Lin Qi remembered.

When the cumulative number of messages reaches 50 billion, the reward of the website is called mechanical séance!

Even when Lin Qi watched the various multiverse civilizations, he only heard a little legend of it.

That's a technology that can restart civilization in the apocalypse!

Lin Qi is also quite looking forward to its existence.

【Ding! Current creator releases are eligible. The cumulative number of published content messages has reached 50 billion! The second stage of the incentive program has been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

【Incentive Program Phase 2 Reward: Mechanical Séance】

As the cold prompt sound of the website fell, Lin Qi's eyes were solemn, and he carefully looked at the blue light in front of him.

In the blue light, is his reward: mechanical séance!


The blue light around the reward gradually dissipates.

A gray box with a large palm appeared in front of Lin Qi.


What does this thing have to do with the site's rewards?

Looking at the gray box floating in front of him, Lin Qi was a little unsure.

Because it looks like an ordinary box.

The length and width are no more than the size of Lin Qi's palm, and even the surrounding area of the box is a little damaged.

Very much like the whole toys sold in the two-dollar store on the street.

It's the kind that pops up a rubber snake as soon as you open it.

"It can't be that 07 was issued wrong, right?"

Looking at the extremely simple appearance of the box, Lin Qi began to doubt this reward.

But as the reward information appeared in front of his eyes, Lin Qi was silent.

[Mechanical Séance: An item awarded to creators by the Multiverse Network. The mechanical séance has the basic function of recording information, and when it has the corresponding energy, it can be reproduced according to the recorded information. 】

【Number of uses: unlimited】

【Cooldown: None】



"Is this serious?"

The moment he saw the mechanical séance reward, Lin Qi even had some doubts about life.

Is such a simple and even rudimentary function really rewarded by the two-stage incentive plan?

This level of incentive reward, let alone the incentive effect.

Even a little dissuasive!

"No, it must be more than that."

Lin Qi muttered in a low voice.

He didn't believe that the simple box in his hand was not even as good as the 30 billion hour reward multi-shuttle!

So, Lin Qi continued to look at the specific description of the mechanical séance.

【Range of recorded information: 1-11 dimensions】

【Scope of realization: 1-11 dimensions】

【Advanced function: mechanical conversion】

Mechanical conversion converts other substances into equivalent energy and stores them. 】

【Can directly convert unextracted tip items】

【Current energy storage: 0】


Seeing the full description of the mechanical séance, Lin Qi was silent.

Not far away, the projection of the multiverse network was completely projected in Lin Qi's room.

In the red notification in the upper right corner of the website, the tips of countless users stacked by Lin Qi have not yet been extracted.

It's not that he doesn't want to.

It's that those tips don't work much for him.

【Condensate hydrogen polymerization reactor】

【Plant Energy Reverse Export Technology】

【Energy Battleship Armament】

【Individual Energy Weapon】


Too much!

Every time Lin Qi saw the dense reward information, he had a headache.

That's both.

Lin Qi's gaze stayed on the two kinds of [Individual Energy Weapon] and [Electromagnetic Shield].

Listening to the names of those two tips, it is also very similar to the items that are rewarded by civilization within the third level.

Lin Qi didn't want to waste energy on these useless things.

After the transformation of the divine gene, Lin Qi's strength and speed had risen to an astonishing level.

If he wanted to, it would not take him two minutes to reach the Kangaroo Country across the ocean without the power of the multi-shuttle shuttle.

Even under the influence of divine genes, when fatally injured, it can be restored by absorbing other energy.

Whether it was an energy weapon or an electromagnetic shield, it was almost meaningless to Lin Qi.

"Just the two."

Lin Qi whispered and extracted the two tips.

With his confirmation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the silent room, a strong blue glow suddenly bloomed.

The blue light shrouded it almost through the thickened blackout curtains in his room.

"Pinch it, why is the movement of this extraction so big!"

In an instant, Lin Qi regretted a little.

The movement of this extraction is too great.

In this suite that Lin Qi bought, the curtains were specially thickened and three layers of sound insulation were made.

Although Lin Qi's original intention was to worry that some of the content on the website that could easily cause malnutrition would affect the surrounding residents.

But right now.

Such a strong light made Lin Qidu feel a little dazzling, and he didn't know if the strange appearance in the room would be seen by other residents passing by.

In the room, the intense blue glow lasted for a short time, even for tens of seconds.

Lin Qi's huge room was all filled with those extracted tips.

Among them, there are some Lin Qi who have seen.

Gauss rifle!

Even, in that bunch of exaggerated weapons, there are a large number of similar existences!

Lin Qi glanced over.

【Gauss pistol】

【Gauss rifle second generation】

【Gauss Spiral Rifle】

【Anti-Titan Energy Cannon】

【High Energy Electronic Sniper Rifle】


"What's special, which creature can equip all of these weapons..."

Lin Qi looked at the pile of weapons that occupied nearly ten square meters in front of him, and couldn't help but want to complain.

Too much.

An adult Blue Star human can only pick up a few of them.

And similar to [Anti-Titan Energy Cannon] [High-energy Electronic Sniper Rifle] weapons that are almost half a meter long.

Lin Qi even suspected that the adult man of Blue Star could not use those two exaggerated weapons normally.


These weapons were piled up in 130 Lin Qi's room.

Any of the same outflows is a terrifying existence for today's Blue Star!

Because the blue star where Lin Qi is currently located is still in the information age.

Although the pace of development is fast.

But compared to the individual weapons of those mature second-level civilizations and third-level civilizations, Blue Star's defense is almost like a piece of thin paper!

Lin Qi was very impressed.

Within the cosmic singularity.

The Kun-style fighter he appeared with the help of the Dark Jade Weapon was from a planet that was infinitely close to a first-level civilization.

The advanced level of the Kun-type fighter must be at least 50 years ahead of the Blue Star where he is now!

Even a flying machine like a Kun-style fighter was like a fragile plastic acrylic model in front of the Gauss rifle in Lin Qi's hand, and it was instantly shattered!

Not to mention that where Lin Qi is now, he is still in the blue star of the information age.

It's simply a crushing blow!

However, Lin Qi was not in the mood to try such a weapon.


With Lin Qi's whispered order.

The simple box in Lin Qi's hand unfolded instantly.

Densely packed and intricate mechanisms stretched out from the palm-sized box.

The mechanical séance is like a workshop bed that can deconstruct machinery, absorbing those single weapons and electromagnetic shields that emit a faint light not far away.

【Ding! Mechanical séance to the series of weapon transformation....】

Conversion complete. 】

[Current energy storage: 0.04].

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