a long time, she said slowly.

"That's not a dimensionality reduction blow. That's a trans-latitude blow! "

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