Taylor would love to go directly to the forum to post proof.

Prove the strength of the Ultra civilization!

But such behavior is too cheap!

Those civilizations that doubt their existence.

Can't even understand the existence of the Ultra civilization!

Why should Tyro compare with them?


Tyro had another idea in mind.

He looked at Hikari on the side.

"Hikali, do you still have the spare power to make Ultra capsules?"


Hikari was somewhat puzzled by Tayro's sudden question.

Nowadays, OTT capsules are not often used for that new generation.

These Ultra brothers have never used his props very often.

Why would Tyro suddenly ask about Ott capsules?

However, out of respect for Taylor.

Hikari still took out an Ultra capsule from his arms.

It was an Ultra capsule made based on the power of Sero.


The other Ultra capsules were replaced by his newly developed Ultra Emblem.

For this Ultra capsule that has some of the power of Sero.

Hikari also just kept him as a collector's item.

Took this Serolet capsule.

Taylor also set his sights on the forum of the multiverse network.

147 "Mind if I tip the creator of the post?" "

"We can also be appropriate to be friendly to that creator!"

Tyro held the Ultra capsule in his hand and asked Hikali.

"Don't mind! Of course don't mind! "

"His Excellency Tyro thinks the same as Hikali!"

Looking at Tyro's solemn appearance, Hikari could also understand his mood.

The Land of Light has always been a symbol of peace in this universe!

As Red Warriors, the existence of the Ultra brothers has experienced countless dangerous battles.

And those civilizations on the website actually questioned that the Ultra civilization did not have a seventh-level civilization!

This is also very unreasonable in Hikali's opinion!

To know.

Even if it doesn't bring a terrifying existence like the King of Ultra.

Tyro's super form!

Dream Bius' Infinite Phoenix Warrior form!

Putting aside the power of the Ott brothers

The strongest power of the Ultra warriors in the new generation - the ultimate shining form of Sero!

And Linga Ultraman!

The Ultra warriors of the Land of Light do not only have superficial strength!

Ultra warriors can achieve a very large increase in strength by concentrating all the light on one Ultra warrior who undertakes power!

Even, in the legends of the Land of Light.

When several powerful Ultra warriors fuse together in specific situations, they can bring miraculous powers!

As for what kind of specific situation.

Hikari wasn't quite sure either.

"Then tip the Ott capsule to the creator of the post."

"Also, leave a message to this creator!"

"Ask him if he minds continuing to post about the Ultra civilization!"

"I'd rather see who else doubts the power of the Land of Light!"

Tyro looked at the forum of the multiverse network seriously, and his voice was even more majestic.



Hikkali simply clicked the tip button on the screen.

[Ultra Civilization Reward: Sero Ott Capsule! ] 】

And according to Taylor's request, he sent a private message to the creator.

"Dear Creator!"

"I wonder if you are interested in updating more posts related to the Ultra civilization?"

"The Ott capsules that are given to you, please also pay attention to check."

"It has a good collector's value!"

With the content of the private message has also been sent.

Tyro on the side showed a satisfied expression.

Even though the Ultra civilization only ranks seven in the hierarchy.

Taylor is still convinced.

The power of the Ultra civilization has no limits! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Meanwhile, the blue star of the parallel world.

Lin Qi in the room was busy experimenting with the function of mechanical séance.

In the room, there are stacks of different items, large and small.

And in front of Lin Qi.

The mechanical séance table is almost two meters long and wide.

The huge mechanical table surface faintly emits an off-white light.

The room also brought an icy atmosphere. (ahai) with Lynch's manipulation.

A red robot slowly appeared on the mechanical table.

A rare smile appeared on Lin Qi's face.

Because what he made was something he dreamed of when he was a child!

【Ding! Robot Kabuda reappeared! 】

【Loss energy storage:1】

With the mechanical séance came the emotionless announcement.

Lin Qi looked at the Kabuda in front of him excitedly.


"Still underestimate the function of this mechanical séance!"

Can't wait.

Lin Qi quickly debugged the Kabuda core.


A Kabuda robot that only recognizes Lin Qi as the master is set up!

Lin Qi did not set up Kabuda as a robot that could only follow orders mechanically.


Lin Qi even added new features to Kabuda after analyzing the Mark50's system!

By the way, Kabuda's energy supply was renovated.

Today's Kabuda is based on its original intelligence.

Whether it's analyzing speed or force.

All have been greatly improved!

"Activate Super Transform Form!"

As Lin Qi's voice fell.

Kabuda, who originally looked chubby and looked a little dumbfounded, suddenly changed his form!

A very large and handsome robot appeared in front of him.

Kabuda after transformation.

It has a very high improvement in strength!

It's just that.

The chubby head of Kabuda's initial form suddenly turned into an ass after changing forms.....


Lin Qi couldn't accept it.

However, Kabuda's reappearance also made Lin Qi completely sure how perverted the function of mechanical séance was!

It was an existence that was completely comparable to the Dark Jade!


The Dark Treasure Jade also needed Lin Qi to have those concepts that needed to be embodied in his heart.

Among them.

Lin Qi needed to fully grasp the structure of the item he wanted to realize.

Otherwise, the only things that appear are the items with the appearance.

If Lin Qi wanted to completely rely on the power of the dark treasure jade to construct his universe.

The knowledge required to know is not only huge.....

Even though Lin Qi now possessed a divine body.

Extremely complex theories about the birth of the universe also take an extremely long time.

The existence of mechanical séance will not have such a problem at all!

Lin Qi only needs to use mechanical séances to analyze and record the technological development of the next civilization.

Under the premise of having enough energy.

With the function of mechanical séance, Lin Qi could even completely replicate a second-level civilization!


Judging from the results of Lin Qi's experiment during this time.

For inanimate weapons or defensive devices.

The energy consumed when reproducing technology products of level 3 and below is almost negligible!

Those items piled up in Lin Qi's bedroom.

It is the result of the reappearance of the mechanical séance!

As for the reserve of residual energy...

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