【Level 4 Civilization: River Civilization】

[River civilization has the ability to cross river systems and a huge super fleet. Spatial transitions between galaxies are also a breeze for river civilizations. Its Space Fracture and Dimensional Collapse weapons can easily destroy other low-level civilizations. 】

[The energy system of the river civilization has completely changed, no longer limited by the resources in the galaxy civilization, and has an energy structure that is infinitely close to the nature of a perpetual motion machine: a controllable antimatter annihilation device. It only takes a simple operation to sustain the long-term resource needs of an entire civilization. 】

[Individuals in river civilizations can get rid of their bodies according to their own wishes and rely only on spirits or souls to survive. Ordinary thermal weapons will be completely ineffective against them. Only a certain degree of cosmic rule can pose a threat to them. 】

[The continuation of species and the transmission of life are no longer important to the individuals of the river civilization. After completely deconstructing the living system, river civilizations can easily give consciousness to inanimate individuals or use materials to create new life. All river civilizations no longer require a large number of individuals, and under the high concentration of wisdom, river civilization individuals usually do not have too many 390. 】

[For river civilizations, most of the rules in the universe can be applied. And using cosmic rules to clean up the universe of the threats they determine is an interesting thing. Too long a life has made them deeply interested in high-latitude creatures, and using the rules of the universe to try to spy on the high-dimensional world, which has certain results, but cannot go beyond the three-dimensional world. 】

Singer Civilization Kesha: "..."

Lord of the Rings civilization: "!! "

At this moment, countless users of the multiverse are a little shocked to see this level.

Level 4 civilization - river civilization!!

In the previous chapter post, the singer civilization that appeared in the past fit those descriptions perfectly.

However, in addition to the shock, countless users of the multiverse network also clearly realized one point.

Those dimensional weapons possessed by river civilizations may be more than the same!

Thinking about what day in the future, if their civilization really suffers a dimensional blow....

All three-dimensional matter will collapse into two-dimensional planes or one-dimensional lines. (ahfj)

Those website users have some chills in their hearts.

The existence of resistance to dimensional blows, in their impression.

It seems that only the Demon Eye civilization!

Even the Zeroer civilization, which is also in the eleventh dimension, needs those areas formed by dead lines for defense!

The fourth-level river civilization, in the eyes of those first-level parent star civilizations or first-level civilizations that cannot reach the first level, is tantamount to a god who easily changes their world!

Shocked, the eyes of countless civilizations focused on the remaining five civilization levels.

The grading of cosmic civilizations that appears in the post completely breaks their perception of the universe.

Those cosmic civilizations that have reached the third or fourth level have seriously looked at the higher-level civilization universe.

【Level 5 Civilization: Cosmic Civilization】

[The cosmic civilization is beyond the river civilization and masters the primary space-time technology. Using space-time technology, cosmic civilizations can travel through space at will, and they can also fully master the energy of the universe. 】

[The scientific and technological civilization has reached the three-dimensional apex of the cosmic civilization, and its technology can completely transform the material in the universe into the energy they need. Due to the high concentration of individual intelligence, cosmic civilizations usually have only one mastermind's mind controlling other races. 】

[When reaching the top of the three-dimensional world, advanced cosmic civilizations will only be interested in the survival and continuation of the universe. In addition, the master brain of the cosmic civilization will not make any invalidation behavior, and the race it controls will only implement the simplest and most effective plan according to the command of the master brain. In addition to the universe that cannot cross to higher dimensions, cosmic civilization is the apex of the three-dimensional world. 】


Rick Sanchez squinted and gulped down a sip of wine.

The civilization ranks that appeared in the projection were still within his acceptable range.

There are even civilizations that wage war between galaxies all year round, and Rick has seen it with his own eyes.

Therefore, Rick is still quite satisfied with the ranking of this civilization.

"Grandpa, how many levels of civilization are those bugs we encountered before?"

Morty looked at the projections around him.

In the distance, the light from the sun was extremely dazzling.

It reminds Morty of an adventure he and Rick had once. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Those face-hugging insects suppressed Morty and Rick's thoughts by hugging people's faces.

Even by analyzing the technology of Rick's spacecraft, the civilization where those bugs are located has developed extremely rapidly.

Their presence does not seem to quite meet the criteria that appear in the projection.

However, hearing Morty's question, Rick was rarely angry, but patiently explained to Morty.

"Morty, that's just a planet that can't reach a first-level civilization."

"In countless adventures, haven't you found that the universes are not as single as you think?"

"There are many unknown creatures in the multiverse."

Rick swallowed a sip of wine, and when he reached the fifth level of civilization, Rick was more curious about the existence behind him.

And the same I saw the description of the fifth-level civilization, and the singer civilization was dumbfounded.

They did not disdain to participate in the discussion of those lower civilizations.

And now, their proud scientific and technological strength is simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of higher-level civilizations!

Although the singer civilization has concentrated the vast majority of wisdom on a few.

But when it saw that the five-level civilization, the cosmic civilization, only one master brain was left to control other races, the singer civilization was also dumbfounded.

The science and technology they are proud of are not worth mentioning in front of cosmic civilization.

And thinking of the war they had with the marginal civilization, at this moment, the singer civilization felt that it was too redundant.

After reaching the fourth level of civilization, it is very difficult to easily destroy a civilization.

Even the marginal civilization where technology is stronger than the singer's civilization cannot do it!

But the higher cosmic civilizations are different.

It is also a fourth-level civilization of singer civilization or a marginal civilization. If they want, they can destroy those lower civilizations at will.

This is how they all view the universe of other civilizations.

And the higher-level cosmic civilizations, they may also regard the fourth-level civilizations as ants!

The singer civilization seriously pondered, is it like those five-level cosmic civilizations, concentrating all wisdom on the individual, is the way to civilization progress?

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