As if seeing a life-saving straw, Kerrigan flipped through the post in a panic.

【Level 9 Civilization】

[The ninth-level civilization does not have a paradigm name. In different universes, ninth-level civilizations usually have different titles. 】

[There is a completely irreparable gap between the ninth-level civilization and the eighth-level civilization. In the known universe, there are no other civilizations that can replicate the birth of a ninth-level civilization. 】

[Even if the existence of a ninth-level civilization is clearly confirmed, there cannot be any form of reproduction of a ninth-level civilization in the universe. ] Among the countless multiverses, only a very small number of civilizations have reached the ninth level. 】

[There are only two kinds of existence that have reached the ninth level of civilization: individual or collective will. In the multiverse, the ninth-level civilization has a strict quantitative limit. The ninth-level civilization is the embodiment of the will of the multiverse, and the rules of the universe cannot limit the ninth-level civilization. 】

Zeroer civilization: "!! "

Shiyun civilization: "..."


At the moment of seeing the ninth-level civilization.

The technology section of the entire multiverse network was completely silent.

Also at this moment.

Countless civilizations in the multiverse have fully recognized what is the grandeur of the universe!

Even the Zeroer civilization doubts itself.

Their computers also completely froze.

For an existence like a ninth-level civilization, they felt an intensible fear!

Level 9 and 8...

There is simply no way to bridge the gap between them!

At the beginning of 600, the Zeroer civilization was all about using these posts as a boring pastime.

But the more he saw the back, the more it made the Zero Returner Civilization chill in their hearts.

As early as when it was exposed before, the Zeroing Civilization was even wondering if it was those beings who had also reached the eighth level of civilization who exposed them.

And now.

The Zeroing civilization only realized the seriousness of the problem!

They are not the strongest civilizations in the universe!

Above them, there is a gap that science cannot bridge!

Countless users of the multiverse network looked at the description of the ninth-level civilization in shock.

It was also at this moment.

Those civilized users also finally understood.

What is the end of civilization evolution!

The most coveted civilization level of all civilizations in countless universes!

Level 8 civilization!

Civilization at this stage is the end that all living things can reach!

As for the more advanced ninth-level civilization.

At present, the only relevant impression of the users of the multiverse network is the scene where the reason of the ring disappears.

That is. The development of scientific and technological civilization has reached the end of the eighth-level civilization, as for the higher-level ninth-level civilization, the power of science and technology cannot reach it? "

"The essence of technology is to analyze the unknown. If a ninth-level civilization can be analyzed, then it is not a ninth-level civilization, right? "

"Isn't the existence of the ring also a concept that cannot be analyzed?"

"What can't be analyzed is the way it works. Just like a parent star civilization, now want to understand the sixth-level dimensional civilization, is this something possible? "

"Perhaps. In a long time passed. There may be an existence in the eighth-level civilization that has stepped into the ninth-level civilization. It's just that the time may have been so long that we can't observe. "

Countless users of the multiverse network sighed.

After this post.

The technology sectors in the multiverse network will be completely divided.

Those users who had the title of high-level civilization before, I am afraid that in such a terrifying hierarchy, there will not be any good rankings.

This has led to speculation among countless users of the multiverse network.

Guess what kind of character is the publisher after the post, Lin Qi?

This kind of existence that can easily divide the civilization levels between universes, and even the ninth-level civilization can be planned.

Doesn't this mean that the creator of the post is still above the ninth-level civilization?!


The reflected multiverse users have turned on the tip function.

They want to make a good impression in front of this mysterious creator.

Even if it's just a little! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you can get a response from the creator! For those low-level civilizations, it is also a supreme glory!


Yuanshen Universe, Xiaomeiyan calmly looked at the universe (AHBC) civilization hierarchy in the post.

When seeing the fifth-level universe.

Xiao Meiyan's pupils jumped violently.

The incubator civilization is ranked so high!

Immediately, Xiao Meiyan quickly calmed down.

She continued to look at the subsequent rankings and said nothing.

For the ninth level civilization.

Although it is not directly said in the post.

But Xiao Meiyan is very clear.

Those who represent the ninth level of civilization are indeed the existence of individuals or a collection of wills.

That's an apt description.

So good that Xiao Meiyan doubted the identity of the creator of this post.

"It won't be an existence of the same level," Xiao Meiyan muttered wearily.

Looking at the message of the multiverse network, it seems that only she herself has received a reply from the creator of the post.

"I have implemented the method of constraining the principle of the ring..."

Xiao Meiyan looked at the white palm tiredly.

Recalling the content of the creator's reply to her, Xiao Meiyan sighed lowly.

Different from the conceptual power of the ring theory, Xiaomeiyan's power will be relatively pure and single.

This also led to the fact that Xiao Meiyan could only reach parity with the Ring Theory at most.

Even after forcibly separating Shikamu Yuan as that part of human nature, Xiao Meiyan had to divide great strength to resist the will of the Circle Reason at all times.

A little slack.

The reason of the circle will return to the principle of the circle.


Xiao Meiyan let out a tired breath.

The creator's reply to her also made Xiao Meiyan determined to maintain the status quo until her strength was completely unable to resist the will of the Circle Reason!


A blue star in a parallel universe.

Lin Qi slowly swept over the posts in the projection.

With this piece post after full upload.

Users of the multiverse network will have a clearer division of the level of cosmic civilization.

Those users who dive and claim to be advanced civilization are also shocked by this post.

So far. The system built by Lin Qi is also fully recognized by users of the multiverse network.

More and more users are focusing on analyzing the content that appears in his posts.

Even the conceptual magic that was previously used as a joke by countless users has been pulled out and whipped again.

"Sure enough, civilization levels are all compared by higher things. Now it's terrifying to look at the magic that has the ability to use space or time to individuals and even the entire universe! "

"The Arceus who created the world is really ranked in the system of scientific and technological civilization, and it is also the supreme existence! The lowest is also a level eight civilization! I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why the title of the post calls them conceptual magic! "。

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